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Madonna & teenage boy (SEX book)?

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8 hours ago, Confessions Lightside said:

Now I know what you meant lol. People get so easily offended...

I think people are more reacting to the way this has been recently used to demonize Madonna (and LGBTQ in general) by inferring she is a pedophile  or "groomer". Right wing nut jobs are always looking to scare people and that is the latest thing. They can't be as blatantly racist or homophobic as they used to so now they just imply that everyone they hate is a child molester. So seeing it pop up here is understandably triggering, I wouldn't take it personally. 

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4 hours ago, teammadonna said:

You know that book is about fictional sexual fantasy not Madonna's autobiography? Right?

In fact, I didn't know everything in it was fiction. Unfortunately, I don't own the SEX book. (I rarely read books in general. I know, shame on me.)
Thanks to the great answers here, I am much more enlightened now.
So thank you very much!

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6 hours ago, litemakr said:

I think people are more reacting to the way this has been recently used to demonize Madonna (and LGBTQ in general) by inferring she is a pedophile  or "groomer". Right wing nut jobs are always looking to scare people and that is the latest thing. They can't be as blatantly racist or homophobic as they used to so now they just imply that everyone they hate is a child molester. So seeing it pop up here is understandably triggering, I wouldn't take it personally. 

That makes sense.
Was it okay that I asked the question? In the end I just wanted to be enlightened and I got many helpful answers (including from vadge, EgoRod, Roy, mikenmark, cake and many more).

What I can summarize from all the great answers is:

  • the boy in the szeaniro could have been 18-19 years old (legitimate age)
  • it's all fiction anyway
  • if story is based on real experiences, then was from a time when Madonna herself was 18-20 years old (also legitimate age)
  • even if the teenager was 15-16 years old, that can be overlooked because Madonna was also young and everything sexual in the story was consensual
  • and as I said, it's all fiction and the book is about presenting the reader with different sexual fantasies and perspectives

Actually logical when I think about it, but sometimes I can't see the forest for the trees. The same thing happened to me in therapy lol. I realized so many things there that are actually obvious.

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I love reading comprehension!  It was one of my favorite courses in school.:)

Well, reading the text I see that too many details are highlighted that make it clear that we are not talking about an 18 or 19-year-old (who would be practically of legal age and therefore the fantasy would no longer make any sense) but of someone of 14 or 15 years old: The fact of preferring to use the word teenage boy (which, although it is true, also includes 18 or 19-year-olds, almost no one says or thinks of that word to refer to them), presuming that the boy is virgin and inexperienced in sex (something that would be rare in someone of 18 or 19), the detail of little pubic hair (which appears from the age of 13) and the fact that he is going to school but never goes to classes for spending all the time with "Madonna" in her apartment and that due to a feeling of guilt, she decides to leave him some tasks so that he does not totally waste his time.

Then his parents kick him out of the apartment, probably as a punishment for discovering that he never goes to school and for his misbehavior or rebelliousness, and when the boy decides to spend the night with "Madonna" again we see that he is a minor when she tenderly compares the size of her body with his and when she highlights his natural astonishment at being with a naked woman in bed for the first time.

I don't know if this fantasy shocked many people at the time because I remember that Madonna gave a boy a passionate kiss during the Who's that girl tour (one of the best moments of the show by the way) and it seems to me that nobody censored that scene. Of course, something that would not have happened if instead of Madonna it had been a man kissing an underage girl or boy. Contradictions and double standards of the time that accepted certain things and condemned others. Something that we continue to see today where minors are supposedly more protected but are allowed to listen to songs with dirty and disgusting lyrics or perform excessively suggestive and sexual dances and what more atrocities will we see in the future, I don't even want to think about it.

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26 minutes ago, chaosmen1984mk said:

I love reading comprehension!  It was one of my favorite courses in school.:)

Well, reading the text I see that too many details are highlighted that make it clear that we are not talking about an 18 or 19-year-old (who would be practically of legal age and therefore the fantasy would no longer make any sense) but of someone of 14 or 15 years old: The fact of preferring to use the word teenage boy (which, although it is true, also includes 18 or 19-year-olds, almost no one says or thinks of that word to refer to them), presuming that the boy is virgin and inexperienced in sex (something that would be rare in someone of 18 or 19), the detail of little pubic hair (which appears from the age of 13) and the fact that he is going to school but never goes to classes for spending all the time with "Madonna" in her apartment and that due to a feeling of guilt, she decides to leave him some tasks so that he does not totally waste his time.

Then his parents kick him out of the apartment, probably as a punishment for discovering that he never goes to school and for his misbehavior or rebelliousness, and when the boy decides to spend the night with "Madonna" again we see that he is a minor when she tenderly compares the size of her body with his and when she highlights his natural astonishment at being with a naked woman in bed for the first time.

