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Singapore - February 28th


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A note to the Archbishop of Singapore


In taking it upon yourself to inform Catholics in Singapore that it is our moral obligation to boycott Madonna’s concert this Sunday, you’ve revealed you have rather a lot of time on your hands. This is surprising for a religious representative of a country, even a small one. I thought I’d help by suggesting some other topics that could use your attention:


1. The death penalty. Your boss, Pope Francis, gave a rousing address this week asking for a global abolition of the death penalty. Several media are calling it his strongest message on this yet. As the Catholic leader of a country where the death penalty is not only practised but, in the case of certain crimes, is mandatory, I would have thought this an ideal time to raise the issue again to our governing bodies. You should never tire of repeating this message, especially when the opportunity to do so is laid in your lap. By your boss.


2. The stateless status of Yuvethra Selvanaiyagam. Have you heard of her? Despite being born and bred in Singapore, despite mothering two Singapore citizens, Yuvethra inherited her own mother’s “stateless†status and has on that basis repeatedly been denied Singapore citizenship. What a wonderful opportunity for you to talk about racial and gender inequality in Singapore, legally-mandated discrimination and the failure of a system to protect one of its own. I would have expected the Church to extend its support in caring for the needs of Yuvethra and her family, since her status has also denied her employment. It seems like the sort of thing Jesus would have done.


3. The film “Spotlightâ€. I’d mistakenly thought you’d commented on this already, but have been unable to find a single quote. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this film, which lays bare the systemic and systematic sexual and spiritual abuse of children, the cover-up of these crimes and protection of the perpetrators by the Boston Archdiocese. It was a story we all knew, but brought to light the details and nuances that made the facts even more heinous than we’d thought. Even more disturbing was the long list of towns and cities where similar abuse and cover-ups had taken place, not just in the US but all over the world. It makes me wonder if it’s simply a matter of time before the history of something similar rears its head in Singapore. Have I received Holy Communion or absolution from a priest that has molested a little boy? Raped one? A little girl? I have no idea, and that truly shakes me to my core. Given the ongoing investigations into similar allegations against Australia’s Cardinal George Pell, a comment from you would have been even more important and timely.


You do have an awful lot to say about Madonna, however, which confuses me. Is Madonna controversial? Yes. Is she provocative? To the extreme? Yes and yes. Does she cross the line? All the time. But here’s the difference between Madonna and the three issues I’ve mentioned: everything Madonna sings, dances and wears is metaphor. It’s symbolic. Representative. It’s not real. Not in the same way that the rape of a child by a priest is real. Or the denial of citizenship to a life-long resident of Singapore is real. That’s why I’m confused — do you truly believe symbols like the crucifix, the nun’s habit and holy water are more worthy of defence than actual people?


Art is about finding the best way to say what’s in your head and heart, and to challenge others to examine what’s in their heads and hearts. Madonna’s music and shows — which are art. Whether you like them or not doesn’t factor in that definition, just as how someone who disagrees with Catholicism doesn’t make it a pseudo-religion — are how she expresses her own exploration of the world and herself in it, much of it in relation to the religion she was raised in. I imagine it would be extremely difficult for someone with her name to not view their life through those lenses. My point is those aren’t real nuns who were coerced into dancing for her; they are not servants of God duped and then silenced with hush money. None of it is real. So please believe that Madonna’s concert in Singapore is far from being a great slight against the teachings of Jesus. It is not a slight at all.


The death penalty, however, is. The sexual abuse of children is. The failure to prosecute criminals and going so far as to shield them is. The failure to help someone whom you know needs help is. Yet in a week where all three of these very real issues are dominating the headlines, in your own diocese, you choose to ignore them in favour of guilting your community into boycotting a concert. A concert.


If you need reassurance, here it is: I spent 13 years of my life attending some form of catechism, both at school and in church. I also have a conscience, which guides me in most everything I do. So between church teachings and a common standards of ethics, I have developed a solid, stable code that will not be compromised by attending a sexually-charged show. Nor will be the morality of the other paying, consenting adults who are *choosing* to attend the show. None of us will be inspired by the concert to attack people or steal, or kill or rape. Our own moral codes will prevent us from doing such heinous things. You’ll find Madonna’s moral code prevents her from the same. What we will do when we leave the concert is feel elated, empowered, overjoyed, like we can do something good with our lives. That’s how Madonna’s music makes people feel. That’s what Madonna does.


