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Madame X Tour | New York City


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I go to many different types of shows from jazz to dance to acoustic pretty often and have for years, Madame X Tour is next level for any artist and I’m glad I had a chance to experience it live. I saw Duran Duran on Broadway many years ago, people like Donald Trump, an Olsen Twin, and Moby were also stuck preshow in a lobby setting prior to the show however Madonna blew it out of the water in comparison.

From what I saw “everybody knows the damn truth” about when the show really starts and arrived accordingly as there is no opening act. Also would you prefer a decent opening act then a long wait? I am impartial to either. At another Duranie show years later Juliet (Stuart Price produced her album Avalon) was the opener but the wait between the acts was agonizing. At BAM they play classic jazz standards which was also nice in comparison to filler music though I did enjoy how Stuart Price preprogrammed the tunes prior to Confessions and Reinvention. I remember going “fuck yes” when his remix of Mono’s Slimcea Girl was on before the show started.

The way it all is presented on stage really leaves a lot of potential for a stellar filmed experience. Days later I’m still thinking of Crazy, Human Nature, American Life, Medellin, Come Alive... at least half of the set list if not more was just amazing. I also want a reel of Monte as he has a signature presence now. No one seems to mention Monte but he is a personal favorite and it makes me happy to see him on stage with her, it feels right and she seems confident with him there too.

Even Trolling Stone gave the show a rave review. My only major beef was the ending tbh because Crave is such a bop and the dance remix was super random, she has such an arsenal of dance floor classics.

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30 minutes ago, stfan97 said:

Of course, she can have some bad moments, but I think those are over-highlighted in general.  Other artists have plenty of bad moments also.  She's most relaxed on her own tours, where she's performing for her fans and not the industry or an anonymous television audience, but it's unfortunate that she decides to do herself no favors and dub over all the live tour releases so that everyone thinks she can't sing live anyway.  I can understand why those who haven't seen her live (and I mean other than S&S) don't think she can sing that well, but anyone who's been to a live show  generally thinks the opposite.

I’m such a weird Madonna fan but I prefer a perfect, official, Madonna-approved your release. RH Tour dvd audio is great on headphones.

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5 minutes ago, stfan97 said:

Is there any specific song that signals she's about to start or is it just random music until the announcement?  Thanks!

I can’t recall tbh but the people all come flooding in back in my beloved nosebleed section promptly around 10:30 With their adult sippy cups. The lights probably flicker in the lobby and the bartenders probably tell folks too, I’d assume. 

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5 minutes ago, stfan97 said:

Is there any specific song that signals she's about to start or is it just random music until the announcement?  Thanks!

There’s an announcement that goes:

’Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming’ and gives you about a minute to rush in. There’s the intro but doesn’t sound like much but I haven’t been so I dunno if something is happening onstage as well. 

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6 minutes ago, stfan97 said:

Is there any specific song that signals she's about to start or is it just random music until the announcement?  Thanks!

Actually, before the show is about to begin there is an announcement.

Then, before it is REALLY about to begin, there is a recording of Madonna that comes over the speakers to announce she’s about to start the show.

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1 hour ago, Ashley Nichols said:

 And a pretentious indulgent artistic move. She's no Grace Jones, Yoko Ono or Bowie. Everything she's doing now is pastiche, predictable and second rate. 

Only the Madame X songs performed can be considered original works. Seriously just by looking at the limited footage and images it's a slap dash cheap job.

It's pretty much the sign M is following Dietrich and Garland by doing theatre shows and trying to rationalise it by deeming it 'art'. 



IT is art 

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For all the people who haven't been to the show... Crave Remix is a bit random, but it's also a welcomed upbeat dance number. By this point you've already been wowed by visuals and projections. That's not what this number is about. If the Girlie Show was judged solely by looking at a crappy recording of  "Everybody" , people would be saying the same negative stuff. 

This disco ball illuminates the entire theatre.



The outfits everyone wears are like a fashion show like the fashion show of Vogue MDNA. Chaz is featuring the God Control outfit Madonna wore. YOU CANNOT SEE THIS FROM A CRAPPY RECORDING.

Not to mention... has anyone seen MDNA Tour? The first whole section is basically lip synced minus a 1 minute Papa Don't Preach. Sooooo I really don't know what anyone is talking about when they are upset she's using a vocoder or autotune. Madonna's voice is live 100% of the time in this show. 


