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Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?

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On 7/26/2020 at 3:15 AM, HollywoodX said:

I actually seen people talking a out this on Madonna's facebook today.




For 18 years I was was held captive by the witchcraft of Madonna . She is one of the most powerful & blasphemous Illuminati witches in Hollywood and has performed many human sacrifices ( 11 abortions) to get where she is. Most of your favorite Hollywood stars are pedophiles and satanists! This is my story of how the Lord Jesus Christ set me free from Homosexuality & Madonna's powerful spell.

Denver Pepsi Center, Thursday October 18th 2012: 
 Here I am at Madonna's ‘MDNA Tour’, MDNA a clear and obvious reference to the drug MDMA or Ecstasy, which I was severely addicted to at the time. I had won tickets twice. 
One set from a nightclub and the other from her fan club, and I got the most coveted, “Golden Triangle VIP" pit tickets. “Golden 
Triangle” a reference to Satanist Aleister Crowley's, “Golden Dawn -Eye in the Triangle” a Luciferian secret organization. Two long 
catwalks extended from the main stage forming a pyramid with the VIP “ Golden Triangle” pit in the middle.

Looking back now and seeing things with my eyes illumined by the Holy Spirit, I see exactly what was going on, and what I was totally
ignorant and blind to at the time, because of the spiritual darkness I lived in. My heart and eyes were blinded with deception. Little did I 
know I was dressed perfectly for the very satanic ritual I was unknowingly about to partake in. That night I never examined,
understood or thought about the deeper meaning of what I was wearing or doing. I simply wanted to have fun and stand out in a sea of people and make sure my idol Madonna noticed me, and ONLY me. Since it was close to Halloween I thought my outfit would be perfect! 

It’s fitting that I was wearing a sailor hat, considering that Sirens would magically and deceptively lead sailors out to their deaths at sea by singing enchanting songs, and that Madonna is the ultimate Siren, possessed by a spirit of Sirendom, leading millions of unsuspecting, deceived fans to eternal damnation in Hell. 
Not only did I literally adorn and cover myself with DEATH, presenting myself as a skeleton (as I was spiritually dead then). I also wore a skull & cross bones dog tag (another token of DEATH) around my neck, with a leather S&M dog collar, which reinforced the demonic principalities’ control and ownership of me and my submission to them and evil.
On my left ring finger was a bejeweled Jack-O-Lantern pendant (another token of DEATH). The Jack-O-Lantern goes back to the 
Druids and is symbolic of the severed heads from their human sacrifices, usually children. They prized human heads because they 
believed that’s where their souls resided. I was literally wearing a DEATH sentence and had marked myself for destruction.

The show began in a Cathedral as monks in dark robes walked around and swung a gigantic smoking thurible over the audience
(thuribles are used in ceremonial magic rituals in freemason lodges and in some Catholic churches). All of us in the audience were
cursed and put into a deep trance, as the monks chanted and began praying to Madonna, summoning her as if she were a deity.
A floating confessional booth appeared, above dancing gargoyles, and Madonna’s silhouette was visible as she prayed on her knees 
next to an assault rifle, asking God to forgive her for what she was about to do. The stained glass shattered from a gunshot and 
Madonna emerged as a gun wielding ‘Fem Fatale,’ wearing a black cat-like suit, and black veil, already dressed for the funeral of those 
she was about to murder.
She begins singing that her "inhibitions have gone astray," abandoning all moral restraint, as the monks tear off their robes, becoming male strippers and proceed to have an orgy with 
Madonna on the altar and in the pews, as she dances and sings that she's a "Girl Gone Wild." Another gun shot transitioned in the 
next song "Revolver," and Madonna paraded around, revolver in hand, surrounded by female dancers waving assault rifles, singing
"My Love's a Revolver, and my sex is a KILLER, do you wanna DIE happy?" She squatted directly in front of me; inches away, as she looked me straight in the eyes, winked, and pulled the trigger of her revolver aimed right at my face.

The spiritual assault was real.

