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Rumor : New album / Update page 23

Redha DBL

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2 hours ago, ShantiAshtangi said:

She barely promoted it, though. We had one performance of Medellin and one of Future. That was it. 
And while many artists played little gigs at home during the pandemic, she couldn’t be bothered to have David and Mercy accompany her on guitar and piano for a performance of Killers or Extreme Occident or any other of the more mellow songs from Madame X. 

well... that’s something i can’t deny.

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2 hours ago, ShantiAshtangi said:

This attitude puzzles me a lot. She’s never been known for shying away from everything but she’s never been as stubborn as she’s been in recent years. She could always differentiate well between criticism that came from people outside of her fan base (the criticism of her LAV choreography in 1990) and criticism that was a really harming her career. That’s why she did not continue to behave like during her infamous 1994 Letterman performance. 
These days, however, it seems as if she has lost this ability. People dislike something she does and she does it even more, no matter how much she alienates her fans by that. 

Liz was responsible for a lot of those pivots. I believe Madonna referred to her as "Mom" sometimes and I can see how an adult supervising an "adult" with a lot of money and all the freedom in the world (give or take) would have benefits. 

If I were left to my own devices, I'd chain-smoke and play video games all day (I think), but instead I have a loving partner that would never let me smoke and I don't play video games. Madonna might be surrounded by enablers or people just afraid to be honest with her.

Or, she just chops those people out of her social circle to avoid having to justify her actions.

Imagine Rosie? or Gwyneth Paltrow or Sting or Stella? Those folks are long-gone, I think for a reason.


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On 12/29/2020 at 9:40 AM, nito84bcn said:

I think Rebel Heart and Madame X were steps in the correct direction

We'll have to agree to disagree. I thought that both were steps in the wrong direction, actually. I mean not that albums like Hard Candy and MDNA were particularly revolutionary either, but I'd still rather listen to those two albums on repeat than listen to contrived albums like RH and MX if I can help it. The visuals and lyrics from her latest two eras felt too try-hard and trite to me; I don't need her to be some avant-garde, self-righteous storyteller, I just want good music without any forced messages. 

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All the Madame X bashing when it’s better than the 3 prior albums (HC, MDNA, RH) put together. The secret agent remains unbothered by her uncultured fans :) 


Also unpopular opinion here: I love Madonna’s Madame X autotuned voice. I think it sounds amazing. She’s doing it not as a corrector but as to make a harsh sound. I LOVE how she sounds. 

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4 hours ago, deathproof said:

There is a thing called diversity, you know...

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that this is not the case. I bet she doesn't even know which rappers or singers are on those songs that has being played. Most of the time, I think, her kids (including her bf) bring that style to her attention and she let them play it as much as they want. Let's not forget that rap/hiphop is something that is only a big thing in the USA, so most of her fans do not care or don't identify with the genre. I know it has a background, where and why it's important for the community that it represent, but there's more ways to help and raise awareness to racism than playing songs that, most of the time, do not good for her. If she wants to fight against haters, racists, it's not by posting more hiphop songs, but doing it the right way, like putting music out there that are explicit about it. Doing a great song with African singers that are screaming to spread awareness. Giving voice to them, who on their own, would have never reached the level of audience that Madonna have. The only thing that we have from her, venturing into that style, is Champagne Rose, that is something atrocious. 

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I think there are at least two more monumental records in her that we might hear later in her 60's or 70's, probably bitching because they won't be selling that well though. By then her kids won't need her the same anymore, she will be a bit tired of pissing people for the sake of it and of inauthentic things to keep her up with the young. Madonna's last bunch of records have all been about her, it appears in the title. And they're confusing maybe because she is still figuring out herself. She is doubting all things she might have been adamant about in the 90's or 00's. When she is more at peace with herself we'll get the records we want. That said, I've never been disappointed in a Madonna record because, unlike many artists out there, her melodies are strong and undeniable. Sometimes I believe that everyone hates her on her life choices these days but only her bigger fans hate her on her music. The others don't care so maybe we shouldn't attack her at her every project and encourage her to make more of them till she's struck the vein finally.

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39 minutes ago, Shoful said:

All the Madame X bashing when it’s better than the 3 prior albums (HC, MDNA, RH) put together. The secret agent remains unbothered by her uncultured fans :) 


Also unpopular opinion here: I love Madonna’s Madame X autotuned voice. I think it sounds amazing. She’s doing it not as a corrector but as to make a harsh sound. I LOVE how she sounds. 


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one thinking this. Agree with all of this 100%. Also about the autotune - it suits so well imo (and she even explained how she likes to play around and make her voice sound 'robotic').

