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How Could Madonna Comeback?


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Guest Nobody Knows Me
30 minutes ago, BeepBeepBitchMove said:

Get back in the studio with Stuart Price. Whatever comes of it will be golden!

Either him or Patrick Leonard would be a dream come true. I personally think her and Pat produce the best lyrics. 

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2 hours ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

Either him or Patrick Leonard would be a dream come true. I personally think her and Pat produce the best lyrics. 

Are we looking to recreate that same magic they had on past work?  The fact is; you can't recreate that. Trying to team her up with old producers who haven't produced anything that has captivated the public in years, isn't the answer here.  Even Pat Leonard knows this is impossible.  I wouldn't doubt either could still produce something nice for her again, but it really won't be the same or what you expect. 

I say again, let her do what she wants. She's not going anywhere. I think what most people are looking for is another huge hit from her.  Personally, I don't expect it to ever happen again. It doesn't mean she can't create great music, but to some they think if she doesn't produce a successful top 40 hit, it must mean she's no longer capable of making great music. Even though some of her past albums hadn't gained her a lot of success, there are some great songs within those albums.  Teaming up with all these old producers will not change the fact radio won't play her or the general public will care.  She had her day in the huge spot light.  At this point, she's producing music for the fans who are willing to evolve with her and her journey. If she so happens to gain a fluke hit, then more power to her, but it certainly won't be with an old producer. 

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
13 minutes ago, MarXus said:

Are we looking to recreate that same magic they had on past work?  The fact is; you can't recreate that. Trying to team her up with old producers who haven't produced anything that has captivated the public in years, isn't the answer here. 

Nobody said that. It’s not like Mirwais has captivated the public either but she worked with him again and we got a truly fantastic album because she works well with him, just like she worked well with other past producers. There’s nothing wrong with reuniting with past producers, she is known to do it. Of course, if she didn’t want to then that’s a different story, but if she did, then I believe her and Patrick or Stuart could make quality music. 

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3 minutes ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

Nobody said that. It’s not like Mirwais has captivated the public either but she worked with him again and we got a truly fantastic album because she works well with him, just like she worked well with other past producers. There’s nothing wrong with reuniting with past producers, she is known to do it. Of course, if she didn’t want to then that’s a different story, but if she did, then I believe her and Patrick or Stuart could make quality music. 

The point of the thread was to ask how she can make a "comeback".  As I stated before, she's gone no where with it comes to making "quality music", so to me she needn't a "comeback".  However, many feel by re-uniting with old producers, she's could make a "comeback".   Let's read the room here!  Many have claimed she's dropped the ball with the past few albums... even with Madame X.  To me, it's a matter of opinion. Some measure that with sales or chart success.  Some feel that without those two elements, her quality in music has suffered. Again, I don't personally think that, but it just seems that's what a lot of people are  expressing lately about her.  So as long as you're okay with the fact anything she produces won't be anymore successful as Madame X has been, then all means bring on the old producers, but that certainly isn't going to guarantee her a "comeback".  It also won't guarantee her "quality music" because there is such as a thing as "beating a dead horse", and to me bringing on Pat Leonard or Stephen Bray (who don't even produce popular music anymore) is a desperate attempt to recapture the old magic.

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
1 minute ago, MarXus said:

It also won't guarantee her "quality music" because there is such as a thing as "beating a dead horse", and to me bringing on Pat Leonard or Stephen Bray (who don't even produce popular music anymore) is a desperate attempt to recapture the old magic.

Well, I don’t think her working with “in” and “trendy” producers has brought us much either really, and if we’re going by that perspective then do you see her reuniting with Mirwais on Madame X as “beating a dead horse”? I personally never mentioned Stephen Bray, however I think the fact that she produced what I see as some of her best lyricism with Pat Leonard is rather promising. It’s got nothing to do with recapturing old magic. It’s just a case of her previously working well with the people I mentioned and possibly being able to create new, fresh and quality music with them, which is how I view her reunion with Mirwais on Madame X. 

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1 minute ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

Well, I don’t think her working with “in” and “trendy” producers has brought us much either really, and if we’re going by that perspective then do you see her reuniting with Mirwais on Madame X as “beating a dead horse”? I personally never mentioned Stephen Bray, however I think the fact that she produced what I see as some of her best lyricism with Pat Leonard is rather promising. It’s got nothing to do with recapturing old magic. It’s just a case of her previously working well with the people I mentioned and possibly being able to create new, fresh and quality music with them, which is how I view her reunion with Mirwais on Madame X. 

I didn't say you mentioned "Stephen Bray", but it's been mentioned by others.  You and others have kept hammering this idea of using old producers like Stuart and Pat as if they are going to create "new, fresh and quality music with them", when they haven't created anything innovating in years. And honestly since you asked, I don't really feel that Mirwais created "fresh and quality music" with Madame X.  Certainly, there are some great songs on the album, but it's hardly an album I would call her best.  I think many feel the same way. 

