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Madame X Tour | New York City


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16 minutes ago, techno101 said:

I did!!!! She finally debuted Rescue Me!!! Right after the interlude! I couldn't freakin believe it! :suffer:

She cut the monologue at the beginning altogether. The dressing room bit stayed, along with the interlude. It was funny. Between IDSIF and Papa Don't Preach, she added Justify My Love. Made sense before the whole PDP bit. Still there, unfortunately, which ruins the flow a bit.

Easy Ride comes after American Life now. Just her sitting in the circle of the staircase with a spotlight and a setting sun background in black and white. One of the new highlights.

And she cut Crave (The Dance Mix) -- It was right between Crave and Future as kind of a trap mix with really intricate choreography. She replaced Crave with two songs -- YOU'LL. SEE. and Ray of Light!!!! Like a Prayer still closed the show. Or at least the first act, because...

The encore has three songs now.

Ciao Bella. Weird, but definitely one of her most artistic performances of all time. The visuals and choreography are STUNNING.

Holiday, as a piano ballad with a choir. Haunting.

I Rise closes, as usual.

Guys...let me tell you.


































































I so wish I'd been at the show and this was real, because I am seriously dying for an update of something along these lines. This show could so easily be the highlight of her career with only a few minor tweaks, and it's driving me insane :Madonna041:





:Madonna023:this isn't funny

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13 hours ago, Winn said:

Madonna is not going to do a GH Tour because singing old songs isn't artistic or something.

Singing old songs has nothing to do with art. The songs themselves are art. I prefer Madonna's discography from Ray of Light until the present, yes but if she does a greatest hits farewell tour, which is the smartest business decisions she can make at this point has nothing to do with being or not being artistic. The songs themselves are the art and she's been doing singing the same hits in every tour for the past 5 tours, so I don't see a point in this opposition to the idea of a greatest hits tour. In fact Rebel Heart Tour, MDNA Tour and Re-Invention Tour had so many old hits, they almost qualify as greatest hits tours.

13 hours ago, Sheridan1980 said:

No greatest hits tour please. Madonna is not dead and Madame X is a great album. Stop living in the past ! 

Madonna's not dead? well do you want her to do a greatest hits tour after she's dead? what does performing your most successful songs have to do with "living in the past"? It's just as much of a business decision as singing with Justin Timberlake or Maluma or Nikki Minaj. Tours aren't just made for the 20,000 members on stan pages, they're made for the general public and the general public doesn't know any song by her after Hung Up.

She's not gonna maintain a touring career by singing only new material. I'm very happy she's doing so many Madame X songs this tour, but that shouldn't mean that there's something wrong with doing one final stadium or arena tour where she songs old hits and gems that she never performed. 

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1 hour ago, RinoTheBouncer said:

I prefer Madonna's discography from Ray of Light until the present,

If you were around and old enough in 1992, you probably would have really appreciated 'Erotica' it's her most underrated album and the one where she really did re-write the rule books and break a lot of pop star taboo boundaries. And along with Truth or Dare it inspired and corrupted a lot of her queer fans. :D 

As she sings in 'Where life begins'  - it's finger lickin good! ;) 

Edited by Ashley (see edit history)
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26 minutes ago, Ashley Nichols said:

'Look of Love' from Who's That Girl Tour is a really underrated piece. Yet from most of the footage we're seeing from Madame X. Her performance of this song is way more powerful and fits the MadameX manifesto than any of her old hits she's performing on this tour. 



Thank you. I loveeee "Look of Love"!

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5 hours ago, Enrico said:

Has anyone attended last night's show??

I did and she was great. She complained less and seemed more into the show than she was when I saw her a few weeks ago.  Someone paid $6,000 for tonight's polaroid!   This show was the rescheduled 9/12 -opening night show. I was hoping she'd mention that or give us something "extra" since we got bumped.....but nothing came about.  They also had a ton of tour programs for sale ($40).....so not sure why it's not available yet on her website.  Overall though, I really enjoyed it and hope she's on the mend.

