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Supposedly new pic from 1979/ Madonna or not ???

Redha DBL

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3 hours ago, xavier said:

Interesting Freddie Wearing the same shirt, the circle/oval is distorted on him as well. It has nothing to do with some photoshoot on M’s boobs as some are trying to claim . Now of course M’s is slightly wider because yes she has breasts and the shirt is small/tight.

So true. It looks more like a football shape!


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11 hours ago, xavier said:


Nah, every fibre of my being is saying it's Paula. I know M. That's not her. 

8 hours ago, Veronica-Electronica said:

I was on the fence until @Dazedmadonna posted this photo. Now I’m sure it’s her. 



The gap in the teeth is a little bigger in the right pic. The amount of tooth shown is different. The top lip is thinner too. If her face were slightly more to the right (like the left pic) it would look even thinner but you can see the side more in the left. 

Bottom lip in right is full in the middle and 'pinches' in. It looks full throughout in the left pic and doesn't pinch in. 

My verdict: It's not M.

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21 minutes ago, Crazy For M said:

Nah, every fibre of my being is saying it's Paula. I know M. That's not her. 

The gap in the teeth is a little bigger in the right pic. The amount of tooth shown is different. The top lip is thinner too. If her face were slightly more to the right (like the left pic) it would look even thinner but you can see the side more in the left. 

Bottom lip in right is full in the middle and 'pinches' in. It looks full throughout in the left pic and doesn't pinch in. 

My verdict: It's not M.

It could actually be Paula, hence the confusion? And the photographer genuinely believing it's Madonna.

Teeth are the same here (left picture):


As compared to:


More Paula from the early years:



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4 hours ago, Voguerista said:

Another (BIG)possibility is that she isn't wearing a bra ...and maybe uhhh, one side is shifting to her right and the other side is shifting more downward which is causing the tshirt to point to her right. If she's dancing, it could have it's bouncing direction shift effects if you know what I mean. :bananawave: Tagging @Adonna in this too to contemplate. :laughing:


1 hour ago, Prayer said:


People automatically trusting anything they're presented without questioning.

All I know is something off and I agree with @Prayerhow it's odd how this photographer is just getting around releasing it now.  Also, in the age of AI and photoshop when many fans question the tinsy thing that is off, I'd think it's pretty understanding why some would now too. 

Also, people lie.  They will manipulate and even bring things forth, to try to perpetuate that lie even further.  If someone is trying to sell a book, it's much easier to do so with an unseeen, unpublished image or dish on something not known than not.

No doubt, whoever it is, there is a definite likeness to Madonna. I see it.  But I just can't 100% be convinced it's her.

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16 minutes ago, Dazedmadonna said:

Images get released after many years all of the time, it is nothing new.

Look at the Andrew Caulfield photoshoot that was used on the iconic prop magazine ‘Gloss’ on the Borderline music video, and just 40 years later we get to see more of this then-unknown photoshoot.


Yes, but a lot of these shots have been known to exist long before or we've gotten alternate shots from the same or similar photoshoots or photographers.

And yeah,  I can see someone coming across something they had stored away and forgot about.  That is certainly possible, but looking at the image supposedly of Madonna in 1979, I still question. Zoom in on the back of the arms. There is skin/muscle/fold that Madonna doesn't have or at least at that time.  Also, there is something off about the shirt as well. 

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47 minutes ago, Dazedmadonna said:

Images get released after many years all of the time, it is nothing new.

Look at the Andrew Caulfield photoshoot that was used on the iconic prop magazine ‘Gloss’ on the Borderline music video, and just 40 years later we get to see more of this then-unknown photoshoot.



It’s obviously her.

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