As for best lyrics... hmmm, I'm not sure I agree Pat necessarily brought out the best lyrics in her projects since her lyrics before Erotica was pretty mundane and basic.  Honestly, I don't think Bray or Leonard or Stuart Price are anyone who brought out the best lyrics from her. 

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Come back from what?  Being the most successful, living music artist?  Being an international icon?  Putting out one of her finest records in her nearly 40 year career?  Being an artist with no boundaries?  Being a great mother?  Being a mature, sophisticated, intelligent woman?  I am not sure that I want to change Madonna's trajectory.  She is a goddess... a queen... and a fine human being?

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9 minutes ago, Sultrysully said:

 Putting out one of her finest records in her nearly 40 year career? 

Everything is a matter of opinion and taste, for me Madame X fast become one of here worst albums... think only MDNA is weaker IMHO.

If by a comeback it is meant a return to the  top of the charts and selling millions of records..I think it will be hard and maybe even impossible for her to achieve... but I also feel a dance/disco pop album might do it.

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
16 minutes ago, MarXus said:

You and others have kept hammering this idea of using old producers like Stuart and Pat as if they are going to create "new, fresh and quality music with them", when they haven't created anything innovating in years.

It’s hardly hammering, we’re just offering our thoughts. And Stuart Price is one of the producers on Dua Lipa’s upcoming Future Nostalgia album, where disco and dance is a prominent theme, so surely he has something interesting to offer... 

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7 minutes ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

It’s hardly hammering, we’re just offering our thoughts. And Stuart Price is one of the producers on Dua Lipa’s upcoming Future Nostalgia album, where disco and dance is a prominent theme, so surely he has something interesting to offer... 

I do feel you are "hammering" when you keep repeating the same "thoughts" and wishes over and over as if it's possible.  You've made it pretty clear that you want a Disco/Dance album with someone like Leonard and/or Price at the helm.  Maybe in an alternate universe you will get your wish.  :Madonna055:

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4 minutes ago, ScottyX said:

By the way where has Madonna gone? I doubt she feels she has gone anywhere needing to come back lol

Exactly. This is why I pointed out some are confusing her lack of commercial success with quality music.  In the end, it's all subjective, but like you pointed out, I'm sure Madonna doesn't feel like she's gone anywhere. Especially since she's pretty much been in the spotlight non stop since 1984. It's weird how some think they can manage her career better than her, and she's hardly suffering or lying useless in the gutters.

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
33 minutes ago, MarXus said:

I do feel you are "hammering" when you keep repeating the same "thoughts" and wishes over and over as if it's possible.  You've made it pretty clear that you want a Disco/Dance album with someone like Leonard and/or Price at the helm.  Maybe in an alternate universe you will get your wish.  :Madonna055:

Well that’s your problem, but I think you’re turning this into something bigger than it actually is. We’re all on here just to share our thoughts and ideas, it’s hardly trying to manage her career. She doesn’t care what people want from her or have to say and I admire her for that, nor do I care about her commercial success nowadays either, it’s just a matter of sharing different ideas. :jumpy:

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18 minutes ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

Well that’s your problem, but I think you’re turning this into something bigger than it actually is. We’re all on here just to share our thoughts and ideas, it’s hardly trying to manage her career. She doesn’t care what people want from her or have to say and I admire her for that, nor do I care about her commercial success nowadays either, it’s just a matter of sharing different ideas. :jumpy:

No problem on my part. Keep hammering away.  I have no issue with you sharing your opinions.  Like you, I shared my opinions and some of it was in response to what is shared here. It's part of the public discourse.  I'm not turning it into anything "bigger" since I'm quite happy with the way her career is going.  I don't believe there is need for a call for a "comeback".  She's been quite relevant and successful for more than 4 decades.  Whatever she does now, it's just icing on the cake.  And the fact is; whatever she does these days, she will gain far more attention and acclaim than most dream to have.  After all, she's Madonna! 

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
3 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

Since everyone thinks the world is ending channel the Whore of Babylon, get weird, and scare people. 


To think that was the rumoured title for the Re-Invention World Tour! :Madonna039:

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I think a West End Stage show where the songs of Madonna are worked into a well written beautiful show with a political / feminist edge would remind the world of how important she is. The music in its largely original versions would put her work front and centre again without Madonna having to go through the motions of trotting the hits out again as we know she hates to. Write a couple of new songs with famed old producers for good copy (Stuart / Pat / Shep) which would be a great way of revisiting the magic without committing to a whole album. 
She could executive produce and if the stage version is good enough and works it cold eventually turn into a movie that she could direct. Who better? 
This feels like the best balance of reaffirming her position without compromising on her artistic integrity. 

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Madame X is a triumph but if by "comeback" you mean her having a top ten hit then I am not sure. I am so far removed from paying attention to the top ten that I do not know what kind of songs are making it to tell what is popular. Has it hopefully become more diverse as in people not automatically making a song a hit out of loyalty to their chosen leader? Remember when artists had to work for hits? Remember when music was more eclectic? I'll shut up. Maybe it has improved since I last checked. 