I suggest you do some soul-searching, to assess if Madonna really is the biggest problem you see facing the Catholic community in Singapore today. If you truly believe this to be the case, then God bless and good luck to you.


Because you will be so very, very wrong.

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Madonna fans cause a commotion as organizers halve Standing Pen A section without notice


Fans of Madonna who bought Standing Pen A tickets to Sunday's Rebel Heart Tour concert are going borderline nuts after concert organizers divided the original section alloted for Standing Pen A into two, and renamed the area closer to the stage as Standing Pen A1. 


Standing Pen A costs $188, while the new A1 section is priced higher at $388.


While the new section was reported by The Straits Times last Monday, those who had bought the A1 tickets before claim they were not notified.


"They halved the area, sold the front part for a higher price and then sold more of the $188 ticket," according to Ivan De Luna-Sison, one of a few fans who have left scathing complaints on the Facebook page of Mediacorp Vizpro. "I don't appreciate having my ticket effectively downgraded just because the organizer is extremely greedy!"


"This is an indecent, deceitful and potentially illegal business practice — it is a betrayal of the fans' trust and a huge disappointment to people who purchased early to get a good view of the performance," he told Coconuts Singapore.


On its FB Page, Mediacorp Vizpro explained that they are merely the local coordinator of the concert. "Madonna Rebel Heart Tour is produced by Live Nation Global Touring in association with East West Best, Inc. and exclusively supported by King Lun & The UMS Group. You may send in your feedback tofeedbackRHT@gmail.com." It seems like we're not the only ones who think it's a wee bit shady:

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Coconuts Singapore has reached out to the Mediacorp for their official statement.


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UPDATE: Concert organisers Kinglun International Holdings Co. have responded to us — check out what they said below: 


"Thank you for your mail.

Standing Pen A1 is a reconfiguration of the existing CAT 1 section, therefore the original position of Standing Pen A has not been shifted.

As the seating plan is not drawn to scale, it might seemed that Standing Pen A was shifted back."

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"I want to start a revolution. Are you with me?"


Oh wait, 14million? Forget that revolution, let me change my show to please you. Forget ArtForFreedom, forget "be prepared to die for what you believe in".


Courtney Love once told me "money is Madonna's pornography." It's true. Always has been, always will be.


You CANNOT be a Rebel Heart and not rebel against nonsense. The show is "Capitalist Heart". She has to make her divorce money back somehow. 


That's stupid. She's billionaire. She don't care about 14 million.

You should understand that Humans Rights are not respected there

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That's stupid. She's billionaire. She don't care about 14 million.

You should understand that Humans Rights are not respected there



Who doesn't care about 14 million? It doesn't matter how rich you are, personally pocketing 14 million will NEVER be turned down.


I know human rights are not respected there, which is why she needs to take a stand and perform the FULL show.

A true artist will always risk something, but bending over for some cash and pleasing the repressive rulers...that ain't the Madonna I have loved.

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Who doesn't care about 14 million? It doesn't matter how rich you are, personally pocketing 14 million will NEVER be turned down.


I know human rights are not respected there, which is why she needs to take a stand and perform the FULL show.

A true artist will always risk something, but bending over for some cash and pleasing the repressive rulers...that ain't the Madonna I have loved.

If she was just interested about money, she should have already done a greatest hit tour with the same old choreography etc etc. She could earned a loooot more than just 14 million (no official sources about the fact she will earn this amount for the show)You don't even know if she will perform Holy Water. There is a difference between what is announced and what is done...

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Local celebs share excitement for Madonna's upcoming Singapore gig 

See more at: http://news.asiaone.com/news/showbiz/local-celebs-share-excitement-madonnas-upcoming-singapore-gig#sthash.O2dcgOsM.dpuf

Local celebs share their excitement for the Material Girl's upcoming S'pore gig.



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Here's a rare male fan who's willing to go all out for Madonna, even splashing out on a VIP ticket costing $1,288, reportedly the most expensive concert ticket here ever.


"I shamelessly tapped on all my connections to help me reserve it, as I was worried there would be none left after the priority tickets for fan club members and credit card holders (went on sale)," said the 45- year-old actor-host.

