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Swae Lee is a Trumper


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17 hours ago, adirondak said:

He never said he was against gay marriage.

Just look at the official Republican Party platform that Trump ran on in 2016 (which was adopted again for 2020 and 2024 as well) which says the following:

"Traditional marriage and family, based on marriage between one man and one woman, is the foundation for a free society and has for millennia been entrusted with rearing children and instilling cultural values. We condemn the Supreme Court’s ruling (legalizing gay marriage)...."





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13 minutes ago, Debord said:

He had spent months spreading disinformation about the election being stolen, pressurised people in positions of power to falsify results and called the rally on January 6th knowing it was the congressional vote count. He was encouraging them to "fight" or they would have "no country left' in the hours before and refused calls to speak out when it was happening. Of course he incited it.

It’s not illegal to question results of an election, as many democrats took advantage of when they questioned the election results and called him a  fake president in 2016. He never asked anyone to falsify results. Lots of people use the term fight in regards to protest. In the same speech he said to be peaceful not once but multiple times 

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Just now, DJ N A said:

Just look at the official Republican Party platform that Trump ran on in 2016 (which was adopted again for 2020 and 2024 as well) which says the following:

"Traditional marriage and family, based on marriage between one man and one woman, is the foundation for a free society and has for millennia been entrusted with rearing children and instilling cultural values. We condemn the Supreme Court’s ruling (legalizing gay marriage)...."





You’re posting this after I posted the nbc report with a direct quote from him in 2016 that he supports it. We’re not talking about other random republicans. There are democrats who have been against gay marriage too, like Joe Biden. 

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17 hours ago, adirondak said:

Did you watch your own clip? He never said he was against gay marriage. The second one, provide a video. Anyone can edit text over a screenshot. 

Couldn't find a video as Fox News has taken it and the offical transcript down (convenient for their preferred candidate). But here's NY Mag reporting on Trump saying he would "strongly consider" appointing Supreme Court justices to overturn the ruling legalizing gay marriage.

Source: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2016/01/trump-suggests-overturning-same-sex-marriage.html

And for further context, this isn't a pie-in-the-sky, won't-ever-happen idea. Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas said this recently that the court should "reconsider" the gay marriage ruling.

Source: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/24/thomas-constitutional-rights-00042256


As Madonna says: WAKE UP!

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1 minute ago, adirondak said:

It’s not illegal to question results of an election. He never asked anyone to falsify results. Lots of people use the term fight in regards to protest. In the same speech he said to be peaceful not once but multiple times 

When you're a Presidential candidate, and when you know you have a rabid following, spreading TOTAL LIES about the election being stolen is not something that has no consequences. Trump understood this.

I'm sure you've either paid zero attention or dismiss it as lies but the Public Hearing established that Trump knew he had lost fair and square, knew his claims of fraud were false, pressurised the Vice President to discount electoral votes to steal the election, pressurised election officials around the USA to falsify votes for him and had a direct role in trying to falsify electoral college votes. 

And the idea that if you do everything short of saying 'YES BE VIOLENT AT THE CAPITAL' then you can't be held accountable is just laughable. We have critical minds, we can understand what incitement is, how it works and what 'plausible deniability' is.  Officials at the White House knew well in advance of Jan 6th that there was going to be violence and THE DAY BEFORE Trump had directed his Chief of Staff to reach out to two figures with extensive links to the far-right who were co-ordinating the attack. He was also directly warned not to use phrases like 'Fight for Trump" and "We're going to march on the Capital" and did it anyway, knowing full well that many of his supporters were armed.

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46 minutes ago, adirondak said:

Some demonstrators broke windows and were justifiably arrested. Others just wandered around and were peaceful but still ended up in jail. 


You don't have to "break windows" to break the law. Trespassing is illegal even when you're just "wandering around." Obstruction of an Official Proceeding is another law everyone there broke even if they were non-violent.

