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Bacterial Infection Thread


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I know people are nervous about the whole thing, we all are, but remember that it was a bacterial infection, it has nothing to do with pushing herself too hard for the tour, which btw we don't know a thing about.

The tour could be a lot less demanding to her this time around, we simply don't know and it isn't fair to judge (wtf. of all times, now? really???) her in this situation. 

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5 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

For anyone who hasn't had a bacterial infection before... I think they're actually quite common for people who work out, go to gyms, and are around other sweaty people. I don't necessarily agree with the idea that it's because she's pushing herself and she can't handle it (unless they are lying to the public about what happened). You can get a bacterial infection simply from having a small cut and laying on a surface with that bacteria. (Look up staph infection)

However, they are also serious... and need to be addressed. 

I got one in 2008 and I will never forget it because I lived alone and started to get sick, but waited to see how things were gonna go until I was basically hallucinating to a certain degree. Talking to a pewter owl candle holder in my bedroom. I luckily had enough objectivity to realize something wasn't right and made my way to a clinic. But it all happened really fast and not having control over my mind was quite scary. 

Yes they are very common for people who work out, I've had one too and dropped 8kg in a week. Recovery is usually 2-3 weeks 

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One of the most horrible news i have seen. I was in a state of shock when i saw the news. I could't imagine that would affect me that much, i mean i know how i would react of something bad happens to her but i didn't know if would feel LIKE THAT, i mean i know she's ill and according to the reports she's almost ok now, but damn, the pain and sadness i feel is real, like, really like a closest member of my family. I swear i keep from having tears falling since i read that news. Damn i really love her. I have never ever worried for Madonna, she's tough and she's never showed herself ill or anything, but from now on i know i will worry. I've just realised she's not eternal, i know it's silly. I don't care at all if she doesn't release a single new song anymore,  or if she does't do any tour anymore, i just want her to be healthy. I swear i will never beg for her to do more and more, that is the hardest reality check. I will pray for her the most i can. I love her so much...

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8 minutes ago, Enrico said:

Some may be extremely negative and see bad things coming.

Some others may react in a selfish way thinking about cancellations and losing money.

I can understand that because it's human nature, but I am sure that despite these reactions deep inside we ALL feel Madonna's health comes first.

Let's stay together, let's not fight for once.

Yes. Let's show compassion to each other right now. No need to call anyone out, or judge someone's reactions to this news. 

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i got phenomena a few years ago..started viral..then went bacterial. it was really bad and i was in the hospital for 2weeks. I just felt under the weather but couldn't shake it, then I stopped breathing in my sleep and thank god I woke up..ended up in the ER. She could have had a case of walking phenomena. You can have it and really not know till it gets bad. I was not 100 percent really ever after, took 6 months to just breath better, my immune system is shot. So if it was anything like that I dont see this tour going thru. I dont wish this on anyone cause it sucks. and im older so it is worse when you are. 

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7 minutes ago, Levon said:

That she will recover is all I need to know.

I completely agree.  My daughter and I got great seats for two of the dates, and while we have never had great seats before - always in the back - I will wait for as long as she needs.  Her health comes first.  

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My heart is broken, hope she will gets better soon. its on my thoughts and prayers. Probably everything will be postponed at least 2/3 months. She was intubated, the recovery is hard. Hope it didnt get any neurological and throat damage coz of that, besides the harm done after the infection. And also hope its not something harder or more complicated thay they are saying.:sad::cry::suffer:

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6 minutes ago, MattyMads said:

Unresponsive does that mean she was in a coma or her heart stopped? 
The word unresponsive sounds serious we don’t know the after effects on her body and mind now 😢

Unresponsive is when you’re breathing and your heart is beating but you’re not alert to Voice or Pain (external stimuli)… unconscious. 

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i got phenomena a few years ago..started viral..then went bacterial. it was really bad and i was in the hospital for 2weeks. I just felt under the weather but couldn't shake it, then I stopped breathing in my sleep and thank god I woke up..ended up in the ER. She could have had a case of walking phenomena. You can have it and really not know till it gets bad. I was not 100 percent really ever after, took 6 months to just breath better, my immune system is shot. So if it was anything like that I dont see this tour going thru. I dont wish this on anyone cause it sucks. and im older so it is worse when you are. 
I can relate. I had this just after Madame X was released. I've never been so ill. I didn't end up in hospital, but I should have (looking back). Doctors were useless and kept saying it was something very minor, and this went on for weeks. I only recovered when they finally gave me antibiotics to "see if it helped". I went through a stage for an entire week where I got 2 hours sleep a day, because I'd force myself to stay away. Every time I slept, I would wake up unable to breathe. I had to get someone to thump me hard on the back to help. I was petrified it would happen when someone wasn't around to help me. It started with as cold for me and developed from there.
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16 minutes ago, Would You Like To Try said:

It's like a prayer that she'd still alive and well.Of course she's young for that type of sickness,but it can happen to anyone and kill them at any age so thankful

A bacterial infection has no interest in age.  Anyone can get such an infection.  As some stated before, this isn't about her "pushing herself" or her "age".  An infection like this can affect just about anyone no matter how active or old one is. 

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It must have been a terrible time for her kids. I wonder how it's gonna affect her mentally, being in ICU is very scary, coupled with Anthony's death earlier in the year, she's been very close to death lately. I know she's gonna be back on her feet in no time, our girl is a survivor and a warrior. I just hope she's not gonna push herself too hard with this tour after such ordeal. It was already heartbreaking to watch videos of Madame X Tour and seeing her in pain. She's gonna have the best care and doctors. Regarding the tour, hopefully she had already signed a contract with an insurance company for that. 


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17 minutes ago, MattyMads said:

Unresponsive does that mean she was in a coma or her heart stopped? 
The word unresponsive sounds serious we don’t know the after effects on her body and mind now 😢

Unresponsive means she was unconscious. This can happen when you have a fainting spell as a result of a weakened body.

Bacterial infections tend to have symptoms like fever, etc. 

Of course, it’s a bit scary but I don’t think it’s serious to a point where we need to br seriously worried. Madonna has always been very conscious of her health and I’m sure that the deaths of MJ and Prince made her realize that proper medical supervision is important as you get older.

Personally, I never expected this tour to be extremely dance-heavy or physically demanding. She wouldn’t have added so many dates if the tour was another S&S. I think she'll be fine and some of the dates will be pushed back.

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