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Bacterial Infection Thread


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3 hours ago, Enrico said:

I have to say that Rosie's message scares me. While "unresponsive" may only mean that she fainted, "She is alive" means that there was a risk of death... I hope it's just a response to many super-negative posts on twitter.

She’s responding to peoples concerns obviously.

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1 hour ago, nito84bcn said:

Now... at some point her team should announce the official cancellation of the first dates of the tour, in case fans need to reschedule their holidays, work, money etc. 

I'm worried about Madonna, but this is also important as we are literally 2 weeks before the now-delayed opening night 

And tickets are still on sale 😂

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2 minutes ago, wtg1987 said:

Are people still more concerned about the tour here ? Seriously 🥹 she needs a rest guys ……

To be fair people have flights and accommodation booked, so yes it is a concern for some people especially those that had tickets for the first leg.

Having said that they probably can’t announce anything officially as they likely don’t even know yet what will happen.

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6 minutes ago, wtg1987 said:

Are people still more concerned about the tour here ? Seriously 🥹 she needs a rest guys ……

Hey, no drama!

As fans we are affected aswell by this news, and as much as Madonna and her health are the most important thing (as I said, I prefer if she cancels everything if she's not 100%), people need to know what will happen with the dates etc. 

It's not a problem if people want more info, or ir we want to talk about it here. 

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2 minutes ago, Ayham said:

I’m sure it’s from a contaminated food at the tour rehearsals! 

Remember she often hires dancers that live in the streets and are homeless or squatting like she did in the first few years in New York. So who knows what kind of bacteria they bring into the rehearsal studio.

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It’s unsurprising that what has transpired  most in the wake of this unfortunate news is that the general public’s response is another repulsive epic reflection of the times; most people seem able to muster a hint of empathy and compassion, but often with a dose of ageism and dismissal, as if this health crisis should encourage Madonna to pack it in once and for all. There’s also an overwhelming minority of people who are simply mentally ill as they revel in the notion that Madonna has been weakened significantly and therefore feel justified to engage in more vitriol and verbal violence. Madonna’s strength and tenacity have cemented her as a human punching bag; a symbolic sacrificial lamb for the neuroses of all those who see themselves aging and being cast aside by a capitalist society built on the exploitation of youth. 

While I understand that we are all hungry for news updates, let’s also be mindful that thus far these sources are just absurd articles and “news” clips filled with highly speculative tabloidism masked as “expertise” from doctors and presenters who don’t read their source material well enough to get even the basic facts straight. How can a doctor who knows nothing about Madonna’s condition make comments about the viability of her tour being canceled or significantly revised? 

All that said, to those who dismissed others in here for having a dramatic or selfish reaction, or for jumping to conclusions, can we also just accept that we are all human (and as human as our beloved icon) and we all love Madonna? Any reaction is okay because, as with grief, emotional shock gets processed in different ways. Guy Oseary’s statement was quite serious. The wording is open to interpretation, but in the past a Liz Rosenberg would have simply dismissed the rumors and said she had a health issue that was taken care of and that she is comfortably recovering. That is NOT what he chose to share, whether as a preemptive measure to contain the fallout of Page Six’ exploitative antics or as a way to cover up a more serious matter. At the end of the day, Guy is her manager. He has to assuage doubts and speculation as well as address and reassure the insurers, the venues, the tour staff, the fans and ticket buying public, the media, and the monstrously hateful social media set. One cannot help but speculate that this is either a very serious matter that will likely have significant professional fallout at a time when the pressure was very high on Madonna to deliver, or, as was suggested venomously by the awful Roger Friedman (and you can all send the hate my way for saying it and it isn’t my opinion…if you don’t get how devoted a Madonna fan I am by now then it really won’t matter to me if I get tarred and feathered), it is a way to garner more public sympathy for a public figure who hasn’t done much to endear herself to the masses in recent memory…and yes, at a time when she really needs those people to get onboard for a tour that is based around nostalgia. 

I love Madonna more than I can possibly express and want so badly for her to be in fine form as soon as possible. In complete transparency, I have just discovered that my own mother is really unwell and we all know how those of us who grew up with Madonna have a clear psychological transference of the maternal onto her, especially gay people who struggled to be accepted as children and adolescents. It’s all hitting hard and it’s a process to come to terms with the mortality of loved ones. I’m sure Madonna will be with us for a long time to come, but the reminder of the fragility of life is one we can all come around together in celebration of this extraordinary cultural and historical figure. 

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1 hour ago, Honey Little said:

Remember she often hires dancers that live in the streets and are homeless or squatting like she did in the first few years in New York. So who knows what kind of bacteria they bring into the rehearsal studio.

Dancers coming from different places and her immunity is a bit weak. She better revise the whole situation after she gets better! 🙏🏼

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I don't care about the tour... I just want her to get better. I can't understand people who think about her tickets or flights in a situation like this... she is in danger and people thinking in their own parties... unbelievable.


F**ck of the tour. We want her 100% well and I think she could make a small tour, theatres (lot of dates in the same place to reduce journeys), and focus on the movie and new and spectacular music.

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Just now, lmvc said:

I don't care about the tour... I just want her to get better. I can't understand people who think about her tickets or flights in a situation like this... she is in danger and people thinking in their own parties... unbelievable.


F**ck of the tour. We want her 100% well and I think she could make a small tour, theatres (lot of dates in the same place to reduce journeys), and focus on the movie and new and spectacular music.

Exactly my thoughts! I really loved the Madame X theatre style. It was really amazing. And she could do 2 weeks each in 5 cities. And it would be much better for fans as well, not having to travel as much. And she could do new music and not cater to demands for old over-performed hits from the general public. 

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