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Madonna’s silence on the US election


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11 hours ago, Susan Thomas said:

First of all finally a place where to discuss about this. I'm surprised too, she's been very verbal about any meaningful social and political event till the Covid pandemic, if I remeber correctly. I'm especially surprised she is not supporting the first probable woman president of the USA and that she is saying almost nothing about the two big wars in Europe and Middle East. I tend to think it's got something to do with her new communication policy, you know, the one started deleting all her Instagram posts and being more selective and cautious about what she posts and stuff like that. 

About her moving masses or not, let me say I always felt very offensive the way politics treated her, even at her peak. From the Clintons to the Obamas, they NEVER acknowledged her commitment, care and dedication to support them and especially to propose a way of living based on freedom, respect of others identities and courage to express own's opinions. And all of that what for? The sex book? Some bad words on TV? I mean ... she's always been there, with them. She went down on the streets for the BLM movement and for the Women march, she fought so hardly against the AIDS prejudices and for the gay community, she made such a strong video condemning the Iraqi war, she recorded an entire album in 2019 about our social resposabilities and took part to the 1992 Rock the Vote campaign. she made a live happening in Central Park to support Hillary and produced a documentary about the african children tragedy, she collected money for the Obama campaign endorsing him for all her 2012 american league and made an Israeli and a Pakistani flagged man climbing a staircase hand in hand as a message of dialogue and peace.

This could also be a condition of her new recording contract with Warner.  Granted it seems unlike her to agree to anything like that, but who knows?

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47 minutes ago, LongIslandTea said:

Maybe she was disappointed with DEM for supporting wars in Middle-East?

Then she should voice her opinion on that 

and not be silenced by a grey haired man who only makes birthday posts about celebrity friends


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Madonna isn't obligated nor owe anyone an explanation of where she stands with this election, no matter how outspoken she's been before.  If she chooses to do so, that's up to her, but no one should expect her to speak up.  We should also be careful in making assumptions in why she isn't sharing her political views.   By doing so, it only creates drama for something we don't know is true. 

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I think that like any experienced person who practices mindfulness, Madonna has come to understand that politics is a game that cannot be won. We evolve society and address its problems through personal dedication to causes in which we can truly effect and affect change. Politicians are corrupt, greedy, and always enslaved to the corporations and hierarchies that fund them. There is no room for idealism in such a system. As Madonna successfully made her own way through a different but parallel hierarchy by going against the status quo, I imagine Establishment politics are about as interesting to her as any other conformist construct. I think she was always pressured into conveying political alliance as a public figure, and it would have been difficult not to declare allegiance to a democrat throughout the post-Reagan era. Clinton brought a naive sense of hope and change that was clearly in line with Madonna’s broader agenda as an influential artist, and both of the Bush administrations were overtly warmongering and conservative. Her alignment with or opposition to any subsequent president would have been a no brainer considering the broadening cultural division between left and right throughout the Obama, Trump and Biden administrations. No politician would have wanted the endorsement of a person who has thrived on being as adored as she was despised. Madonna is a polarizing woman in every way imaginable, and so engaging her support would never be considered an attribute. I imagine Madonna understands this. Something I noticed watching Real Time with Bill Maher last night is that he always denigrates celebrities who claim they will leave the US if an extremist candidate like Trump was to be elected or reelected, stating that hypocritically, they never do. And yet Madonna really did leave for most of the duration of the Trump administration. I find his hubris in ignoring this fact to be indicative of his general dismissal of Madonna as a still culturally significant person (he has mocked her before on occasion for her perceived desperation), and reflective of the public’s perception of her in general. They simply don’t understand and are not informed of her dedication and commitment to her vision as an artist, philanthropist and activist. This is in part due to her own missteps as a public advocate…the post-Trump election activism was gauche and lacked intelligence. She doesn’t always do herself favors to be taken seriously…And yet her actions always speak louder than words. She’s the real deal, and that’s dangerous to the constructs that we adhere to as a society through corporatist politics and media. 

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6 hours ago, BLUE JEAN said:

This is why I think it’s some kind of PR direction she’s been given. It’s just very out of character. Maybe it has something to do with the biopic?

Her whole online persona has really been cleaned up since the tour quite a lot.

Since when has Madonna cared about PR direction?

Shes suddenly going to start at 70??

I don’t believe it for a second 

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1 minute ago, Slickness said:

Good, I hate when celebs get involved in politics, what is the purpose? Who doesn't know they need to vote and do people need someone to tell them who to vote for?  Most people already know who they support, why would who a celebrity vote for matter to anyone?

Because they are tax-paying American citizens and it is their right?

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9 minutes ago, Slickness said:

Good, I hate when celebs get involved in politics, what is the purpose? Who doesn't know they need to vote and do people need someone to tell them who to vote for?  Most people already know who they support, why would who a celebrity vote for matter to anyone?

I like to know, for instance i want to know who votes for trump against gay rights and right to have an abortion. Someone who is ok with sending morons to the Capitol, someone who is ok with restraining the rights of people because they are not white christian hetero rich male.  I don't want to support that kind of person. Even though i don't live in the US, i know that they are invasive enough to disrupt and intervene in other countries business and world economy so in a way, american elections are everyone's business. 

I really need to know, like for instance that selma blair is a putrid genocidal supporter because i felt sorry fof her until i knew she's heartless. All sympathy revoked.

If i was in the us i'd probably vote Harris but without enthusiasm, just because she's the lesser of twi evils. If democracy was not at risk with trump, i'd vote Stein. She's the only one with a program for change and progress. All big "democracies" are struggling and at a stand still because the system has been corrupted. Watch France, England, Italy... we're not doing well. Power is not in people's hands anymore. We vote against candidates.  

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