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Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30


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26 minutes ago, mikenmark said:

Your words don't come across as very caring. 

Because I'm annoyed 


22 minutes ago, Enrico said:

True, but if the choice she makes is not successful she will also pay the consequences.

She can decide to perform Music but if it's not working she needs to take another direction. Not for us, for her. This doesn't mean she has to sit and sing You'll see.

For instance, I think that a duet of Soltera would have worked better, because Maluma did nothing during Music and she was left alone in a song that needs something else (more dancing or more dancers).

Yes, would be better Music was not the right song at all.

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7 minutes ago, Prayer said:

Did you see the show live? I buy the "cancelled dozens of shows" part but not "there was nothing live about it", and at least in the Lisbon show I attended, she was vocally in good form. She uses backing tracks and autotuned vocals in parts, yes, but others were quite stripped down and she still did a great job.

Don't rewrite history.

I have attended hundreds of concerts in my life and I can assure you there was nothing live about Madonna's performance during Madame X Tour. It was visually stunning and thats it, everything was prerecorded and autotuned to hell and back. She was not even actually playing a piano during Future and every night of the tour sounded exactly the same. I actually enjoyed going to Madame X show but I did not for one minute think I was witnessing live vocals or instrumentation from her.

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22 hours ago, Enrico said:

She doesn't value any of them, I believe. It would be interesting to see what happens in her staff. What did they say about the pink dress, for instance? I think we all can agree it was not a good choice. The result is that recent performances are not going well and it's not us who can change this. On a personal level, I learnt from her to be opinionated and not a yes man.

I'm surprised how she greenlit that dress!??!? 😁💀😁💀 Where's her sense of style? Fashion???

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1 minute ago, Aladdin Sane said:

I have attended literally thousands of concerts in my life and I can assure you there was nothing live about Madonna's performance during Madame X Tour. It was visually stunning and thats it, everything was prerecorded and autotuned to hell and back. She was not even actually playing a piano during Future and every night of the tour sounded exactly the same. I actually enjoyed going to Madame X show but I did not for one minute think I was witnessing live vocals or instrumentation from her.

Well we saw a different show, then. My Lisbon night was definitely live - with help? no doubt about it, but live.

How do you know every night of the tour sounded the same when there are not even fan recordings from the show except for a handful recorded from the bathroom? I mean...

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5 minutes ago, Prayer said:

Well we saw a different show, then. My Lisbon night was definitely live - with help? no doubt about it, but live.

How do you know every night of the tour sounded the same when there are not even fan recordings from the show except for a handful recorded from the bathroom? I mean...

Well I did see her towards the end of the tour so that might have something to do with it. As for how I know every night of the tour sounded exactly the same, my show was literally a carven copy of what I saw in the concert film and everyone else I know who attended a show said exactly the same. Keep in mind that I dont actually think this is a big issue because nobody goes to a Madonna show to hear great musicianship anyways, I just dont like the attempt to try and brainwash me into believing the tour was live.

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4 hours ago, realityisalways said:

The one that ruined her face has already passed away and is probably paying for his sins


How could she trust her face to this? 

Dr. Fredric Brandt died in 2015, so he's not responsible for whatever Madonna has done to her visage since then.

Also, he had personal issues and went over-the-top with his own appearance yet still did great work on his clients.


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15 minutes ago, Prayer said:

I do, actually. I don't know if you speak/understand Spanish but most of the Latin media about last night are positive:




Latin Twitter too.

I get some of you don't like the performance but don't assume that only because you hated it the whole world hated too.

I’m just glad the UK media hasn’t picked it up because I’m sure their articles won’t be as favourable. Let’s hope this stays out of the media over here in Europe 

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30 minutes ago, Aladdin Sane said:

 How many humiliating live performances is it going to take for people to realize what I have known forever at this point, she is now a shadow of the live performer she was even five or six years ago and I dont see it being corrected. If she cant even do two tracks without fucking up, does anyone seriously think she would be able to pull off a tour. She is simply not willing to put in the effort needed to give quality performances, if she wants to embarrass herself, thats her choice but until I see some improvement, I wont be attending any future live events of hers.

This, this is exactly my thought, I keep saying she won't do any tours in the future & if she did it will be exactly like yesterday's clown show, I just hope she stop so people will remember her glory days without mentioning the clown days. 💀

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7 minutes ago, MattyMads said:

I’m just glad the UK media hasn’t picked it up because I’m sure their articles won’t be as favourable. Let’s hope this stays out of the media over here in Europe 

I bet one of the DailyMail's writers is waiting for their shift to start and write an article.

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8 minutes ago, Vasili said:

Dr. Fredric Brandt died in 2015, so he's not responsible for whatever Madonna did to her visage since then.

Also, he had personal issues and went over-the-top on his own appearance yet still did great work on his clients.