"I would bug people with texts three or four times a day."


He admitted it was a hefty price to pay but one that was well worth it as he knew he had procured "the best category" and would be "right in front... close to the stage".


A VIP ticket also includes a goodie bag with exclusive Madonna merchandise from the Rebel Heart Tour.

Wong said his Madonna ticket was the most costly he has ever bought.


"Watching Madonna live and seeing the Northern Lights are two of the items on my bucket list. I saw the Northern Lights in Tromso, Norway, last November, and I'm really happy I can fulfil my dream to see Madonna too," he said.

Wong, a big fan of 80s music, recalled playing Madonna records on his DJ console for his 17th birthday party.


"I've always loved her songs such as Like A Virgin, Holiday, and True Blue," he said. "Also, she is such a rebel and doesn't conform to society. She always reinvents herself and is not afraid to offend."


Wong will attend the gig with a few friends, and is excited to see his idol perform in the flesh.


"It'll be like having a long-term love affair with someone, and seeing them finally for the first time. The anticipation has just been building, and you hope the 20-odd years of adoration have been justified."


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Photo: Instagram

Au was so excited about seeing Madonna in concert here that she replicated her idol's saucy pose from the Rebel Heart Tour poster on her Instagram page.


The 41-year-old actress-host, who donned a black swimsuit and red cardigan for it, said: "I don't usually post such (sexy) pictures of myself online, but when it comes to Madonna, I go a bit crazy."


It is apt that Au's favourite song during her childhood was Crazy For You, and she would lip-sync it while rolling around on the floor a la Madonna.


"I would pretend I was out of love, although I was too young to understand that at the time. I was probably more crazy for a snack," she joked.


Au last saw Madonna perform on her 2006 Music Tour when she was studying in Tokyo.


"I bought the cheapest ticket because I was on a student budget, and Madonna looked so tiny, like a little ant," she recalled.


"Still, it was very cool. Her showmanship was amazing, and the Japanese fans were so dedicated and came dressed like her, which really added to the atmosphere."


Au has purchased Category 1 tickets worth $688 to Madonna's Singapore gig, which she will attend with her friends.

"They are the same people I performed with in the 2000 National Day Parade, where we entertained the crowd with Holiday at the post-parade party. It was so much fun, and I'm sure the Rebel Heart Tour will also be a night to remember."


ZOE TAY  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:  :heart: 

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Photo: Instagram

In her teens, the 48-year-old veteran actress was grooving to Madonna songs such as Like A Virgin.


"Madonna's music videos were always a must-watch because her dance moves were amazing and really set trends. I remember dancing along to her songs at discos when I was younger," she said.


Tay believes seeing the singer perform is a "once-in-a-lifetime" experience. Befitting of showbiz royalty, she will be seated in the VIP section at the invitation of the concert organisers and plans to take her husband Philip Chionh.

Coincidentally, Feb 28 is also a special date for Tay - it is the anniversary of her Star Search win in 1988, which catapulted her to stardom.


"It'll be something unique, seeing my idol perform on the day that marks my 28th year in showbiz," she mused.

"I really admire Madonna's energy level at her age, and how she is still giving 100 per cent to her career, never giving up. Some people were born to be on stage, and Madonna is definitely one of them."



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Photo: Instagram

The ONE FM DJ made a special trip to Bangkok to catch Madonna live on Feb 9.


"She was two hours late, but it worked out because we got stuck in traffic and got there an hour late," said Miles, 41, who attended the concert with her girlfriends.


Miles paid 7,000 baht (S$275) for her ticket, and said she has "no regrets" about not attending the upcoming Singapore gig.


She said: "I bought tickets straightaway when the Bangkok show was announced since we didn't know yet if Madonna was coming to Singapore.


"But I think seeing her in Bangkok was a better experience because there was the excitement of travelling there, and the local Thai drag queens (among the audience) also adding to the experience.


"I even took a picture with one of them."

She assured Singapore fans that they will enjoy Madonna's show, despite the fact that it will be missing the "blasphemous bits" present in her Bangkok gig, such as her religious references to nuns.