She was so close I could easily have reached out and touched her face with my hands. For the next 10 minutes she went on a murderous bloodbath, shooting almost a dozen men to death with large splatters of blood splashing over the big screens. These were mock 
human sacrifices to the demons she gets her power, influence and creativity from, pledging her allegiance to them. She performed necrophilia atop one of her victims and boldly 
declared, "I'm going straight to Hell, cause I got a lot of friends there!!!"
After her final murder she collapses from guilt, while a group of demonic monsters appear and chain her up, proceeding to rape, beat 
and molest her. She is utterly powerless against the satanic forces she has given herself over to for fame. Her personal demons carry her to a tight rope and force her to walk as the flames of Hell rage below. Symbolic of the state of her life and soul, and the control 
they have over her. She must do their every whim and bidding or else! 
Satisfied with her human sacrifices, they give her an extension of time, to enjoy her fame and riches, and lead even more people to
Hell. The demons come back under her power as she returns to the church and collapses on top of the now desecrated altar, defiant of 
her sins, and writhes around in tormented sexual ecstasy removing her shoes, and throwing them at the audience. An obvious 
blasphemy in reference to when God commanded Moses to remove 
his shoes before he approached Him, because he was on Holy ground. The church choir begins chanting, "I don't give an F***!, I 
don't give an F****!, I don't..." as Madonna shakes her raised fist with an erect middle finger pointed toward Heaven. Later during “Like a Prayer,” a worship song to Satan glorifying his fall from Heaven, Madonna reached out and touched my hand and 
my friend’s.
 The touch of her hand sealed the covenant of death and soul tie I had with her. 
There are no words for that moment.

The entire concert was one of the most satanic and violent things I have ever seen to this day! Only now am I able to look back and 
see the truth, and dissect what was really happening. Back at the hotel I was so electrified and excited by her touch, in
such a deep trance, I couldn't calm down. I took two Percocet painkillers, drank a large amount of NyQuil, and then a bottle of champagne. The curse of death put upon me almost got its wish. I blacked out, and still couldn't drive at 8 p.m. the next day, and had to be picked up at my hotel by a friend. I never stopped to think how stupid and dangerous that was, and I did Ecstasy to 'PnP' all the following night with my friend. That was Friday. 
I had more Ecstasy pills waiting for me at home. Three days later I took them, but they were bad! After doing Ecstasy for six years, I 
knew something was very wrong. I knew that I was going to die!!
 I have never prayed like that before or since. A demon appeared in my room with me looking very similar to the demon god Kali, with 
the bulging eyes and multiple arms and legs. It was the most horrific vision and experience words can describe. When I closed my eyes 
he was even more vivid, and I had no relief from the terror! I had illegally entered the spirit realm through the biblically forbidden drug 
gateway of pharmakeia. Madonna's satanic worship service had spiritually opened me up even more. I called a pastor friend in the 
middle of the night, who prayed with me and instructed me to walk to my parents bedroom as I was too out of my mind to think right. 
As I woke them up, my mother immediately discerned the demonic presence & they both took over the situation praying intensely over 
me. The hellish visions & fear only got worse from there. I begged Jesus Christ to forgive me as my parents prayed over me. Not only did the effects of the drugs begin to stop, but I was given an instant supernatural deliverance from drug and alcohol addiction. My mom opened her Bible and began to read John 8. I had been caught in spiritual adultery, in the very act, and as I repented I felt the Lord Jesus Christ in my spirit say, “Go, and sin no more.”

I've been free from my past addictions to Ecstasy, Meth and Alcohol
since that night, October 23, 2012, and continue to live a totally
sober life to this day.

The Lord Jesus Christ said in Proverbs 8:36

"…all they that hate me loue death."

And, 1 John 1:9 reads,

"If we confesse our sinnes, hee is faithfull & just to forgiue vs our
sinnes, and to cleanse vs from all vnrighteousnesse." ( AV1611)

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for having mercy on me and allowing me a second chance to live for Him now. I SHOULD BE DEAD."




