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The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)


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I just watched every song from the 2nd new york date and most of them are vocaly even worse than the first date... She's out of tune on so many songs. That user got lots of video's on his youtube channel, hope she improves again from now on. But she had so many dates already, i think her voice is getting tired. 



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I don't find her especially bad vocally in all those videos @True Blue 84but two things:

- Great uploads and thanks for them and to the person who uploaded them but the audio is not that good in general, hard to judge her voice in those anyway

- Of course her voice is going to get more and more tired as the tour continues plus I truly believe she was nervous to perform "home"

What's with the "Hung Up" "fall"? It's like she thought the final catwalk floor moment was earlier and forgot about the kiss part and went directly for it xd Better angle:

Don't know.

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29 minutes ago, Prayer said:

I don't find her especially bad vocally in all those videos @True Blue 84but two things:

- Great uploads and thanks for them and to the person who uploaded them but the audio is not that good in general, hard to judge her voice in those anyway

- Of course her voice is going to get more and more tired as the tour continues plus I truly believe she was nervous to perform "home"

What's with the "Hung Up" "fall"? It's like she thought the final catwalk floor moment was earlier and forgot about the kiss part and went directly for it xd Better angle:

Don't know.

I agree, she sounds o.k in those video's I posted on here, but go to his youtube channel and listen to the orhers from that night, Don't Cry For Me Argentina is horrible, same as Crazy For You, Bedtime Stories, Nothing Really Matters ( and in the europian dates she sounded sometimes off on these yes, but also verry often o.k to good to even great. And yes there are also lots of europe video's where the backing track is low, it al depends on the person recording and where that person is standing/sitting in the arena. But as I said, she had so many dates already, its human the voice is getting weaker and weaker... Lets hope she get truh the tour vocal wise... But till now she sounds good, except for a few new york songs... 

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3 minutes ago, sara94 said:

I will always prefer tired live vocals over lip syncing. I respect her even more now for keeping the mic on during all these choreos. Mother is having real fun at this tour

I agree.. And she still sounds good this tour, the only realy bad ones are a few songs from new york but thats it, 80% she sounds o.k to good to even great 🥰

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2 hours ago, True Blue 84 said:




I just watched it, it really was almost impossible to be noticed by others than us who already know all her coreos by heart. I mean, doesn't seem anyhing serious, this kind of things can happen live anyway. She never fell after the long turning around at the end of the HU performance instead, wich used to scare me a lot when the tour started. She fell more than once at the ITG finale and, even if really cool imo, they decided to change the final step and it's not happening anymore.

About her vocals, I mean. she sounds ok to me. Of corse she's a little more tired than the early concerts. She is also rehearsing since March and she was intubated last summer so ... She's got three more shows before a month long pause wich she will certainly be benificial for her.

I know, I tend to be very positive these days, but this show really got me back in in full form :Madonna025:

edit: beautiful pic from Munderground :broken:


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We keep saying how her voice is getting tired from the amount of shows but she already sounded this bad back in Paris, less than a month into the tour. Truth is I don't think she takes care of her singing as well as she should. She's screaming the lyrics half of the time, plus those short moments when she talks in between songs ("welcome to the NY subwaaay") she literally sounds like the girl from The Exorcist. There's no way one can sound good doing that and it is clearly an artistic choice of hers, not just "tired vocal chords". I wonder where is her vocal coach in all this, if there is one, because she needs proper care and instructing.

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6 minutes ago, missberic said:

We keep saying how her voice is getting tired from the amount of shows but she already sounded this bad back in Paris, less than a month into the tour. Truth is I don't think she takes care of her singing as well as she should. She's screaming the lyrics half of the time, plus those short moments when she talks in between songs ("welcome to the NY subwaaay") she literally sounds like the girl from The Exorcist. There's no way one can sound good doing that and it is clearly an artistic choice of hers, not just "tired vocal chords". I wonder where is her vocal coach in all this, if there is one, because she needs proper care and instructing.

I agree with the screaming, but i dont agree with that she sounded that bad in paris. Sure we know she's not Beyonce vocal wise, but overall till now she didn't sound bad, and sure it was not all 100% perfect, but vocal wise both new york dates sound definitely tired vocals, not all songs, on some she sounds fine... But each their own i gues, if you think she always sounded like that this tour than that's o.k, to me she didn't and  i watch almost every show from different recordings ( yes I'm that desperate lol) 

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25 minutes ago, missberic said:

We keep saying how her voice is getting tired from the amount of shows but she already sounded this bad back in Paris, less than a month into the tour. Truth is I don't think she takes care of her singing as well as she should. She's screaming the lyrics half of the time, plus those short moments when she talks in between songs ("welcome to the NY subwaaay") she literally sounds like the girl from The Exorcist. There's no way one can sound good doing that and it is clearly an artistic choice of hers, not just "tired vocal chords". I wonder where is her vocal coach in all this, if there is one, because she needs proper care and instructing.

We have literally NO idea of what's she's doing behind the scenes to take care of her voice (or even if she's doing something), so the rest is pure speculation and everyone can speak their minds about what they think or don't think.

But we do know from endless European footage that she's not screaming the lyrics half of the time. That's simply not true. She's singing from start to finish, over backing tracks, yeah, but singing (except the chorus of "Everybody", parts of "Erotica" and "Justify"). She literally screams only the "Welcome to the NY subway", the "rage" on "Mother And Father" and when addressing the audience sometimes. That's it.

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22 minutes ago, missberic said:

We keep saying how her voice is getting tired from the amount of shows but she already sounded this bad back in Paris, less than a month into the tour. Truth is I don't think she takes care of her singing as well as she should. She's screaming the lyrics half of the time, plus those short moments when she talks in between songs ("welcome to the NY subwaaay") she literally sounds like the girl from The Exorcist. There's no way one can sound good doing that and it is clearly an artistic choice of hers, not just "tired vocal chords". I wonder where is her vocal coach in all this, if there is one, because she needs proper care and instructing.




Example, Don't cry for me argentina in Paris vs New York 

HUGE difference 





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4 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

This thread has gotten stuck on a tedious loop

I feel like going again a half hundred pages back to find my post where I do state I don't really care to M's vocals as I know very well how they are, and how I prefer them over Mariah's and Céline's glassbreakers.

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