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1 hour ago, steady75 said:

The only reason there’s discourse is because of her seeming lack of confidence. Authentic confidence. That’s essentially what Madonna stood for her entire career. She’s done loads of things and had loads of what could be considered iffy or ugly looks in her career that would have fallen flat had they not been delivered with utter confidence and verve.
if she looked like a blow up doll and still had that spunk and grit and confidence everyone would be here for it. 
Madonna always made the ridiculous sublime through her confidence. 
That’s all that’s missing, and in its place is this shell of paper thin “bitch queen artist trailblazer werq” facade. 
Something is 100 off behind the curated image we see. When someone is hiring some one specifically to curate even the “real” portions of her life that we see on insta that’s a little questionable. 

I mean some of the looks are fierce and I enjoy the playful aspect but…. She’s gone…. And I suppose that’s fine. What I do hope is that the biopic and rerelease schedules will finally canonise her and give her a sense of peace and celebration. Maybe that’s what she needs. Sadly I don’t think it’s in her nature to find total peace… which is the ending I wanted and dreamed of for her. 

it’s not over yet and another part of me thinks she really is leaning into those fascinating post Hollywood silver screen years. Like those ageing female titans of the Hollywood golden years. I just wish M has the bite, wit and confidence some of those ladies still seemed to have in the golden years interviews. 

I actually kind of want her to just go and leave peacefully and not worry about pleasing or shocking us… because it does feel like it’s for us now. And I used to like it when I felt she was on her own journey doing it for herself and we were just irrelevant spectators that she loathed. 
I just want her to be happy and I see it in moments with her kids but there seems like something else is missing.
she’s given me so much.. too much, I want her to save some for herself. 

I don’t see anything wrong with her hiring Ricardo to photograph or film her for her Instagram. It’s hard to take selfies and make them look good.  Everyone complained about the unflattering selfies she used to do on Instagram. It is 100% better and more professional now. Thank  God for Ricardo. 
You are reading a lot into one appearance where she stumbled over a few words on a Teleprompter. I don’t get the idea she is not happy and not at peace. 
I also find it ironic that the people who constantly complain about her lacking confidence are the same people who are criticizing her 24/7.  Who doesn’t lose confidence if you are always being judged and criticized? 
Some people are reading way too much into  it.  It’s a fun outrageous appearance at a show like the MTV Video Awards. It’s not a serious event. 
I saw an article about it in the NY Post and they were fairly positive.  Sad state of affairs that fans are harsher than tabloids. 
Madonna has always been a mixture of confidence and awkwardness which is one of the things that makes her fascinating 

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1 hour ago, steady75 said:

The only reason there’s discourse is because of her seeming lack of confidence. Authentic confidence. That’s essentially what Madonna stood for her entire career. She’s done loads of things and had loads of what could be considered iffy or ugly looks in her career that would have fallen flat had they not been delivered with utter confidence and verve.
if she looked like a blow up doll and still had that spunk and grit and confidence everyone would be here for it. 
Madonna always made the ridiculous sublime through her confidence. 
That’s all that’s missing, and in its place is this shell of paper thin “bitch queen artist trailblazer werq” facade. 
Something is 100 off behind the curated image we see. When someone is hiring some one specifically to curate even the “real” portions of her life that we see on insta that’s a little questionable. 

I mean some of the looks are fierce and I enjoy the playful aspect but…. She’s gone…. And I suppose that’s fine. What I do hope is that the biopic and rerelease schedules will finally canonise her and give her a sense of peace and celebration. Maybe that’s what she needs. Sadly I don’t think it’s in her nature to find total peace… which is the ending I wanted and dreamed of for her. 

it’s not over yet and another part of me thinks she really is leaning into those fascinating post Hollywood silver screen years. Like those ageing female titans of the Hollywood golden years. I just wish M has the bite, wit and confidence some of those ladies still seemed to have in the golden years interviews. 

I actually kind of want her to just go and leave peacefully and not worry about pleasing or shocking us… because it does feel like it’s for us now. And I used to like it when I felt she was on her own journey doing it for herself and we were just irrelevant spectators that she loathed. 
I just want her to be happy and I see it in moments with her kids but there seems like something else is missing.
she’s given me so much.. too much, I want her to save some for herself. 

This is so true thinking about it the next day. If she’d have completely owned those lines and had the classic Madonna attitude and bravado I don’t think there’d be nearly as much discussion. But because she seems insecure and nervous (for whatever reasons) it makes you feel like the image is all an act and not authentic to how she’s feeling, which in turn makes you feel uncomfortable.

But I do really love the opening VT (bar the over filtered close up…) it’s shot really well and that scene with all her iconic imagery covering Times Square. So brilliant, I hope we get a HQ version without the tv network tags.