This makes me wanna listen to MDNA REEEEAL BAAAAD. 





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Highly doubt it. She’s into Kaballah and says she believes in god and prays her own way. And even she didn’t know she was going to make it in or last after the few years or go on to have a long career. She had to work for all that coupled with the fact she was doing things people never did before that got her to the top. 



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I dont believe in biblical mythology with concepts like 'the devil aka satan' to begin with, so the whole thing is just a joke to me. You know what scares me more than anything, people jumping to conclusions based on a vague feeling they have, that you can't reason with and already made up their mind that no matter what they are right. Those type of people are capable of anything.

Conspiracy theories and delusions seem to become more and more prevalent and social media plays into their delusion. 

Edited by Hari Beaux (see edit history)
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I̷̭̼̘̖̲͙̓̊̃͂̎́͛̍̍̍̃̓̚̚͠ ̷͍͈͙͕̎͊͐͑͆͒͋̋̍c̷̟̰͖̺͌̋͋̀͛̍̚ȗ̶̜̏̀͘r̴̢͖̲̩̝̣͖̈̔̉̈́͗̿̄͒̈͛̾͠ͅş̵͙̹͙͙̦̫̣̿̄̅́̾̕ͅe̷̤̳̣̩̩͔͖͐̍́ ̸̩̭̺̳̞̘̭̤͖͍͚͉̺̣̖̩́̉̌̈͌͛͒̎͒̈͂̊͂͗͝a̸̻̹͈̜̟͈̺̮̦̅̈̋̏̌̿̋̇͑̃̓̚͜ͅl̶̹͉̖͂̓̐̿l̸̛͓̯̝̦̳̳̤̻̑̎͐̒͑̆̏̇͌͘͘̚ ̵̛͖̟̠̜̱̣͖̘̠͖̳̳͖̣̱͎͉̊͌̔̇́̋̊͆̊̊̔y̵̡̨͖̺͙̩͍̱͖͕̖̩͋̈̀͊̒̋̐̍̿͂͘̚͜͝ẹ̸̡̦͚̦͖͉͎͐͋̑̈́͐̅̾̅̅e̴̢̢̠̫̞͕͔̣̫̹͚̩͎̬̥͋̊̋̈̋̾̉͂ͅͅ ̴̣̩͖̆̋́͜w̴͉͇̪̟͇̤͚̲͓͓̘͝ḩ̵̱̙͔͎͓͈̟͙̤̜̍́̃̓̍̓́̎͝ő̸̢̭͈͓̗̳̻̙͚̜͎̜̠͓͗̕ ̴̳̺͖̪̟̦̘͓̠͆͗̉̎̄̔̏̍̆̇̚͘ͅd̴̛͈̫͕͈͈̗̰͇͔͌̑̿̇̽̍̎̂̉̓̊͠͝a̷̞͐̋̏͋̍̒̌̓̚̚ŗ̶̻̣̦̌͌̔̌̏̍͜ͅe̸̟͇͍͕͇̱̝͕̺̭̫͉̘̰̤̎͒̇͑̿̇͌̾̄͋͘͝͝͠ ̴̧̙̹̪̹̗̰̏̄͜p̷͖̳̼̤̦͖͕̘̼̯͆̃̈̊̄͊͐̍ó̵̺̞̻̭̄͝s̷̡̲̜͓͍̟̄̂̒̂́t̴̡̳͉̓͛͛̂͐͒͊͋̇̊͂͑̍̈́̂̓ ̶͖̠͙͎̦͑̓͌͐̅͛͐͛́̚͜i̷̻̫͕̫͙̟̪̜͙̥̩̤̖̍̉̊̀n̶̟̖̝͓̻͚̎͛͑̃͒̾̉̓̓͘ ̷͕̣̺̼̥̹̿̾̒̆͗̇̇͠t̵̛͓̤̙̟͆̈́͑̔̄̊̑͌̇̓̕͝͝h̸̛̜͑̃̋̓̊̈̈́̓͠i̶̦͕͕͍̬̎́̾̉̌̇̐̿̏̆͝͠s̶̭̊ ̸͙̠̌̓̅͌̽͂t̶̘̰͎̱̘̎̌̊̉͋̊̕͘h̵̺͕͊̈́̑͝r̷̢̦̲͇̗̖̹̖͐̀̅̉̑̑͛̎̑̽̓̿e̷̡̢̪͖̖̝̬̬̬̙̩̱̰͎̪̥̒̑̋̇a̷̱̯͓̭̦͇̦̳̔̆́̓̓́͑̅́̎̑̄̆̑͘͘ͅͅḑ̴̣̳̮͕̝̙̖̘̣̳͇̌̌͆̾̿̈́̓͜͠͝ͅ ̷̼͕̫͎̮͔̞͚͎̣̰̪͕̤̊͛̀̓̂̈́̆͑̎͐͆͜ͅt̵͎͕̙̭̥͚̣͆̈́͊͌͋͜o̶̡͉̼̮̲̹̖̔̀͑͋̈́͌̕ ̷̝͖̲̖̺̯͉̹̣̞͉̖̙̘͔̜͗̎͗̈́̑́̽̿͘ͅȩ̶̞̘̙̬̩̻͎͈̣͙̻͖͐̏̍͜͝ͅt̴̨̧̨̡̪̳͋̽͗̚͜ę̷̛͓̺̹̹̊̐͜͝͝ṟ̴͖̙̑̃̋͐͑̀̀̅̍͑͂̊̕͘ͅṇ̴̛̈́̐̀̾̂̃͌̎͌̓̇̚ḁ̸̳̳͎̣͚̫͔͕͚̼̤̣̏́̊̒̓̉͆͂̃͂̓̎̐͊̍̿̕l̷̲͚͖̖͚͕̹͚͛̂̃̂̀̚ͅ ̶̜̲̹̇͐̈̇̅ḋ̶̨̨̞̱͎̦̭̪͕̖̺̰͚͉͕͇͕̄́a̵̲̪͓͎̪̦̝͖͐̍̄̈́̅́̐̓́͐̄͠m̵̛͚̠͍̔̈̓͛́̓̈̕͘̚͝͝ņ̴̡̧̧̮̝̪̙͍̟̼̠͈̃̏͒̈͒̈́̃̌̇̃̓͗̂͜ả̶̛͔͇̤̣̺̤̥̳͍̮̬͈̈̆̄̈́̚͝ť̵̢̡͈͖͍̻͉͚̣̱̭͈̱̋̐i̸̜̠̹̐̃̔̋̆̔͘͠o̷͔͈͖͕̎̆̇̚n̶̡̢̛̲̗͓̱̥̟͎̤͇͉̥̯͉̍́̐͂̐̀͋̆͗̆͝ ̴̝͍̮͍͖̘̀͗̈́͒̓̌͐̅͘̚ͅi̴̡̢̫̹̪̱͔͖̪̮͙͚̬̬͆̋̊̃̂̿̔͒̕͝ͅņ̴̲̟̯͙̦͓͗̃̌̈́̽͛͑̓͗͋̏̇͂͛̂̓ ̶̟̭͕̮͉͖͖̙̖͓̗͖̩̫̟̑́͛̒̋͝͝t̶̡̐h̴̗̥͔̰̦̜̻͖̦͉̦͖̣̎̅͌̔͝e̸̢̧̨̡̙̹͚͈̭̝̅͆͆̑̇́̐͘͠ ̵̭̑͊̎͋̈́̊͛̍̑͌̋f̴̧̛̬̻̤̱̬͍͔̺̳̱̝̺͙͍̫̋͗̾̌̑̾̈́͆͋͗̈̚̚͜i̸͈͓͂͋͑ṛ̸̡̨̢̛̞͔̦̫̺͕̼̘̦̥́̃̄̋̏̿̇̍̅͒͌̚͝ę̸̲̯̥͕̺̠̖̼͂̊̇̊̊̋̋͗̕s̷͖̦͉̭̹̤͍̱̼͕̀ ̵̝̝͍̖̙̦͛̉̍̐͛́͋̿͌̈́ͅǫ̷̡̛̬͕̟̬̟̩̥̼̫̝̺͖̦̆̾̈́̾̈́͊̋͘ͅf̶̹̺̹̞͉̗͚̀̐́̈͊̽̌̐̂̊͜͝͠ ̵͍̥͎̭̒͛ͅB̷̛͓̪̭̆̎ͅą̶̢̻͖͔̬̠̙͍̬̝͍̳͗̈́̍̋̏͆͂̏̒̏̈́͘̚͠p̶̨̻͈̯͉̽̓͐̉̎̈́̋̅͛̅͘̕ǫ̵̬̳̜͉̃̆͊͆̓̓̍m̴̧̲̮̲̮̹̜͑̿̒͒ê̴̱̝̱̯̩͙̹͎͍̌̔͊͛̀̂͆̊̓̾͠͠t̴̛̻̥̱̉͋́͌̑̐̅́͘͘͜h̷̢̗̩̪͚͔̃̂͐!̶̠̻̻̟̪̉̽́̐̈́͆̎͗͘



