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Bacterial Infection Thread


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11 minutes ago, hastobe_frozen said:

Want to let everyone know that on TikTok live about 45 minutes ago, Rosie said M is doing well and resting. I and a few others asked. She said it twice and very reassuringly. It's nice to have an update today from a reliable source. 

Thank you .❤️

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13 minutes ago, hastobe_frozen said:

Want to let everyone know that on TikTok live about 45 minutes ago, Rosie said M is doing well and resting. I and a few others asked. She said it twice and very reassuringly. It's nice to have an update today from a reliable source. 

thank you.  It's nice to know some of her most important friends are speaking up for her.  It shows who her "true blue" friends are. :)

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2 hours ago, Starchild said:

I can't help but shake the feeling that something seems 'off', what with the timing and what we've observed in recent times.

Could this health scare be the manifestation of what so many fans were concerned about over the past year re painkillers?

Tour rehearsals have been going on for quite a while now, and it's hard to forget her uncharacteristc joke on Fallon last year.

I share this sentiment too. I was afraid to be the one to initiate this point in fear that I'd be hunted by a mob on here or told that my observations are "far fetched".

I wouldn't classify this as seeming off. I don't think Madonna or her team expected this to happen, nor do I think she wanted it to happen. But in my opinion, based on the observations I've seen with her over the past several years, that this may have been the result of a drug overdose.

From seeing her erratic behavior (different from the normal bratty Madonna stuff), IG videos where you can clearly see tons and tons of pill bottles in the background, Lola making jokes on Tiktok about her mom on "percs" (percocets), that bizarre performance with Maluma where she was so out of step, her change in focus to now openly smoking marijuana, and more. It's no lie that she's been in pain over the past several years due to injuries. I can remember her complaints about pain dating back to the SuperBowl performance. No one knew Prince was addicted to anything until it was too late.

I don't say these things because I'm a hater, a detractor, or want her to fail. I want her to succeed and have an epic world tour and continue to express herself through music. I was so excited thinking up various setlists and constantly checking the spoilers topic on here. I want her to be healthy and well. I say these things out of concern for her as I don't want see her hit rock bottom like a Michael Jackson, Elvis, Whitney, Prince, etc.

Her touring company doesn't care about her. They just want to make money. If she was unwell, they would do whatever they could to just push her out on stage. Her management team would never come out and reveal any of this due to the firestorm that it would unleash and possibly due to Madonna's family's wishes. I do not believe the bacterial infection story. Her team doesn't have to reveal the truth to us. I just hope that those around her see this as a wake up call and get her all of the help she needs before it's too late.

I couldn't hold back expressing those thoughts any longer, even though I know it'll result in some backlash on here from some of you guys. I hope I am wrong but I honestly believe in my gut from what I'm seeing that I am spot on with these observations. I just hope that her family, friends, or someone in her inner circle can arrange for her to get well. If it means postponing a tour, so be it. She is clearly, in my eyes, unwell. Hopefully she can overcome this and this will be a small bump in the road that won't tarnish her iconic legacy. I pray for a full recovery for her and wish her ultimate success over whatever she is battling.

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It may sound like a conspiracy at the moment, but I've seen plenty of people here concerned for these past few years, to be honest. I'm confident it's just an untreated bacterial infection, but I'm not surprised to see the comments regarding her overall health.

Yes, I know sometimes those posts are over the top—we can be dramatic lol. But hopefully some of those comments are coming from a good/concerned place?

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I wish I could instantly shut all this chat down about her behaviour over the last few years.  I don't believe she has followed the same healthy strict lifestyle we've known her to live in her years past.  

My guess is, to avoid another Michael Jackson-esque scenario, and insurance carriers and promoters being put on notice about her health, age and daily routine, for the tour to continue she may need a monitor or a non-negotiable person to oversee her health to make sure the $$ backing her is secured.  

this is only a guess, but I would expect powers that be would want someone to make sure she is ok to proceed and ... once she does proceed on tour, she must stay in that zone of better health.  its not uncommon in big showbiz, for high profile people that may not be 100% prior to a huge project to have to be under strict guidelines in order for the project to proceed.  

