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Everything posted by stevan

  1. Who knows for sure but the fact all these tours are available on YouTube will imply the rights aren't in the hands of someone who has a vested interest to make money. They are a great nostalgia trip and you get alot of great recordings from the unofficial sources. (Virgin Dallas, RIT Lisbon etc). To grab hold of any of them, remaster them and edit them would likely not be commercially viable anyway...and lets face it Dear Ms voice has improved post Evita. In summary, hold onto the nostalgia and nab a bootleg version. It's a win win for fans.
  2. Well written and a complete worry. Our friend seems to continually damage her legacy and not use it. She can't continue to go on about being the Queen when the rest of the world wants a Republic. Her recent rethoric is diminished, alienating and irrelevant. Madonna has become the dilusioned MJ of later years - only saved by banging on about his amazing legacy. A recent gob smacking survey of top songs of the 80s , Madonna wasn't even mentioned. How can such a huge era be so forgotten? Did you stay too long? Not really love. You just need to give us more of what we loved.
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