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1 hour ago, BILLSTER said:

I did and she was great. She complained less and seemed more into the show than she was when I saw her a few weeks ago.  Someone paid $6,000 for tonight's polaroid!   This show was the rescheduled 9/12 -opening night show. I was hoping she'd mention that or give us something "extra" since we got bumped.....but nothing came about.  They also had a ton of tour programs for sale ($40).....so not sure why it's not available yet on her website.  Overall though, I really enjoyed it and hope she's on the mend.

Hi thanks so much. I'd love to know more. What were your favorite performances and stand out moments? 

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8 minutes ago, Enrico said:

Can you please copy and paste here for those who are not members? :pray:

More in depth recap -

I happened to see orchestra tickets on TM at 6:30pm last night and after a short debate with my hubby we snatched them up
I recommend to not look at any Madonna news a week before you see the show. Clean slate - open mind

We arrived at 9:45 and settled in with a glass of wine
By the time I finished my first glass the quartet had started to warm up the crowd ...seats were pretty empty up until that point so people are adjusting to the late starts
Quartet was fun ...amazing what four people can do

They played maybe 30 minutes to 45 minutes
Followed by first announcement saying the show would begin soon ... purchased a second and final glass of red wine
Then the second announcement from Madonna

God Control & Dark Ballet - my husband turned to me in surprised and said “she’s singing!” ...wasn’t as apparent sitting in the mezzanine on 9/28 because we were farther away ..see more of the spectacle at the mezzanine vantage point
The performance really came through last night
(are the revolutionary glitterati costumes a cheeky nod to Hamilton?)

Human Nature - was worried about this one with the knee but M powered through ...great energy from the audience
M got snappy when an audience member tried to steal Estere’s line. MAMA bear
Express Yourself - Started off by Mercy - fun and on point

Self - reflection monologue ...love
Followed by vogue even better

I don’t search I find - great staging...one of my favorite songs from the album. But now I have new favorites after seeing performances

Selfie - $6900
In cash!! M didn’t have time to count it. Hopefully it was all there.
First complaint about the AC came here ...it was fierce ..the complaint and the AC...was cold
I think it finally went off later after a few more complaints from M. I wonder if the crew scrambles when they hear these directions from Stage?

Papa Don’t Preach - preach!

American Life - wow wow wow
I’m from the Midwest - my grandfather was a veteran of WWII and my dad is a veteran of Vietnam War - my family is super patriotic - lots of big flags growing up ..I never necessarily fully appreciated that
When the dancers put their hands on their hearts with the flag backdrop on the screens -
And then Madonna amplifies it with a very resounding chorus of FUCK IT

Batuka - didn’t want it to end
M does a hide and seek / call and repeat entrance which is fun
Also loved watching M watch their magic

Then there was another little moment of M talking and introduced Gaspar and then belted one out ..just her voice and Gaspar on strings

Killers who are partying - slow burn on the album but M took center stage and SANG it

Crazy - love it on the album - on the fence for its staging

Fado club / la isla / sodade - M sounds amazing
Commanding from atop the piano with a guitar
Made a joke about needing “decades” of sleep ...and no better place for a power nap than on top of a Steinway
She seemed very relaxed and comfortable- I was up for a nap too

Then Medellin started with a slow cha cha burn
Worked up to complete frenzy as M descended into the audience and literally got in our faces.
Ive never been to Medellin but I could imagine being caught up in a festive crowd with M
She made it out to our row (H) - wish people wouldn’t grab so much at her - it would be amazing to just sing a song face to face with Madonna

Then she sat down with Lily - M had to get the crowd around them in order - SIT DOWN
Lily was a bit shy - M loves her scorpios

Extreme Occident - my new favorite song. Again a raw and powerful performance
Crowd sat and took it in ...noticed M’s legs a couple times ..she uses her entire body ...and gets like 7,000 flights in here

Rescue Me - crowd was really into it - very OA
Fitting as we were about to be transported to another dimension

Then FROZEN. Period.