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11 minutes ago, adirondak said:

You’re posting this after I posted the nbc report with a direct quote from him in 2016 that he supports it. We’re not talking about other random republicans. There are democrats who have been against gay marriage too, like Joe Biden. 

Same-sex marriage was introduced in the USA via the Supreme Court. Trump said when running in 2016 that he would 'strongly consider' appointing Supreme Court judges who would overturn that ruling - and he did. His contradictory words are irrelevant, and the fact that some Democrats didn't support it previously is irrelevant to whether they'd fight for it now.

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20 minutes ago, adirondak said:

You’re posting this after I posted the nbc report with a direct quote from him in 2016 that he supports it. We’re not talking about other random republicans. There are democrats who have been against gay marriage too, like Joe Biden. 

1) Sounds like Trump was talking out of both sides of his mouth in 2016. He says whatever he wants to get whatever he wants. He has no moral center and will say and do anything to get and hold on to power. I think you're probably correct in that he doesn't care much about gay people. The party that backs and fuels him most certainly does though. Also: if he's so pro-gay, why doesn't he ask for that section of the platform to be removed?

2) He ran on the official Republican platform (see above). The one that is against gay marriage. They wrote it. Not me.

3) Who did Trump appoint to the Supreme Court? Three anti-LGBT justices. Justice Clarence Thomas now wants to "reconsider" the gay marriage ruling.

4) Biden, like most Americans, eventually evolved on gay marriage. The vast majority of the Republican Party has not. Their anti-gay message is still in their official platform and they are salivating at the thought of the Supreme Court overturning the ruling.

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Trump works mostly on decentralizing power I think.

And though I agree be isnt the most “diplomatic” I believe he is like alot of politicians , minus the filter.

I would also refrain from basing my opinion on traditional media. They lie, edit and recontextualize.

When I branched out to other sources of info, my understanding became more balanced, more comprehensive. As  opposed to divisive.

I ended up fully understanding what Roe V Wade is and Trump overturning it doesnt mean he is trying to take away women’s rights.

I would encourage everyone to be more inquisitve. More curious.

I used to spit out alot of tropes and mantras as well not even understanding why I was saying what I was saying.

I was just repeatinf what id heard.

Think for yourself.

And if you still believe the same things, then at least youll have concrete information to defend your point of view and explain it clearly to other people as opposed to just insulting them and tying their worth to their polling opinions.

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3 minutes ago, PaperFaces said:

Trump works mostly on decentralizing power I think.

And though I agree be isnt the most “diplomatic” I believe he is like alot of politicians , minus the filter.

I would also refrain from basing my opinion on traditional media. They lie, edit and recontextualize.

When I branched out to other sources of info, my understanding became more balanced, more comprehensive. As  opposed to divisive.

I ended up fully understanding what Roe V Wade is and Trump overturning it doesnt mean he is trying to take away women’s rights.

I would encourage everyone to be more inquisitve. More curious.

I used to spit out alot of tropes and mantras as well not even understanding why I was saying what I was saying.

I was just repeatinf what id heard.

Think for yourself.

And if you still believe the same things, then at least youll have concrete information to defend your point of view and explain it clearly to other people as opposed to just insulting them and tying their worth to their polling opinions.

I do think for myself. I always read a wide range of sources. Everything I say about Trump is based on facts, and when people speak of 'opening your mind' and being 'more curious' about Trump, 99.9% of the time they're talking about embracing batshit conspiracy theories and dismissing facts about him and his record by saying things like 'mainstream media' (which in and of itself means absolutely nothing).

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15 minutes ago, PaperFaces said:

I would also refrain from basing my opinion on traditional media. They lie, edit and recontextualize.

