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Madonna going viral on TikTok , here's a kiss for y all :*


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People here will call you a hater for being concerned for her. I wonder if those people ever wander outside of this forum. The concerned fans here are very, very kind and coming from a place of love. Step outside this forum. Literally anywhere online or off. It's cruel. Like Sex Book era level scathing. I hope everyone is wrong and she is OK. 

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Pearl clutch warning - Plastic surgery talk below! Misogyny and ageism accusers be warned!


Honestly, while the angle is unflattering - as it would be for almost anyone over 30 - I think the initial shock is simply that she looks like a 63 year-old woman who has had a lot of plastic surgery and cosmetic enhancements without all the filtering, lighting and heavy makeup. It’s clear she has had more cosmetic “tuneups”, particularly a relatively recent upper blepharoplasty (as previously stated, there is slight yellow bruising visible around the fold) . It’s something I think she actually needed because the previous surgery had left her with no eyelids.  

That said, I’ll now state my own personal feelings having studied the screen caps for two days, as everyone else has. Her skin is incredible. The fact that she can show her skin in such detail with either minimal or no makeup at her age is where the healthy narrative would be right now in an ideal world. However, as Madonna is the ultimate troll, we had to see her tit with zero purpose or context, and so she took on her usual role of collective punching bag. That’s the most confusing part for me…Why expose yourself so much in such a way that you know will be unflattering and reacted to so violently by the viewer? It always feels antagonistic with her, and I think that is what much of the fanbase and the general public find so off-putting. It’s as if she really wants everyone to hate her! I don’t see the point of this, but it leads me to conclude that she has a lot of resentment towards the public, the industry and the notion of “legacy”. 


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3 hours ago, moloko said:

My sister also send me few tik toks with her asking wtf happend to her. Saying she looks really bad.:seeno: i said nothing :dead:


My friends and family will often send a message and ask what is she doing now, comments about her being a joke trying too hard etc,  I used to defend and get upset now I just choose to ignore. Don’t see the point of commenting as half the time I don’t know what to say ?

I love her for what she was but  not what she’s become, I don’t know maybe it’s just a point you reach in life where you look at things differently and grow. 

Growing up with Madonna when there was no social media was the best experience ever, maybe she has always been the same and a lot of us would have felt the same if instagram/TikTok was around in the 80s and 90s we will never know, but we were lucky to experience that mystery which was Madonna without social Media maybe that’s why we all fell in love ?‍♂️

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45 minutes ago, MattyMads said:

My friends and family will often send a message and ask what is she doing now, comments about her being a joke trying too hard etc,  I used to defend and get upset now I just choose to ignore. Don’t see the point of commenting as half the time I don’t know what to say ?

I love her for what she was but  not what she’s become, I don’t know maybe it’s just a point you reach in life where you look at things differently and grow. 

Growing up with Madonna when there was no social media was the best experience ever, maybe she has always been the same and a lot of us would have felt the same if instagram/TikTok was around in the 80s and 90s we will never know, but we were lucky to experience that mystery which was Madonna without social Media maybe that’s why we all fell in love ?‍♂️

Exactly my thoughts!!! To add I feel she's completely different person. Tbh when I watch her concerts / videos / old interviews I always say to myself DAMN I miss her like if she's gone... ?

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4 minutes ago, Ayham said:

Why she's barely opening her eyes??? Like this since 2020??? I need an answer! I'm so serious! She always look sleepy & like this -_-

because of the angle. she never looks into the front camera but at herself—the screen. she has been doing this since forever.

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People are so dramatic with this stuff, “Not my Madonna”. A disclaimer, you are indeed entitled to your opinion on the matter. But, take a breather. Fans have had this issue with at different stages of career. I can’t imagine she kept all fans when SEX dropped. I can’t imagine she kept all her fans when she became a house wife. I’m sure she considers herself a masochist and draws some enjoyment out of it. This is not to say this is a good or healthy mindset. But this definitely would not be the time to abandon her or slander her further. Yes, I’m always a bit concerned, but ultimately I’m always praying for positive influences in her circle and peace of mind for her. Love her since I was a kid in 2000 and definitely here until the ride comes to an end. Long live the Queen.

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Posting some thoughts that I put in the Instagram thread here as well...


