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Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere


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OH MY GOD THANK YOU for pointing this out. Every time I listen to it I think "How many Madonnas are singing on this fucking thing!?" There's like 12 different lead vocals interspersed throughout, including (as you pointed out) the horribly over-autotuned vocals from S&S. Who was like, "YES. Yes, this is it. It is finished."


NOT to mention La Vie En Rose has some autotuning that is completely unnecessary because she KILLS it on the Chicago bootleg. Just use a recording from a show where she truly hit it out of the park! I don't understand the corner cutting and audio decisions on some of these tracks.


THAT being said, we haven't seen the final version, so hopefully some of this gets altered before the final release. And the vast majority of the tracks are pretty kick ass as they are. But we could start a whole thread to nitpick the little editing quirks.

At least it wasnt as bad as S&Ss audio but it has different problems like overpowering backing tracks, I dont really care about perfect live singing or it being 100% real. But if its going to be a fantasy dont let it get spoiled with sloppy editing...

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At least it wasnt as bad as S&Ss audio but it has different problems like overpowering backing tracks, I dont really care about perfect live singing or it being 100% real. But if its going to be a fantasy dont let it get spoiled with sloppy editing...


The Confessions Tour was simply perfect.

How I miss the good times...  :Madonna023:

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Oh my God. These nitpicks Why be a fan if you nitpick SO HARD you find mistakes. Enjoy it for the "poorly edited" "terribly dubbed" performance it is or go find another fanbase to bugger.


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Because being critical or negative gets more attention.  People love to complain.  


Recently, we lost great artists like Prince, George Michael, Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston.  I wasn't nearly the fan of them that I am of Madonna.  The things I might be critical of Madonna of, are chump change and not something I prefer to spend time complaining about.  Too many great attributes that I prefer to concentrate on. Simply put, I personally thank my lucky stars that I still can hear Madonna sing live... or erm... sing over tracks... or umm errm...  lip sync.  LOL!   :cute::tongue: :wink:

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Holy shit. This has officially become the longest and most hell-bent-on-product-dissatisfaction thread I've seen here.


If you don't like her live singing, then listens to the studio mixes.

If you don't like the editing of the film, watch a bootleg.


If you don't like the cover, but the digital format.


Good god.



Outta here.

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Holy shit. This has officially become the longest and most hell-bent-on-product-dissatisfaction thread I've seen here.


If you don't like her live singing, then listens to the studio mixes.

If you don't like the editing of the film, watch a bootleg.


If you don't like the cover, but the digital format.


Good god.



Outta here.

Thank you. It's a never ending circle jerk of negativity. Like come on, appreciate how fun it is, appreciate that it's NOT a Taylor Swift concert. Appreciate the incredible photography from holy water... Etc it's well done, but has some flaws. But if you make a mountain out of a mole hill you're never gonna enjoy ANYTHING


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Thank you. It's a never ending circle jerk of negativity. Like come on, appreciate how fun it is, appreciate that it's NOT a Taylor Swift concert. Appreciate the incredible photography from holy water... Etc it's well done, but has some flaws. But if you make a mountain out of a mole hill you're never gonna enjoy ANYTHING


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In 3, 2, 1.... comes those who will defend their right to criticize. :wink:  Honestly, I've never been to a Madonna forum where it isn't highly critical.  Be lucky you're not at the "Tribe", where they will bash you for simply wanting to be positive about Madonna. 

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In 3, 2, 1.... comes those who will defend their right to criticize. :wink: Honestly, I've never been to a Madonna forum where it isn't highly critical. Be lucky you're not at the "Tribe", where they will bash you for simply wanting to be positive about Madonna.

I see more positive reviews of Madonna's tours on Gaga forums then anywhere else.

Then again, it could just be because all of the visuals feel so familiar that nostalgia starts to kick in #ShesNotMe

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I don't go to other forums, but this one may be critical but also very respectful.

We are trying to kill time while waiting for more than a year without ANY RELEASE! It's not easy.

It's not negativity, simply we expect from M not to go for second best!!

That Express Yourself reference did not go unappreciated


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I don't go to other forums, but this one may be critical but also very respectful.

We are trying to kill time while waiting for more than a year without ANY RELEASE! It's not easy.

It's not negativity, simply we expect from M not to go for second best!!

