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RIT pro shot was filmed in Lisbon, not Telaviv

I only just rewatched I’m Going To Tell You A Secret yesterday for this first time in over 10 years thanks to some very kind members here who shared me a link to do so as I haven’t had access to anything that plays a dvd in a decade so my copy is essentially useless to me!

It was great to relive one of my favourite Madonna eras. A beautiful tour. I still hold out hope (as many others do) that eventually the full tour gets an official release (although I have of course seen the Lisbon pro shot). 

I voted for the Circus segment because I think she looks so beautiful in that red and white striped corset, her vocals on Lament are heartbreakingly beautiful and the Hollywood interlude really shows how she cast dancers with special talents and built the show around them to showcase them as mush as to showcase herself in a way. 


I only just rewatched I’m Going To Tell You A Secret yesterday for this first time in over 10 years thanks to some very kind members here who shared me a link to do so as I haven’t had access to anything that plays a dvd in a decade so my copy is essentially useless to me!

It was great to relive one of my favourite Madonna eras. A beautiful tour. I still hold out hope (as many others do) that eventually the full tour gets an official release (although I have of course seen the Telaviv pro shot). 

I voted for the Circus segment because I think she looks so beautiful in that red and white striped corset, her vocals on Lament are heartbreakingly beautiful and the Hollywood interlude really shows how she cast dancers with special talents and built the show around them to showcase them as mush as to showcase herself in a way. 


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