Do some of you not see her glazed over eyes? Like, it's right there. That's not what a sober person looks like. You can disagree that she's using substances too much, but she does not look sober in that video. The eyes are the giveaway. If you can't see that, then you haven't been around intoxicated people. Maybe it's not alcohol. Maybe it's opioids. She seemed to be half joking on Jimmy Fallon. Whatever it is, there's something in her system in that clip.

That said, the video is...odd. And she's been posting lots of odd videos and pictures for a while now. So she's having "fun"....alright, well, if my friends and family were regularly posting like she is "for fun", then I'd also be concerned about them. It doesn't come across as "fun"...it comes across as....erratic. 

Let's give her the benefit of the doubt. All of this is just her ~quirky~ sense of humor and she's completely lucid. Well, no one else really seems to be in on the joke, apart from a few vocal fans on various message boards, so why is she doing this? There's Madonna the person and then there's Madonna the business brand, and bad PR is destroying the latter whether you want to admit it or not. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the Warner's rereleases are taking longer than expected due to the current reputation she has and the risk of investing in releases that won't generate the originally expected buzz.

The fans who get so defensive about her antics act like she's some "evil PR genius" who's ahead of the curve and that the payoff is imminent...how exactly does this sort of public persona generate positive interest in her work? Do you really think the general public base is sitting around looking at her beyond obviously photoshopped Insta pics thinking she "slays", that the young generation thinks she's suddenly a cool chick for the Frozen remixes, that viral clips like this one are going to bring in audiences for the Biopic and Greatest Hits Tour? Because there isn't a single person on this planet that I bring Madonna up to anymore that has a positive reaction outside of die hard fans anymore. It's so depressing. Instagram is absolutely ruining any remaining goodwill she has.

Sure, some of us are critical nowadays, for reasons that I'd personally argue are valid. But we're the die hards. We've been there all along the way, anticipated every single album, collected every bit of memorabilia possible, been in the Golden Triangle, gone to multiple Madame X shows, made our friends watch every live release....because we do care and love her and the artist she is, no matter what. And a *lot* of fans have left along the way, but we're still here. Tough love is still love.

When you examine each post of her's in a silo, then sure, some of us may be overreacting. But when you piece together a pattern of posting and behaviors that have been questionable for a while now...it paints a bit of a different picture. And some of us are genuinely concerned for her well being. Out of love for her, not out of ganging up and hatred. Please understand that.

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5 hours ago, Alibaba said:

However, as Madonna is the ultimate troll, we had to see her tit with zero purpose or context, and so she took on her usual role of collective punching bag. That’s the most confusing part for me…Why expose yourself so much in such a way that you know will be unflattering and reacted to so violently by the viewer? It always feels antagonistic with her, and I think that is what much of the fanbase and the general public find so off-putting.

Isn't that Madonna in a nut shell? 

I remember going through Erotica/SEX and experiencing (as a fan) the backlash of Madonna going from the height of her fame and falling so hard and being kicked and trashed and called McDonna on the daily. 

Then she did The Girlie Show to remind the world that she wasn't done. 

And then there was a break and we know that next she put out the beautiful "I"ll Remember". 

Things seemed calm and back to "normal" for a second and as that single was having enormous success, she did Letterman and said "FUCK" a zillion times and then it was back to the media craze for all the wrong reasons. The attention was in the wrong place again and it was her doing. 

That's her thing -- sometimes. 

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3 hours ago, captainjay said:

Isn't that Madonna in a nut shell? 

I remember going through Erotica/SEX and experiencing (as a fan) the backlash of Madonna going from the height of her fame and falling so hard and being kicked and trashed and called McDonna on the daily. 

Then she did The Girlie Show to remind the world that she wasn't done. 

And then there was a break and we know that next she put out the beautiful "I"ll Remember". 

Things seemed calm and back to "normal" for a second and as that single was having enormous success, she did Letterman and said "FUCK" a zillion times and then it was back to the media craze for all the wrong reasons. The attention was in the wrong place again and it was her doing. 

That's her thing -- sometimes. 

Yes, but you answered your own question. It used to be her way sometimes. And she had This Used To Be My Playground, The Girlie Show and I’ll Remember to temper the trolling. Now it’s pretty much permanent trolling. There sure hasn’t been a saccharine sweet mainstream-grabbing white flag in a long time. 

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