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Bedtime Story video available in HD!


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Well, the previous upload of 'Bedtime Story" was so pixelated than even a bad upscale will be better. The result is better than 'Material Girl' though.

Are we even sure a professional team is behind this? Or is it still the same guy playing around... It's no secret that the source material for her Youtube channel is taken from the Internet.

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It was said that Rhino was handling this but given the results so far, going from horrible ("Secret") to passable ("Bedtime Story"), I'm inclined to think that the always incapable Johan is behind this. Still, it's a step-up from his usual "grab a 480p video off the internet, crop it to 16:9 and upload it to M's YT account" ways.

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2 hours ago, DanK said:

It was said that Rhino was handling this but given the results so far, going from horrible ("Secret") to passable ("Bedtime Story"), I'm inclined to think that the always incapable Johan is behind this. Still, it's a step-up from his usual "grab a 480p video off the internet, crop it to 16:9 and upload it to M's YT account" ways.

Its Rhino, there's a Rhino playlist popping up when the video ends.

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3 hours ago, DanK said:

It was said that Rhino was handling this but given the results so far, going from horrible ("Secret") to passable ("Bedtime Story"), I'm inclined to think that the always incapable Johan is behind this. Still, it's a step-up from his usual "grab a 480p video off the internet, crop it to 16:9 and upload it to M's YT account" ways.

Is Johan still employed???

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12 hours ago, DanK said:

It's a half-assed upscale of the Celebration DVD version, actually. An automated upscale, at that, plus a two-clicks worth color correction. Madonna fans are easy to please. I wonder how much Rhino (?) charges Madonna and her label for delivering such crap.

I don't mean to be rude cause I love your YouTube and I'm a subscriber but if it's sourced from the "Celebration" DVD that means you can do it better, then? :)

Would you like to try? 



I appreciate the efforts of some of you who use the AI technology to "educate" us but at the end of the day the only thing that matters is how good or bad it looks, right? I'm no expert but "Bedtime Story" looks quite good to me?

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1 hour ago, Prayer said:

I don't mean to be rude cause I love your YouTube and I'm a subscriber but if it's sourced from the "Celebration" DVD that means you can do it better, then? :)

Would you like to try? 


Yes, I believe I can do a bit better, using the same source, indeed. I'll have a go at it once I'm done with what's currently cooking and you'll be the judges.

Still, when something is heavily publicized as "HD exclusive" from its very official source, I expect more than a cheap DVD upscale that any fan can achieve himself by clicking "automated upscale" on mainstream softwares, especially coming 1/ from the biggest star in the world, arguably,   2/ from the most reputed company of its kind.

And you need to understand that Rhino (or whatever company's been contracted by Madonna or her label to revamp these videos) is charging the big bucks for such tasks. And advertising such releases for YT and the subsequent clicks create revenues for the artist. All this considered, I find it disdainful and disrespectful towards fans to be fed such lame upscales, which range from shameful to OK, especially when fans do a better job at preserving Madonna's legacy than she or the people she hires do. The same way that, when I buy a BluRay, I expect more than VHS quality for its content.


1 hour ago, Prayer said:

I appreciate the efforts of some of you who use the AI technology to "educate" us but at the end of the day the only thing that matters is how good or bad it looks, right? I'm no expert but "Bedtime Story" looks quite good to me?

It looks OK for what it is, but it's not what's advertised, and it's not what I would consider a decent release.  "Hung Up" was, so far, the best "HD remaster" of the bunch (which wasn't hard to achieve, given the high quality HD source), and this one is OK. Still, it's not proper HD, it's not a proper transfer, as should be expected from such a big artist and for such a spectacular and innovative video.

Even Debbie Gibson's videos get a better HD treatment than this.


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15 hours ago, DanK said:

It's a half-assed upscale of the Celebration DVD version, actually. An automated upscale, at that, plus a two-clicks worth color correction. Madonna fans are easy to please. I wonder how much Rhino (?) charges Madonna and her label for delivering such crap.

can you post a screenshot comparison with the Celebration version? I only watched that DVD once and I don't have it... with the comparison I did with the Mark Romanek collection dvd which was the best I could find back in the day at least when it came to compression, this upscale looks much better. Screenshots below

I also think as far as upscales go, Madonna's are not bad at all. Even the Björk ones are surprisingly bad. It's obviously not what I want, I want proper remasters but I'm not about to expect miracles from her team at this stage. :seeno:




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1 hour ago, Madame Madonna said:

We need Express yourself in HD right now!


That could be a problem. This and Human Nature are the videos I am afraid of being butchered by the HD upscaling. If they don't do it right, then this would be a riot waiting to happen.

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5 hours ago, Angelman60 said:

Are you guys sure they used the celebration dvd as a source? To me it seems impossible to improve such a level of details even with AI. 

They must have maybe the same master but I'm pretty sure they didn't use the DVD rip as main source 

Celebration DVD has SO MUCH compression. I bet M's team used the master tapes they have, which are in better quality.

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16 hours ago, Roy said:

That could be a problem. This and Human Nature are the videos I am afraid of being butchered by the HD upscaling. If they don't do it right, then this would be a riot waiting to happen.

Download my version in the video forum I think it looks fantastic in 720p and I‘m sure they are going to ruin it

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32 minutes ago, Roy said:

Nice! However, I don't like how they compressed the audio for the music videos in the Celebration DVD.

Well, since Ray of Light, all Madonna's music is compressed on CD (you know, loudness war). Fortunately, the music on Celebration DVD is remastered and the 5.1 track is not compressed (only the stereo track is compressed). Check the 5.1 track for "Bedtime Story".


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Being one of the few disappointed with the official HD remaster, I'm having a go at it.  A few screengrabs comparison (mouseover) here between the YT video posted on Madonna's account and my attempt (this is not the finished version, only still a work in progress) (note - I'm using the version from the CELEBRATION dvd, much like t.p.t.b did themselves for the official "HD" version)




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