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On 2/15/2021 at 9:19 AM, #BelieveVictims said:

I̷̭̼̘̖̲͙̓̊̃͂̎́͛̍̍̍̃̓̚̚͠ ̷͍͈͙͕̎͊͐͑͆͒͋̋̍c̷̟̰͖̺͌̋͋̀͛̍̚ȗ̶̜̏̀͘r̴̢͖̲̩̝̣͖̈̔̉̈́͗̿̄͒̈͛̾͠ͅş̵͙̹͙͙̦̫̣̿̄̅́̾̕ͅe̷̤̳̣̩̩͔͖͐̍́ ̸̩̭̺̳̞̘̭̤͖͍͚͉̺̣̖̩́̉̌̈͌͛͒̎͒̈͂̊͂͗͝a̸̻̹͈̜̟͈̺̮̦̅̈̋̏̌̿̋̇͑̃̓̚͜ͅl̶̹͉̖͂̓̐̿l̸̛͓̯̝̦̳̳̤̻̑̎͐̒͑̆̏̇͌͘͘̚ ̵̛͖̟̠̜̱̣͖̘̠͖̳̳͖̣̱͎͉̊͌̔̇́̋̊͆̊̊̔y̵̡̨͖̺͙̩͍̱͖͕̖̩͋̈̀͊̒̋̐̍̿͂͘̚͜͝ẹ̸̡̦͚̦͖͉͎͐͋̑̈́͐̅̾̅̅e̴̢̢̠̫̞͕͔̣̫̹͚̩͎̬̥͋̊̋̈̋̾̉͂ͅͅ ̴̣̩͖̆̋́͜w̴͉͇̪̟͇̤͚̲͓͓̘͝ḩ̵̱̙͔͎͓͈̟͙̤̜̍́̃̓̍̓́̎͝ő̸̢̭͈͓̗̳̻̙͚̜͎̜̠͓͗̕ ̴̳̺͖̪̟̦̘͓̠͆͗̉̎̄̔̏̍̆̇̚͘ͅd̴̛͈̫͕͈͈̗̰͇͔͌̑̿̇̽̍̎̂̉̓̊͠͝a̷̞͐̋̏͋̍̒̌̓̚̚ŗ̶̻̣̦̌͌̔̌̏̍͜ͅe̸̟͇͍͕͇̱̝͕̺̭̫͉̘̰̤̎͒̇͑̿̇͌̾̄͋͘͝͝͠ ̴̧̙̹̪̹̗̰̏̄͜p̷͖̳̼̤̦͖͕̘̼̯͆̃̈̊̄͊͐̍ó̵̺̞̻̭̄͝s̷̡̲̜͓͍̟̄̂̒̂́t̴̡̳͉̓͛͛̂͐͒͊͋̇̊͂͑̍̈́̂̓ ̶͖̠͙͎̦͑̓͌͐̅͛͐͛́̚͜i̷̻̫͕̫͙̟̪̜͙̥̩̤̖̍̉̊̀n̶̟̖̝͓̻͚̎͛͑̃͒̾̉̓̓͘ ̷͕̣̺̼̥̹̿̾̒̆͗̇̇͠t̵̛͓̤̙̟͆̈́͑̔̄̊̑͌̇̓̕͝͝h̸̛̜͑̃̋̓̊̈̈́̓͠i̶̦͕͕͍̬̎́̾̉̌̇̐̿̏̆͝͠s̶̭̊ ̸͙̠̌̓̅͌̽͂t̶̘̰͎̱̘̎̌̊̉͋̊̕͘h̵̺͕͊̈́̑͝r̷̢̦̲͇̗̖̹̖͐̀̅̉̑̑͛̎̑̽̓̿e̷̡̢̪͖̖̝̬̬̬̙̩̱̰͎̪̥̒̑̋̇a̷̱̯͓̭̦͇̦̳̔̆́̓̓́͑̅́̎̑̄̆̑͘͘ͅͅḑ̴̣̳̮͕̝̙̖̘̣̳͇̌̌͆̾̿̈́̓͜͠͝ͅ ̷̼͕̫͎̮͔̞͚͎̣̰̪͕̤̊͛̀̓̂̈́̆͑̎͐͆͜ͅt̵͎͕̙̭̥͚̣͆̈́͊͌͋͜o̶̡͉̼̮̲̹̖̔̀͑͋̈́͌̕ ̷̝͖̲̖̺̯͉̹̣̞͉̖̙̘͔̜͗̎͗̈́̑́̽̿͘ͅȩ̶̞̘̙̬̩̻͎͈̣͙̻͖͐̏̍͜͝ͅt̴̨̧̨̡̪̳͋̽͗̚͜ę̷̛͓̺̹̹̊̐͜͝͝ṟ̴͖̙̑̃̋͐͑̀̀̅̍͑͂̊̕͘ͅṇ̴̛̈́̐̀̾̂̃͌̎͌̓̇̚ḁ̸̳̳͎̣͚̫͔͕͚̼̤̣̏́̊̒̓̉͆͂̃͂̓̎̐͊̍̿̕l̷̲͚͖̖͚͕̹͚͛̂̃̂̀̚ͅ ̶̜̲̹̇͐̈̇̅ḋ̶̨̨̞̱͎̦̭̪͕̖̺̰͚͉͕͇͕̄́a̵̲̪͓͎̪̦̝͖͐̍̄̈́̅́̐̓́͐̄͠m̵̛͚̠͍̔̈̓͛́̓̈̕͘̚͝͝ņ̴̡̧̧̮̝̪̙͍̟̼̠͈̃̏͒̈͒̈́̃̌̇̃̓͗̂͜ả̶̛͔͇̤̣̺̤̥̳͍̮̬͈̈̆̄̈́̚͝ť̵̢̡͈͖͍̻͉͚̣̱̭͈̱̋̐i̸̜̠̹̐̃̔̋̆̔͘͠o̷͔͈͖͕̎̆̇̚n̶̡̢̛̲̗͓̱̥̟͎̤͇͉̥̯͉̍́̐͂̐̀͋̆͗̆͝ ̴̝͍̮͍͖̘̀͗̈́͒̓̌͐̅͘̚ͅi̴̡̢̫̹̪̱͔͖̪̮͙͚̬̬͆̋̊̃̂̿̔͒̕͝ͅņ̴̲̟̯͙̦͓͗̃̌̈́̽͛͑̓͗͋̏̇͂͛̂̓ ̶̟̭͕̮͉͖͖̙̖͓̗͖̩̫̟̑́͛̒̋͝͝t̶̡̐h̴̗̥͔̰̦̜̻͖̦͉̦͖̣̎̅͌̔͝e̸̢̧̨̡̙̹͚͈̭̝̅͆͆̑̇́̐͘͠ ̵̭̑͊̎͋̈́̊͛̍̑͌̋f̴̧̛̬̻̤̱̬͍͔̺̳̱̝̺͙͍̫̋͗̾̌̑̾̈́͆͋͗̈̚̚͜i̸͈͓͂͋͑ṛ̸̡̨̢̛̞͔̦̫̺͕̼̘̦̥́̃̄̋̏̿̇̍̅͒͌̚͝ę̸̲̯̥͕̺̠̖̼͂̊̇̊̊̋̋͗̕s̷͖̦͉̭̹̤͍̱̼͕̀ ̵̝̝͍̖̙̦͛̉̍̐͛́͋̿͌̈́ͅǫ̷̡̛̬͕̟̬̟̩̥̼̫̝̺͖̦̆̾̈́̾̈́͊̋͘ͅf̶̹̺̹̞͉̗͚̀̐́̈͊̽̌̐̂̊͜͝͠ ̵͍̥͎̭̒͛ͅB̷̛͓̪̭̆̎ͅą̶̢̻͖͔̬̠̙͍̬̝͍̳͗̈́̍̋̏͆͂̏̒̏̈́͘̚͠p̶̨̻͈̯͉̽̓͐̉̎̈́̋̅͛̅͘̕ǫ̵̬̳̜͉̃̆͊͆̓̓̍m̴̧̲̮̲̮̹̜͑̿̒͒ê̴̱̝̱̯̩͙̹͎͍̌̔͊͛̀̂͆̊̓̾͠͠t̴̛̻̥̱̉͋́͌̑̐̅́͘͘͜h̷̢̗̩̪͚͔̃̂͐!̶̠̻̻̟̪̉̽́̐̈́͆̎͗͘




