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Is it true that fans are bossy before RHT shows?


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Okay so I'm new here and this may sound like a pathetic thread but I'm reading a story of someone's experience at a RHT show and the fans sound downright rude? 



I have been to a lot of different concerts, met a lot of different people from different bases but I had never met Madonna fans. Let me tell you, these people do not **** around. At all. They treat this as a religion, for real. One girl had come from the US, where she followed her to a lot of shows there and now she was doing it in Europe. Same thing for a couple from Australia who were on their 30th show. One person pointed another one to me who, when this tour is over, will have seen 130 Madonna shows. One hundred and thirty. 


But I digress. When I got there at 9 AM I thought I was going to be one of the first ones because it was super cold and people here don't give a **** usually. I was #49. People had slept outside when at night the weather was like -5 and it even snowed a little. The Little Medonsters had formed a system were they forced you to write your name on a list, then on your wrist, then they give you a wristband with the number, and then Live Nation respects this as the wristband they give you once you check in has that number. The thing is that they all travel in packs to every show and since they all know each other, at least the 25 first numbers are always going to be taken. A true Monster Pit tea. So when I got there, the girl from the US looked at me as if I were a piece of **** and told me what to do. Then she resumed talking to her group of friends who were eyeing me from head to toe. I interrupted her again to ask her if I could sign two people who were coming a bit later and she told me "Uhhhmm.. No, they have to physically be here" which I thought was pretty ironic since out of the 49 people who were on the list, only 20 or so were there, but I let it go. 


Then we had to form a queue at the box office to collect our tickets. One French fan (he gave out the numbered fan wristbands earlier) stated checking everybody into their places and saying we had to be two by two in the queue. He was one of the first ones. Once he got his ticket, he stayed there with the list that had our names and numbers walking up and down the queue, policing everybody and telling them what they had to do in this authoritarian tone. I'm all for organization, but who the **** do you think you are? Do you work for Live Nation? The line started moving and a couple of people that had just got there stopped for a second by the ticket booth to see what was happening and everybody started yelling at them and pushing them out so they got to the back of the queue. Like, chill the **** down. 
Once my fiends and I got our tickets, we stayed there for a bit and we were kidding saying how we should run to the early entry queue so we would pass everybody and get better spots. We were laughing and it was a joke, obviously, but the guy next to me (he has #12 or something) was all like "Uhh the first 30 people have at least 15 shows each, so if you think you are going to screw us then you are very, very mistaken" CALM DOWN LITTLE MEDONSTER

Anyways, we checked in and were waiting to enter the arena, with the same French fan still checking everybody. Then **** got real because a Czech twink and his mother who had like #170 or something was rubbing out his wrist number and stood by the first half of the queue with every intention of cutting it. The French fan kind of lost his **** at them, and then more fans started talking to them and yelling. I was talking to some people and then the Czech twink started yelling DONT TOUCH ME, DONT ****ING TOUCH ME ASSHOLE to a fan who was telling him to go to his spot. It was around that time, and let me tell you I was so shocked, that they made MADONNA'S PERSONAL ASSISTANT come out to tell him to go back to his place. Madonna's personal assistant. Like, the fans have that much power. 


As I said, I'm all for organizing everything so it goes smoothly, but this was all too much. Those fans are extremely condescending and rude and they think they can order you around and tell you what to do. You have seen Madonna 50 times and I have seen her 3. You slept outside for 18 shows and I did not. So? That does not give you the right to speak to me in that tone. That's not to say that I did not meet nice people, I talked to very nice people, but that attitude was coming from almost everybody there. Imagine Maikeeb/Marc Monster hybrids everywhere. It all had this mafia/mob aspect to it that was extremely off putting. 


Again, I'm new here and don't get this fanbase as much as others do, but doesn't this just sound weird? 

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i will say that i did have some bad experiences with bitchy fans who want to be in the first row at every concert (confessions, amsterdam). but i have never heard of a "system" as described above.

this smells like bullshit: the term "medonsters" reminds me of fans of a certain other singer.

plus: why did that person still wait in line for a ticket if everything was so off-putting? mhm.

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Yes, I think this sounds really weird and I've never ever heard of anything like this for a Madonna concert. I know that some M fans are really bitchy - you only have to look at what some people write on the forums - it's insane. Any other artist (almost) and fans are really nice and friendly, but Madonna fans can be very rude. My first thought when I read "Medonsters" was also "hmmm this sounds too much like another artist".... and I really don't know about M's personal assistant going out there telling fans to go back to their place...... It could have happened, I suppose but I just don't know..... 

