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Her face...what a shock

Thiago Ciola

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revolting.  She looks amazing and apart from from filter slimming on the face.  not much different.  Do they really think the young stars dont alter anything in their pics.  The hands thing is just pathetic. I have never seen them zoom in on Cher, Dolly, Janet, mariahs etc hands.  Please

Actually, some people on Twitter criticized Janet’s mature hands as seen in a very recent interview.
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Hypocritical people enjoy attacking their opponents, saying they are misogynistic if they are likely to lose logically.

Yes, it is Madonna's body. Whatever she does with her body, it's Madonna's choice. Why did Madonna inject fat into her hips to form a huge hip? Why does she try to tighten the corset so hard to make her waist thin that it's hard to breathe? Why does she keep wearing sexy clothes? That's because she wants to look like a hot woman even after she's over 60 year old.
We don't say anything about her desire. We respect her desire to appear as a hot woman even after the age of 60.
The problem is that if you want to look like such a hot woman, at least make a practical effort. No one forces her to be as skinny as anorexia. people's advice is to exercise healthy and control your diet to lose some fat. However, there are a few hypocrites who distort and judge it as misogyny because even such healthy advice is not to their liking.
If Madonna liked the fat in her body, she would have accepted it. However, she photoshopped all her Instagram photos and puts tremendous effort into the photos with a slim figure without any fat unlike her real life. Why? Because that's what she wants people to see. We don't say bad with her desire like this. We just give Madonna healthy advice to lose a little weight through a healthy diet if she wants to look like that photoshopped picture. However, hypocrites distort even this healthy advice to be misogynistic.
If you want to get a scholarship, sleep a little less than other students and spend more time studying than others. It's a very simple truth and healthy advice. However, hypocrites would say that even such advice is misogynistic if we gave this advice to a female student.

Decent point there… It’s a matter of taste too, I guess.
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8 hours ago, Andreo said:

Starting from the fact your point is literally nonexistent, as M herself said she was in love with an overweight man so it's no way a mock down to overweight people nor him, but even if it was, are you guys for real using something mainly ironic/satiric from 30 years ago as a karma card against her so you all can say the same to her now??? How do you even come up with this stuff? 

Well, in 2009, when she was dating Jesus Luz, she said this quote:

"I don't like guys my age because they are normally either married or divorced and grumpy, fat and balding".

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And again, she could call the whole world population fat and ugly today and that still wouldn't give you the right to call her fat and ugly. Of course you can ultimately do it, but it's your choice. The fact that she can act like a b***h doesn't justify that you act like one, too.

If you've been a Madonna fan and bought all the spiritual years preachings, you should know better.

I feel some of you just use every little angle you can have (cause of course you're gonna find an angle, she's a complex human being with lots of contradictions - as many other people) to justify throwing her s**t. Keep doing it, but don't be surprised there are people telling you that's not OK.

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7 hours ago, MadameX said:

Hypocritical people enjoy attacking their opponents, saying they are misogynistic if they are likely to lose logically.

Yes, it is Madonna's body. Whatever she does with her body, it's Madonna's choice. Why did Madonna inject fat into her hips to form a huge hip? Why does she try to tighten the corset so hard to make her waist thin that it's hard to breathe? Why does she keep wearing sexy clothes? That's because she wants to look like a hot woman even after she's over 60 year old.

We don't say anything about her desire. We respect her desire to appear as a hot woman even after the age of 60.
The problem is that if you want to look like such a hot woman, at least make a practical effort. No one forces her to be as skinny as anorexia. people's advice is to exercise healthy and control your diet to lose some fat. However, there are a few hypocrites who distort and judge it as misogyny because even such healthy advice is not to their liking.

If Madonna liked the fat in her body, she would have accepted it. However, she photoshopped all her Instagram photos and puts tremendous effort into the photos with a slim figure without any fat unlike her real life. Why? Because that's what she wants people to see. We don't say bad with her desire like this. We just give Madonna healthy advice to lose a little weight through a healthy diet if she wants to look like that photoshopped picture. However, hypocrites distort even this healthy advice to be misogynistic.

If you want to get a scholarship, sleep a little less than other students and spend more time studying than others. It's a very simple truth and healthy advice. However, hypocrites would say that even such advice is misogynistic if we gave this advice to a female student.


When Madonna wants your health advice, I'm sure she'll ask you for it. Until then it's

None. Of. Your. Business.

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Well, this is a complex issue. But I think we shouldn't directly critize her for doing surgeries. Her body, her choice - it's that simple. We know she is - sorry - obsessed with looking young, so it's not really surprising that she's doing that. That's also our hypocrisy - as a fan base - because when she was doing that things and looked how we wanted her to look we were like "yikes!" and now we oppose cos we don't like the final effect... But surgeries are (almost) always like that - if you pursue, sooner or later it has some side effects. We saw it coming. And now what? Is she supposed to suddenly stop it altogether if she's been doing it for +20 years? Bullshit.

But I also don't agree with the statements that "if she was a young artist you wouldn't critize her for using filters on Insta!!!!!11111". Bullshit 2.0. In my opinion alternating yourself altogether on Instagram is just bad - no matter age, sex, etc. I just honestly hate it, even if a 20-year-old artist use heavy filters. And also I think that's why Madonna is experiencing what she's experiencing right now. I mean what's the point of alternating the photos so much if you already doing some procedures in real life - I just don't get it and for me it's too much. It's just my opinion but it only shows how insecure she is about her appearance. And that's a vicious cycle because the more she tries to hide her true self on the Instagram, the more people will search for the evidence that she looks different in reality... And sorry, but she looks different. Not judging if better, worse - just different. What we see on her Instagram is not Madonna sadly.

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Endless discussions about the look of a 63 year old woman... I do not get the need... anyone think that their opinions about the matter will rub of on Madonna? or why get so heated about the matter? Live and let live... the world needs a little positivity... not endless discussions about something non of us have any influence on :eyes::lol:

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5 hours ago, lap said:

Well, in 2009, when she was dating Jesus Luz, she said this quote:

"I don't like guys my age because they are normally either married or divorced and grumpy, fat and balding".

How is that offensive??? She's expressed her taste in men like anyone else does on earth but without mocking them down, wth??? And again, how is that a reason for people here to feel justified to be as critical to her physical appearance? That makes no sense to me, seems like these people just use this twisted mindset so they can say whatever they want, but whatever... 

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2 hours ago, Prayer said:

I feel some of you just use every little angle you can have (cause of course you're gonna find an angle, she's a complex human being with lots of contradictions - as many other people) to justify throwing her s**t.

My same thought exactly. The ones who always spread negativity here are the ones who actually use this "karma card", aka taking everything they can to say "well yeah, see? If she can, I can do that too, free to say that". And this overweight man thing seems to be taken out of context and just overdramatized a lot, things like this leave me genuinely speechless tho ngl :Madonna009:

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On 3/8/2022 at 2:24 PM, adirondak said:

People do all kinds of things to improve their appearance. Is wearing makeup a sign of insecurity? After all, it's covering your face up with colors to make it look a certain way. What about coloring hair? Or taking steroids? Or using night cream? Or doing a million other things men and women do to improve their appearance that isn't "naural."


Also, do you apply this logic to the countless women in their 20s who are using filters and photoshop?  Or is that only ok until you hit a certain age, at which point you're supposed to make a public display of your flaws lest people think you're not "aging gracefully?"

I mean people in general, men or women, young or old.

Makeup is something temporary and used to enhance beauty or appear as the case may be, but surgery is something permanent and cannot be seen as something positive when the objective of these people is to alter their body to transform it into a model accepted by society as they despise themselves and do not like what they see when they look in the mirror. The same goes for photos with filters. If you only publish retouched photos you are showing that you do not like your appearance and you have to resort to technology to appear something that you are not in reality and that you would like to be.

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11 minutes ago, chaosmen1984mk said:

I mean people in general, men or women, young or old.

Makeup is something temporary and used to enhance beauty or appear as the case may be, but surgery is something permanent and cannot be seen as something positive when the objective of these people is to alter their body to transform it into a model accepted by society as they despise themselves and do not like what they see when they look in the mirror. The same goes for photos with filters. If you only publish retouched photos you are showing that you do not like your appearance and you have to resort to technology to appear something that you are not in reality and that you would like to be.

But all of that, makeup, surgery and filters, are very subjective. I mean, you would never do surgery, maybe, but for other person can be completely normal and not a big deal. Or make up, some people like to do it big and others quite natural. It's completely up to the person.

That's why it can be tricky to judge other people's actions by our own standards, especially in something as subjective as image.