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On 2/15/2021 at 6:09 AM, Hari Beaux said:

I dont believe in biblical mythology with concepts like 'the devil aka satan' to begin with, so the whole thing is just a joke to me. You know what scares me more than anything, people jumping to conclusions based on a vague feeling they have, that you can't reason with and already made up their mind that no matter what they are right. Those type of people are capable of anything.

Conspiracy theories and delusions seem to become more and more prevalent and social media plays into their delusion. 

Couldn’t agree more!!

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9 hours ago, Fighter said:

id like a horror themed music video or something, dark ballet is pretty creepy already

Dark Ballet is great. Creepy for sure but more just sad for me. And I think she looks really beautiful in it.

I would love to see her play a witch, monster, siren. Tons of makeup effects. I think she could totally pull it off. Like how Anjelica Huston transforms in The Witches. It's weird to think she was going to work with Wes Craven on the furthest thing from a horror movie. I wish he had put her in a horror movie. A Madonna cameo in A Nightmare on Elm Street film would have killed me.

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5 minutes ago, Pootz333 said:

Dark Ballet is great. Creepy for sure but more just sad for me. And I think she looks really beautiful in it.

Actually the one music video that I expected to be creepy was Living For Love since it was inspired by Francis Bacon... was kinda disappointed she didn't go further but even then people found it too satanic. :oi:

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On 7/22/2020 at 3:30 PM, Mp1992 said:

Do you want to live in a country without police?  With ZERO police protection?  Because that's what the left is now pushing


Did you not read my earlier post about how bad (worse) the inner cities will be without polic

It'll be a massacre of mostly law abiding Black citizens lives being lost without police


Personally I can't stand Trump but he's better than what the Democratic Party (Sleepy Joe Biden) has running


Technically I'm still registered Democrat

They’re not all “anti vax” either. It’s the extreme nuts that get the press. It’s like saying every Democrat loots buildings and ambushes cops. 

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Ah yes, the tired old Madonna and Satanism narrative, she has never been some ultra religious person and makes use of all kinds of imagery like that to serve her career. Nobody actually thinks Madonna is a Satanist except a select group of nutjobs who have too much time on their hands and even if she was, remind me how that is even important?

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