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Changed opinions on songs?


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Hey. I was just wondering what songs people never liked but have now come to like or even love?I never liked Everybody or Holiday for years, but quite like them now.I wasn't that big on American Life (the album) when i bought it back in 2003, but after plenty of listening i loved it. The one song i never felt much love for on American Life, even up until a year ago was X-Static Process, but the Tears Of A Clown show really ignited my love for it and now the album is the top of my list of favourites.I wasn't that hot on Hard Candy or MDNA at first, but again i've come around after lots of listening to really like these albums. I REALLY hated Girl Gone Wild with a passion when i first heard it, and even up until 6 months ago I felt the same, but again, i've warmed to it. I'm not going to say it's fantastic or anything, but it's a decent pop song.

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oh this is great topic!!!! Thanks for open this thread my friend! :kissy:  :heart:


for me "Who's that girl" is that song!

I honestly never into that song and music video. Then this Rebel heart tour changed my mind.


When she sang "Who's that girl~~" with acoustic feeling I can feel the nostalgia, and some sadness and getting very emotional.

very unordinary moments for me. I just falling in love with this song after 30 years!! Finally! LOL

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To me its MDNA I guess. I get emotional when I listen to TUTR. I know its quite basic but still, those were good days. 


I never warmed up that much to HC. I like it more than the first listen, but I still think its a bit dull. I like it, but don't love it. AL is fantastic on the other hand, always thought so.

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Recently Illuminati, I didn't get why Kanye made those changes it and took away a great hook. Than the tour came around (this was my first tour and i'm sorry but at least since DWT we got jipped on interludes!!) but Illuminati great and now the song. Also Girl Gone Girl - I thought this is a generic mess and still is but a classic now and i'm ok with that.

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I didn't like the song Something to Remember or One More Chance the first time I heard them but it was just a matter of time. Something to Remember is one of the best songs Madonna ever recorded. Period. Same for Mer Girl, what a masterpiece!  :worship:

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I really hated Bitch I'm Madonna when it first came out in the pre-ordered 6 tracks. I thought the song was awful and silly...But after I saw the Jimmy Fallon Show performance, I completely changed my mind! That performance was just amazing! And the video and the RHT performance are also really great. The song just stuck in my mind since then.

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I really hated Bitch I'm Madonna when it first came out in the pre-ordered 6 tracks. I thought the song was awful and silly...But after I saw the Jimmy Fallon Show performance, I completely changed my mind! That performance was just amazing! And the video and the RHT performance are also really great. The song just stuck in my mind since then.


Your username reminds me Isaac for sure, thought it was the worst on there but Sorry took it's place. 

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Funny you bring it up, because I just had this happen with Love Song. Ive always hated the back and forth, nonchalant freestyle verses. The lack of musical direction. Im all for non traditional structure, but its always seemed like a run on sentence to me. So obviously Im playing a Prince playlist at my bar the other day and I was kinda enjoying it. It has a color or flavor to it that Ive yet to hear again in another. 


And I just really listened to it now again............... is everyone aware that Hung Up was written in 1989? My mind is blown for today. I need to lay down.



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i actually have a few examples but the one ill share here is "True Blue"

Growing up I HATED this song and the video and the big poofy white hair....not a fan of any part of this track/video at all.


I'd say roughly 5 years ago, I reheard this track....and saw it in a new light - her vocals are beautiful and the melody - I have this track on regular rotation and have no clue what I was thinking - awesome song!




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I really hated Bitch I'm Madonna when it first came out in the pre-ordered 6 tracks. I thought the song was awful and silly...But after I saw the Jimmy Fallon Show performance, I completely changed my mind! That performance was just amazing! And the video and the RHT performance are also really great. The song just stuck in my mind since then.


Jimmy fallon show performance was simply Genius!! I love it too!

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it's a long time ago but I do remember being totally underwhelmed by Rain at the time, it wasn't until the video was on big rotation on Mtv that I started warming to it, now obviously it remains as one of the more glorious rich tracks from that album and I still love it!

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I used to hate Jimmy Jimmy and Shoot-Be-Doo but now I love them.

I'm not very fond of Open Your Heart, I never quite liked the guitar on the original version, but the acoustic version on MDNA Tour got me.

Anyway I'm quite consistent with my dislikes, I still can't listen to Superstar, Thief of Hearts and Words, never could.

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I think the only song I ever changed my opinion on was "I'll Remember". I don't remember its release bc I was like 2 years old at the time, if that, but I have heard it. Used to hate it but now I'm older and kinda dig it. Can't believe people dislike HC & MDNA so much :(

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I only liked Paradise after Confessions Tour version, amazing


thats la low point from CT for me, but i havent watched/listened to this tour in AGES. Even tho I love this era it gives me too many nostalgic feels that Im getting over lol

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At first I didn´t like I´m A Sinner. I thought that this was a rehash of Beautiful Stranger and Amazing. But when I saw it live on the MDNA Tour it completely changed my mind. Now I love it :heart:


It samples 'Ray of Light' a little.

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