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Madame X tour Live 3 lp vinyl


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I know Sodade and Crave are bonus tracks but why the hell to leave them at the end of the record? 😒 It breaks the cadence of show.

Also I really hope she cuts her boring speeches and that mini doc about Detroit wtf, the James end speech and that intro explaining who Madame X is 🙄

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10 hours ago, tscott said:

I'm sure members like @Prayerand @GregVsMattcan speak better about the intention of these releases versus the Warner deal.  I personally think the original idea and focus for this deal with Warner is to re-issue a number of her landmark albums upon the 40th Anniversary (most likely starting with the debut album) and then also provide additional special releases curated by Madonna and her team.  It seems to me the problem for some fans here is that we've known of the deal since August 2021 and many are impatient and expected the re-issues to start right away, when nothing was promised.  I personally think we only learned of this deal because Warner backed the MXT TOUR digital and streaming release that came that same year, after the new deal was announced.  If they didn't, and they said nothing, then fans would only be speculating why Warner is involved again.

I've said it before but the intention of the deal and all the releases is trying to milk the fans -and the general public if they can-, to the max and generate maximum income with it. They're covering every corner:

- Streaming and YouTube: with the constant digital singles reissues and the upgraded videos. Now also with Dolby Atmos versions, starting with "The Immaculate Collection". Some fans ask why they don't upload all the material at once: well, that's not the way to milk and make the most of every release and video.

- Exclusive physical releases: all the RSD releases, "Erotica"... -> the little goodies (but expensive ones, anyway).

- Regular big release campaigns: again, we shouldn't expect more than one each year for those. They involve big vinyl pressings and marketing campaigns and planning. Also big, expensive box sets like the 6LP "FEL" box. They started last year with "Finally Enough Love" and we should get the second one this Summer/this Fall... let's see.

Where does the "Madame X Live" picture disc album fit? In the little goodies, obviously. Let's see if it's out for RSD Black Friday or at any other point of the year.

Edit: By "milking the fans" I don't mean it in a bad way, of course... it's all business in the end. She's a commercial pop artist and Warner a big label. Of course the goal is to make money.

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12 hours ago, LongIslandTea said:

I've said it before...

Dun like it or dun want to contribute $ to WB & billionaire M

Just . dun . buy

No one forces you to buy.

I agree, but to me it's not about contributing money to Warner and Madonna.  It's about buying what I enjoy from an artist I enjoy and like to support.  Of course, she's rich, but it's not like she hasn't worked for it.  She has 40 years and a massive catalog to show for it.  Now she's at a time in her career, she's taking advantage of any interest in her back catalog (like any veteran artist does) and capitalizing from that.  Her newer music will never sell the way her older music did.  So now she's got touring and these homages to her back catalog to bank on.  To say she doesn't need the money, isn't up for us to decide.  It's up to her how she wants to continue making money.  She has a lifestyle she prefers to maintain and she also has a lot of people on her payroll as well.  As @Prayerstated previously, it's all business.  But like you said, "no one forces you to buy" anything she sells. 

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7 hours ago, wtg1987 said:

i just still dont get why more vinyl only releases ......

Because it’s the best selling format. Why do you think? Again we said it already many times. There are some artists that just release new albums only on digital and vinyl. 

Vinyl records outsell CDs for first time in decades




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16 hours ago, cosmic_system said:

Because it’s the best selling format. Why do you think? Again we said it already many times. There are some artists that just release new albums only on digital and vinyl. 

Vinyl records outsell CDs for first time in decades




And I feel that it's embellishing that we are "ONLY" getting Vinyl releases when the only exclusive release on Vinyl is the American Life Mix show, and that was released during RSD which is exclusive to Vinyl. The other Vinyls that have been released are mostly re-issues, and the songs are available on many other formats.  In reality, we've had far more digital releases in the last several years than Vinyl.

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46 minutes ago, musicinferno said:

You need to give up on that concern just cause you don't buy vinyl anymore. CDs are a thing of the past and physical media demands lean towards vinyl now. 

That’s actually not true. All physical media is making a big comeback. Also each year there’s more and more CDs being released for RSD.



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17 minutes ago, thegoldencalf said:

That’s actually not true. All physical media is making a big comeback. Also each year there’s more and more CDs being released for RSD.



True but I'm referring to vinyl outselling CDs. So right now it's the primary format. Of course that could eventually switch 

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