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45 minutes ago, Shoful said:

I actually think Madame X is her best album :Madonna003:

I just know I’m not going to win on that debate because her fans aren’t ready for that conversation yet 

Don't get me wrong: MX is a great album - and maybe her best since Ray of Light.

But it's not the album you recommend to friends who want to get to know Madonna.

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3 hours ago, ShantiAshtangi said:

She barely promoted it, though. We had one performance of Medellin and one of Future. That was it. 
And while many artists played little gigs at home during the pandemic, she couldn’t be bothered to have David and Mercy accompany her on guitar and piano for a performance of Killers or Extreme Occident or any other of the more mellow songs from Madame X. 

1 documentary, 5 video clips, 2 performance. That doesn't sound like something barely promoted for me. Yes, we had few live perf, but more clips thant previous albums and the others didn't get a documentary.

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25 minutes ago, Eddie98 said:


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one thinking this. Agree with all of this 100%. Also about the autotune - it suits so well imo (and she even explained how she likes to play around and make her voice sound 'robotic').

I'm on your side too. I have ZERO issues with M using autotune and vocoder effects on her voice. In fact, I think it has given her work with Mirwais a distinctive and revolutionary sound. The sonic clash of old/traditional instrumentation/genres being incorporated into newer sounds and technologies is pure lush and also very interesting (and bold!), in my opinion. More importantly, this contrast in sounds throughout MX makes me think that that's exactly the binarism and paradoxical world Madonna wanted to create and convey all along — a constant push and pull between extremes, sonically, philosophically and lyrically.

Madonna has been using autotune since at least Music and suddenly the world accuses her of not knowing how to sing (again!), or overusing it... It is clearly an aesthetic choice, and many of her fans cannot see that, still (even when a lot of them actually saw her live on the MX Tour, when her voice was in superb shape).

Also, SO many artists nowadays use autotune (particularly in rap, hip-hop and R&B), yet M gets criticised for it? Drake and Kanye have made a career out of excessive use of autotune. I have wondered if maybe pop fans actually have sexist expectations on how a woman's vocal delivery should be? Madonna has dealt with very harsh criticism in regards to her vocal talent throughout her career, but maybe now critics feel that, with autotune, they finally have the perfect "excuse" to bash her? Honestly, I don't know... I just think the answer is far more complex than we think. 

And of course, you're entitled to not liking autotune. That's okay too.

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4 hours ago, ShantiAshtangi said:

She barely promoted it, though. We had one performance of Medellin and one of Future. That was it. 
And while many artists played little gigs at home during the pandemic, she couldn’t be bothered to have David and Mercy accompany her on guitar and piano for a performance of Killers or Extreme Occident or any other of the more mellow songs from Madame X. 

I mean she did end her tour right when all the lockdowns started so I'm pretty sure performing was the last thing she wanted to do, especially considering she spent that time in lockdown doing cryptic milk baths and healing from her knee injuries. Plus, Madame X had been out for nine months by the time COVID was declared a pandemic and was already out of the charts for a few months by lockdown so doing anymore promotion for it would've been redundant by that point.

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19 minutes ago, madfan13_86 said:

Madonna has been using autotune since at least Music and suddenly the world accuses her of not knowing how to sing (again!), or overusing it... It is clearly an aesthetic choice, and many of her fans cannot see that, still (even when a lot of them actually saw her live on the MX Tour, when her voice was in superb shape).

Also, SO many artists nowadays use autotune (particularly in rap, hip-hop and R&B), yet M gets criticised for it? Drake and Kanye have made a career out of excessive use of autotune. I have wondered if maybe pop fans actually have sexist expectations on how a woman's vocal delivery should be? Madonna has dealt with very harsh criticism in regards to her vocal talent throughout her career, but maybe now critics feel that, with autotune, they finally have the perfect "excuse" to bash her? Honestly, I don't know... I just think the answer is far more complex than we think. 

You mentioned how Drake and Kanye made careers based on autotune. I think people give them passes because of the fact that they've been using it on pretty much all of their songs so people don't have a good idea what their voices sound like unedited whereas Madonna has only used it on her 21st century albums so I think people have given Madonna crap because they know what her voice sounds like without heavy editing and autotune. Also, I think it's more ageism than sexism since Madonna started using autotune in her 40s so people are probably thinking that she's using it to mask the fact that her voice has allegedly started to falter (oh, Madonna's getting older, she can't sing anymore that's why she needs to use autotune).  

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2 hours ago, Levon said:

Don't get me wrong: MX is a great album - and maybe her best since Ray of Light.

But it's not the album you recommend to friends who want to get to know Madonna.