Come Alive - the new like a prayer

M gave another little monologue here about freedom and you could hear the emotion in her voice - says she never cries but ... she got me

Future - hate the burning dystopian world graphics but love M sitting at the piano and singing. A little vocoder here
It needs a tik tok “Yeap/ Nope” remake

Crave - like the song but the remix is not my fave
Gagged on full showgirls jazz hands VERSACE

Like a Prayer
Loved the tweak with the video in the background
M sounded great - really into it for the millionth time

And when the back up singer did her solo - She was beyond incredible and M watches her in complete awe - like everyone in the theater

Curtain down
LOUD crowd response.

I Rise
Call to arms and amazing exit
until next time Madame X





Just got out of tonight’s (10/10) show ..bought tickets at the last minute ...also saw the 9/21 show. I wasn’t sure I wanted to see it again because I wasn’t blown away the first time.
Maybe it was the fact that we were in the orchestra this time (and didn’t drink the awful vodka - glass of red wine is the way to go for MX) but the show tonight was AH MAH ZING! Madonna was fully present and on fire. What knee injury?
Super polished and lots of little tweaks from the earlier show. No stool to fall off ...thank G

Little recap of what I remember ...

Opening bid for the selfie was 3500$. Followed by a wtf bid of $1000. But ultimately went for SIXTY-NINE hundred dollars ($6900) ..M couldn’t resist that number ...lucky bidder Jim ..she thanked him and said the money would go to children in Malawi (thank goodness no talk of her overhead this time) - sidebar Andy Cohen is clearly a cheapskate

M sat next to a young 20something named Lily in the audience - a Scorpio ..her brother was sitting somewhere else in the area and had given her that seat. Best brother ever.

My favorite number is Frozen (both shows) so many generations of women on stage in spirit ... Madonna as a mother and Madonna’s remembrance of her own mother ..channeled through the mother of Madame X - Martha Graham.
For all the people who are fans of M without major choreo this is for you ... I don’t want to say too much but it’s beyond words anyway - I want to watch the performance 7,000 times
Is it a groundbreaking show? Maybe not in the way of Blonde Ambition - but the ambition is still there
I can’t believe there is only one show left in NYC!!

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28 minutes ago, Voguerista said:

Hi thanks so much. I'd love to know more. What were your favorite performances and stand out moments? 

Frozen - sounded incredible and is visually stunning with the Lourdes video.

Batuka - the energy is off the charts and you just feel like you're experiencing something unique and beautiful. Loved that the singers entered the theater from the back, walking down the left/right aisles to the stage.

I Rise -  What I liked about this is I felt like it was Madonna and not the "Madame X" persona. No eye patch, no wig, no getup.  Just Madonna.  At the end of the song, she just walks right down the center aisle and leaves the theater.  I was lucky last night to have an aisle seat and made direct eye contact with her and got a nod.  It's something I'll never forget.


Edited by BILLSTER
grammar fix (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, Ashley Nichols said:

If you were around and old enough in 1992, you probably would have really appreciated 'Erotica' it's her most underrated album and the one where she really did re-write the rule books and break a lot of pop star taboo boundaries. And along with Truth or Dare it inspired and corrupted a lot of her queer fans. :D 

As she sings in 'Where life begins'  - it's finger lickin good! ;) 

I love all her albums, but I was born in 1989, I knew Madonna with ROL in 1998 so the hype towards each new album From then on was bigger because I was living through each era and the excitement for the visuals and tours..etc. Erotica is without a doubt one of her best works.

However, a lot of people seem to discredit Madonna’s work beyond ROL, unfortunately that you only hear “Blonde Ambition is her best!” or only talk about LAP, LAV and True Blue as if she retired in 1990, when she surpassed those with so many tours and works after.

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4 minutes ago, RinoTheBouncer said:

I love all her albums, but I was born in 1989, I knew Madonna with ROL in 1998 so the hype towards each new album From then on was bigger because I was living through each era and the excitement for the visuals and tours..etc. Erotica is without a doubt one of her best works.

However, a lot of people seem to discredit Madonna’s work beyond ROL, unfortunately that you only hear “Blonde Ambition is her best!” or only talk about LAP, LAV and True Blue as if she retired in 1990, when she surpassed those with so many tours and works after.