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I was in the "normal" (not early entry) queue in Paris and people were very polite. We got a number written on our wrists, yes, but just the number, no wristbands and no lists. People were actually taking numbers for people that were coming later and we didn't mind at all. I could actually get out of the queue and come back to my spot and nobody complained. The only complaints that I saw happened because a dude had taken like 4 numbers or so and his friends were over the course of the morning and when the fourth appeared we were like "ok, but this is the last one, right?"  :lol:  And also, when they oppened the doors, the people behind me were pushing although the queue was not advancing. But, besides that, it was a good experience. I don't know about the early entry queue, but mine was great  :kissy:

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I went to Rebel Heart Tour in Prague (8/11/2015) and everything went smooth exept of two womans standing behin me and my friend who were bitchy as fuck but exept of them there wasn't any problem, i arrived to Prague and the O2 arena at 5pm and simply followed instructions and i got to THE FRONT ROW of a mainstage, i was there like probably 200th in the arena and everyone went to the heart or to the cross and the main stage space was almost empty, without any problem, just follow the instructions and everything will go smooth :-) M pointed at me and looked at me and smiled at me a few times and i just ca't imagine how my first Madonna show could be better :-) 


My Spot









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Some of the things you describe are definitely true (for some fans it is really important to stand 30 inches closer to Madonna than the others and they'll do everything to defend their territory) but for every bitchy fan there is always a genuine nice and friendly person.

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I made the queue for the RHT in Barcelona as I was the first and I conctacted the arena crew and police who were there for security to please follow the list. I wrote everyone their numbers on their hands and they were happy about that. I only made until #50 because I was there 5 days before and no one came until the next morning. The morning before the show there were 79 on the list. (I wanted to camp 5 days because there were 150 people on the list a week before the artRAVE and I didn't know how many fans would camp for Madonna). The only rule i told them is to sleep there at least the night before the show because I don't find fair that someone sleeps in a comfortable and warm bed when the others are frozen on the floor lol. We came into the arena zone at 2pm in groups of 25 and everyone stayed in their spot as it should be. I told fans on the queue to be careful about their places and it was not allowed to save a place on the queue for another person that's not sleeping there the night before the show. I'm so thankful for the arena crew who helped me and my group to organize everything. It went all perfectly and I get into the arena the first :) But the next time I'd rather be the 4th, making the list was ffff stressful. Camping is the best concert experience, with all the fans, we drank, we partied, we danced there... It was sooo fun.


And of course I was a little bossy but I had to, everyone wanted everything to go ok, sometimes you have to be a bitch to get things done! 

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We had this system back in 2008 in Santiago. It was a real mess! People who had just arrived at the venue entered first because that entrance was opened earlier than ours. It was terrible because we had arrived the day before... You also take the risk of getting sick for sleeping outside and unfortunely did so... :1f614:  After that I swore to God I'd never ever camp for anyone, not even Madonna.

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Same shit with the list and numbers happened in cologne at the vip early acess entrance and this fans act as if they have to say something and sorry but camping in front of the ticket window in november when you bought early entry tickets is just sick. Later the security gave a shit about their numbers. Thanx to m who had to do soundcheck still at 6 pm we came in the arena at 7 and not in groups but all together and then we had to wait 3,5 hours more for m to be nice to come in stage at 22:20. all together was not worth that high prices no matter how much fan I am and I dont know who she think she is to let her fans wait that long almost every night really selfish. Would she have been on stage at least at 9:30 I could have enjoy the show. But after 10,5 hours waiting im the cold and 11,5 hours after we got this numbers when you have vip tickets. All in all it was a disaster and not to forget our tour gift came by mail last week when we should have get it on nov 4th. This fans who pretent as if they have to say something are always there and good luck M on selling even pricier tickets next time no one should treat his fans like that and for her last european show i had to lough when i heared they plugged the power on holiday well I'm sad for the fans but it's cool that somebody shows m she has to follow some rules too and even if there have been technical issues this night she almost played every show in europe at 22:30 thats just not ok sorry

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I google it and I found out that "essay" from gagadaily.com. Just to let you guys know.. :bananawave:

well well well of course not a surprised at all.



I have been to a lot of different concerts, met a lot of different people from different bases but I had never met Madonna fans. Let me tell you, these people do not **** around. At all. They treat this as a religion, for real. One girl had come from the US, where she followed her to a lot of shows there and now she was doing it in Europe. Same thing for a couple from Australia who were on their 30th show. One person pointed another one to me who, when this tour is over, will have seen 130 Madonna shows. One hundred and thirty. 


But I digress. When I got there at 9 AM I thought I was going to be one of the first ones because it was super cold and people here don't give a **** usually. I was #49. People had slept outside when at night the weather was like -5 and it even snowed a little. The Little Medonsters had formed a system were they forced you to write your name on a list, then on your wrist, then they give you a wristband with the number, and then Live Nation respects this as the wristband they give you once you check in has that number. The thing is that they all travel in packs to every show and since they all know each other, at least the 25 first numbers are always going to be taken. A true Monster Pit tea. So when I got there, the girl from the US looked at me as if I were a piece of **** and told me what to do. Then she resumed talking to her group of friends who were eyeing me from head to toe. I interrupted her again to ask her if I could sign two people who were coming a bit later and she told me "Uhhhmm.. No, they have to physically be here" which I thought was pretty ironic since out of the 49 people who were on the list, only 20 or so were there, but I let it go. 


