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Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024

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18 minutes ago, Lorx said:

She must be extremely insecure about her singing abilities (for good reasons); otherwise, she wouldn't go through all these maneuvers to mask her voice in a live recording. Sometimes I'm almost surprised she chooses to sing live, considering all of this.

And the cover-up is worse than the crime. She's really shooting herself in the foot.

I was so into this Rio show that I didn't even notice these screw-ups she made with the recordings. That's my super-fan side getting all hyped up and loving her no matter what, but then I take a step back after reading your comments, and I'm like, "Whoa." If it was just a little autotune on her real vocals, I'd get it, 'cause let's face it, she's been off-key in this tour, and her voice would sound awful coming out of a soundboard. But swapping it out with other performances? Disaster.

And forgive me for saying she's not as much of a perfectionist as she used to be. Many things she does are extremely contrived and sloppy. Instead of doing this, she could at least work on her technique a bit, or she could just be authentic and unmasked, letting her true voice be heard.

You're spot on when you say we're not in the MJ days anymore, where nobody cared about singing to a playback. Nowadays, almost everyone sings live, or at least tries to. People are WAY more tuned in to this stuff now.

Some people aren't, but they're minority right now. Or they're just happy fans who watch without paying attention to such details.

She's gonna end up being labeled as the queen of lip-syncing when it's not true.

I'm with you on most of it, but you're too harsh.

She gave it her all, and apart from a few slips, she sang pretty well, only to self-sabotage with this poorly done audio editing.

The thing that bugs me the most is the audience sound that pops in and out and is ALWAYS out of sync. Sorry for repeating it but it pisses me off. We were singing in sync, I was singing in sync! She tarnished my image and that of the Brazilian audience.

I'm gonna sue her!!! 🤣🤣🤣

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Her voice was never horrible on this tour. On many bootlegs you can hear her voice live, and it sounds great (better than the Blond Ambition :laughing:). On the other hand, I agree about the “insecurity” aspect: you get the feeling that she doesn't want to show the slightest flaw, and frankly, that's a shame, because it's these little imperfections that make her voice so authentic and so special.
At home, when I listen to the live in Rio, I can hear her voice live by turning up the sound on the center speaker of my amp. 

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Guys it’s a forum, we understand your concern but it was a broadcasted live tv show. ITS ALWAYS LIKE THAT, except American Idol and those shit shows.

The fact is she has one of her biggest TRIUMPHS when nobody, including us expected to do so.

She's adored around the world, she sang in front of 1.6-2 mill. People, she’s the undisputed Queen Mother Madonna, the mold that was broken after she was born. The Celebration tour shits over The Beys, the Taylor’s, the Gaga’s and their recent (the first 2) amazing success…. So who cares?

Enjoy the Celebration bitches you all sound like old aunties at the wedding telling the bride that she’s fat!!! Ffs!!!

Enjoy Yourself White Lotus GIF by HBO

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17 minutes ago, karlafalves said:

I didn't notice any of the issues people are complaining about at all.

Honestly, I really don't care. I was there, Mother was really happy, we all were having the time of our lives, we all were making history together.

That's all that matters to me ;)

Some have the need to nit and pick at anything. 1.6 million + people were there live and enjoyed themselves. Also, The majority of us who watched the broadcast enjoyed it just as much!  That is all that matters!! :party:

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52 minutes ago, Sheridan1980 said:

Her voice was never horrible on this tour. On many bootlegs you can hear her voice live, and it sounds great (better than the Blond Ambition :laughing:). On the other hand, I agree about the “insecurity” aspect: you get the feeling that she doesn't want to show the slightest flaw, and frankly, that's a shame, because it's these little imperfections that make her voice so authentic and so special.
At home, when I listen to the live in Rio, I can hear her voice live by turning up the sound on the center speaker of my amp. 

I’m waiting for our audiovisual heroes to create a definitive edition of this show. I want to listen/watch it so badly but I’m waiting for a quality master of the broadcast. 

