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  2. In order to have cultural impact, you need to be an innovator that initiates a certain kind of shift in the industry. For example: When Lady Gaga appeared on the scene, you could feel and see how much other artists changed in order to be able to compete with her. The entire music industry went "Gaga". THAT is the kind of cultural and LASTING impact that Hitlor Swift will never have. Taylor is a quantity over quality artist. She released 8 albums over the course of 4 years. That is the reason she is pulling these numbers. Does anything she do musically, fashion-wise or in other regard directly influence other artists, so that they start to adjust? No. Because she only has success, no true impact. She's a businesswoman, not much of an artist. She has a terrible voice, she can't dance or perform. She can write songs (many of them being extremely formulaic and following the same pattern). Her music is just extremely digestible, inoffensive, plain and perfectly adjusted to her target audience. This is precisely, why she will never be viewed in the same way as someone like Madonna, Michael Jackson or Lady Gaga. These three actually had a kind of impact that went way beyond the money making machine that is Taylor.
  3. I've always hated the red dress photoshoot. Styling, makeup, hair, lighting, everything looks off. My faves: X-STaTIC PRO=CeSS COADF (pink leotard) Equestrian
  4. Yes, that was precisely my question about never really had a demo. Who knows maybe things change!
  5. True and agree, but in this sense, I think a demo release from Madonna would not be a work in progress, but rather a finished song (or near finished).
  6. unreleased is not a demo, it's unreleased. Your Honesty, it's properly produced. We had non official leaks of demos and we have non official leaks of unreleased tracks, we know the difference. ROL demo assembly are demos, they sound like demos, same with lots of the Hard Candy, Rebel Heart. Maybe we need more people making viral obcure tracks.
  7. Today
  8. Well she didn't, someone used it in a tiktok and uploaded without permission in Spotify, so they learn the lesson quick after Frozen and instead of sue them, the ride with it.
  9. These was a incredible moment for her. She sung amazing, looked amazing, was a huge hit everywhere, and recovered from that american life flop. After that she had one of her biggest success ever with COADF. She was mid 40s but in an amazing moment, she was such an inspiration. I remember one interview after the tour saying that last tour was the biggest thing ever on her carreer. That big was that tour, of course all the subsquent tours were amazing and very succesful too. Such a succesful icon she has always been.
  10. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_xHGudxOO2/?igsh=ZzVrMnl5dXZuYzZk
  11. Somehow that makes perfect sense. I even imagine I Love NY (Demo) fitting the first album tracklist.
  12. I don´t want to put down Taylors achievement, and for sure, Madonna is not as popular as she was cause when I started following her around 99 she was everything in a very different world we were living in. The thing is Taylor´s popularity will have an end too. And let´s see how is she remebered 40 years later. The world is changing so fast we don´t know. To me, artists like Michael Jackson, Madonna, Streisand, Whitney, Madonna, Beatles..are above everything we have these days. They are icons not matter the current popularity. Their songs are hyms forever. I really can´t sing any lines from a Taylor Swift song, she is really not very interesting for me But the same I never liked very much Gaga, except I know some songs from her. Madonna was a product, but also an artist, changed everything, made history, and will be an icon forever not matter what. Let´see this today artists how are they remembered 30 years later.
  13. SK and M have so many great projects together, but I think you mentioned my favorites too. I wish we had more official photos of her in the red dress on Rolling Stone, I never understood why they only released the photo on the cover... I LOVE the colors on COAD photoshoot. I also love her "red hair" in the album booklet, it's a very good color edit and already iconic. The equestrian shoot you mentioned is one of the greatest. I will forever have chills hearing the first seconds of Future Lovers on Confessions Tour. What an opening!
  14. IMO her best shoot period. I wish we got more outtakes!
  15. I played Music album this week: OMG i always loved it but how it sounds many decades later: modern, daring, delicious, and her voice: controlled, warm, in love, rich,..wow she was really in love for this, but yet with the Evita voice technique: one of her bests EVER. And genious coming from her Masterpiece ROL with something totally different but yet also a masterpiece. What years were those.
  16. Oh and worse that dumb Marilyn hotel shoot with her ass up in the air 😂
  17. Yes, I remember we got quite a lot of Madonna singles in 1985 all in the charts at the same time.
  18. I'll be very happy if this happens in her art. As long as she'll make real political acts, exposing herself for a cause wich needs her voice cause it's unpopular or at least unconsidered. You know what I mean? Being brave, making people think, not just poltical correctness ... Cause of course she'll start to talk about social issues sooner or later: it's pretty much expected by a star of her stature.
  19. Taylor is not pretty! lol She’s a Plain Jane and it’s worked out amazingly well for her.
  20. Well she endorsed Biden and now Kamala. Maybe she will get more political in the coming years.
  21. I can agree with that. I'm serious, not joking, I'm not sure at all she could have the age/radio kind of problem. Not cause M paved the way for others of course, but because Taylor is excatly what they want her to be. The pretty girl next door, kind and nice all the time, talking about emotions, especially love and private stuff, no politics, no polemics, no troubles, singing easy listening melodies, where experimentation is a plausible word only if we start from Disney's soundtracks, wearing soporific princess dresses with empty sparkling smiles stamped on her face, being also indipendent and empowered of course, but only as a proper girl next door can be, not more not less. And I think she'll go on like this all the way through: not more not less than what expected and acceptable. I think she could find a way to adapt herself to what acceptable over 35. So maybe she'll manage to go on ... untill a new generation will wake up and simply get the bore of her thing.
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  23. If you love Mac, you’d love an iPhone. iPhone is basically a portable Mac. My iPhone does loads more than my Samsung Android could ever do. I love my iPhone camera.
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