"What I really loved about her concert was how she wove in her old songs with her new ones. Expect to hear lots of True Blue, Burning Up and Love Don't Live Here Anymore, but with a twist."


She added: "People should also bring some extra cash because there's some cool merchandise on sale. I bought a new tote bag and really love it."


Miles, a long-time Madonna fan, remembers dressing up as her idol as a 14-year-old.


"I went out and bought the same outfit she wore in her Lucky Star era: The black netted singlet and copious amounts of bangles. You could hear me coming from a mile away," she said with a laugh.

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Mad demand for Madonna tickets


PETALING JAYA, Feb 23 — Madonna’s Rebel Heart World Tour Singapore leg is reportedly costing organisers US$10 million (RM42 million) to stage.


The mind-boggling number eclipses one of the most priciest concerts to be staged in Kuala Lumpur when Korean pop outfit Big Bang’s two-day show last year was reported to cost an estimated RM1 million to stage.


The Madonna show is also tagged as the first concert at the Singapore National Stadium that will require a reconfiguration of the seating to accommodate the show. The entire process will take 10 days to facilitate and will enable the audience to be closer to the stage.


The concert is close to “sold outâ€, and the promoters have increased tickets to meet the demand, with the announcement that a limited number of S$188 (RM573) tickets will be up for sale beginning at 10am tomorrow.

All lower tier tickets priced at S$108, S$188, S$288 and S$388 were sold out earlier and organisers had reintroduced the S$388 tickets last week to meet the demand.


Tickets are available online at www.sportshubtix.sg/Hotline at +65 3158 7888/National Stadium Box Office or at all SingPost Outlets.


Madonna’s Rebel Heart World Tour in Singapore is produced by Live Nation Global Touring in association with East West Best, Inc. and supported by KingLun & The UMS Group. 


Tickets priced at S$488, S$588, S$688 and VIP tickets at S$1,288 remain in limited numbers.

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It's Sunday, February 27 Madonna will perform at the Singapore National Stadium with a capacity of 50,000 people


This is the 74th date of Rebel Heart Tour  and the last Asian date.

Singapore is preparing to receive the Queen of Pop! 

Here are some figures to shed light on the excesses of the show: 

Cost concert Singapore: 14 Million Singaporean Dollars ($ 10M US) 

180 people working on the tour

four cargo planes carrying the equipment of the tour 6.3Tons of lights, sound, video is used on stage 

22 videos are broadcast on stage over 2 million Led used on screens 

500 shoes Pairs

more than 1000 costumes for all dancers, musicians, singers. 

20 dancers who worked 6 days 7, 14H a day to prepare the show over 

2 million Swarovski crystal jewelry for costume Madonna 

(source:themalaymailonline )

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Well said!!! â™¥â™¥
Let's just enjoy Madonna's music

In the early years of our nation's development, it was understandable that censorship was a little heavy-handed, especially when it came to foreign artists. As a result, we lost out on watching many international acts in concerts.


But we have since matured enough to come to terms with being exposed to these acts, or at least I thought so, until the furore over Madonna's tour coming to Singapore erupted .


For a select few who were able to see "banned" shows in the 1970s and 1980s, when we went overseas to study or work, they were something to be grateful for.


Watching these concerts live did little to stunt our growth or twist our minds. We were able to enjoy the music, without worrying too much about what the singer or group stood for.


It was the music itself that we paid attention to, especially if one was an aficionado and understood as well as appreciated the music.


I heard Madonna's music in the 1980s, but was never a true follower. But even to an outsider, her work was ground-breaking, to say the least, and she was always a survivor. That inspired many. She was always able to morph with each passing decade.


In the 1970s, there was much made of the bad influence heavy metal music had on young minds.


Yet, I became an avid follower and collector, even when there were accusations of subliminal messages - some allegedly satanic - being inserted into such music.


This accusation - that there was use of a technique called backward masking to penetrate our subconscious - was levelled at many groups, including Led Zeppelin. I can say, after listening to the group's albums for more than 40 years, that I am none the worse for it.


I will say this much: If not for the music, I don't think I would have made it through life.


I heard Madonna's music in the 1980s, but was never a true follower. But even to an outsider, her work was ground-breaking, to say the least, and she was always a survivor. That inspired many.


She was always able to morph with each passing decade.