If you haven't seen the show and your opinion is negative... you should probably refrain from a review. 


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My husband and I went last Saturday, September 21st, I will tell you, it was amazing!  I have been a huge fan for decades.  She sounded amazing, looked amazing and sang amazing.  You could tell parts were supported with backing vocals and it was fine.  You can also tell, she doesn't dance like she used to, however, bringing age into it, which I hate, she moves more than most people in the audience!  The only downfall in my opinion is having to hold the Yondr case all night since it's too big to fit in your pocket (at least in my case) and the second being the time issue.  Doors opened by 7:45, yet she didn't come on until 11:15, I thought that was a bit much.  The show was amazing thought, simplistic, yet creative, political, yet romantic, simple set, yet powerful message. Going again in December (Miami). Enjoy!

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4 hours ago, DickTracy said:

I can’t recall tbh but the people all come flooding in back in my beloved nosebleed section promptly around 10:30 With their adult sippy cups. The lights probably flicker in the lobby and the bartenders probably tell folks too, I’d assume. 

If you stay out in the main lobby after the announcement starts, and wait for the intro to start, you will catch her being walked through.  At BAM, the layout must require her to come through the lobby, take the elevator up and walk behind the stage. There were some videos of it. Likewise, if you head out before the finale of the final song, you'd be there as she exits.

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I went last night and I though the show was great! My only real complaint outside of the late start time (which I was expecting) was how much longer the third act was than the others, after a few songs it started to feel like it dragged, this could also be because I was tired though.

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it actually. There were quite a few songs on the set list I wasn't really looking forward to, but the way they were performed actually made me appreciate them way more than I ever have.

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On 9/26/2019 at 4:50 PM, norrelb said:

Not sure what that negative comment was about above. I went to the Sep 26th show, and was absolutely blown away! Her vocals are the best they’ve ever been, the theatricality and artistic approach to the songs(rather than playing them straight like a typical “concert”) were really interesting. I’m not sure whether or not to call this show a “concert” or “theatre”, but it is an absolutely mesmerizing show.

If there were anything about the show I think that fell flat for me, it was Crazy during Act 2, and the overall flow of Act 3.

Crazy did not add to much to the show for me, other than giving her a jumping off point to talk about love. In that case, she could’ve done Crave in its album form, or remixed an older love song of hers to fit the vibe.

As for Act 3, everything following Come Alive didn’t make much sense in terms of narrative. Future/Crave/LAP/I Rise do not transition into each other that well. It made no sense in context of the flow and narrative to go from talking about the future with visuals of the apocalypse, to a disco track, to a trap-inspired rendition of LAP, to a melancholy/uplifting closer. It was a stretch, the way she blended these together. Had it been LAP/Crave/Future/I Rise, I think it would’ve worked better for the overall flow, but on their own, each of these songs were all amazing moments of the show. 

Don’t believe the haters. This show is meant to be experienced with an open heart, and an open mind. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but to say she’s boring, not dancing, and not singing great or live are all choices, if not false.

I don’t think I’ll ever get the image of Madonna in that colonial-era outfit screaming “A new democracy” from atop the staircases, while throwing that fugly hat almost two stories down to the floor out of my mind. 

You said it perfectly. For me I can’t even begin to describe what I saw last night. It’s like an art installation more than anything. Very Martha Graham. Not a conventional Madonna show. It’s a musical, a think piece, a bold statement on the world we live in today. I feel so inspired and empowered by it all. You need to go see this show if you’re a Madonna fan it was incredible. So powerful, so emotional, so beautiful, very dark and very political. A celebration of love, music and humanity. Absolutely fucking genius. She takes you on an emotional & cathartic journey. To see Madonna perform in such a small theatre space was like dream and a surreal experience. It was Pure fucking art.

Edited by BeepBeepBitchMove (see edit history)
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3 minutes ago, BeepBeepBitchMove said:

You said it perfectly. For me I can’t even begin to describe what I saw last night.

My friends/co-workers have been asking how the show was in the last few days and every time I'm just at a loss for words trying to describe it to them without going full Madonna fan mode on them. It's so many things. I was on the fence about going to the Miami shows(I'm a Florida local), but I think at this point I need to, just to see it again so I can wrap my head around it, because even now I'm still mindblown. 


A celebration of love, music and humanity.

Honestly, probably will borrow this from you when people ask about the show :thinker:

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