This is why I listen to exactly what they (the politician) is (or not) saying.  The problem is, they "lie, edit their thoughts/words, and contextualize" as well.  Many do it, to play to the audience they have in front of them.  The thing is; these politicians know how to use the media to work for them. Sometimes too well.  It's a double edge sword because while I dislike how a lot of the media tries to interpret things for us, sometimes we rely on media because without it, we wouldn't know half of the things happening in the world whether it's good or bad. Therefore, if I'm going to be listening to an interview done on MSNBC or FOX with some politician, I listen to exactly what they (the politician) say(s), and only if it's the full interview. Playing soundbites is what most of these media outlets do, and we all know soundbites can easily be manipulated to by the media's agenda.  We all know that FOX will favor Trump and Republican agenda.  We also know MSNBC will favor mostly the left agenda. I always keep that in mind if and when I ever watch anything coming from these sources.

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38 minutes ago, DJ N A said:

Couldn't find a video as Fox News has taken it and the offical transcript down (convenient for their preferred candidate). But here's NY Mag reporting on Trump saying he would "strongly consider" appointing Supreme Court justices to overturn the ruling legalizing gay marriage.

Source: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2016/01/trump-suggests-overturning-same-sex-marriage.html

And for further context, this isn't a pie-in-the-sky, won't-ever-happen idea. Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas said this recently that the court should "reconsider" the gay marriage ruling.

Source: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/24/thomas-constitutional-rights-00042256


As Madonna says: WAKE UP!

I never said anything about the Bush Sr. - appointed Clarence Thomas…  

There’s nothing about Trump being against gay marriage in the article you posted. It’s clear you’re set on your opinion so we can agree to disagree. However, Trump had 4 years in power to attack gay marriage and didn’t. So the proof is in the pudding at the end of the day. 

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11 minutes ago, adirondak said:

I never said anything about the Bush Sr. - appointed Clarence Thomas…  

There’s nothing about Trump being against gay marriage in the article you posted. 

I point to what Thomas said because your guy Trump has packed the court with similar anti-gay justices. With Roe v. Wade overturned, it's not crazy to think that mine and other gay marriages are up on the chopping block next. Clarence Thomas LITERALLY SAID THEY ARE.

Trump said he's "fine" with gay marriage in 2016. He also said he'd "strongly consider" appointing justices to overturn it in 2016. Make that make sense.

Even if Trump came out tomorrow in a rainbow wig singing "Born This Way" and said that he loves all gay people - if he's appointing justices who are actively trying to hurt us by stripping our rights away THEN HE IS ANTI-GAY.

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2 minutes ago, adirondak said:

I never said anything about the Bush Sr. - appointed Clarence Thomas… 

That's a pretty flimsy diversion - the record of the three judges appointed by Trump offers little to suggest they wouldn't overturn the ruling that introduced same-sex marriage if it came before them. Thomas' words were in his concurring opinion with the conservative majority on the Supreme Court. None of the others spoke out to condemn it.

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47 minutes ago, DJ N A said:

I point to what Thomas said because your guy Trump has packed the court with similar anti-gay justices. With Roe v. Wade overturned, it's not crazy to think that mine and other gay marriages are up on the chopping block next. Clarence Thomas LITERALLY SAID THEY ARE.

Trump said he's "fine" with gay marriage in 2016. He also said he'd "strongly consider" appointing justices to overturn it in 2016. Make that make sense.

Even if Trump came out tomorrow in a rainbow wig singing "Born This Way" and said that he loves all gay people - if he's appointing justices who are actively trying to hurt us by stripping our rights away THEN HE IS ANTI-GAY.

Exactly. Trump always says one thing, only to turn around to say the exact opposite.  And it's usually based on who he's talking to, who is audience is, or who he is trying to appeal to at the moment. 


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22 minutes ago, DJ N A said:

I point to what Thomas said because your guy Trump has packed the court with similar anti-gay justices. With Roe v. Wade overturned, it's not crazy to think that mine and other gay marriages are up on the chopping block next. Clarence Thomas LITERALLY SAID THEY ARE.

