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Why does Madonna wear crosses?


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Just curious what u guys think.


I think back in the eighties it was sexy to see a woman in a bustier and a cross on her neck, and it was probably quite controversial as well. Obviously she's toyed with double entendres of religion and sex and her name in lots of ways But I feel she has moved past all of that. Aside from her self referencing in the past two eras. I understand she probably identifies and sees Jesus as a role model, Love thy neighbor as thyself and all that nonsense, but I feel spiritually she's on to something a bit deeper than Christianity. And it seems kinda of pointless of her to propagate any religion when I don think she herself believes in Christianity. Obviously she's free to do what she wants, Im not judging..... Im just curious as it seems incongruent with the forward thinking person I see her as. 





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She grew up Catholic. I think it's easy as that. Her father being very religious & being strict had a lot to do with her breaking away from it.

It's just a part of who Madonna is; wearing crucifixes.

There is beauty in religion, but you don't have to believe in it. And I think she believes in some values of christianity, but other religions; kabbalah, have adapted better to 20th century.

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I am not sure she is propagating the religion or that she feels deep roots in catholicism for herself.

i think it has become a little bit of a trademark.

Name: Madonna, mother of God: hangs around her neck.

Something like that...

It's easy to connect Madonna with "cross"/Jesus.

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i think she mostly used them because theyre one of the most powerful symbols in the world to this day and through her art she has exposed hypocrisies, etc they're a part of who she is as a person and as an artist. look at what she did on holy water, she likes breaking the rules from christianity that need breaking. she also of course believes in jesus' message which is fine imho even tho Im not a big religion fan

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I mean, I personally find these pieces gorgeous. Asides from the fact she grew up Catholic, Madonna has grown up appreciating sacred art as well. These pieces are so meaningful. I also once heard something from a acquaintance of mine who said Madonna allegedly likes wearing crosses for having a "naked man all over her," which I doubt myself.

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I think it's because Madonna doesn't let what she doesn't agree with affect what she agrees with...finds beautiful, finds symbolic to suffering, finds artistic, I don't know for sure but I do know she doesn't allow the bad intentions of people to destroy what she could possibly find interesting for her.

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She mentioned it in an interview recently 


When interviewer Brian Hiatt noted that she was also wearing a cross, the 56-year-old singer said, “I like crosses. I’m sentimental about Jesus on the cross. Jesus was a Jew, and also I believe he was a catalyst, and I think he offended people because his message was to love your neighbor as yourself; in other words, no one is better than somebody else. He embraced all people, whether it was a beggar on the street or a prostitute, and he admonished a group of Jews who were not observing the prophets of the Torah. So he rattled a lot of people’s cages.â€

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