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1 hour ago, animalinstinct said:

If only the label would release some remixes for ‘Popular’ and M fans would snap up physical copies too. 

It’s just not a good song. I can’t see mixes or a physical release doing well. It just doesn’t sound like a Madonna song.

I certainly wouldn’t buy it.

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I think the track had a good reception for what it was ment ro be after all. I mean, it was released a month ago now, they did not make any kind of promotion, no video, no live performances, no interviews, no remixes, M herself was much more oriented on promoting Vulgar on her social medias ... And it got a much stronger response than Vulgar. 

I enojoy the song, much more than all her recent collabs. It's nothing extraordinary, but I like to move when I'm listening to it, it makes feel the beat and a kind of soft, sexy mood I always appreciate and resonate with. A nice surprise, but I hadly had huge expectations.

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1 hour ago, Jackie said:

I'm thrilled for its success and getting Madonna additional chart credits - but I still don't consider this to be a Madonna song at all - it's more Weeknd with a cameo by Madonna -but it's AMAZING that it's doing great and regardless is getting her name back out there on the chart and radio.

I agree it's more of a Weeknd song than anyone elses.  But 'features' are so common these days and that's how some acts have racked up so many top 10's and #1's. Drake alone has scored around 20 of his top 10's, just being a "featured" artist.  So I certainly am not complaining, Madonna gets a chance to score another top 100 hit by being a "featured" artist, when she's rarely been one up until the last couple of years.:)

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1 hour ago, Jackie said:

I'm thrilled for its success and getting Madonna additional chart credits - but I still don't consider this to be a Madonna song at all - it's more Weeknd with a cameo by Madonna -but it's AMAZING that it's doing great and regardless is getting her name back out there on the chart and radio.

Thank you!

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What do you think of Madonna's collaboration with The Weeknd?

Well, for an artist, losing transcendence is the worst thing that can happen to him/her because afterwards it is very difficult and almost impossible to recover it. Great music legends like PetShopBoys, REM, Justin Timberlake or Christina Aguilera are some examples. 

That is why I never agreed with Madonna's decision, after her successful album Madame X, to collaborate with artists (Tokischa and company) that were not going to help her maintain this relevance that I talk about so much. What's more, to this day I can't find the justification for these collaborations because they didn't contribute anything to her career because on a musical level they were more of the same and no collaboration stood out for its quality or for being innovative.

For me they were a waste of time and they further accentuated this loss of significance that she could have avoided by collaborating or making cameos with successful and media artists like The Weeknd or Sam Smith (although I don't like Sam but I admit that he is currently in "his best moment")

Fortunately, these latest collaborations indicate that she has returned to the right path and it is only a matter of her staying on this side or returning to the sewers and again making wrong decisions that will not only make her lose the transcendence recovered in a certain way these days, but also time and what most important: money.

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36 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

I don’t get the point of doing these collabs with high profile artists if there’s no music video attached.

Vulgar especially needed it as it was very quickly forgotten. The fact Popular can pick up steam without it shows the strength of the song.

Agree. Maybe it was their respective labels saying no to a video budget (they're not that essential nowadays anyway, as "Popular" shows, a hit on its own), maybe M. refused to, as she was busy rehearsing for the tour, maybe whatever.

But cut to Sam Smith releasing the next single with Calvin Harris on full steam mode with a joint photoshoot, surely a video and even CD singles (https://store.calvinharris.com/products/desire-cd-single and https://store.calvinharris.com/products/desire-special-edition-cd-single) and compare it all with "Vulgar" lack of promo effort. Sad.

(Being fair to Sam, Calvin Harris' label seems to be paying for all of that).

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I really don't think Madonna is interested in having a big hit outside of her own album projects, If it happens then great. All the evidence would seem that way. She's smart, she's using these collabs and tit bits to keep her name out there, especially amongst young people (eg streamers), before she releases something she really feels passionately about. Everything from Dua to Vulgar has been a tide over until she is ready to do her thing again

  1. Levitating - Dua (interestingly not listed on her VIEW ALL page on Spotify) 
  2. Frozen remixes
  3. WTG - Super EP RSD
  4. Sorry - Blondish
  5. The Queens Remix
  6. Material Gworrls
  7. Everybody 40
  8. Hung Up on Toshika
  9. American Life Mix show RSD
  10. Erotica Picture Disc
  11. Back That Up To The Beat release
  12. Popular
  13. Vulgar
  14. Immaculate Atmos
  15. Digital EP campaign
  16. HQ videos
  17. Celebration Tour

Are all ground work for her Madonna 40 project, biopic and no doubt next album. 


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This endless talk about features...


EVERYBODY does it since the new millennium, Madonna been doing it for almost 20 years now! It has been the pop modus operandi for ages. Some fans need to move on.

She likes to collaborate, she enjoys the artists she gets to work with. We are not in the 80s/90s anymore where people were prohibited by the labels to appear on someone else's song.

Popular is a cool track. It is kind of funny how this and Back That Up are the songs that the general public liked the most since, well, 2008 and still some fans paint Hard Candy as this piece of garbage that ended her career.

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What would have happened if Popular and Vulgar had had video?

If these two songs have been a success despite being simply audios, I don't even want to imagine how different everything would have been if both "Popular" and "Vulgar" would have had an official video. Something that further reinforces my theory that only collaborating or making cameos with truly successful artists and global media coverage will make her regain significance and print her name in the consciousness of these new generations.

Even when artists don't have time to record a video, they usually make a compilation of the best moments of their career and present it as an official video.

In the case of Madonna, I think she did it with an alternative version of Music that I don't remember now. In the case of Popular, it would have been great to include some scenes from the Drowned World/Substitute for Love video where she is chased by the paparazzi or Turn Up the Radio where the ones who chase her this time are her fans. And in the case of Vulgar they could have used almost all the scenes from Hung Up on Tokischa or that interlude between Deeper and Deeper and Why is it so hard that we saw on the Girlie Show where Madonna and all the dancers interacted lustfully.

In conclusion, in this business it is always necessary to have a plan B that allows us to overcome any setback: in this case the lack of time for both artists to make a video could well have been solved with a compilation of images from their respective careers and therefore the success of these two songs would have been even greater.


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