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Madonna as a your personal hero!

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* It has striked me from the second i began to listen Madonna as a pop artist; to a lot of her fans she is a kind of a superhero/superwoman. I would like to ask you why is that, what are your experiences/hardships that she helped you (from a distance) to cope with and why you all are so.. hardcore!





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Madonna isn't a hero or Übermensch to me. She's a human who's art has been apart of the soundtrack of my life or catalyst for opening my mind to different art, aesthetics and cultures. 


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Though I have adored Madonna for over 34 years, Madonna has always been merely a pop star, and as Ashley said above, merely offering a 'soundtrack to my growing years'. Her personality has never really inspired me in any way (especially as it is now), and her music has never really affected me on any emotional level.... I have always been pretty detached from all my favourite artists in this respect. That being said, In Bed With Madonna/Truth or Dare did have a massive impact on me as a child as it was my primary introduction to other gay people It let me know that I really wasn't alone. However, I would allocate my respect and gratitude more to those amazing dancers than to Madonna.

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21 hours ago, PWCCA said:

Though I have adored Madonna for over 34 years, Madonna has always been merely a pop star, and as Ashley said above, merely offering a 'soundtrack to my growing years'. Her personality has never really inspired me in any way (especially as it is now), and her music has never really affected me on any emotional level.... I have always been pretty detached from all my favourite artists in this respect. That being said, In Bed With Madonna/Truth or Dare did have a massive impact on me as a child as it was my primary introduction to other gay people It let me know that I really wasn't alone. However, I would allocate my respect and gratitude more to those amazing dancers than to Madonna.

I think most gays of our vintage will always have a fondness of Truth or Dare/In Bed With Madonna and Erotica/Sex era for exposing us to gay life back in the early 90s and with M for her open support of gay men and being a face in the fight against bigotry of people living with HIV/AIDS and educating people about safe sex and supporting HIV/AIDS research during the worse years of the epidemic in western countries. 


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I would say Madonna and Mariah were my modes of escapism when i was a young boy/teenager. For that, she would be a hero to me. But, i grew out of that by 18. So from then on, it has been all about the music and fascination with her. Like A Prayer went to number 1 on my birthday when I was 14. That being my fav song and album, I always felt a connection.  When American Life was released so many years later on my birthday, I thought back through all the years where Madonna's existence has been such a large part of my life. It is wonderful that we still have her with us. And to be able to say I have been a fan since I was a child of a legend who still is alive and creative. I sound old.  She may not be my hero now, but not a day goes by without some Madonna time included.

P.S. Love showing off about Madonna and my birthdays lol

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Wow. It's hard to put into words how Madonna has helped me. A lot of it is mainly just having someone to relate to. There's a lot of aspects of her life that I really connect with.

She's done so many different things throughout her career and she's had so many interests. She's shown me that I don't have to be only one thing and that it's okay to have phases and then move on completely. I like that about her.

Madonna's just made me more free to feel happy being myself. She's shown me how to be unapologetic and brave. The same thing goes for sexuality as well. Sex has always been a taboo and I never knew what to think about it, and Madonna helped me see a different perspective.

She's also opened me up to this wonderful community and this forum where I feel welcome and happy!

There's so much more, but I don't want to make this post too long. :Madonna032:

I just think she's great and I have a lot of respect for her and everything she's done for me.


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Such a great a post and I love everyone's  comments. I was drawn to Madonna at first for her music and art. This is stilll the case, but, over the years, she's been there in the good and bad times. She's given me strength to speak up for my rights and be stronger. So yeah, she's my hero and my friend too. ???????

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I don't see her as "my hero", but she's is a great inspiration and I just love her spunk!  I love how she doesn't back down even when people give her shit.  I've never thought of her as great at one particular thing, but I see her as a great entertainer.  She's the whole package for me.   I think she's a beauty and I pretty much enjoy all her music. It's those two things that drew me to her. 

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12 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

Im being silly. cuz in English "finger" is a sexual term for sticking a finger in someone or yourself.  "figure" is the word you were looking for. But Im just being stupid. Don't take offense. :smuglaugh:

It's possible he didn't realize he made a spelling error.  LOL!  It's funny nevertheless.  I thought your response was gold!  LOL!

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11 hours ago, ScottyX said:

I would say Madonna and Mariah were my modes of escapism when i was a young boy/teenager. For that, she would be a hero to me. But, i grew out of that by 18. So from then on, it has been all about the music and fascination with her. Like A Prayer went to number 1 on my birthday when I was 14. That being my fav song and album, I always felt a connection.  When American Life was released so many years later on my birthday, I thought back through all the years where Madonna's existence has been such a large part of my life. It is wonderful that we still have her with us. And to be able to say I have been a fan since I was a child of a legend who still is alive and creative. I sound old.  She may not be my hero now, but not a day goes by without some Madonna time included.

P.S. Love showing off about Madonna and my birthdays lol

Are you from Quebec? Because the Fortins are from that neck of the woods. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Madonna's music has been the soundtrack to my life. As a kid I already liked her music, but she became a hero in 1990 when she released Vogue. I remember seeing the video for the first time like it was yesterday. I was 13 years old, growing up in a small village, being an only child and I had no clue regarding my sexuality. Seeing the dancers vogueing in the video really struck a chord with me. I felt myself drawn to it and I wanted to be like those dancers. Meanwhile I got bullied at school. People called me a faggot, but I didn't even know what being gay meant. But every evening I was striking poses in my bedroom. I started reading about vogueing and about fashion, stealing Vogue magazine from the public library. Some time later I saw Truth or Dare. The "We're here, we're queer, get used to it" slogan made a deep impression. I felt connected to it, but still I couldn't understand why. The moment it hit me was when after the summer holidays I fell in love with a new boy in our class. It freaked me out. But then Madonna released Justify My Love and the video gave me a glimpse into another world and slowly my identity started taking shape. I wasn't afraid anymore. By the time Madonna released Erotica I was fully aware of my identity. Madonna's music and videos were a liberating force, helping me to figure myself out while there was no one I could talk to about my confusion. That's why she's a hero of mine. And while I'm also a fan of other music genres and other artists, Madonna will always be that one special artist who made my life easier in those days and the one artist who opened my eyes.

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