Hanged himself in the garage 🤔... He looks scary... Wondering how can someone trust such a human being? 💀





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in the past, as recently as MX promo performances; I would cry in excitement the minute M appeared on stage. After this performance, I was such state of shock that I was crying knowing the icon that I have love and stuck by for almost 40 years has lost herself in so many things in which she had said throughout her career that should not matter!

She looked like an impersonator, EVERYTHING from the styling, the set list, the choreo was OFF and I have never felt more uncomfortable watching M perform. She was THE most confident stage performer, wtf happened???

How did this all go so wrong??? My heart is broken:broken:

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43 minutes ago, Enrico said:

She doesn't value any of them, I believe. It would be interesting to see what happens in her staff. What did they say about the pink dress, for instance? I think we all can agree it was not a good choice. The result is that recent performances are not going well and it's not us who can change this. On a personal level, I learnt from her to be opinionated and not a yes man.

I feel like she genuinely doesn’t have anyone around her supporting her anymore. Where’s Guy? Her circle would champion her in the past on social media or whatever but now, it’s like no one wants to be associated to her anymore. I think hiring a person to photograph and film her every waking moment for Instagram has truly ruined her. I just hope whatever she’s going through someone who cares enough will help her out. I’m just sad it has come to this.

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Although I understand that nervousness is the cause of forgetting the lyrics at certain times or singing before time (for example at the beginning of Music) I think they are mistakes that can be overcome, however there are other aspects that I doubt they can overcome as easily as the clumsy and heavy movements when dancing (and which many have made fun of in the comments) and the cause of this is definitely the implants that she got and that we were able to observe when she appeared in the Mtvs of 2021.


I know that for thin people like Madonna, the size of these implants is too big and that definitely affects when it comes to dancing, it is more difficult for her to make the movements (resulting in something clumsy and unnatural as seen in today's show) and she ends up getting tired faster than normal (which also affects her when singing). She was definitely poorly advised on this issue of implants in both her buttocks and her breasts.

Another detail that was evident in this presentation is the alteration of her facial expressions and this is perhaps due to some treatment carried out on her face. She has always been characterized by gesturing a lot in her performances but now I see that her expressions do not look natural and I feel that she has noticed it herself and is not comfortable with the results. It will be for this reason that throughout the presentation she lowers her gaze or avoids looking at the camera, even when Maluma looks into her eyes, she turns her eyes away.


I must admit that I am completely ignorant on aesthetic issues but I hope there is some way to solve these aesthetic excesses that affect her career as an artist and that she can perform better on stage, always bearing in mind that she is 63 years old and it is illogical to demand that she dance the same as in the previous tours but at least be able to see her act with naturalness and elegance in her presentations. And not so much for the fans but for her, to see her comfortable and happy and not nervous or tense like I saw her tonight.

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5 minutes ago, Ayham said:

Correction* since her butt implants surgery which led her to have poblems with hip / knee.

I don’t think the butt implants caused her injuries. I think it was just years and years of dancing in heels plus very strenuous workouts catching up with her. She had injuries on prior tours such as Reinvention. She wore a bandage on her knee on prior tours as far back as Drowned World. 

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32 minutes ago, Prayer said:

Did you see the show live? I buy the "cancelled dozens of shows" part but not "there was nothing live about it", and at least in the Lisbon show I attended, she was vocally in good form. She used backing tracks and autotuned vocals in parts, yes, but others were quite stripped down and she still did a great job.

Don't rewrite history.

Nope. Seeing the show live doesn’t make any difference as you get caught up in the atmosphere and the in-house acoustics which tend to mask clarity in place of volume. Bootlegs are always the way to tell if a performance is live… 

The concert was predominantly mimed. Like a Prayer was live with auto tune, as was Sodade and Fado club… the rest of the concert was generally mimed, as can be attested to by the multiple identical bootlegs. 

A singer doesn’t suddenly become in perfect voice after fifteen years of vocal deterioration and the worst ever performance of her career. You’re living in a dream world if you think your concert was anything more than 10% live. 

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1 hour ago, mikenmark said:

There seems to be a rotten core to this "community". People who think it's ok to comment on a woman's body.  People who think it's ok to accuse a person of being an addict with very little evidence.  People who think it's ok to claim that someone is so sick that they are going to die soon.

It's 2022. Wake up

You just describe internet, there’s a lot of toxic people who will drag someone to death with fake care, many Madonna’s fans are no better. I didn’t like the performance either, but won’t be critical to death, to point that’s it’s just blatant hate like some people do. Madonna is out of shape, maybe she’s on painkillers after the operation, maybe not. Maybe she will go back to shape, or maybe she would never. The fact is she have the year’s of very demanding devastating to her body tour’s, I’m not surprised this moment finally happened that she paying the praise for it, she’s a human. This is also just guest performance I wouldn’t do any assumptions for future from it. That’s all. 

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