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Madame X Tour | New York City


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33 minutes ago, Fighter? said:

Some people think her calling her fans bitches or mf-ers is rude. Which is just humour, any fan should expect her sense of humour and personality to be dominating and a little rude, its who she is and we know that. That doesnt excuse the way she exposed a minor without permission on stage ofc. ? One of those anecdotes I guess... 

I'm just saying personally I wouldn't mind if she pulls down my clothes. But if she sat against me and asked me about my job or where I'm from and started making fun of me or where I'm from or how I speak or look or she laughed at me for offering a low bid, that's not a joke, because only one side is laughing there. It's leagues different from calling fans motherfuckers.

33 minutes ago, digitalfreaknyc said:

Criticism shouldn't be defined as a lack of maturity.  I'd say that, by and large, the criticism here isn't without merit or intellect. 

Exactly. So many fans consider criticism to be "entitlement" or "hate" or "lack of maturity" but it's not. People who don't like something and voice that opinion aren't in any way less than those kissing her ass for whatever she throws at them.

Edited by RinoTheBouncer (see edit history)
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I've been on and off this forum during my last semester of college but when did forums become positive only places? Granted yes, no one like a debbie downer but I always thought you could openly discuss things such as the show, the album, songs, videos etc and say what you like and dislike about it without resorting to insults or personal attacks. Now it seems more and more people are expected to praise and love everything versus an open discussion about things (I don't condone the extremism of it) but shouldn't we welcome discussion as long as it doesn't violate the rules, breaks copyright laws etc?

Just my two cents (not enough for the Polaroid) :Madonna038:

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2 minutes ago, thelioncourtheart_ said:

I've been on and off this forum during my last semester of college but when did forums become positive only places? Granted yes, no one like a debbie downer but I always thought you could openly discuss things such as the show, the album, songs, videos etc and say what you like and dislike about it without resorting to insults or personal attacks. Now it seems more and more people are expected to praise and love everything versus an open discussion about things (I don't condone the extremism of it) but shouldn't we welcome discussion as long as it doesn't violate the rules, breaks copyright laws etc?

Just my two cents (not enough for the Polaroid) :Madonna038:

You clearly havent been online much. We are trying to stop people from trashing each other or make derogatory remarks towards others. It is not my job to babysit people or take care of endless idiotic situations with everyone adding their 2 cents. 

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29 minutes ago, RinoTheBouncer said:

I'm just saying personally I wouldn't mind if she pulls down my clothes. But if she sat against me and asked me about my job or where I'm from and started making fun of me or where I'm from or how I speak or look or she laughed at me for offering a low bid, that's not a joke, because only one side is laughing there. It's leagues different from calling fans motherfuckers.

Exactly. So many fans consider criticism to be "entitlement" or "hate" or "lack of maturity" but it's not. People who don't like something and voice that opinion aren't in any way less than those kissing her ass for whatever she throws at them.

We consider toxic behaviour from grown men to be lack of maturity and thats the only issue here. But criticism and disagreement without insults is a skill.

Closed thread for a bit so we can go breathe some fresh air. 


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6 hours ago, digitalfreaknyc said:

Criticism shouldn't be defined as a lack of maturity.  I'd say that, by and large, the criticism here isn't without merit or intellect. 

Criticism is fine imo but posts about how she must feel terrible there are not enough people waiting for her before a show starts or how shows aren’t selling out are just mean

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4 minutes ago, stfan97 said:

Well, tonight was fantastic and one of the best M shows I've ever been to.  A welcome reminder that when Madonna decides to be on, she is unparalleled as a live performer.  She was super happy tonight, warm and charming, and her humor was on point.  There were a lot of impromptu moments and jokes that set it aside from the other nights.  The best show of the week by far (and Tuesday was also amazing!).

Her moves tonight were effortlessly smooth and sharp, everything went seamlessly, and the beer fan moment was heartwarming.  The guy (Kevin) thanked her on behalf of himself and all of his friends who survived for her advocacy and everyone cheered.

The Polaroid moment was even hilarious.  Poor guy offered $1500 but she was actually considering him seriously and said it depended on what he did for a living.  Sad fool said he was a lawyer who specialized in representing kids.  "You mean like the lawyer who represented my son... who was hired by my ex-husband?"  A giant OH SHIT went through the audience. :lol:  "If you had represented him, would I have gotten custody?  Wait, this just got all way too personal.  Now everyone knows everything about me."  He was eventually outbid by someone with $2k which she happily took tonight for Raising Malawi.

Thank you! :thumbsup: What time did she go on?

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1 minute ago, MDMWhat said:

Thank you! :thumbsup: What time did she go on?

I don't know exactly.  I got out at 1:30am today.  Everyone was much happier tonight since it wasn't pouring out like last night.  And the tour book was on sale so that occupied time and attention browsing through.

The audience tonight was receptive and fantastic tonight, which made all the difference.  She's probably also thrilled she has tomorrow off.  David was there again and also performed with her at the end of Medellin.

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the tourbook is beautiful, I hope it will available in Europe (I will see her in Lisbon and Paris). 
anyway, I think we miss the point of the show, the meaning of “free phone event” etc... 

