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Kevin Antunes destroyed Madonna's reputation as a Live Act.


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Guest Nobody Knows Me

I don’t think he’s destroyed her reputation as a live act. If anything ever does that it’ll be her lateness and all that jazz :Madonna033:

But he does need to go.

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16 minutes ago, 8-tee's said:

Madonna should borrow Steve Anderson from Kylie. Because his renditions for every show are magical asf. Never let down by his productions. A+ all the time.

Can we please stop referring to Kylie all the time ?? we are talking about Madonna 

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Omfg. Kylie Minogue has simply reappropriated disco. Nothing original whatsoever, ever. I enjoy her for what she is, but she should be removed from any discussion of Madonna’s musicality. 

As for the ancient Antunes fan diatribe, he is not only a competent musical arranger, but also an integral part of the Madonna sound. It’s just another example of how disgruntled fans will simply never be happy with anything that she does. That really sucks for the complainers. If Madonna has been working with someone for a decade or more and you don’t approve of their collaborative spirit, there’s a good chance that you just don’t really like what she does. This ain’t fantasy football. 

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We all agree that a new direction is needed. Not that it was good or bad but because it's tired now. Just like bringing Kylie into the conversation whenever she drops a new fart. I don't mean to be rude or mean but if i wanted Madonna to sound like Kylie i'd listen to Kylie. 

Now, Madonna needs to step up if she wants us to keep paying super expensive tickets. Madame X karaoke sham is a disgrace. it was nothing that it promised on paper. I only saw a bootleg because she cancelled on me and even though i was mad when she did, when i saw the bootleg i felt good i did not see that live because it was obviously all pre recorded. He live album are a waste of GB. It's probably cheaper to have pre recorded stuff than musicians you must accomodate even though she still brings them with her to mime on stage. And another reason i'll probably skip the next tour if there is one, i'm over the dancers, the costumes, the super scenarized stuff. It's been done to death. And that goes for every pop artist out there. Time for one of them to invent something new.

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Wow, some of you need to grow up. You completely took my message out of context. Steve Anderson is a wonderful musical director and producer. Do some research and you will understand why I said what I said. You clearly are bitching about Madonna's current musical director situation. I gave an opinion. Move on or scroll by. But to get defensive over what I said is pathetic as can be. 


ROFL :lol:

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Stuart Price really gets dance music and what is going to 'work' with the audience like what is going work in a nightclub. His work as musical Director on Drowned World , Re-Invention and Confessions was amazing - the arrangements of the old and new songs were simply fantastic especially so with Re-Invention and Confessions they were true to the original enough but in most cases even better live and made you want to dance they even had sound quality you feel in a club with a great soundsystem. IMO Stuart Price is a genius  - she sounded so goo live on all those tours and the whole sound was really full sounding. I think Stuart mixed the DVDs too.  Compare that to the awful sound of alot of MDNA the first track Girl Gone Wild is so badly mixed with tinny sounding weak vocals and not enough base , I don't think Kevin gets dance music the way Stuart does - that's what most of her fans want I think. Most of Madame X and Rebel Heart sounded pre-recorded and not live at all. Really would love if she worked with Stuart Price again on her tours and had Niki and Donna back for back up vocals. Agree the best band she ever had was for The Girlie Show that sounded totally live throughout they were great. I hope she does not work with Mike Dean for live shows either I think he had hand in the Madame X tour - the base sound was great but think her music is going to sound best when she works with someone from from the world if electronic dance music not hip hop or trap, rap etc.  Having said that I do agree the arrangement for Candy Shop on the RHT was the best one yet for that song. 

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I think Kevin's arrangements suck the life out of any of her songs. They sound absolutely shit, like fanmade mixes. Listen to how atrocious he made Frozen sound on the last tour, he destroyed the integrity of the song. If that's what Madonna wants people coming to get show to hear, then her wig is on too damn tight.

Stuart ok, but it was already starting to sound too stiff.

She needs a major overhaul but I don't see it happening. Madonna likes doing the same shit over and over because it's easy and she's gotten lazy.

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Of course Kevin Antunes sucks. I remember my shock the first times I went to see  S&Stour at Nice and Paris. We were used to the level of quality of the perfect Stuart Price and... we've discovred the mash up shit of 2008... Ouch... It was hard... 

She really needs to get a new Music director for her next tour (it's not for tomorrow so they can cast !).

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20 hours ago, momosfantasy said:

I just want her to put down the guitar.  Forever.  

THIS!!!!!! After over 20 years of playing it, she still sounds like a beginner. Those 'oh look I'm a musician too' guitar segments on tour are rather tedious. Use real guitar players.... use a real band!!

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1 hour ago, PWCCA said:

Kevin surely played a part, in regards to the musical quality, but it is Madonna herself who is damaging her live reputation with her constant lateness, cancellations, overpriced tickets, and poor treatment of her fans

This! The cancellations for Madame X can be forgiven considering she was going through a lot of knee problems and was still trying to do as many shows as she could. Also, here's the thing, everyone wants to blame Kevin but Madonna is the one who gets final approval for anything before it goes on stage so it's more her fault than his, he's just doing his job. I want her to ditch the drum beats/808's and bring back the live band. I saw a video of a private performance she did, and Express Yourself was in the set and it sounded so lifeless and it lacked fullness because it was using a weaker drum beat, and before anyone says anything, I know the original Bray Mix and the Shep Pettibone Mix probably used drum machines but those drums were fuller and augmented the song.  I understand that she wants to update her songs to make them sound modern but some of it has crossed the line from updating the sound to cheapening it.

Edited by Husam Elzien (see edit history)
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I HATE his karaoke tracks with loud studio vocals all over the place but maybe Madonna is the one to blame for that, who knows...

I'd say bring back the live band, work on the songs to adjuste them to a more comfortable tone to her current voice, but with Madonna is hard to ask for any change nowdays (!!!)

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19 hours ago, kesiak said:

Destroyed her reputation as a live act? You mean by being the musical director of the highest grossing tour for a female artist ever? :) 

That was under the Confessions era influence. MDNA, Rebel Heart and Madame X constant decline numbers say 'hi'. 
One thing is clear: her live music doesn't have the 'wow' factor that had before Kevin. 

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