That's very true. 


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1 hour ago, Enrico said:

Can you please copy and paste here for those who are not members? :pray:

Thanks. Sure. I wasn't sure if I'd get in trouble. 


1 hour ago, stefo said:

More in depth recap -

I happened to see orchestra tickets on TM at 6:30pm last night and after a short debate with my hubby we snatched them up
I recommend to not look at any Madonna news a week before you see the show. Clean slate - open mind

We arrived at 9:45 and settled in with a glass of wine
By the time I finished my first glass the quartet had started to warm up the crowd ...seats were pretty empty up until that point so people are adjusting to the late starts
Quartet was fun ...amazing what four people can do

They played maybe 30 minutes to 45 minutes
Followed by first announcement saying the show would begin soon ... purchased a second and final glass of red wine
Then the second announcement from Madonna

God Control & Dark Ballet - my husband turned to me in surprised and said “she’s singing!” ...wasn’t as apparent sitting in the mezzanine on 9/28 because we were farther away ..see more of the spectacle at the mezzanine vantage point
The performance really came through last night
(are the revolutionary glitterati costumes a cheeky nod to Hamilton?)

Human Nature - was worried about this one with the knee but M powered through ...great energy from the audience
M got snappy when an audience member tried to steal Estere’s line. MAMA bear
Express Yourself - Started off by Mercy - fun and on point

Self - reflection monologue ...love
Followed by vogue even better

I don’t search I find - great staging...one of my favorite songs from the album. But now I have new favorites after seeing performances

Selfie - $6900
In cash!! M didn’t have time to count it. Hopefully it was all there.
First complaint about the AC came here ...it was fierce ..the complaint and the AC...was cold
I think it finally went off later after a few more complaints from M. I wonder if the crew scrambles when they hear these directions from Stage?

Papa Don’t Preach - preach!

American Life - wow wow wow
I’m from the Midwest - my grandfather was a veteran of WWII and my dad is a veteran of Vietnam War - my family is super patriotic - lots of big flags growing up ..I never necessarily fully appreciated that
When the dancers put their hands on their hearts with the flag backdrop on the screens -
And then Madonna amplifies it with a very resounding chorus of FUCK IT

Batuka - didn’t want it to end
M does a hide and seek / call and repeat entrance which is fun
Also loved watching M watch their magic

Then there was another little moment of M talking and introduced Gaspar and then belted one out ..just her voice and Gaspar on strings

Killers who are partying - slow burn on the album but M took center stage and SANG it

Crazy - love it on the album - on the fence for its staging

Fado club / la isla / sodade - M sounds amazing
Commanding from atop the piano with a guitar
Made a joke about needing “decades” of sleep ...and no better place for a power nap than on top of a Steinway
She seemed very relaxed and comfortable- I was up for a nap too

Then Medellin started with a slow cha cha burn
Worked up to complete frenzy as M descended into the audience and literally got in our faces.
Ive never been to Medellin but I could imagine being caught up in a festive crowd with M
She made it out to our row (H) - wish people wouldn’t grab so much at her - it would be amazing to just sing a song face to face with Madonna

Then she sat down with Lily - M had to get the crowd around them in order - SIT DOWN
Lily was a bit shy - M loves her scorpios

Extreme Occident - my new favorite song. Again a raw and powerful performance
Crowd sat and took it in ...noticed M’s legs a couple times ..she uses her entire body ...and gets like 7,000 flights in here

Rescue Me - crowd was really into it - very OA
Fitting as we were about to be transported to another dimension

Then FROZEN. Period.

Come Alive - the new like a prayer

M gave another little monologue here about freedom and you could hear the emotion in her voice - says she never cries but ... she got me

Future - hate the burning dystopian world graphics but love M sitting at the piano and singing. A little vocoder here
It needs a tik tok “Yeap/ Nope” remake

Crave - like the song but the remix is not my fave
Gagged on full showgirls jazz hands VERSACE

Like a Prayer
Loved the tweak with the video in the background
M sounded great - really into it for the millionth time

And when the back up singer did her solo - She was beyond incredible and M watches her in complete awe - like everyone in the theater

Curtain down
LOUD crowd response.

