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Everything posted by mtrag

  1. I have listened to everything. Some stuff just once or twice in full and then picked the ones that stood up for me and made an alternate tracklist playlist (MDNA, Rebel Heart) or added them to other playlists (Hard Candy, Like a Virgin). And I've reconneced with many things, such as Dance 2night, listening to All I Wanna Do Is Talk About Madonna. I'd pose an adjusted question: Are there any Madonna albums you haven’t listened to in full at least once in the last 10, 5 and 1 years?
  2. Checking the pendent re-releases besides all the American Life singles (AL in April, Hollywood in July, DAD and NF in October and LP in December), the most important remixed singles to complete would be: Keep it Together (released in January, and she hasn't re-released any LAP thing in a while) I'll Remember (March, maybe leaving it for the end?) This Used to Be My Playgroound (June) Into the Groove (July, would be great to double side it with Angel) Drowned World / Substitute for Love (August) Causing a Commotion (August) The Power of Good Bye (September) Don't Tell Me (November, terribly overlooked) Then there's singles with little or none extra material of interest like Crazy for You, Dear Jessie or The Look of Love. We can perfectly expect American Life this week. Fingers crossed
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