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If Nikki Harris did a Q and A what would you ask her?


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4 hours ago, Starchild said:

Build a bridge and worry about your own life.

Why do I have to build a bridge to worry about my own life?Huh? That doesn't even make any sense at all and that's not how the expression goes. You are trying to start drama and get personal so I'll just put you on ignore to prevent that. Take care.

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So what’s causing the issue dears?


According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Recently the word "ghetto" has been used in slang as an adjective rather than a noun. It is used to indicate an object's relation to the inner city and also more broadly to denote something that is shabby or of low quality. While "ghetto" as an adjective can be used derogatorily, the African-American or Black community, particularly the hip hop scene, has taken the word for themselves and begun using it in a more positive sense that transcends its derogatory origins. 


The word fat is not a bad word. It is a descriptor, just like thin. Yet society has turned fat into a derogatory term by attaching all kinds of negative connotations to the word, especially when it is used to describe peoples’ body size. And, by association, people who are fat are viewed negatively.

People living in larger bodies may have different relationships to the word fat. Some have reclaimed it as a neutral word that merely describes size and is not inherently bad. Yet most associate it with deep shame—shame that is due to how our society views people living in larger bodies and how our culture depicts fat people.

Don’t tell me it is because she went against who made her famous, the bbc I’m POC and have a big one so I can talk about it, or the fact that she has constantly and consistently even in the most recent interviews claimed that she considered Madonnas music to be completely beneath her??

So give me a break 

Are You Serious Give Me A Break GIF by Originals


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7 hours ago, Tudors said:

Why do I have to build a bridge to worry about my own life?Huh? That doesn't even make any sense at all. You are trying to start drama and get personal so I'll just put you on ignore to prevent that. Take care.

I find it hard to believe that you cannot see how nasty your apparent purpose for starting this thread is, when considering your questions that followed.

Niki knows M better than you or I and is entitled to her opinions and choices, and M doesn't need keyboard warriors defending her over petty matters.

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8 hours ago, LongIslandTea said:

1. Were you busy ordering room service during Girlie show tour while M was exercising?

2. Is it true Girlie show tour costume dept had to change your pant size thrice?

3. What happened to the Billie Holiday biography film that you supposed to play her?

Look at the vile side of people that this thread has encouraged?

I utterly loathe this part of our, or any, fandom.

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12 minutes ago, Starchild said:

Look at the vile side of people that this thread has encouraged?

I utterly loathe this part of our, or any, fandom.

Dude there’s no vile side of people here, no one is neither Snow White stepmother or Darth Vader, the thread was specifically made to make fun of something that people have wondered and made fun for ages and ages

I don’t give two rat ass about anyone’s weight or ghetto life or black cock size.

But I do care about hundreds of your ill intentioned posts and have said nothing because in the end no one cares, no body cares

So instead of looking for evil in others check how’s your output to the world 

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34 minutes ago, NRMX said:

Dude there’s no vile side of people here, no one is neither Snow White stepmother or Darth Vader, the thread was specifically made to make fun of something that people have wondered and made fun for ages and ages

I don’t give two rat ass about anyone’s weight or ghetto life or black cock size.

But I do care about hundreds of your ill intentioned posts and have said nothing because in the end no one cares, no body cares

So instead of looking for evil in others check how’s your output to the world 

Please stop deflecting, take the feedback on the chin, and try to move on.

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I love Niki, ok she was a bitch in 2003/2004 but the true is we don't know what happened. Of course I love M too, but she's no angel.

I heard somewhere Niki and Donna were invited for Celebration Tour. They had front row seats, I don't think they would sit there if they were on bad terms. They are saying only good things about M in interviews and podcasts for over a decade now...

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6 hours ago, RUADJAI said:

Let's not fat shame anyone. And not call anyone ghetto.... it's pretty racist especially when followed with questions about "black dick". :dihtltt:


6 hours ago, Jackie said:


I agree with you, wont do It anymore and move on

I just have a question, ¿when a member of the forum called me “speedy Gonzalez” because of me being Mexican, why it was ok? 

Speedy Gonzalez: “Was the cartoon racist, offensive, insulting, prejudiced?” asks The Huffington Post. “Possibly the creators intended it to be so, and exploited the audience’s weaknesses, animosity and foibles against foreigners” 

Everyone brushed off the issue… so for an Italian white dude to call me “Speedy Gonzales, who helped popularize the corrosive stereotype of the drunk and lethargic Mexicans” it’s was ok… 

Must be something cultural and something getting lost in the translation again, because calling someone ghetto from the “barrio” which gives tons of street credibility and fat “gorda o gordo” isn’t racist at all in my country, the later being even a term of endearment.

so anyway, I won’t do it again but I’m just saying and clarifying to the woke offended members and casual readers of this thread that’s it’s always better to know the whole story before feeling so offended… 

peace ✌🏼 out 

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4 hours ago, NRMX said:


I agree with you, wont do It anymore and move on

I just have a question, ¿when a member of the forum called me “speedy Gonzalez” because of me being Mexican, why it was ok? 

