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The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)


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23 minutes ago, McDonna said:

I don't believe but avid fans are paying that much close of attention.  Fuck ups happen on tours, but there is so much more going on in the show, these minimal issues some fans nitpick, doesn't make a difference.

Very true. I mean specifically the opening number though. I'm an avid fan and I don't pay close attention to fuck ups, just something I've noticed specifically with Nothing Really Matters. Doesn't make a difference to me hence why I said it happens far too much for her liking. And I wonder what the issue is. Lack of live band? I dunno. It doesn't make or break the experience but just noticing a trend as a musical person.

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32 minutes ago, McDonna said:

I don't believe but avid fans are paying that much close of attention.  Fuck ups happen on tours, but there is so much more going on in the show, these minimal issues some fans nitpick, doesn't make a difference.

Meanwhile Madonna is ripping Stuart a new arsehole as we speak

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1 minute ago, Andymad said:

Very true. I mean specifically the opening number though. I'm an avid fan and I don't pay close attention to fuck ups, just something I've noticed specifically with Nothing Really Matters. Doesn't make a difference to me hence why I said it happens far too much for her liking. And I wonder what the issue is. Lack of live band? I dunno. It doesn't make or break the experience but just noticing a trend as a musical person.

I think what you are seeing is very minimal.  It's possible being it's the first song, she's trying different things when performing the song.  Still, I don't see it being too significant to really point out.  I do think avid fans who look for variances in the tour spot the differences than anyone else. Social media really does become a blessing and a hindering for fans depending on what they are are looking for in a concert. In the old days, few recordings pointed out varients, but in truth any touring artist never is able to duplicate something exact in each concert performance.

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1 minute ago, McDonna said:

I think what you are seeing is very minimal.  It's possible being it's the first song, she's trying different things when performing the song.  Still, I don't see it being too significant to really point out.  I do think avid fans who look for variances in the tour spot the differences than anyone else. Social media really does become a blessing and a hindering for fans depending on what they are are looking for in a concert. In the old days, few recordings pointed out varients, but in truth any touring artist never is able to duplicate something exact in each concert performance.

Well what else shall we talk about? The 95% of the show that was exactly the same as the last 10?

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2 minutes ago, McDonna said:

I think what you are seeing is very minimal.  It's possible being it's the first song, she's trying different things when performing the song.  Still, I don't see it being too significant to really point out.  I do think avid fans who look for variances in the tour spot the differences than anyone else. Social media really does become a blessing and a hindering for fans depending on what they are are looking for in a concert. In the old days, few recordings pointed out varients, but in truth any touring artist never is able to duplicate something exact in each concert performance.

Very true, and you're right. Like I said, it's a trend I've noticed. Not breaking the amazing experience but something I've just noticed. That's all lol. What I'm getting at is if it's something to do with the mixing system. If she can't hear properly.  Or why there was no baseline in Open Your Heart during the first show. Just something that I feel might be due to the entire show being digital with no live band.  I welcome the mess-ups. They're natural. But the opening number the mess up tends to be a little trend. Something is going on behind the scenes that obviously irks her. But she goes on like the pro we know :). Just an observation, its not that deep lol.

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1 minute ago, Andymad said:

Very true, and you're right. Like I said, it's a trend I've noticed. Not breaking the amazing experience but something I've just noticed. That's all lol. What I'm getting at is if it's something to do with the mixing system. If she can't hear properly.  Or why there was no baseline in Open Your Heart during the first show. Just something that I feel might be due to the entire show being digital with no live band.  I welcome the mess-ups. They're natural. But the opening number the mess up tends to be a little trend. Something is going on behind the scenes that obviously irks her. But she goes on like the pro we know :). Just an observation, its not that deep lol.

I prefer the odd mess ups.  It makes the show more organic even though I know Madonna's concert are usually very rehearsed.  Still, live shows and technical issues happens.  Some fans are looking for ways to discredit her shows or performances due to very minor issues when any other artist on tour suffers the same issues.  Fans this far in, tend to be very observant, but early on in tours no one cared of the fuck ups.  I'm sure the same kind of fuck ups are happening with Taylor Swift, etc. but only the fans who follow so closely notice it.  Even most journalist will miss such mess ups unless they have a specific agenda to bash her.  Of course, there tends to be an trend of journalists who follow certain vocal fans to help their agenda to minimize Madonna at her worst.  We see that a lot lately being the internet really helps critics and journalist accomplish their agenda in smearing an artist they don't like.

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7 minutes ago, McDonna said:

I'm sure the same kind of fuck ups are happening with Taylor Swift, etc. but only the fans who follow so closely notice it. 

Actually no. Even when 100 people passed out and 1 person died at her concert the fans didn’t critique Taylor or her team at all. They praised her for continuing the show and being so kind to throw water on some people :laughing:


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11 minutes ago, MikeyK said:

You guys I didn’t realize that chef dressed judge was real, when I scrolled past the pics I thought it was a photoshopped joke 🙈

I don't understand why some are taking issue with her bringing her chef on stage?  It's apparent this part of the show is planned at the last minute at times. I can appreciate she is able to bring someone in her life that is a babysitter or a chef in her life.  Shows she appreciates more than just famous people.

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2 hours ago, McDonna said:

I don't understand why some are taking issue with her bringing her chef on stage?  It's apparent this part of the show is planned at the last minute at times. I can appreciate she is able to bring someone in her life that is a babysitter or a chef in her life.  Shows she appreciates more than just famous people.

I don’t have issue w/it, I just thought it was a joke. I was expecting to see one w/janice from the muppets next. Or Grimace.

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3 hours ago, Blue Jean said:

Actually no. Even when 100 people passed out and 1 person died at her concert the fans didn’t critique Taylor or her team at all. They praised her for continuing the show and being so kind to throw water on some people :laughing:



I've seen lots of Brazilian fans heavily criticise Taylor Swift online after her latest concert cancelation due to the extreme heat in Rio. She cancelled the show 2 hours prior, when the stadium was already packed and people had been queuing /waiting for days. 

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