Oh I absolutely agree with you here. I would never recommend MX if you want to get into her. Its super experimental and obscure. I’d recommend ROL, COADF or LAP

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3 hours ago, RebelMe said:

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that this is not the case. I bet she doesn't even know which rappers or singers are on those songs that has being played. Most of the time, I think, her kids (including her bf) bring that style to her attention and she let them play it as much as they want. Let's not forget that rap/hiphop is something that is only a big thing in the USA, so most of her fans do not care or don't identify with the genre. I know it has a background, where and why it's important for the community that it represent, but there's more ways to help and raise awareness to racism than playing songs that, most of the time, do not good for her. If she wants to fight against haters, racists, it's not by posting more hiphop songs, but doing it the right way, like putting music out there that are explicit about it. Doing a great song with African singers that are screaming to spread awareness. Giving voice to them, who on their own, would have never reached the level of audience that Madonna have. The only thing that we have from her, venturing into that style, is Champagne Rose, that is something atrocious. 

her fans can say a lot of bizarre and racist comments on her Instagram, and they may not even be aware of it. But it’s disgusting. Yes, I think she likes to annoy the nay sayers by doing what they don’t want her to do, by posting the music they don’t like and wearing the grillz that she doesn’t like. And Madonna is no stranger to rap and hip hop music. Let’s not forget she was a big advocate of Eminem back in the day and a fan as well.

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51 minutes ago, deathproof said:

her fans can say a lot of bizarre and racist comments on her Instagram, and they may not even be aware of it. But it’s disgusting. Yes, I think she likes to annoy the nay sayers by doing what they don’t want her to do, by posting the music they don’t like and wearing the grillz that she doesn’t like. And Madonna is no stranger to rap and hip hop music. Let’s not forget she was a big advocate of Eminem back in the day and a fan as well.

I mean, maybe she was always this way but we never had the opportunity to be aware of if because back in the day there was no social media and she was a distant figure, even for her fans. Did we make assumptions about what she was and is, and constructed a character that never existed? :thinker:


I find myself really thoughtful sometimes, because the Madonna that I started enjoying, following and appreciating was really different from the Madonna that we have today, and it bugs me a lot.  I like her since 2005, and she's totally different, the persona, from then to now, it's really intriguing. When I compare her to other singers that I follow, I notice It even more. I cannot point another singer that had the same shift that she had, and I like Britney Spears since 2006, when the was going to a tough period, and Kylie Minogue, that had really difficult periods as well. And I'm not saying this because she listens to music that I'm not particularly into, but the persistent stubbornness, lack of notion, the spread of fake news and lack of focus since MDNA. 

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6 hours ago, RebelMe said:

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that this is not the case. I bet she doesn't even know which rappers or singers are on those songs that has being played. Most of the time, I think, her kids (including her bf) bring that style to her attention and she let them play it as much as they want. Let's not forget that rap/hiphop is something that is only a big thing in the USA, so most of her fans do not care or don't identify with the genre. I know it has a background, where and why it's important for the community that it represent, but there's more ways to help and raise awareness to racism than playing songs that, most of the time, do not good for her. If she wants to fight against haters, racists, it's not by posting more hiphop songs, but doing it the right way, like putting music out there that are explicit about it. Doing a great song with African singers that are screaming to spread awareness. Giving voice to them, who on their own, would have never reached the level of audience that Madonna have. The only thing that we have from her, venturing into that style, is Champagne Rose, that is something atrocious. 

Madonna was pretty immersed in late 70s-early 80s New York culture where hip hop originated. Her albums including her first few are heavily influenced by black culture. The first album and Like A Virgin especially were very rnb influenced. The record company even toyed with the misconception she was a black artist before people ever saw her face, remember the single cover for Everybody? she continued to have latin and african american influences throughout the 80s and then obviously Erotica and Bedtime Stories which are two of the heaviest on the rnb / hip hop influence in her discography. And so on. She has featured a lot of black influence throughout her career. It's obvious that like many artists, she has a wide range of musical interests, why would she stop at rap and hip hop? why would she say "not this"? That would be a bit strange for someone like her who likes so many different things and has had so many black influences. One thing I would say that maybe she doesn't like is the strong misogyny that was present in the past in some of the rap culture, but aside from that I don't see any reason why she would dislike the artform. Also rap and hip hop is not only big in the US in 2020...  maybe if we were talking in the 2000s, then ok... but for years now they've been among the most succesful and influential genres in music. 

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12 minutes ago, Craigypants said:

True. Even worse, I saw Cher in 1990 [Jesus Christ 1990!?], She was onstage for 40 minutes. Most people booed her off. I'm not kidding either. Not happy?She lipped all 10 songs.

Didn't know she was doing it back then too! Saw Cher recently, it was a great show - super camp fun, but she must've been on stage for all of 40ish minutes, the songs were cut to around 2 minutes, then the rest of the show was interludes and extended intros with no Cher in sight. 

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