Ultimately I think we’re always going to analyse her appearances way more than anyone else (they’ll just thing, whoa extreme outfit, when did she get a huge ass). I think it was really fitting and a nice tribute from MTV to have her be the opener. 

My only remaining criticisms are nothing to do with the outfit, or how she should look or dress for her age etc. All I really care about is her health, and there is just no way the butt/boobs can be good for her spine or posture. I just fear it’s gonna cause her performing career/public appearances to come to an end much earlier than they should, which would just be such a huge shame. I can only hope she has someone saying this to her, but I fear she doesn’t. 

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I don’t think her boobs or butt are that big that they will affect her health. People worry too much. 
The thing that affected her health on the last tour was the eye patch. I think she probably slipped when she was dancing because she couldn’t see properly. The eye patch was a cool idea in theory but not very practical for dancing on stage. 

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I have some points to make.

1. the fact y o u want madonna a certain way is a delusion as she will always be her own way (which is one of her charms actually).

2. She was always anxious and nervous about her stage appearances because she wants to be perfect. I specifically remember her saying cant stop $hitting and having a nervous stomach.

3. sorry to say this but whatever your propositions about her will never be of value or iconic unless madonna wants them.


my point is : she still has a lot of energy, happy place in her artistic and personal life. enjoy it and go with the flow of it as time does not go by so slowly after all. much love.

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Just now, Glindathegood said:

I find odd how critical fans are. I have been to forums of other artists and they don’t do the over analysis and harsh criticisms. 

Same thoughts, and I say this always more sure because sometimes it happened to me too (yesterday after I saw her for example, and today I woke up, saw her pics and just thought how badass and hot she looked) 

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1 hour ago, Glindathegood said:

I don’t see anything wrong with her hiring Ricardo to photograph or film her for her Instagram. It’s hard to take selfies and make them look good.  Everyone complained about the unflattering selfies she used to do on Instagram. It is 100% better and more professional now. Thank  God for Ricardo. 
You are reading a lot into one appearance where she stumbled over a few words on a Teleprompter. I don’t get the idea she is not happy and not at peace. 
I also find it ironic that the people who constantly complain about her lacking confidence are the same people who are criticizing her 24/7.  Who doesn’t lose confidence if you are always being judged and criticized? 
Some people are reading way too much into  it.  It’s a fun outrageous appearance at a show like the MTV Video Awards. It’s not a serious event. 
I saw an article about it in the NY Post and they were fairly positive.  Sad state of affairs that fans are harsher than tabloids. 
Madonna has always been a mixture of confidence and awkwardness which is one of the things that makes her fascinating 

It’s not just one event. She’s  been lacking in confidence at a number of public appearances for a while. If she wasn’t dressed up like a turkey or had one eye covered or couldn’t breathe, the outfit is so tight or shoes weren’t so high maybe she’d feel more comfortable and herself. She’s always had critics that never bothered her confidence before 

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6 minutes ago, steady75 said:

It’s not just one event. She’s  been lacking in confidence at a number of public appearances for a while. I’d she wasn’t dressed up like a turkey or had one eye covered or couldn’t breath the outfit is so right or shoes weren’t so high maybe she’d feel more comfortable and herself. She’s always had critics that never bothered her confidence before 

This. I don't get the critics defense....she was at an all time career low around the Grammys 2004 due to American Life and yet came out and stunned at that event oozing with the Madonna confidence we all know and love. She was getting called old and irrelevant back then too. She just didn't care.

Your analysis on the last page was spot on. It's not the way she dresses or the looks or her being sexy and needing to act her age or any of it at all...it's that she herself doesn't even seem to fully buy this "reinvention". Like she's playing a character that isn't really true to how she feels or where she is in life right now. 

And for everyone going after the fans of the Ritchie years suggesting she was "aging gracefully" and in an acceptable way, you seem to forget her boobs on full display during the Britney Kiss or the Hung Up leotard practically showing her cooch. Or the fact that the "mature" Madonna phase started WAY before Guy Ritchie with I'll Remember and Bedtime Stories and Something to Remember and Ray of Light. She still was Madonna back then....and whether or not you agree with me, she felt way more authentic to herself in my opinion than anything that's happened after 2008 and leading up to where we are now. 

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It makes me wonder if Guy was just super nasty and verbally abusive to her. Belittled her or tried to minimise her power. Pure wild speculation on my part. But she just seems so damaged by it all which is so odd because I just feel like she could have eaten anyone for breakfast. It’s like he stole her confidence in herself. If that is what happened. Again… wild speculation but the timing seems on. 

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5 minutes ago, eXtremeOccident said:

This. I don't get the critics defense....she was at an all time career low around the Grammys 2004 due to American Life and yet came out and stunned at that event oozing with the Madonna confidence we all know and love. She was getting called old and irrelevant back then too. She just didn't care.

Social media didn't exist, I'm sure the negative stuff was easier to ignore

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