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Documentary Film About Madonna Fans

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32 minutes ago, EgoRod said:

You are being sued as you type. In IG and FB

Hum...? I don't have either!

Oxana, you'll have to find another way to give me a notification dear!

11 minutes ago, dave2290 said:

Always Sunny Fx GIF by It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia oxana is in contact with her lawyers only for you @Anapausis!!!!

I only have 0.0005 cents as my whole net worth, is it enough to you Oxie? Converted to rubles you'll get 1,500,000 kopeks???

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12 minutes ago, dave2290 said:

thanks for the info and the link!!!!

Ok since everyone's playing the game of being friends to blyad I'm going to also.

Oxana, don't take as an insult all of my advices as I myself take these meds for almost 2 decades. Trust me, I care about you and your sanity. I once had some similar mentality to you, I might blame on the indoctrination I got from my local politicians but they are just nuts as me. Believe me, if I were exposed to 24/7 of Pervy Kanal and Putin's laughable propaganda I'd be the way you are. In fact, aside from all the irony and calling names, I DO HAVE EMPATHY FOR YOU, I DO CARE ABOUT YOU. So my last words to you are these: GO SEE A PSYCHIATRIC THE SECOND YOU FINISH READING ME. YOU WILL THANK ME FOR THAT. World's gonna be sunnier and even the bad things that happen to us will be faced as they actually are: JUST THINGS THAT HAPPEN.

Izvinite, Oxie. Many kisses #serdtsemoya

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A P.S.: not that is a rule set in stone, but I do recommend you're gonna see a newly graduated physiatric. Believe me, THEY ARE BETTER. The long they clinic, they got crazier and crazier as they absorbe to themselves not only the symptons of their patients but also their own mental problems (family, taxes, salary, need to justify their hell of a life etc.). I even had from a psychiatric who was about to retire himself an advice I should kill myself to save him from being his patient. Believe me, I have passed through these things. I know how much mental problems are stigmatized to the whole society but we need to face the skeletons and discuss these issues more often. Btw, I'm a diagnosed Asperger - Google it plz. Hope my own experience has helped you to find light to your troubled situation, being trapped to a woman who has no interest to you at all and regrets profoundly the day she recognized you wore the shoes from her clothing line - and, believe me, if there's one thing she regrets about, is exactly the day she first met you. So, dear Oxie, move on, go have a new hobby, a new way to spend your money and the others' money, okay? Who advices is first and foremost a FRIEND. Be aware that there's at least one M stan who cares about you and want to see you feel fine and free from your obsession. And, btw, I'm still here if you wanna get some redaction classes, right? Xoxo, from Brazil with love!

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I won't say a word anymore to this thread as it's all up to blyad, I mean, to girl if she does search for help or not. We all have free will and self-determination to do our decisions in life. But it's always lovely to count on someone who gets you and your feelings and cares enough to your state of mind while the world and his wife is throwing sticks and stones at you. #Mir #Peace #FreeRussiaFromPutin #IStandForUkraine

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On 1/17/2024 at 2:03 AM, GregVsMatt said:

Watched this and the ending ha ha - he wanted nothing to do with it 8 years later after all that 

Wow. I just went to the end too. ..

The kid move to the big city got the hair down became a tiktoker and told her to f***k off :rip:

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Oh people you keep embarassing poor blyad, I mean, girl (Google this Russian word; if you're lazy to, it's the same way a Putin's minister treated M back in 2012 during her stop to Sankt Peterburg), the poor lady needs to EXPRESS HERSELF so she can RESPECT HERSELF, hey, hey, hey...

Well, at least she tries to respect herself.

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1 hour ago, EgoRod said:

Wow. I just went to the end too. ..

The kid move to the big city got the hair down became a tiktoker and told her to f***k off :rip:

Yes it's official: good blyad, I mean, lady needs a new way to spend her money and the others' money too, as people whom she helped to are ALSO treating her this way. Maybe M shouldn't be her thing anymore...

EDIT: Izvinite Oxie once more for typing "blyad" instead of "lady" (who? Hehe), as I told here on forum, I DO TYPO AS FUCK. Kisses from M's world <3 <3 <3

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