I'd assume you've been a fan long enough to remember a time when Madonna was too big for Promo appearances, only had printninterviews that were ONLY published in magazines when a project was coming up, seeing cover art and hearing songs for the first time on the radio, MTV, or *Gasp* on the day a CD was released?


2 short films, numerous off the cuff performances, magazine covers, a broadcast of the tour film this very thread is devoted to, not to mention the great unknown: the edit of TOAC show from Melbourne, all in support of an album twice as long as any other album she's released.

Kill your time then.

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Oh my God. These nitpicks Why be a fan if you nitpick SO HARD you find mistakes. Enjoy it for the "poorly edited" "terribly dubbed" performance it is or go find another fanbase to bugger.


Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk



Holy shit. This has officially become the longest and most hell-bent-on-product-dissatisfaction thread I've seen here.


If you don't like her live singing, then listens to the studio mixes.

If you don't like the editing of the film, watch a bootleg.


If you don't like the cover, but the digital format.


Good god.



Outta here.



Thank you. It's a never ending circle jerk of negativity. Like come on, appreciate how fun it is, appreciate that it's NOT a Taylor Swift concert. Appreciate the incredible photography from holy water... Etc it's well done, but has some flaws. But if you make a mountain out of a mole hill you're never gonna enjoy ANYTHING


Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk



I'd assume you've been a fan long enough to remember a time when Madonna was too big for Promo appearances, only had printninterviews that were ONLY published in magazines when a project was coming up, seeing cover art and hearing songs for the first time on the radio, MTV, or *Gasp* on the day a CD was released?


2 short films, numerous off the cuff performances, magazine covers, a broadcast of the tour film this very thread is devoted to, not to mention the great unknown: the edit of TOAC show from Melbourne, all in support of an album twice as long as any other album she's released.

Kill your time then.

Now, hang on just a second lol. Yes, we have been getting very nitpicky lately, but we've not only covered negative. We've touched on aspects that we do enjoy about this film and the tour itself. We are honestly just venting some frustration. And not all of that frustration is necessarily aimed at M. My dissatisfaction lies mainly with the (pardon my french) fucking useless team that she's surrounded herself with. I'm sure by this point, M is only very minimally involved in this project. Hell, she might not even be involved with it all anymore other than just saying yes and no. This whole thing has been handled very recklessly. And again, this is mainly anger at the "team". We had the Showtime special. Fine. It was overall great and very enjoyable to watch. And then, something went wrong. M teased stuff very sporadically. There were no updates, no official statements. If M hadn't have talked about editing TOAC, we wouldn't have even been sure if a DVD was still happening anymore. Now, we've got an email outlining the most basic information. We had to get content information via a ratings classification service which there is no excuse for. The only thing I blame M for is allowing these obviously inexperienced fools make a mockery out of one of the most special things she's given us in a long time. That's my problem at least.  

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Why doesnt she employ fans to do her releases ? I dont get it ? seeing as we are the ones who will buy the final product ? yes i know a fan designed the ....err..... cover(cough!!) buy why not the whole content and what to put on it ? i dont see the point of live cds when most people can rip the audio anyway ? why not the studio/backing tracks that she loves to use on tours so much ?? Oh and a fucking backdrop video would be nice for a change ???

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Now, hang on just a second lol. Yes, we have been getting very nitpicky lately, but we've not only covered negative. We've touched on aspects that we do enjoy about this film and the tour itself. We are honestly just venting some frustration. And not all of that frustration is necessarily aimed at M. My dissatisfaction lies mainly with the (pardon my french) fucking useless team that she's surrounded herself with. I'm sure by this point, M is only very minimally involved in this project. Hell, she might not even be involved with it all anymore other than just saying yes and no. This whole thing has been handled very recklessly. And again, this is mainly anger at the "team". We had the Showtime special. Fine. It was overall great and very enjoyable to watch. And then, something went wrong. M teased stuff very sporadically. There were no updates, no official statements. If M hadn't have talked about editing TOAC, we wouldn't have even been sure if a DVD was still happening anymore. Now, we've got an email outlining the most basic information. We had to get content information via a ratings classification service which there is no excuse for. The only thing I blame M for is allowing these obviously inexperienced fools make a mockery out of one of the most special things she's given us in a long time. That's my problem at least.

I mostly agree with this. Her team is useless.

