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Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video


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17 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

The video is groundbreaking and controversial like the Sex book and the Papa don’t preach video and you are just too conservative and ageist to see that and too old and white to appreciate this style of music. You are a basic gay that just wants Madonna to do disco music. So please stop being so negative or move on from being a fan and let the 5 fans that like the video enjoy it without distraction.

If you read my post, you would know your assumptions of me are completely inaccurate (although it was too long, so I wouldn't blame you)... 

My post wasn't negative at all. It was personally-speaking and actually non-divisive

I encourage anyone who likes the song and video to celebrate it! 

Not to mention, calling me "too old" kind of goes against what the video is trying to prove, isn't it?

Insulting me doesn't change anything. Do better. 

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30 minutes ago, jtrover said:

If you read my post, you would know your assumptions of me are completely inaccurate (although it was too long, so I wouldn't blame you)... 

My post wasn't negative at all. It was personally-speaking and actually non-divisive

I encourage anyone who likes the song and video to celebrate it! 

Not to mention, calling me "too old" kind of goes against what the video is trying to prove, isn't it?

Insulting me doesn't change anything. Do better. 

I think they were trying to be funny/sarcastic. 

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38 minutes ago, jtrover said:

My God, I hope so, lol. :OML:

I pondered that, but wasn't sure. Tone is hard to deduct with text.

I love Blue Jean and their YouTube channel videos, I was really taken back.  

It was a summary of all the ridiculous nonsense I’ve read in this thread. Your response was very diplomatic though I have to say 😂

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Ok and to answer the question from earlier "why bring race into it" because People need to be made uncomfortable and evolve change grow etc.... you either get it or you don't . yea it hurts  i said "wow y'all are acting white, " or something to that effect , because i swear sometimes i see people act afraid because they are scared because they don't understand or whatever. i don't have to explain it . i promise you, if you think you are a madonna fan and you don't know what an amarghuina is. Log off.

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On 9/25/2022 at 2:08 AM, Roland Barthes said:

I love how Madonna keeps exposing how conservative people truly are and especially people who think they are not. 

Here comes the essay, run for your life !

I remember an argument i had here with a member about Papa Don't Preach, i've never liked how she chose to keep the baby in the song, someone here made me see another point of view, like she cornered the moral majority about admitting kids were having sex. Of course i disagreed and argued but it stayed in the back of my mind and i totally see it now. 

I don't know about you but she makes me feel uncomfortable and i'm what most would call an annoying woke leftist. And i wondered why it not only made me feel uncomfortable but angry too. I understand that it is because she's pushing me out of my comfort zone. I love her so i defend her but do i like what she's been doing lately ? Instantly, no but i always (well most of the time) grow to enjoy her last input when every has settled down or, more likely, when i finally keep up with her.

That video is like she's going out of her way to not please anyone. Like she's going in the opposite direction of what is expected of her. I'm not sure it is what she would be doing if the reactions were positive, just like with Erotica or Justify My Love she keeps winking and laughing, in this one she at times seems to be wondering what she's doing there, it's a joke. She made herself look like the clown from Tears Of A Clown. The lack of eyebrows does not suit her, i did not even like it 30 years ago. The grillz etc...she's not trying to look pretty, like she makes herself looks scary, monster like...and yet in pure Madonna style (meaning being confusing) she overphotoshops herself to look "pretty". She wants to be challenging and she is. In the end it's not what she does that is interesting but th reaction to it. Mine first, because it makes me ask myself why i have these reactions and what is she triggering in me. I then realize that has much as when i was a little boy and a teenager she pushes "over the borderline" and forces to grow, to be accepting. The reactions from people, even die hard fans is even more interesting. She's not killing anyone, she's not making trumpist statements, she's, on the contrary, being very open and inclusive and it seems like people don't like that and even people who are themselves unconventional. Gays mostly. I see the body shaming, the misogyny, the conservatism etc...i see it everyday in them and not just regarding Madonna. I love she's finally antagonizing them. Well not all of them but that damn "Ikea" fringe of the community. It's ok for a man to do drag, not for a woman. I got it a while ago. Women must either be perfect goddesses or ugly sexless friends. She made herself scary ugly looking and oversexed. She's 64, she shoulf be wearing a princess dress, beautiful and not revealing, and sing ballads about love or a disco song while dresses sexy but not sexual, "classy" like they say, because that's what makes people comfortable, they don't like to be challenged because they don't want to realize their own hypocrisy, while they are asking to be accepted the way they are, they still refuse to accept others the same way too. I've realized we all want the world and others to stay in their lane and the world to be the way we want it to be, meaning like us. 

This last impersonation of Madonna makes me think of Divine. She's pushing the limits of taste and if she's not convincing anyone, because she's so extreme, she's at least exposing how intolerant we are, especially people who like to think they are progressive. I don't care she makes the moral majority and proud conservatives mad or mocking her. It's a given and they probably don't care anymore. Nope, what's interesting lately is how she'exposing progressive people,because she's Madonna, for whatever reasons, what they are willing to accept from someone else or want others to accept from them, they violently refuse it from her, even her fans. And that's what i like about art. For me it was never about how pretty it is but the reaction i have to it and the reaction of others. 

She shakes our molecules. That's how all matters evolve wether it's conscious or unconscious. It's a reaction. 