Stop fighting against each other and stop taking trash on her, especially if we don’t see the show yet. We can argue about the delay, but really is this enough for being so bad with her? I Think many of her fans didn’t accept that time is passing also for her. Ok, I’m not justifying her delay, I understand but, several times it happened to me that other artists (foo fighters, dolore o riordan) cancelled the show while I was in line and waiting for hours, and without any reason. 
I’m happy that she is still working, and if we have to wait a couple of hours extra, well at least this time we are in a theatre, we can sit, we are not in the streets, or standing in an arena full of people, it’s not so bad. 
I understand that forum are about expressing each other’s opinions, but can we at least have the material before expressing it? Usually I don’t talk about a record that I didn’t hear, or about a book that I didn’t read.

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9 hours ago, RinoTheBouncer said:

I don't know what the hell her management is thinking. Are they blind or is she too stubborn to listen? because she's literally killing her career and shitting on whatever good memory is left of it. First of all, the show itself is mediocre, her outfits are a terribly low effort compared to whatever she's done before, the setlist is a mess and this is coming from someone whose happy that she's singing more Madame X songs, but she raised all the wrong expectations through Instagram, that this is some sort of a hardcore fan intimate gig where she sings forgotten gems..etc., the songs barely fit with each other and so many moments of awkwardness out there, and this is further confirmed by other members posts about it here on this forum.

All that aside, her lateness is becoming too much, and stans continue to insist on moronic statements like "well don't go" or "you should know by know that she's always late" or "if you can't stand her attitude, leave" or "she doesn't owe you" or "you're entitled" and other crap like that. Well no shit, no one said she "owes" anyone, but at least put on a show like a normal person. Treat your paying audience with basic human decency to continue to have a career. Being rich and famous is no excuse because there are many younger and older and similar-aged artists and figures like her who are way more respectful and grateful to the people who got them where they are or at least those speaking to them or paid to see their shows. Before going to complain on Instagram about people sneaking phones against the rules, you obey your own show's rules by appearing on time. In addition to that, the polaroid moment which stans say "well it's for charity" well yeah fuck charity if it means shutting people down like that. Besides, there's zero proof beside her word once that it's for charity. And I don't care anyway, because people are there for a polaroid that looks like all the other polaroids and doesn't even feature the paying fan or her autograph, for anywhere from $1500 to $5000, and on top of that, she goes on to disrespect low bidders..etc. The way she treated that Canadian girl as the other user described is repulsive.

She's earned all this backlash against her because she's no different than any artist or reporter or comedian who gets called out for saying a hateful word or disrespecting an audience member or a group.

 Have you been seeing the show? 

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1 hour ago, stfan97 said:

Well, tonight was fantastic and one of the best M shows I've ever been to.  A welcome reminder that when Madonna decides to be on, she is unparalleled as a live performer.  She was super happy tonight, warm and charming, and her humor was on point.  There were a lot of impromptu moments and jokes that set it aside from the other nights.  The best show of the week by far (and Tuesday was also amazing!).

Her moves tonight were effortlessly smooth and sharp, everything went seamlessly, and the beer fan moment was heartwarming.  The guy (Kevin) thanked her on behalf of himself and all of his friends who survived for her advocacy and everyone cheered.

The Polaroid moment was even hilarious.  Poor guy offered $1500 but she was actually considering him seriously and said it depended on what he did for a living.  Sad fool said he was a lawyer who specialized in representing kids.  "You mean like the lawyer who represented my son... who was hired by my ex-husband?"  A giant OH SHIT went through the audience. :lol:  "If you had represented him, would I have gotten custody?  Wait, this just got all way too personal.  Now everyone knows everything about me."  He was eventually outbid by someone with $2k which she happily took tonight for Raising Malawi.

Awesome review. Thank you. ?????

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On 9/27/2019 at 12:05 PM, Hydrangeas Up Your Ass said:

You are so brave. Thank you for Chering your story. 

I just simply said i didnt like the show and now i’m a cher fan? Im gaggin. 

Don’t nobody care about cher. Just trying to make a point since most of y’all like cher. And cher more m’s age group. I can’t compare m to no beyonce and rihanna. Then i’m gettin blocked for making y’all cry. Then i’m gettin deleted for keepin it 100.

If y’all like the show you can write a whole essay here. If y’all didn’t like it then you best keep that to yourself because we not allowed to have that kind of opinion. Or you gon get labeled ‘whining fan’ ‘hater’ ‘immature’. child bye. 

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4 hours ago, stfan97 said:

Well, tonight was fantastic and one of the best M shows I've ever been to.  A welcome reminder that when Madonna decides to be on, she is unparalleled as a live performer.  She was super happy tonight, warm and charming, and her humor was on point.  There were a lot of impromptu moments and jokes that set it aside from the other nights.  The best show of the week by far (and Tuesday was also amazing!).

Her moves tonight were effortlessly smooth and sharp, everything went seamlessly, and the beer fan moment was heartwarming.  The guy (Kevin) thanked her on behalf of himself and all of his friends who survived for her advocacy and everyone cheered.

The Polaroid moment was even hilarious.  Poor guy offered $1500 but she was actually considering him seriously and said it depended on what he did for a living.  Sad fool said he was a lawyer who specialized in representing kids.  "You mean like the lawyer who represented my son... who was hired by my ex-husband?"  A giant OH SHIT went through the audience. :lol:  "If you had represented him, would I have gotten custody?  Wait, this just got all way too personal.  Now everyone knows everything about me."  He was eventually outbid by someone with $2k which she happily took tonight for Raising Malawi.

That's so great to read, i'm happy u enjoyed it, thanks for sharing ur memories!!! <3

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