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Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere


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I think the only reason fans consider the Confessions Tour film as a pinnacle in her career is because that album was so well done and the mixing was almost perfection. The themes were cohesive and you barely could skip any of the songs (compared to HC, MDNA, and RH). However, the so admired DVD filmed by Mr Akerlund had its flaws: sometimes there were shitty takes like when Madonna breathes and makes faces while the studio vocals plays (softened crow voice). Sorry, Music Inferno, Lucky Star and Hung Up had the fakest vocals ever only surpassed by the hideous S&S film  :lol:


Let's face it. The last true live experiencie caught on film was the HBO special of the Drowned World Tour. After that NOTHING was the same again and I really doubt we will ever get a DVD like that in the future. The arts industry changed and Madonna did as well. Maybe, as Frank says, we should just focus on what we get and try to enjoy it as much as we can. After all, Madonna's still one of the few people who keeps on filming her live shows and lets the world to appreciate it year after year. 

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Honestly how People can like this crap is beyond my understanding! in the whole concert there is nearly no real time motion????

it feels like watching getty Images pix more than an actual Show to me. I for myself watched that crap once and never again! It will

also be the first product i won't buy! How can you have so many costume & hair changes in one song? If she wants to do that she can

ad it as a funny bonus but not for a regular live Show! i got lost in all the visuals all the time and couldnt even figure out where on stage she

actually was sometimes! All those slowmos make it extremely unreal and never gives you a feeling of seeing a live Show! Nearly each song

gets ruined by either overediting, Studio vocals only (like in Deeper) that sounds more of a Remix with those annoying

fake audience cheers thrown in or costume & hair changes which never allows you to fall into her Magic of performing live :((((


This is a very high sofisticated art Performance Video but in no way a live Show! very sad :((

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Honestly how People can like this crap is beyond my understanding! in the whole concert there is nearly no real time motion????

it feels like watching getty Images pix more than an actual Show to me. I for myself watched that crap once and never again! It will

also be the first product i won't buy! How can you have so many costume & hair changes in one song? If she wants to do that she can

ad it as a funny bonus but not for a regular live Show! i got lost in all the visuals all the time and couldnt even figure out where on stage she

actually was sometimes! All those slowmos make it extremely unreal and never gives you a feeling of seeing a live Show! Nearly each song

gets ruined by either overediting, Studio vocals only (like in Deeper) that sounds more of a Remix with those annoying

fake audience cheers thrown in or costume & hair changes which never allows you to fall into her Magic of performing live :((((


This is a very high sofisticated art Performance Video but in no way a live Show! very sad :((


In a world where every song of every shows with a lot of angles are on youtube, I think it's smarter to do a film like that. 

I don't care about costumes because it's a world tour in which she used different costumes and I'm glad to see them on the DVD. 

Moreover as far as I remember she never say "Sydney" or "Australia" during the show and it's not presented as the Sydney show so...

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I still haven't seen it yet. I'm waiting until I have the time to sit down and watch it properly on my TV with no distractions and with a drink and some comforting food. I could have watched bits of it but I wanna see it whole and not on my phone or tablet. I think I'll probably watch it on Saturday as I have nothing to get in the way .


I've listened to True Blue audio already though as I'd been dying to hear it HQ and just had to hear it early. Three words: Cute. stunning! beautiful! People are right, the audio mixing/whatever is pretty damned good, not like some previous tours.....ahem,... **coughs**.....S&ST....


Ps. I have a soft spot for the DWT DVD. It was the first M DVD I had and was a Christmas present off my mum/mom. It was the first time I'd watched an M concert so looking back now i can forgive the poor quality. I guess it doesn't look as exciting or as vibrant as her more recent tour DVDs both because there doesn't seem to be any overlaying of effects and backdrops but also as the tour itself was kinda dark, edgy and mechanical (the tours after DWT are so much more fun, even in darker segments and she seems much more happier herself in the tours after DWT). I think the audio mixing is great though as her voice seems to sound very natural to me as if no or little vocal enhancements were used. But that's just my opinion. 😊😊😊


I think she originally made tour videos/DVD that were quite faithful recordings of the tours earlier on, where as now she's making the DVDs more visual, exciting, colourful and like a live music video than just capturing literally what happened on the stage as seen by one camera.

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I don't get why people keep on saying the DWT has poor quality? What have you been watching for the last 15 years? The Asian VCD version of it?  :Madonna020:


Now seriously, tell me what are the flaws about the whole film. I agree Madonna looked terribly old for a 43-year old woman at the time but the concept of the tour was one of a kind in my opinion. Hamish Hamilton did not abuse of special effects as Akerlund did for IGTTYAS and CT. 


I honestly don't get what you want from Madonna then. You complain about the inclusion of lots of takes and angles and the audio here and there and blah blah blah and then criticize the DWT for being "slow" when it actually had REAL vocals (and wonderful for Madonna's personal standards by the way). I mean, you're not talking about the WTG, BAT anf GS right? 

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This it the best a recorded tour has looked since Confessions if not better. People are too into the costume changes like it's causing them seizures.  :confused: Sure she threw some dates together but the audio would be clearly still from one date - it's synced up so nicely it's barely a thing. Also I find the S&S even with many highlights to be super tacky, then she digitized her vocals to robot pitches. This is the most raw her vocals have been (not including Blonde Ambition) since Who's That Girl. I remember someone saying oh her voice sounds more studio on this song and that song - I didn't hear it once and it's so refreshing. All of this proves she not as anal about things and still pulls of a beautiful recording, because it truly is!

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She delivers her concert films as their own works of art, not just as documentation of what happened on stage. It's been this way for at least 10 years, so we should know this by now. I don't expect it to change.


I have criticisms for it, some which I have already expressed, but I won't nitpick it. If this is her vision I respect it, and it's done in a professional manner. Not liking some of her creative decisions doesn't make something crap or unprofessional. (However some of MDNA did come across as unprofessional but that's another subject)


I personally loved it and I'm happy.  :om: so party.

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