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Not the politics and philosophies of a pop music forum discussion again. lol


People acting superior for not being negative while they derail threads with condescending pettiness towards fellow members is the icing on the cake on messy threads.

Not a single ounce of pettiness or superiority coming from my other posts. So I'll put it in this one! The joke of a post saying that we haven't only focused on the negative... Almost 200 pages of negatives. There is an overwhelming amount of negative and everyone just excuses their INSULTS as an opinion. An over analytical opinion that has expectations that FAR over reach usual happenings are what sets people up for meltdowns.

There will be three positive posts then we have "why can't this" "where's that" "gimme more."


Appreciate what you have, appreciate what it is rather than be angry for what it isn't. For what you imagined it to be. I'm sick of people ruining things for themselves, you know why fans can't be the producers. Because we're so over analytical nothing would ever get done. You'd have your expectations so high you'd destroy any quality of originality or uniqueness that could come out of it.


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Not a single ounce of pettiness or superiority coming from my other posts.


If your intention is to help people help themselves that's nice, but telling people things like "enjoy it or leave the fandom" comes across petty and it doesn't help things. It only fuels it.


I already said p(ages) ago that people were being overly dramatic, but why care so much in the end? We can't do anything about people being overdramatic, and we don't know why they're doing it, so ignoring it is better.

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If your intention is to help people help themselves that's nice, but telling people things like "enjoy it or leave the fandom" comes across petty and it doesn't help things. It only fuels it.


I already said p(ages) ago that people were being overly dramatic, but why care so much in the end? We can't do anything about people being overdramatic, and we don't know why they're doing it, so ignoring it is better.

That's all fine and all. I get it.  Let people say what they want.  They have that right, but when the majority of a thread (or one's posts) is all about nitpicking and complaining about every inch of this release (which is what has happened here), it gets a little old to those who just "enjoy".  I don't get why it's necessary for you (or anyone) to defend those people who are negative while call the people who just want to appreciate "petty" and "superior"? Aren't we all here to celebrate and discuss Madonna?  I was given a hard time in another thread by generally "defining" some "Debbie Downers".  Sorry, but that's how I honestly feel. I'm not trying to be "petty" or "superior".  I'm just noting an honest trend.  So why is it okay to "define" people who simply want to appreciate or be positive  "petty" or "superior", yet no one can point out the obvious trend of negativity.


I think rather saying "We can't do anything about people being over dramatic" (which we actually can) is to actually say, "We can't do anything about the things that are being complained about".  Because to me I would rather have a many members celebrating and appreciating Madonna, than nitpicking everything to death. 


Again, this is my opinion.  I'm just having a rational adult conversation about what I am observing here. Not fueling any fire.  Not being "petty" or "superior".  Just adding my two cents as everyone else is allowed on the other side of the coin.  :)

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It's not petty to tell people they are being overdramatic, or wanting to be appreciative, I've said it myself, but when it's said in a petty way then it does nothing to help the situation.


There's also a difference between being petty about a DVD release which we can't do anything about, and people going off topic to discuss about negativity while being petty towards other members.


Most times I won't say anything if we go off topic because it's fine to have some fun, but if it's drama between members and it happens repeatedly, then obviously I'll have to say something, it's my job here.

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It's not petty to tell people they are being overdramatic, or wanting to be appreciative, I've said it myself, but when it's said in a petty way then it does nothing to help the situation.


There's also a difference between being petty about a DVD release which we can't do anything about, and people going off topic to discuss about negativity while being petty towards other members.


Most times I won't say anything if we go off topic because it's fine to have some fun, but if it's drama between members and it happens repeatedly, then obviously I'll have to say something, it's my job here.

I think we're kinda saying the same thing here.  We can't do anything about what is being complained about including Madonna's work, etc.  I just feel the constant nitpicking and negativity is getting off topic and ends up being a pissing contest between people.  It becomes a game of;  "I don't have to love everything she does" and "let people say what they want to say".  Both ideas I immensely agree with, but when it is used to defend people for constantly being negative, you start to wonder what do they actually enjoy of Madonna?  I'm simply hoping for a balance.  I'm not asking people to stop voicing their complaints. Though, if you look back through this thread and many other threads, you'll notice how the negativity does out weigh the positivity or the purpose of the thread. :wink:

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