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Tears of a Clown Special, Melbourne [Thur March 10th 2016]

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For better or worse, I think most people have already made-up their minds about Madonna. Another shameless, heartless and inaccurate tabloid story won't change her fans’ devotion. It doesn't matter (quite literally) how many African orphans she might save. There’ll always be detractors labelling her the villain. It's especially frustrating to read this trash when you know it's a blatant lie, but who really cares, right?


That said I do have a major problem with the ongoing lateness. Please read below carefully before anyone scolds me…


While I'm extremely grateful that she keeps doing all of this, I must confess I am torn – on the one hand, I would rather she turned up late than never. Then again, the constant tardiness suggests on ongoing problem which needs to be resolved. Why is she late all the time? It looks extremely unprofessional. I'm not saying it's directly her fault – I was generous in praise for the Manchester show being cut short, due to the video-backdrop-reboot fiasco – but technical difficulties can't be the ongoing reason for starting late. If it is, then why hasn’t it been addressed by now? 


I don't care how great the Tears of Clown show was, whether it’s a work in progress or a free show – ultimately it's her name on the ticket. She expects people to turn up, but yet again, she’s failed to start on time. It doesn't look good. It keeps on happening. It must stop. Needing more rehearsal time is not a valid excuse. It’s unprofessional.


Maybe she doesn't care how the Media deride her; fine. But the negativity is damaging to her reputation and will be for her career because casual fans will stop bothering to see her shows. She won't be able to sell out venues, which puts the viability of future tour in jeopardy, and that does affect me and my interests directly.


Is say all this with first-hand experience – I am was a Janet Jackson fan, but this week she cancelled her entire European tour, 3 weeks before start date, citing ‘scheduling conflicts’. Some have speculated illness (even though she's still performing in Dubai at the end of the month). Others (myself included), are citing the real reason – low ticket sales.


This is the second time Janet has scrapped an entire European tour (the first being All For You Tour back in 2001 following the 9/11 terrorist attacks). I forgave her then. I will not forgive her a second time.


My love for Madonna runs much, much deeper, but the bottom line is: we, her fans have made her a star, and if she wants our ongoing support, she needs to hit the stage on time. She/her management/whoever can’t expect fans to have unending patience. It’s a simple transaction – we pay for the tickets (free in this instance, but hundreds of pounds normally) – she delivers a show on time, as stated on the ticket. If she wants to start the show consistently later than scheduled, that’s fine – but change the start time on the ticket and manage people’s expectations better.


That’s it. No excuses needed. Just fix it going forward. Rant over.


I love, worship and adore you Madonna, I really do; but don’t take that love for granted, or you might be singing One More Chance on the next tour...

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Full Intervention performance:



I wish her all the best and i do believe Rocco will be fine with her again soon, he's a teenager and he is a rebel heart, he's a wild lion but he will come back, i'm sure of that. Stay striong Madonna, it's gonna be alright. I love her so much with all my heart.

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This show was beyond amazing. I was there with my mate and we both loved it! She looked and sounded so good! It was a little sombre - but that's what made it even more special, seeing Madonna in a more vulnerable way - stripped back, raw, no fancy backdrops, no fancy choreography just Madonna laid bare for all.

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New Links / New file: Full Show including X static Process / Between the Bars / Nobody's Perfect


Video D/L Link: Full Tears of a Clown.mp4 3.24 GB

Length 1:55:06

This is the hidden content, please


Audio D/L Link: Full Tears of a Clown.mp3 263.5 MB

Length 1:55:06

This is the hidden content, please


The audio quality is the same as in the videos below.



· Video [periscoped by Cheeconay]

· X static Process [youtubed by Valerie Gaidarly]

· Between the Bars [youtubed by Adam Lewis]

· Nobody’s Perfect [youtubed by daniele coppola]


Part 1: Send In the Clowns / Drowned World-Substitute 4 Love / X static Process / Between the Bars / Nobody's Perfect / Easy Ride


Part 2: Intervention / I'm So Stupid / Paradise (Not For Me) / Joan of Arc / Don't Tell Me



Part 3: Mer Girl / Borderline / Take a Bow / Holiday


Posted Image

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It'd be a dream come true if any of our editing genius in here mixed these HD full songs videos from YouTube with the interlude talks and speeches from the Periscope to get a better Q full show. Anyone willing to make me happy???!!! â¤â¤â¤

I have done it albeit quite amateurishly done. Not an editing genius here so I merely cut & joined the videos.

I'll upload to Mega only if anyone is interested!

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