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1 hour ago, Blue Jean said:

I think most non fans believe she lip syncs at this point and/or that she cannot sing. The expectation of great vocals is so much higher these days than it was 20 years ago or more. The Internet gives people so much more opportunity to scrutinize and dissect these things. And unless Madonna actually makes the effort to be 100% live and sound her best then this perception will continue. 

Mariah is now copping it for the same things and she was always known for her vocals. Unfortunately, that’s a result of her choices too. People are not so naive anymore as they were in the past.

It’s kind of bullshit because MJ blatantly lip synced 80% of the time and yet nobody ever talks about that at all.

Because he's a man.... sad but true 

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49 minutes ago, Pedro Beltran said:

Guys it’s a forum, we understand your concern but it was a broadcasted live tv show. ITS ALWAYS LIKE THAT, except American Idol and those shit shows.

The fact is she has one of her biggest TRIUMPHS when nobody, including us expected to do so.

She's adored around the world, she sang in front of 1.6-2 mill. People, she’s the undisputed Queen Mother Madonna, the mold that was broken after she was born. The Celebration tour shits over The Beys, the Taylor’s, the Gaga’s and their recent (the first 2) amazing success…. So who cares?

Enjoy the Celebration bitches you all sound like old aunties at the wedding telling the bride that she’s fat!!! Ffs!!!

Enjoy Yourself White Lotus GIF by HBO

The reason we are not happy with the audio is that it's bad and that we care about her and we want to keep authentic memories of these moments. We love her religiously. We want them to be loved and to be remember as the legend she is.

We're not being hateful. We just want authentic memories, not evidently fake ones.

I'm happy for this big success. I was there and I LITERALLY CRIED multiple times. It did not happen at the other shows of the tour I attended. But when I watched the TV recording I was so disappointed, it's not always like that, it only happens with Madonna because she always tries to mask her imperfections by making it all worse.

So I really hope they're gonna fix it.

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23 minutes ago, Donna said:

Some have the need to nit and pick at anything. 1.6 million + people were there live and enjoyed themselves. Also, The majority of us who watched the broadcast enjoyed it just as much!  That is all that matters!! :party:

Look i don't care if there are fixed vocals, thats normal with dvd releases to. But they have to make sure it's in sync. And at times it was not. That's not nitpicking... especially when she was in sync and live in person... 


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13 minutes ago, True Blue 84 said:

Because he's a man.... sad but true 

Not exactly. He had an amazing voice and showed for more than a decade that he sang incredibly well. That was his reputation. He started lip-syncing when his voice got damaged and couldn't keep up the same level, because he was an obsessive perfectionist (and honestly, it annoys me if it implies losing humanity and authenticity), but nobody doubted he could sing even when lip-syncing because they all knew he delivered perfect vocal performances.


Madonna always sang pretty much in tune even though she wasn't always perfect (she sounded ok at BAT, accept it), but she was never at MJ's vocal level. So, every time she lip-synced, it was in a context where her reputation as a good singer wasn't established yet.

And they've always been tough on her, even though she didn't sing worse than other popstars in the end. The reason is also that she was always a controversial figure, a woman who exposed her sexuality (even in a religious perspective) and defended the weakest. Plus, she built a reputation as a "mean diva" who treated everyone badly. She's always been a very divisive artist.

And through the years she got worse and became a "bad" singer. So for the general public she's either a bad singer or the queen of lip-syncing 

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10 minutes ago, FraP said:

The reason we are not happy with the audio is that it's bad and that we care about her and we want to keep authentic memories of these moments. We love her religiously. We want them to be loved and to be remember as the legend she is.

We're not being hateful. We just want authentic memories, not evidently fake ones.

I'm happy for this big success. I was there and I LITERALLY CRIED multiple times. It did not happen at the other shows of the tour I attended. But when I watched the TV recording I was so disappointed, it's not always like that, it only happens with Madonna because she always tries to mask her imperfections by making it all worse.

So I really hope they're gonna fix it.

Thank u for your service soldier, but as with the veterans of war neither your country, your family and even your dog cares about it. 

The people who watched TV watches soap operas and gossip shows. What it’s important to them is if she has done her ass, her liposuction and has a new big dicked boyfriend. 