Totally agree. Madonna has always been controversial and will continue to be, and what better example than this video with Tokischa where she goes against the expectations of the public, especially her fans, who expected something totally different from what they were used to and that is why their exaggerated reactions. And they don't realize that if she wants she can go back to being the Madonna that everyone wants to see and what better demonstration than her last performance at Pride that happened a few weeks ago. And then she can act terrible again like she did in Medellin with Maluma and the next day look confident and challenging like in her video of the 50 questions (video where you will find that look so sure of herself and full of sensuality that so many are desperate to see in the video with Tokischa). And it is that if we decide to be a fan of Madonna we should have already learned a great lesson: with her we should expect the unexpected even if at some point it goes against what we expect from her.

I think that all this is part of a game of illusions where the challenge is to find out who she really is (a game started from the beginning of her career) and where not even in her personal social networks can we discover the answer (her photographs are altered and do not reflect the reality that we so much want to discover). That is why we cannot say that the Madonna of a certain era is the same as the previous one because they seem totally different people. All of this gives so much complexity to the life of this wonderful woman (and what differentiates her from other artists) that she is practically living something that many of us will never be able to do: live many lives in just one.

By the way, how appropriate it is at this moment to listen to the song “Nobody Knows Me”, one of the most sincere of her career.




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4 minutes ago, moloko said:

Jesus Christ people, it's been a week. Are you still taking about that garbage? 😅😅 i thought we already forget it.  Let's move on.

Well, you should set the example but we can see how you continue to contribute indirectly to this endless debate that only the moderators have the power to put an end to, something that I doubt they will do because so far everything is being carried out in a high-class and polite way.

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there are many of us who LIKE the song and the VIDEO.

Nobody said it is her most highly produced, top value work. It's good work though. She's having fun, the song is fire and could be played to clubs (compared to hung up that although Iconic would not be played regularly)

it's shameful to see comments like trash, garbage, ugly, amateurish. i truly dont understand why some fans have so much hate in their heart. btw dont expect another confessions or cherish, never gonna happen, so make your peace with that.

to see her have fun like that gives me life - i dont see why other people can move on with their lives but when Madonna does it, it's frowned upon. Can you imagine if 90s madonna remained the same throughout the 00s? That would be a disaster. 

Madonna keeps pushing boundaries. This type of energy of a 64 year old is one of a kind right now. No one else does it so it makes sense to rub people the wrong way.

you dont like it? fine. But going around dissing the track and Madonna on her fan community? That's absurd to me , honestly.

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In other news as usual the song and videos aren't played anywhere... never heard it on radio and never saw the video on tv... this is how i realize time really flies, i still remember when each new Madonna track would put all radios of the world into frenzies playing it every hour, and let alone when she would drop a new music video where you had tv special for hours on the music channels to celebrate the new video...Now for a decade she can release anything, from Ghosttown to Hung with Tokischa and she's ignored everywhere... that must be hard to experience for Madonna, and somehow i understand that she goes all the way and in every directions to try to catch attention back from the grand public... 

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someone open another unnecessary thread about this remix music video. But I leave a message here because 1. there's no need another unnecessary thread about this remix video 2. And only certain person's opinions are visible to people in that thread.

Some person insist that new hung up remix music video is on the same level as the Bitch I'm Madonna or Candy shop But to me, this new hung up remix music video is the same level of the two videos below.


In terms of worst music video and the lowest and clumsy and sad moment of pop star. I mean it is much worse than these two.



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9 hours ago, Humanfly said:

Ok and to answer the question from earlier "why bring race into it" because People need to be made uncomfortable and evolve change grow etc.... you either get it or you don't . yea it hurts  i said "wow y'all are acting white, " or something to that effect , because i swear sometimes i see people act afraid because they are scared because they don't understand or whatever. i don't have to explain it . i promise you, if you think you are a madonna fan and you don't know what an amarghuina is. Log off.

So, according to you...

- Leaving racist remarks here is justified because 'we need to be made to feel uncomfortable in order to grow'
- Anyone who is white here is scared and ignorant when it comes to understanding the art of M, a white woman

Posting while you're intoxicated is no excuse for saying the same offensive crap twice.

Are you going to tolerate this @Enrico @RUADJAI @Jackie @CicconeUK?

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3 hours ago, TonyMontana said:

In other news as usual the song and videos aren't played anywhere... never heard it on radio and never saw the video on tv... this is how i realize time really flies, i still remember when each new Madonna track would put all radios of the world into frenzies playing it every hour, and let alone when she would drop a new music video where you had tv special for hours on the music channels to celebrate the new video...Now for a decade she can release anything, from Ghosttown to Hung with Tokischa and she's ignored everywhere... that must be hard to experience for Madonna, and somehow i understand that she goes all the way and in every directions to try to catch attention back from the grand public... 

The last decade definitely wasnt kind to her in the charts department, but there are few artists to have an early 80s hit like Holiday and also a late 00s hit like 4 Minutes. And in some countries that last hit wasn’t 4 Minutes like in the US. She’s a pop artist still having an output when Madame X could have been the farewell. But we know it isn’t. But in the meantime, let’s live on the bright side! Take A Day! Get some Champaign Rose! Get Hung Up on whatever feature Madonna has brought on board. It always an opportunity to explore a new artist when she does. I usually find something I like in their catalogues. And if you can’t, then that’s okay. No need to slander or grab pitchforks. She’s still got some more to give us. There’s reissues for those wanting to reminisce about better days and there’s remixes and maybe a new album eventually for us who like the current sounds and trends. 

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