Speedy Gonzalez: “Was the cartoon racist, offensive, insulting, prejudiced?” asks The Huffington Post. “Possibly the creators intended it to be so, and exploited the audience’s weaknesses, animosity and foibles against foreigners” 

Everyone brushed off the issue… so for an Italian white dude to call me “Speedy Gonzales, who helped popularize the corrosive stereotype of the drunk and lethargic Mexicans” it’s was ok… 

Must be something cultural and something getting lost in the translation again, because calling someone ghetto from the “barrio” which gives tons of street credibility and fat “gorda o gordo” isn’t racist at all in my country, the later being even a term of endearment.

so anyway, I won’t do it again but I’m just saying and clarifying to the woke offended members and casual readers of this thread that’s it’s always better to know the whole story before feeling so offended… 

peace ✌🏼 out 

ohhhhh. How could we all be so stupid. Of course all your questions were filled with love and we all just took them the wrong way cuz we’re “woke”. Please. 

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1 hour ago, RUADJAI said:

ohhhhh. How could we all be so stupid. Of course all your questions were filled with love and we all just took them the wrong way cuz we’re “woke”. Please. 

Not in the least, as I’ve stated before the questions were intended to play along with Tudors intention and they were ill conceived 

Nor I’m racist, or evil or a mean spirited person neither I care about Nikki Harris… 

I never mentioned you or Jackie to be the ones offended or the ones to be woke, if you are interested enough to reread the last paragraph I clearly mentioned this about the offended members, two of them to be exact 

My point was and is that people like to emit judgement depending on how they feel in the moment and let pass so many other things when they feel or don’t feel like it, make it a decision of the moment of what to be offended or not, someone can call some a whore in a post and be super offended by someone calling fat somewhere else as they see convenient 

Once again I’m not talking about you, just to be clear  


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19 hours ago, I am madonna said:

 Toronto gay magazine Fab features an interview with this ungrateful bitch Niki Haris back in Oct 2004 

Q : Do you have a favorite Madonna movie?

Niki Haris : Is that Possible?

Q : why you did not go on the Re-Invention tour this summer and if you would tour with Madonna again?

Niki Haris :  I would do it when it's reinvention not regurgitation.



Oh. So you think that Re invention tour is Regurgitation tour?

Seriously bitch?

madonna h&m slap.gif

And more importantly "I would do it????? I would do it??? 

Did anyone even ask you to do it? 


well well well look at where are you now. 

No one has invited you, so you did buy tickets for the Madonna tour with your own money and just watched the show with the audience.


No one care about you Niki.

You're A nobody.

I mean A ungrateful NOBODY BITCH. LOL


Regurgitation? The set list probably wasn’t even set yet by the time she declined (or by the time she was not invited or whatever), so it’s not like M was like “these are the songs and remixes I’m doing” and Niki was like “nooo!!  That’s too much of a regurgitation, not reinvention, I won’t do it!!l lol

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18 hours ago, RUADJAI said:

She actually answered this already in a recent interview where she talked about her own insecurities about her body image and how Madonna would build her up and praise her figure. 

If it's a recent interview then I will take with a huge grain of salt since she's obviously trying to get back on Madonnas good side. Depends on how forgiving Madonna is I guess.

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On 8/9/2024 at 7:41 PM, Tudors said:

If it's a recent interview then I will take with a huge grain of salt since she's obviously trying to get back on Madonnas good side. Depends on how forgiving Madonna is I guess.

That’s one way to look at it. I just think that both girls realize now that to have worked for her was a great gift, and there are fans who love them just as much and who would pay their bills to see them perform live. Doesn’t mean that she’s dishonest now, but maybe she’s had a change of perspective like we all do at times in our life. 

I also feel like Donna is a positive influence in her life that may help her to see a different perspective on things, just judging from their recent interviews and their interaction in them. 

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I would ask her how is to deal with mental, donkey "Madonna fans" who will crucify her for life for what she said 20 years ago.

I was avoiding this thread on purpose, but, just reading the page 2, I feel so sorry for these mental, donkey people. They just worship a skull disguised by Facetune.

I said what I said. Quote my eyebrows huns.

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