I Rise
Call to arms and amazing exit
until next time Madame X





Just got out of tonight’s (10/10) show ..bought tickets at the last minute ...also saw the 9/21 show. I wasn’t sure I wanted to see it again because I wasn’t blown away the first time.
Maybe it was the fact that we were in the orchestra this time (and didn’t drink the awful vodka - glass of red wine is the way to go for MX) but the show tonight was AH MAH ZING! Madonna was fully present and on fire. What knee injury?
Super polished and lots of little tweaks from the earlier show. No stool to fall off ...thank G

Little recap of what I remember ...

Opening bid for the selfie was 3500$. Followed by a wtf bid of $1000. But ultimately went for SIXTY-NINE hundred dollars ($6900) ..M couldn’t resist that number ...lucky bidder Jim ..she thanked him and said the money would go to children in Malawi (thank goodness no talk of her overhead this time) - sidebar Andy Cohen is clearly a cheapskate

M sat next to a young 20something named Lily in the audience - a Scorpio ..her brother was sitting somewhere else in the area and had given her that seat. Best brother ever.

My favorite number is Frozen (both shows) so many generations of women on stage in spirit ... Madonna as a mother and Madonna’s remembrance of her own mother ..channeled through the mother of Madame X - Martha Graham.
For all the people who are fans of M without major choreo this is for you ... I don’t want to say too much but it’s beyond words anyway - I want to watch the performance 7,000 times
Is it a groundbreaking show? Maybe not in the way of Blonde Ambition - but the ambition is still there
I can’t believe there is only one show left in NYC!!

Thanks stefo!!!  ?

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FANTASTIC REVIEWS!!! thanks to everyone who took the time to write & repost them! Especially considering were without any apps/social media at the show, reading these first hand accounts is really exciting. "...and no better place for a power nap than on top of a Steinway" these little details make this show so special, thank you for sharing your stories! and if you have a story, review, or you remember some little detail from your show, PLEASE be inspired by these other posts and share yours! (And not for nothing, Glad most of the bickering in here stopped! I love when we all get along <3)

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1 hour ago, BILLSTER said:

Frozen - sounded incredible and is visually stunning with the Lourdes video.

Batuka - the energy is off the charts and you just feel like you're experiencing something unique and beautiful. Loved that the singers entered the theater from the back, walking down the left/right aisles to the stage.

I Rise -  What I liked about this is I felt like it was Madonna and not the "Madame X" persona. No eye patch, no wig, no getup.  Just Madonna.  At the end of the song, she just walks right down the center aisle and leaves the theater.  I was lucky last night to have an aisle seat and made direct eye contact with her and got a nod.  It's something I'll never forget.


I love this. Thanks for telling us more!! ?

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13 hours ago, techno101 said:

I did!!!! She finally debuted Rescue Me!!! Right after the interlude! I couldn't freakin believe it! :suffer:

She cut the monologue at the beginning altogether. The dressing room bit stayed, along with the interlude. It was funny. Between IDSIF and Papa Don't Preach, she added Justify My Love. Made sense before the whole PDP bit. Still there, unfortunately, which ruins the flow a bit.

Easy Ride comes after American Life now. Just her sitting in the circle of the staircase with a spotlight and a setting sun background in black and white. One of the new highlights.

And she cut Crave (The Dance Mix) -- It was right between Crave and Future as kind of a trap mix with really intricate choreography. She replaced Crave with two songs -- YOU'LL. SEE. and Ray of Light!!!! Like a Prayer still closed the show. Or at least the first act, because...

The encore has three songs now.

Ciao Bella. Weird, but definitely one of her most artistic performances of all time. The visuals and choreography are STUNNING.

Holiday, as a piano ballad with a choir. Haunting.

I Rise closes, as usual.

Guys...let me tell you.

Biiiiiiiiiitch...... I almost bought tickets for tonight's show after reading this.   :Madonna006:

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