If I were her, i'd welcome it.


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of course it is weird and somehow unfair to speculate about someone’s health when we don’t know the person personally and the circumstances. and if we do, we do cause we care for an artist that gave us life and love and joy and empowerment , for 4 decades. when the news broke about the bacterial infection, i had the same fear... i thought, oh lord, i hope there is no opioid addiction. i wouldn’t blame anyone if it happens. in case there is something like that, i just hope that it can be handled, treated.  also, let's not forget the fact of mental health, stress, pressure. madonna is one of the toughest entertainers EVER, no question about it. but we all have our moments and i think we all wish her to recover well and find the balance she needs to continue what seems so important for her. her family and her art. best case, it was a stupid bacterial infection and she already succeeded  and just needs time to rest and gain strength :)❤️💛

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8 hours ago, diegolcl said:

Those who keep saying "Well... I knew this would happen!!!" think they're soooo clever. :Madonna056:

People are quick to say she didn't take her body signs seriously and that it's all her fault that this happened. WTF??? Even if that was the case, do you really know? What's the point of blaming her just to say "I knew it!!!

I can very well imagine what these fuckers would be saying now if it was indeed "only" a fever and cold and we got like 3 shows cancelled.

This woman cannot win with these losers. Ever.

There is a saying that applies to these people. Even a broken clock is right twice in a day.

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4 hours ago, Starchild said:

I can't help but shake the feeling that something seems 'off', what with the timing and what we've observed in recent times.

Could this health scare be the manifestation of what so many fans were concerned about over the past year re painkillers?

Tour rehearsals have been going on for quite a while now, and it's hard to forget her uncharacteristc joke on Fallon last year.

Okay, I didn’t ever want to be the one to say it, but glad someone finally opened this can of worms and that some other members are saying something too.

I was reading up on how these infections progress, and it seems she wouldn’t have simply gone from being “fine but feverish” to unconscious. There would have been many symptoms leading up to that where she would have likely required medical intervention far before it got to such dire circumstances.

She was out and about in NYC the day before and unconscious and intubated the next day? Something is off about this whole thing.

Of course they wouldn’t come out and say that’s what it was, so we’ll likely never know. But you cannot have been a fan for all these years and refuse to see that her energy has changed dramatically from 2020-onwards. 

I sincerely hope this isn’t the case. I really hope she hasn’t fallen victim to anything relating to opiates. But so many strong people have fallen prey to them while recovering from surgeries. There’s been speculation for a few years here…there have undoubtedly been signs.

She’s an incredibly strong woman, and regardless of what’s going on, I hope she comes out of this the other side healthy and with the mental fortitude to take on whatever it is she wants to do, whether it’s tour or shift focus elsewhere.

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Just now, Blue Jean said:

So Madonna's team are completely oblivious to her having an opioid addiction and didn't expect this to happen. However dankpepe, poster on Madonna infinity forum's observations of someone he's never met concludes this may be the result of a drug overdose. Makes sense.

Why is she any different than Prince? He had one, his team knew, and he was still touring. He died in the middle of a tour.

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3 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

So Madonna's team are completely oblivious to her having an opioid addiction and didn't expect this to happen. However according to the observations of dankpepe, poster on Madonna infinity forum who has a pic of her as a lizard in his avatar concludes that someone he's never met may have had a drug overdose. Makes sense.

I never said her team was oblivious to whatever problems she may be facing. Maybe they know, maybe they don't. As someone else stated, Prince's team knew of his problems but didn't care. Michael Jackson's team knew but didn't say no to Michael and didn't do anything to protect him. I've been following her career since I was a teen, I can see signs of concern.

Are you saying unequivocally that what I have stated earlier has a 0% chance of being true?