It always happens like that, it’s TV that you are too young to have experience what that medium truly is. Live singing wasn’t a thing until the talent shows.

They aren’t going to fix it because there’s nothing to be fixed, the broadcasters are happy, Itau is happy and 300 million people who watched on TV are happy. 

let it go GIF

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7 minutes ago, Lorx said:

Not exactly. He had an amazing voice and showed for more than a decade that he sang incredibly well. That was his reputation. He started lip-syncing when his voice got damaged and couldn't keep up the same level, because he was an obsessive perfectionist (and honestly, it annoys me if it implies losing humanity and authenticity), but nobody doubted he could sing even when lip-syncing because they all knew he delivered perfect vocal performances.


Madonna always sang pretty much in tune even though she wasn't always perfect (she sounded ok at BAT, accept it), but she was never at MJ's vocal level. So, every time she lip-synced, it was in a context where her reputation as a good singer wasn't established yet.

And they've always been tough on her, even though she didn't sing worse than other popstars in the end. The reason is also that she was always a controversial figure, a woman who exposed her sexuality (even in a religious perspective) and defended the weakest. Plus, she built a reputation as a "mean diva" who treated everyone badly. She's always been a very divisive artist.

And through the years she got worse and became a "bad" singer. So for the general public she's either a bad singer or the queen of lip-syncing 

For the Prince Tribute at Billboard, her voice was absolutely perfect, it was 100% live and it was in 2016 :cute:

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2 hours ago, FraP said:

GGW has always been lip-synced. She hasn't sung it live even once. But it's a recording engineered to sound live.

Body Shop was always live, and it never seemed lipped to me.

The point here is that this show was live from start to finish, and 12 min they made several shoddy audio substitutions for the TV broadcast.

The audience is almost always out of sync, creating a very unflattering effect. Sorry, but this bothers me A LOT. 

Plus, there are moments where her voice (specifically raw vocals and not backing vocals) is heard, and she's either not singing or singing different words from the audio. It's evident in Holiday and other moments too.It's a disaster; I almost suspect it was done by at most 2-3 people rather than a team of 20 people paying attention to all the details.

And it's a shame because it tarnishes her image, giving off an extreme sense of artificiality. Don't Tell Me was completely ruined, with audio that doesn't even remotely resemble her live voice which is heard just in the first verse (because she was out of tempo and they could not replace her voice there). And there too, you can hear her voice when she's not singing.

As far as I'm concerned, they can autotune all they want, but they need to do it in a way that sounds realistic and stays in sync. Everyone says she doesn't sing live for these reasons, and I hate it. I was there and we all listened to a live concert, not a mimed one.

Bravo 👏👏👏 i couldn't have said it better... 

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16 minutes ago, Sheridan1980 said:

For the Prince Tribute at Billboard, her voice was absolutely perfect, it was 100% live and it was in 2016 :cute:

That was the last vocal performance she really studied for, prepared and put effort into.

After that, she was always vocally mediocre or ok at best. And sometimes she was even really bad. So bad like she wasn’t even a singer but some random drunk girl at a cheap karaoke bar

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42 minutes ago, Lorx said:

Not exactly. He had an amazing voice and showed for more than a decade that he sang incredibly well. That was his reputation. He started lip-syncing when his voice got damaged and couldn't keep up the same level, because he was an obsessive perfectionist (and honestly, it annoys me if it implies losing humanity and authenticity), but nobody doubted he could sing even when lip-syncing because they all knew he delivered perfect vocal performances.


Madonna always sang pretty much in tune even though she wasn't always perfect (she sounded ok at BAT, accept it), but she was never at MJ's vocal level. So, every time she lip-synced, it was in a context where her reputation as a good singer wasn't established yet.

And they've always been tough on her, even though she didn't sing worse than other popstars in the end. The reason is also that she was always a controversial figure, a woman who exposed her sexuality (even in a religious perspective) and defended the weakest. Plus, she built a reputation as a "mean diva" who treated everyone badly. She's always been a very divisive artist.

