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Paris, France [December 9th Wednesday & 10th Thursday, 2015]


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I smell something special for today's performance. Maybe she could be singing Joan of Arc, what do you think??  :angel:


YESSS! It would be a great idea, I love the acoustic version of this song, I still don't understand why such a powerful ballad was not included to the regular setlist! That's a shame!!!


I'm sure tomorrow we'll get something special...I can smell it....I can feel it :monkey:

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French fans would like to thank The Queen for her support after the terrorists attack in Paris. We need you to make these two nights in Paris the most impressive concerts of the Rebel Heart Tour. Simply print this Heart shape made with the french flag colors and hold it during "La Vie En Rose", the more hearts there will be, the more chances we have that the Queen notice it! We will all be together, stand as one ! THANK YOU Peace and Love 


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Vous êtes nombreux à vouloir remercier M pour son soutien après les attentats qui ont frappés Paris. Nous vous proposons une action qui peut faire que ces deux concerts à Paris seront magiques. Imprimez simplement ce cœur (en plusieurs exemplaires si vous le pouvez, pour les donner à ceux qui n'en n'auront pas) et brandissez le pendant "La Vie en Rose" pour montrer votre amour à la Queen Of Pop ! Plus il y en aura plus Madonna le remarquera, alors nous comptons sur vous tous ! Merci à tous, see you in Paris bitches !!


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I'm going tomorrow....I'm so excited ( I'll have a rebel heart flag half algerian , half scottish, I got it made before the tour started, so we didn't really know what the theme was going to be...lool ) come and say hello if you see me! :smile: Edit: and if anyone has a spare VIP book *fluttering eyelids!*...lool :kissy:


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I'm going tomorrow....I'm so excited ( I'll have a rebel heart flag half algerian , half scottish, I got it made before the tour started, so we didn't really know what the theme was going to be...lool ) come and say hello if you see me! :smile:

Stay safe & Have a Blast! 

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