Trump said he's "fine" with gay marriage in 2016. He also said he'd "strongly consider" appointing justices to overturn it in 2016. Make that make sense.

Even if Trump came out tomorrow in a rainbow wig singing "Born This Way" and said that he loves all gay people - if he's appointing justices who are actively trying to hurt us by stripping our rights away THEN HE IS ANTI-GAY.

Also important to note that marriage is just one aspect of LGBTQ rights and, as I wrote above, Trump has already been terrible for a heap of different rights.

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18 minutes ago, Debord said:

Also important to note that marriage is just one aspect of LGBTQ rights and, as I wrote above, Trump has already been terrible for a heap of different rights.

100%. It's a scary time if you're trans in this country and Trump is using anti-trans rhetoric as a wedge issue.

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50 minutes ago, adirondak said:

I never said anything about the Bush Sr. - appointed Clarence Thomas…  

There’s nothing about Trump being against gay marriage in the article you posted. It’s clear you’re set on your opinion so we can agree to disagree. However, Trump had 4 years in power to attack gay marriage and didn’t. So the proof is in the pudding at the end of the day. 

He also had 4 years to have Mexico build a wall. Where is it?

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5 minutes ago, Boombox90 said:

He also had 4 years to have Mexico build a wall. Where is it?

That second paragraph he wrote was added later. He really doesn't get that appointing judges opposed to legal protections for LGBTQ people is the biggest attack on marriage rights he could make.

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4 minutes ago, Debord said:

That second paragraph he wrote was added later. He really doesn't get that appointing judges opposed to legal protections for LGBTQ people is the biggest attack on marriage rights he could make.

He is using lies and scare tactics into getting people to vote thinking that illegal immigrants are going to butcher us all.

When infact, illegal immigration is DOWN on Biden’s watch and was HIGHER during Trumps Presidency.

Thankfully plenty of people are seeing this now and even Fox News is distancing themselves from him.

I feel such hope now. Love it!

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1 hour ago, Debord said:

I do think for myself. I always read a wide range of sources. Everything I say about Trump is based on facts, and when people speak of 'opening your mind' and being 'more curious' about Trump, 99.9% of the time they're talking about embracing batshit conspiracy theories and dismissing facts about him and his record by saying things like 'mainstream media' (which in and of itself means absolutely nothing).

While I think it’s cool you’ve been appointed to decree what has meaning, your actions show that you can’t listen to anything you don’t like without having a tanty. 

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1 hour ago, Debord said:

Also important to note that marriage is just one aspect of LGBTQ rights and, as I wrote above, Trump has already been terrible for a heap of different rights.

Oh that’s right, the heap of rights. It’s a miracle I’ve somehow emerged with all the same rights I’ve had as a gay man since the Obama era at least. I guess I should have listened to the headlines telling me how marginalized I am. Right before the call to action to support a candidate who cares about my “victim” status or to purchase a corporate product. 

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7 minutes ago, adirondak said:

While I think it’s cool you’ve been appointed to decree what has meaning, your actions show that you can’t listen to anything you don’t like without having a tanty. 

It's called critical thinking, you should try it sometime instead of endlessly resorting to nonsense.

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6 minutes ago, adirondak said:

Oh that’s right, the heap of rights. It’s a miracle I’ve somehow emerged with all the same rights I’ve had as a gay man since the Obama era at least. I guess I should have listened to the headlines telling me how marginalized I am. Right before the call to action to support a candidate who cares about my “victim” status or to purchase a corporate product. 

I gave you a list (which wasn't even comprehensive) and you predictably picked a couple of things about trans people and claimed to have "no time" to address the rest. Yet here you are, many hours later, still posting. You have zero clue if you have the same rights, you're just confident that none of the rights I mentioned are ones you'll ever need. And from that position of glib, ignorant privilege you pronounce that anyone who does actually pay attention and does actually care about other people is chasing "victim status".

You clearly think you're some brave free thinker when everything about you is boringly predictable.

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