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Madame X Tour DVD


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1 hour ago, Fernando said:

I just need a very good quality audio bootleg so I can wait with peace of mind until the realise.. I can't believe there isn't one! like the rht chicago live in sidney, the mdna live philadelphia saint louis ....:suffer:

We would have had many by now without the phone ban. The ones we got sadly are the best we could get given the circumstances.:suffer:

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15 hours ago, RUADJAI said:

I mean... if you look closely at the released footage there are hints to how much they've done so far. And I would say they are further along than she alluded to in the Facebook Live video. 


All the footage was in order of setlist. Seems like they've already got their angles and the whole show mapped out. 

There are also various effects already added to parts of the show to enhance or fix what didn't translate in a certain shot for the screen. 

We got two shots being blended together in Frozen. We got Lourdes superimposed on Madonna at a specific angle that could not have been achieved with just camera work in Frozen. We have text superimposed over her boyfriend in the opening scenes so you can still read the words when they use a close up of him. Some sort of movement special effect in Dark Ballet. Black and White filter on IDSIF. And what seems to possibly be a red filter on Vogue. And that's just the small bits we can see so far. 

I know what her wording was in the Facebook Live, but I don't think they are "just beginning" editing. 


Maybe they are working on the stream rights.

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On 9/14/2020 at 1:13 AM, R3B3LH3ART said:


I love the MV but It was just all over the place. Like one second shes at the type writer, the next shes partying, the next shes getting robbed? and the next shes getting shot to death, the next is her watching the tv, so on and so forth..

I thought it was masterfully edited, the whole backwards story telling was really well done. Not easy to pull off and that gives me hope the Tour DVD will also have great editing. 


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Hace 17 horas, RUADJAI dijo:

Quiero decir ... si miras de cerca las imágenes publicadas, hay indicios de cuánto han hecho hasta ahora. Y yo diría que están más avanzados de lo que ella aludió en el video de Facebook Live. 


Todo el metraje estaba en orden de setlist. Parece que ya tienen sus ángulos y todo el espectáculo planeado. 

También hay varios efectos y agregados a partes del programa para mejorar o corregir lo que no se tradujo en una determinada toma de la pantalla. 

Tenemos dos disparos que se mezclan en Frozen. Logramos superponer a Lourdes sobre Madonna en un ángulo específico que no podría lograrlo con solo el trabajo de cámara en Frozen. Tenemos texto superpuesto sobre su novio en las escenas iniciales para que aún puedas leer las palabras cuando uses un primer plano de él. Algún tipo de efecto especial de movimiento en Dark Ballet. Filtro blanco y negro en IDSIF. Y lo que parece ser un filtro rojo en Vogue. Y esos son solo los pequeños detalles que podemos ver hasta ahora. 

Sé cuál fue su redacción en Facebook Live, pero no creo que estén "apenas comenzando" la edición. 


todo lo que dices es muy cierto...???

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On 9/14/2020 at 2:12 PM, kesiak said:

Comparing Hung Up to God Control is like comparing La Isla Bonita to American Life, literally beside the point. 

I can't wait for the DVD. It was my absolute favourite time seeing her live (I've seen every tour since 2004) - the show was beautiful and I'm looking forward to seeing how it translates to the screen. 

Agree 100%

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2 hours ago, nito84bcn said:

From Wikipedia (I know that's not reliable source, but...)

A Live DVD/Blu ray will be released in April 2021 as Madonna is wrapping up the editing.

So there is someone who took the time to edit a wikipedia page to put a fake release date ?! LOL !

No Way What GIF by NBA

joan cusack seriously GIF

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