I don't know if this fantasy shocked many people at the time because I remember that Madonna gave a boy a passionate kiss during the Who's that girl tour (one of the best moments of the show by the way) and it seems to me that nobody censored that scene. Of course, something that would not have happened if instead of Madonna it had been a man kissing an underage girl or boy. Contradictions and double standards of the time that accepted certain things and condemned others. Something that we continue to see today where minors are supposedly more protected but are allowed to listen to songs with dirty and disgusting lyrics or perform excessively suggestive and sexual dances and what more atrocities will we see in the future, I don't even want to think about it.

Thank you so much for your detailed explanation. I really appreciate that!

The question I ask myself is: Should I look critically at what Madonna has done or described? I don't know how I should define my morality for that. I'm only 18 years old myself and haven't had any sexual experiences yet. So I can't really say much on the subject. I know that there are some adults who specifically target younger ones because they can be better exploited. But I can't imagine that this was Madonna's intention. I guess she just wanted to have some fun. It's legitimate for an adult to have sex with an teenanger boy if both parties agree and no one is being taken advantage of? Or is it always morally reprehensible as an adult to engage in this due to the lack of emotional maturity of the teenanger boy?

Just to be clear to everyone, I definitely don't want to badmouth Madonna. I want to improve my moral thinking and the best way to do that is to talk about it.

Edited by Confessions Lightside (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Confessions Lightside said:

Thank you so much for your detailed explanation. I really appreciate that!

The question I ask myself is: Should I look critically at what Madonna has done or described? I don't know how I should define my morality for that. I'm only 18 years old myself and haven't had any sexual experiences yet. So I can't really say much on the subject. I know that there are some adults who specifically target younger ones because they can be better exploited. But I can't imagine that this was Madonna's intention. I guess she just wanted to have some fun. It's legitimate for an adult to have sex with an teenanger boy if both parties agree and no one is being taken advantage of? Or is it always morally reprehensible as an adult to engage in this due to the lack of emotional maturity of the teenanger boy?

Just to be clear to everyone, I definitely don't want to badmouth Madonna. I want to improve my moral thinking and the best way to do that is to talk about it.

Madonna narrated many of her fantasies in the book Sex, but this one specifically with the minor seemed inappropriate to me because by naming the sexual experience with the minor as ONE OF THE BEST OF HER LIFE, she was indirectly promoting other people to experience it as well motivated by curiosity.

Now, many countries establish 16 or 14 years as the minimum age of sexual consent, because they think that at that age the adolescent has already reached the necessary mental maturity to consent to being with someone much older than him. We are definitely in other times, the mental maturity that was previously reached at 18 is now achieved earlier due to the advancement of technology and access to information. If you feel that you already have the necessary mental maturity to be with someone older, there should be no problem, but always review the laws of your country to avoid legal problems, in this case for the adult

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1 hour ago, chaosmen1984mk said:

Madonna narrated many of her fantasies in the book Sex, but this one specifically with the minor seemed inappropriate to me because by naming the sexual experience with the minor as ONE OF THE BEST OF HER LIFE, she was indirectly promoting other people to experience it as well motivated by curiosity.

I hope you don’t mind if I address this. Madonna didn’t narrate her sexual fantasies in the sex book. She wrote about the fictional sexual escapades of a fictional character called Dita. On this specific issue, when interviewed by J Ross during the Erotica era she stated that she was told she couldn’t depict images involving animals and minors in sexual situations and stated she was fine with that as none of her sexual fantasies include either. I think we’re conflating the character in the book with the woman who wrote it. 

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On 3/5/2023 at 4:10 AM, Confessions Lightside said:

Hello everyone...

In Madonna's SEX book, there is a page where she describes having sex with a teenage boy who hardly had any pubic hair. Although in the book Madonna also describes that the boy started it with kissing her more and more daring but in the end she just went with it.

I love Madonna but I don't think it's a good idea to legitimize sex between adults and teenangers...

What do you think about it?


btw. please be nice and respectful in the comments

I guess it’s a pretty hot story, I share it with her 😈

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20 hours ago, Confessions Lightside said:

It was a normal question. It's okay to be critical of some things. You shouldn't let your ego trigger that easily...


Yet here you are, acting all coy while using this board as a device to gaslight people with a libelous suggestion to placate your own ego.

Moderators, please delete this topic.


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43 minutes ago, Champ said:


Yet here you are, acting all coy while using this board as a device to gaslight people with a libelous suggestion to placate your own ego.

Moderators, please delete this topic.


You only see what you want to see...

So far, the answers here have been very factual and serious.
I have to admit that the original headline of the post "Madonna & Pedophilia" was inappropriate and indirectly implied wrong things. I recognized that and changed the headline accordingly and worded it more factually. And the reason I did that was because I DON'T want to put Madonna down, I just wanted to talk about that side of her SEX book.

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