Madonna is in an industry that is bent on kicking older women to the curb. Trying to appeal to fans who are on board with the industry is not the way to go. Madonna did not become successful by trying to appeal to people who already decided they do not like her. 

I can listen to Dark Ballet and cry with the deep meaning I get out of the song but Madonna earned my attention a long time ago. She has nothing to prove to me or the millions of other fans around the world who are too busy to stream music all day. We are not kids and unfortunately kids rule The Billboard top ten. Stop trying to appeal to all of them and focus on potential fans by showing authenticity and a serious interest in your own music. 

That being said about the ones who control the top ten; there is also the general public that would respond if she gave them something more universal. 

I do think there is a part of Madonna that we lost after her breakup with Guy Ritchie. I think she has lost romance in her music and I think that is where she will appeal to most. A universally romantic song. 

If you look at her ballads this last decade I do not think there is one I find truly romantic in a classic sense. The ok ones seem forced and defiant. The better ballads have a touch of melancholy to them but I am not hearing hope. There has also been a little bitterness. I don't know. I will have to list her hits and think of what exactly made those songs hits because it truly was the songs and their appeal to many people. 

I will state here though that I truly believe if Madonna has another hit it will be with a romantic ballad that many can relate to. That's my prediction! ❤


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On 2/16/2020 at 5:19 PM, steady75 said:

I think a West End Stage show where the songs of Madonna are worked into a well written beautiful show with a political / feminist edge would remind the world of how important she is. 

I don't think people want to see that. Maybe older gays and yuppies who have nothing better to do that see theater shows but the general public aren't into those things. Plus, political / feminist stuff (even though pushed heavily right now) isn't doing too well (see: all female remakes of movies tanking at the box office or low rated award shows that are criticized for being too political).

As to the people saying, "comeback from what? Madonna never left", I assume OP means "comeback" in the sense of Madonna being widely consumed again and not just releasing obscure tracks that the general public isn't listening to or even aware that she's releasing new music. There's no denying that since Hung Up, her musical output hasn't really connected well with the general public

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Why do people care so much when the chart is infested by artists mumbling over soundcloud beats or rappers who won't even last a few years? When even Justin Bieber has to find tricks to even try hit the top spot, it shows how being viral and just being what people want is all it takes and then fickle as they are, they latch onto something else. Very rarely is a song ever #1 now because of it's meaning, emotion or artistry as it used to be when top acts like Madonna, Prince, MJ and others ruled.

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Madonna is a business woman. She surely knows the public perception of her is maybe at an all time low and worse than that there's an air of indifference about her. Like "go away" or "she's at it again". She just doesn't come across as much fun anymore. As fans who follow her everyday we know better but to the general public she seems very removed from reality. 

I'm not expecting her to be mega lolz Katy Perry levels of nerdy but she seemingly went down the Michael Jackson route.

A public perception overhaul is definitely whats needed here. I don't think she's in any mood to do it though. I even think the second ballads collection she spoke about would be off the table now. Last time it was used as a public image softener. I can't see her head space anywhere near that now. 

I honestly want her to get with the best pop writers there are. I've really enjoyed the majority of the last decade but there is no denying that the sparkle found in much of the work up to Confessions is not quite hitting the mark. If Madonna has built her entire career writing every single thing and composing al the music, that would be understandable...but she hasn't. She's always collaborated. She needs to find a new collaborator that she sparks with again.

Songs like Medellin, God Control, Crave are brilliant but they are a bit spiky in places and as much as I adore Medellin, there is so much of Maluma that I just can't sing along even if I wanted to. I don't speak Portuguese and there is a lot. It sounds beautiful but it's unrealistic for me at least. A lot of the chorus on Madame X are undercooked and the coldness and lack of melody / warm chords on much of American Life come back to haunt us again in Madame X in places. 

There's still brilliance there but so many of the songs edge you with pleasure without the final pay off. 

I think she's scared to go too pop again. The Avicci demo of Rebel Heart was truly a slice of old school Madonna melody with big sing along chorus and production sparkle. The album version, while nice, lacks the pop punch that she'd have eaten up 15 years ago...as would the public. I think this is the best example of what I'm trying to say. It's all still there, it's just not being harnessed in the way it used to be. 

I love GMAYL but a lead single it aint. Girl Gone Wild is the MacDonna happy meal of her catalogue. You hope no oe finds you listening to it and you feel dirty, empty and ashamed of yourself  afterwards.

Turn Up The Radio & Living For Love don't quite get there in terms of the Madonna euphoric pay off. 

Miles Away is a good song devoid of any emotion.

4 Minutes bangs but it's essentially a Justin song.

Bitch Im Madonna gained its views through video features and as brilliant as it is it would have remained a fan favourite album track if it was on Music and probably never seen the light of day as a single. 

Ghosttown is a bonafide hit but the dodgy autotune and production issues are again a bit of an issue that drop you out of the experience, and it also falls in that slightly twee Madonna song that she used to throw out every now and then to please the public but don't feel very Madonna. See I'll Remember, TUTBMOP, American Pie. It's a soundtrack song. 

What she's doing is still great but there's defo something POP wise that is missing the mark.



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