I see the tell-tale signs there which I have stated in my earlier post are my reasons for coming to that conclusion. You have merely resorted to responding to me with a passive-aggressive insult instead of a structured response. If you disagree with me, that's perfectly fine. You are entitled to that opinion but you could at least point out why my observations are wrong in your eyes and I would be glad to read it.

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14 minutes ago, eXtremeOccident said:

Okay, I didn’t ever want to be the one to say it, but glad someone finally opened this can of worms and that some other members are saying something too.

I was reading up on how these infections progress, and it seems she wouldn’t have simply gone from being “fine but feverish” to unconscious. There would have been many symptoms leading up to that where she would have likely required medical intervention far before it got to such dire circumstances.

She was out and about in NYC the day before and unconscious and intubated the next day? Something is off about this whole thing.

Of course they wouldn’t come out and say that’s what it was, so we’ll likely never know. But you cannot have been a fan for all these years and refuse to see that her energy has changed dramatically from 2020-onwards. 

I sincerely hope this isn’t the case. I really hope she hasn’t fallen victim to anything relating to opiates. But so many strong people have fallen prey to them while recovering from surgeries. There’s been speculation for a few years here…there have undoubtedly been signs.

She’s an incredibly strong woman, and regardless of what’s going on, I hope she comes out of this the other side healthy and with the mental fortitude to take on whatever it is she wants to do, whether it’s tour or shift focus elsewhere.

You're right. She's fooled us for 40 years...she screams DRUGS to me too. How could we be SO BLIND 🥱

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3 minutes ago, Robertthenurse said:

You're right. She's fooled us for 40 years...she screams DRUGS to me too. How could we be SO BLIND 🥱

Who said anything about 40 years? I said COVID onwards. The first time something seemed weird was the dozens of pill bottles in the “fried fish” video. Then the joke on Jimmy Fallon about loving opiates, the “pop a perc” comment on Tik Tok by Lola, the pinwheel eyes in her Tik Tok that are a classic opiate symptom, the performance with Maluma where she seemed completely lost and out of it, the multitude of Instagram posts where she’s seemed lower energy than usual or had slightly slurred speech….I mean, seriously, does not all of that together suggest that maybe something is going on?

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5 minutes ago, eXtremeOccident said:

Who said anything about 40 years? I said COVID onwards. The first time something seemed weird was the dozens of pill bottles in the “fried fish” video. Then the joke on Jimmy Fallon about loving opiates, the “pop a perc” comment on Tik Tok by Lola, the pinwheel eyes in her Tik Tok that are a classic opiate symptom, the performance with Maluma where she seemed completely lost and out of it, the multitude of Instagram posts where she’s seemed lower energy than usual or had slightly slurred speech….I mean, seriously, does not all of that together suggest that maybe something is going on?

Please stop. Your posts suggest that maybe something is going on with you. 

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3 minutes ago, dankpepe said:

I never said her team was oblivious to whatever problems she may be facing. Maybe they know, maybe they don't. As someone else stated, Prince's team knew of his problems but didn't care. Michael Jackson's team knew but didn't say no to Michael and didn't do anything to protect him. I've been following her career since I was a teen, I can see signs of concern.

Are you saying unequivocally that what I have stated earlier has a 0% chance of being true?

I see the tell-tale signs there which I have stated in my earlier post are my reasons for coming to that conclusion. You have merely resorted to responding to me with a passive-aggressive insult instead of a structured response. If you disagree with me, that's perfectly fine. You are entitled to that opinion but you could at least point out why my observations are wrong in your eyes and I would be glad to read it.

The majority of us here have all been following her since we were teens or younger. It doesn't make us an authority on what is happening with her. 

And I am not saying that there's no chance of what you said being true. I am saying that as somebody who doesn't know her or work for her you are not in a position to observe much at all so your opinion is 100% speculation. I don't personally get the purpose of inventing these kinds of theories. You said you expected backlash but I think you want it. The lizard avatar is a clue.


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