And through the years she got worse and became a "bad" singer. So for the general public she's either a bad singer or the queen of lip-syncing 

I agree with @True Blue 84

I think there is a lot of misogyny. In the 80s, Madonna had a huge success and overshadowed many other artists. They said she wouldn't last, that she was a bitch without talent.

They said she couldn't sing or dance (when in fact she danced better than almost all other female popstars), because she was strong and controversial, as you say.

Sexuality came later, Madonna was already criticized in 1985, when she became very famous, for the way she owned her sexuality and challenged social conventions. Prince showed his butt and wasn't criticized, Bowie pretended to perform oral sex on his guitarist guitar and people found it amusing, but Madonna was demolished for much less. The reason? She's a woman and women were not suppose to behave like that!


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Dudes here we are 40 years later, kissing black saints, the sex book, aids, hiv crisis, the terrible Penns, late starts, fake ass, grills, doing whatever the fuck she wants always, treating media like shit, treating fans like shit as well, young lovers, adoption of foreign children, being related to a “sect” and the list goes on and on and on…

And yet here we are celebrating one of the biggest accomplishments of her career and you are worried of something that could tarnish her image, give me a f break!!!

Oh No Fah GIF by Foil Arms and Hog

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6 minutes ago, Lorx said:

That was the last vocal performance she really studied for, prepared and put effort into.

After that, she was always vocally mediocre or ok at best. And sometimes she was even really bad. So bad like she wasn’t even a singer but some random drunk girl at a cheap karaoke bar

She was never mediocre. It's just that we can't hear her live voice at 100%. 

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I'm sure the fans complaining about the audio treatment of the broadcast were the same people throwing her under the bus after Eurovision 2019.

"But she doesn't need it!". Then for whatever reason she has a bad day, or is full of nerves, or any of the one thousand reasons that can affect her voice (it has happened during the tour, better and worse days vocally)... and then you'd be complaining too.

She can't never win.

If you thought for a minute that you were going to get raw vocals in 2024 on a TV broadcast watched (legally) by more than 50M people (imagine how many on the Internet), I'm sorry but you're out of your minds.

And sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but she's retouched audio since "The Virgin Tour" VHS in 1985. Compare the news footage or the bootlegs with the final product.

She's a perfectionist. She wants to offer the best final product possible. You should know by this point.

If you want pure impressive amazing vocals... there are many other artists out there.

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4 minutes ago, Prayer said:

I'm sure the fans complaining about the audio treatment of the broadcast were the same people throwing her under the bus after Eurovision 2019.

"But she doesn't need it!". Then for whatever reason she has a bad day, or is full of nerves, or any of the one thousand reasons that can affect her voice (it has happened during the tour, better and worse days vocally)... and then you'd be complaining too.

She can't never win.

If you thought for a minute that you were going to get raw vocals in 2024 on a TV broadcast watched (legally) by more than 50M people (imagine how many on the Internet), I'm sorry but you're out of your minds.

And sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but she's retouched audio since "The Virgin Tour" VHS in 1985. Compare the news footage or the bootleg with the final product.

She's a perfectionist. She wants to offer the best final product possible. You should know by this point.

I was never shocked by her voice at Eurovision, it's Madonna, sometimes it's great, sometimes it's not perfect

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23 minutes ago, FraP said:

I agree with @True Blue 84

I think there is a lot of misogyny. In the 80s, Madonna had a huge success and overshadowed many other artists. They said she wouldn't last, that she was a bitch without talent.

They said she couldn't sing or dance (when in fact she danced better than almost all other female popstars), because she was strong and controversial, as you say.

Sexuality came later, Madonna was already criticized in 1985, when she became very famous, for the way she owned her sexuality and challenged social conventions. Prince showed his butt and wasn't criticized, Bowie pretended to perform oral sex on his guitarist guitar and people found it amusing, but Madonna was demolished for much less. The reason? She's a woman and women were not suppose to behave like that!


Omg! We agree AGAIN?.... 


Let's hug 😅... Season 10 Hug GIF by Friends

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