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24 minutes ago, Prayer said:

But all of that, makeup, surgery and filters, are very subjective. I mean, you would never do surgery, maybe, but for other person can be completely normal and not a big deal. Or make up, some people like to do it big and others quite natural. It's completely up to the person.

That's why it can be tricky to judge other people's actions by our own standards, especially in something as subjective as image.


It could be subjective as long as it does not go too far, then one can conclude that there is insecurity or self-rejection. For example, spending hours and hours putting on makeup or putting disproportionate implants in the body, etc.

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"I'm not looking for anyone's approval. It is my right to freely decide on my body like everyone else” It is the fashionable excuse among many people to justify certain alterations in their physique with the aim of fitting into the stereotype given by society. And it is reprehensible when they boast that they are against it in speeches or conferences, even worse when it comes to famous people who have the power to reach millions and could contribute to changing that ideology.

They say in public that they are not afraid of old age and do not let themselves be intimidated by the ridicule of society, but they are the first to resort to technology to achieve a false youth. Or the cases of those black people who fight against racism but then are whitening their skin with chemicals because they are ashamed of their skin color. Or those overweight people who condemn bullying and who say that there is no shame in being overweight but after a short time they look slender and thin on cameras. And if they are criticized or their double discourse is exposed, they will resort to labeling them as, depending on the case, misogynist, racist, homophobic, discriminatory, xenophobic, etc. with the aim of intimidating those who criticize them, but unfortunately for them, freedom of expression includes agreeing or not with something and saying it as long as they are not disrespectful with insults.

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11 minutes ago, chaosmen1984mk said:

"I'm not looking for anyone's approval. It is my right to freely decide on my body like everyone else” It is the fashionable excuse among many people to justify certain alterations in their physique with the aim of fitting into the stereotype given by society. And it is reprehensible when they boast that they are against it in speeches or conferences, even worse when it comes to famous people who have the power to reach millions and could contribute to changing that ideology.

They say in public that they are not afraid of old age and do not let themselves be intimidated by the ridicule of society, but they are the first to resort to technology to achieve a false youth. Or the cases of those black people who fight against racism but then are whitening their skin with chemicals because they are ashamed of their skin color. Or those overweight people who condemn bullying and who say that there is no shame in being overweight but after a short time they look slender and thin on cameras. And if they are criticized or their double discourse is exposed, they will resort to labeling them as, depending on the case, misogynist, racist, homophobic, discriminatory, xenophobic, etc. with the aim of intimidating those who criticize them, but unfortunately for them, freedom of expression includes agreeing or not with something and saying it as long as they are not disrespectful with insults.

Again, this is your point of view and, in my opinion, you're treating everyone and everything the same when it's a very complex, personal and subjective matter.

Not everything is 100% black or white in life. And this is one of those things.

Personally I don't think anyone should judge other people's decisions regarding their own image.

You can express whatever you want, of course, but if some people don't agree don't be surprised they express it too. Freedom of expression should work both ways, anyway.

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On 3/5/2022 at 6:21 PM, chaosmen1984mk said:

How difficult it is for many to avoid falling into insults when responding to a comment they don't like or disagree with.

If society criticizes old age in women implicitly demanding that they resort to plastic surgeries and implants in the body and filters in photos and thus hide their old age, then Madonna also ends up submitting to it by doing the same and contradicting herself according to her speech in the Billboard.

I am totally with you. :clapp:

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I notice that as the first person to call out the misogyny, it's been assumed that I'm unable to compete in the discourse and have resorted to insults.  I'm not personally insulting anyone here, I'm calling out pretty blatant sexism and misogyny.  Try asking a woman if telling her to lose weight is sexist.  I'll wait...

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I wish M would not 'alter' her appearance on social media to the extent that she does. It plays into the misogyny and wider stereotypical views of women and age. One significant consequence of this is the gaping discrepancy between this 'false' image and her 'real' appearance. This gives oxygen to articles such as the recent DM one (although they have never needed an excuse for this). The narrative will now constantly be about "this is her REAL face!". Yes, this is societies problem ("don't hang your shit on me...") and people should know better. But M should also know that this is what will happen - and by feeding into this culture she is also helping to perpetuate it, for ill or good.

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On 3/15/2022 at 2:33 PM, mysweetaudrina said:

The abuse people get for sharing their opinion is why forums are dying and I'm all here for it. 

Couple of things, Madonna thinks she is fooling everyone with her instagram photos, and two, her billboard speech was a disgrace.

How was her speech a disgrace,  exactly?

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