There is little doubt that she is a successful entertainer, flamboyant, and always thinking ahead.


Of course, she tends to explore various themes, but that is her mode of expression.


In the final analysis, her concerts are for those who are mature enough, those who do not want to be subjected to dictates taken too far.


This is what music should be about. The opposite would be living in a void and being stifled. I don't think we want to go down that road.


Manoraj Rajathurai

A version of this article appeared in the print edition of The Straits Times on February 27, 2016, with the headline 'Let's just enjoy Madonna's music'. Print Edition | Subscribe

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What will Madonna’s next career move be?


SINGAPORE — Her 2008 Sticky & Sweet Tour and 2012’s MDNA Tour netted US$408 million (S$573m) and US$305 million, respectively; making her the only female artiste ever to score the top-two highest grossing concert tours of all time.

Her latest, Rebel Heart Tour, which the pop diva will strut out at the National Stadium on Sunday, has already raked in US$88 million from its European and North American legs, with the Asian and Oceania stops yet to be included.


Yet, this could be the last time we will get to see the megastar in big-scale spectaculars. Her 10-year deal with live-events promoter Live Nation ends in 2017; and according to industry watchers, the unprecedented US$120 million contract is unlikely to be renewed.


So, the singer with a net worth of US$520 million could easily bankroll the production of her future albums and tours, but in case she does not want to, TODAY has a few options for the Iconic One…



Talk that Madonna was offered a US$1 billion contract to do a five-year headlining residency in Las Vegas has been bubbling since 2010. Her contemporaries such as Celine Dion, Elton John and Jennifer Lopez have already ventured down this route. With her undeniable stage presence, rich catalogue of hits and ardent fan base, Madonna is more than capable of drawing the crowds night after night, while making new music along the way. The only snag is that she has famously declared she hates the place: “I couldn’t bear it for five minutes!†Then again, Las Vegas has always been a stop on all her world tours, so, never say never.



While a Guitar and a Microphone tour a la Prince’s Piano and a Microphone stint is quite unlikely, Madonna could do mini concerts such as the one she did in 2012 in the middle of the MDNA World Tour. Billed as an intimate event, La M played a 45-minute set at Paris’ Olympia Club, and fans paid between EUR80 (S$124) and EUR280 to see her. Despite some controversy — some ticket holders were expecting the entire MDNA show (duh) — the one-time-only gig was generally well-received, asserting that Madonna can most certainly thrill with less frills.



In 2015, Madonna told BBC Radio 2 that she would write her memoirs one day. “I’ve so many stories to tell,†she said.

Books bode well for the singer. To date, her 1992 limited edition coffee-table book Sex remains the best- and fastest-selling coffee table book of all-time and is among the top 100-most sought-after out-of-print titles in the United States. What’s more, the woman has range: In 2003, the then-mother-of-two released a successful series of beautifully-illustrated children’s books. The first, The English Roses, was launched simultaneously in more than 100 countries and in 30 languages. So Memoirs of The Material Girl? It is a guaranteed best-seller.



Truth be told, the best chance of Madonna ever winning an Oscar is via the Best Original Song route. Yet, she could not even get nominated with past gems such as Beautiful Stranger and This Used To Be My Playground. How about directing then? Well, 2008’s Filth And Wisdom was barely seen, but 2011’s W.E., about England’s King Edward VIII and American Wallis Simpson, was lauded for its exquisite costumes and won Madge a Golden Globe for Best Original Song (Masterpiece). Can her next project, The Impossible Lives Of Greta Wells, strike Oscar gold?



Forbes magazine once called Madonna “America’s smartest business womanâ€. If she were to leave showbiz altogether, the megastar has a string of lifestyle brands to fall back on.


These include: Material Girl, a trendy juniors’ clothing line which she runs with daughter Lourdes Leon and it is now into its fifth year; Truth Or Dare by Madonna which offers fragrances, footwear and lingerie to an older audience; skincare range MDNA Skin (which will be available in Singapore later this year); and gym chain Hard Candy Fitness, which now has locations in eight major cities, from Moscow to Sydney.


If all else fails, Madonna can always just live off her music royalties a la Hugh Grant’s character in About A Boy. Knowing the notorious workaholic however, that is an unlikely scenario for quite some time 
to come.


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