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Madame X Tour | London


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My ticket is for the 12 February I’ll be surprised if it happens. She isn’t giving herself enough time to recover. I feel for fans that have flights booked and hotels. I’m glad the show is filmed so if it’s cancelled I can at least see what I missed 

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feel for the fans and feel for her.  Shes such a perfectionist.  This would be killing her.

Its happened to many artists, gaga with her hip, P!nk, Britney with her knee.  Wont tarnish her legacy. 

Just a really shitty situation for everyone.

Really glad its been filmed and hope she can finish it off with no more cancellations for all the fans who have invested in it

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Yes that’s how I feel at least it’s been filmed. Most arena tours like britneys and gagas would of been filmed from the screen footage so they could edit something together to put out if they wanted . Madonna’s current tour has no screens  as it’s small venues so I’m pleased it’s been filmed 

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4 hours ago, o_g_c_x said:

Oh and plus she can control her future pain which is great. Super powers...

I read this in another forum:

"Wait a minute.
I don't get it at all. How can she be sure that she can't perform on Jan 27, and at the same time, can be sure she'll perform on Jan 29th ????

I mean If you have knee in high pain, you can't say : "ok Monday I can't perform, but on wednesday, I'll be ok for sure" 

Uhm, cancelling Jan 27th means she'll have almost a week's break between the shows (Jan 23 - Jan 29). That gives more time for her to regain a bit of strength. Really isn't rocket science and no crystal ball is needed :).

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She needs to take a break and that's the truth. Her injury isn't really getting better and the constant amount of stress she is enduring won't help. 

If she keeps going like this she can end up hurting her knees for good and we all know her age won't help. She better rest now than end up limping or having to use a crane for the rest of her life.

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This must be very hard for Madonna, my view is eliminating heals, stairs and some dancing would not compromise the integrity of the show, its not like modifying like a virgin on BA tour or that stairs have some deeper meaning but obviously Madonna is not comfortable to scale back, or to postpone and go get the treatment she needs and come back and finish the tour. I hope she can recover fully.

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49 minutes ago, kesiak said:

Uhm, cancelling Jan 27th means she'll have almost a week's break between the shows (Jan 23 - Jan 29). That gives more time for her to regain a bit of strength. Really isn't rocket science and no crystal ball is needed :).

And then the lottery again...

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I totally get people being upset over lost money, but she wasn’t labeled the hardest working woman in the industry at one point for no reason. The injuries she is suffering from is proof of that hard work. Let’s channel some compassion and humility. This isn’t a CD you’re buying. This is a persons health we are speaking of. 

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10 hours ago, Angelo said:

she really can’t. She is paying by herself the rest of the cancelled dates.

I'm glad you have access to all the contracts and agreements. You must feel privileged. 


She still has insurance. Every artist with every tour does - it's a requirement. She can easily cancel for her injury and not have to cover any losses. 

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38 minutes ago, Monsieur Hugo X said:

Is true that the January 29th show has been cancelled? 

There’s been no announcement of that. The rumour is that she’s cancelling Jan 30, Feb 1st and 2nd. But it is just a rumour amongst fans.

Its been said by dancers and crew that even they do not know about cancellations until it goes public. So if someone says “I heard from a dancer” etc it’s made up.

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Unfortunately this is so unprofessional, just imagine flying from US or Asia to this date... booking flights/hotels EVERYTHING... & then before one day it’s canceled??? & what??? The debut date for London??? What about the celebrities??? So so unprofessional... fans are flying across overseas to see her. ? she can just cancel everything. Or at least give people the chance to attend the other date?!?! 

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