Then we had to form a queue at the box office to collect our tickets. One French fan (he gave out the numbered fan wristbands earlier) stated checking everybody into their places and saying we had to be two by two in the queue. He was one of the first ones. Once he got his ticket, he stayed there with the list that had our names and numbers walking up and down the queue, policing everybody and telling them what they had to do in this authoritarian tone. I'm all for organization, but who the **** do you think you are? Do you work for Live Nation? The line started moving and a couple of people that had just got there stopped for a second by the ticket booth to see what was happening and everybody started yelling at them and pushing them out so they got to the back of the queue. Like, chill the **** down. 
Once my fiends and I got our tickets, we stayed there for a bit and we were kidding saying how we should run to the early entry queue so we would pass everybody and get better spots. We were laughing and it was a joke, obviously, but the guy next to me (he has #12 or something) was all like "Uhh the first 30 people have at least 15 shows each, so if you think you are going to screw us then you are very, very mistaken" CALM DOWN LITTLE MEDONSTER

Anyways, we checked in and were waiting to enter the arena, with the same French fan still checking everybody. Then **** got real because a Czech twink and his mother who had like #170 or something was rubbing out his wrist number and stood by the first half of the queue with every intention of cutting it. The French fan kind of lost his **** at them, and then more fans started talking to them and yelling. I was talking to some people and then the Czech twink started yelling DONT TOUCH ME, DONT ****ING TOUCH ME ASSHOLE to a fan who was telling him to go to his spot. It was around that time, and let me tell you I was so shocked, that they made MADONNA'S PERSONAL ASSISTANT come out to tell him to go back to his place. Madonna's personal assistant. Like, the fans have that much power. 


As I said, I'm all for organizing everything so it goes smoothly, but this was all too much. Those fans are extremely condescending and rude and they think they can order you around and tell you what to do. You have seen Madonna 50 times and I have seen her 3. You slept outside for 18 shows and I did not. So? That does not give you the right to speak to me in that tone. That's not to say that I did not meet nice people, I talked to very nice people, but that attitude was coming from almost everybody there. Imagine Maikeeb/Marc Monster hybrids everywhere. It all had this mafia/mob aspect to it that was extremely off putting. 

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I google it and I found out that "essay" from gagadaily.com. Just to let you guys know.. :bananawave:

well well well of course not a surprised at all.

It has nothing to do if I got it from GagaDaily, since I'm a member there. And regardless, the member who posted the story is probably one the most kindest and genuine people that I've seen.


I asked a genuine question about Madonna's fan base at shows, no need to bring the old Gaga/Madge rivalry topic up. It's old, tired and pathetic. 

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It has nothing to do if I got it from GagaDaily, since I'm a member there. And regardless, the member who posted the story is probably one the most kindest and genuine people that I've seen.


I asked a genuine question about Madonna's fan base at shows, no need to bring the old Gaga/Madge rivalry topic up. It's old, tired and pathetic. 


Hmmm that's very interesting. so What is your true intention for open this thread? 


you wrote that the member of Gaga fan site who posted the story is probably one the most kindest and genuine people that I've seen. right? And you bring that gaga fan's essay to here and ask to Madonna fans "Is it true??" right?


I'm confusing here.

So you defend that Gaga Fan as "one the most kindest and genuine people that I've seen" BUT you don't believe that person's honesty. So you have to check your gaga fan's honesty to here, right?


Or your true intention is you already totally believe that your Gaga fan's essay and you just want to spread bad rumor about Madonna fans. so join Madonna fan site and open thread which negative novel about Madonna fans which wrote by Gaga fan.


it seems like your "is it true??" question is just rhetorical question. It looks like you already totally believe your gaga fan's essay as true. right? I mean we already know answer but seriously.


And there's no rivalry here. There's the one and only Queen of pop Madonna and reductive CC. we all knew it. ;)


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@@brazilfan If you're gonna report a thread over assumptions at least have the cordiality of letting staff deal with whatever it is that's supposedly wrong. 




I honestly don't know if this is true or not, all fanbases have crazy people..., Madonna fans definitely aren't the exception. So it's just fanbase gossip and I feel bleh about it.  :yarn: The important thing is enjoying the show. And yes, it is true that Madonna's tardiness and the venue's/Live Nation's bad organization can make this difficult on ocassion, but that has nothing to do with anything. 

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Hmmm that's very interesting. so What is your true intention for open this thread? 


you wrote that the member of Gaga fan site who posted the story is probably one the most kindest and genuine people that I've seen. right? And you bring that gaga fan's essay to here and ask to Madonna fans "Is it true??" right?


I'm confusing here.

So you defend that Gaga Fan as "one the most kindest and genuine people that I've seen" BUT you don't believe that person's honesty. So you have to check your gaga fan's honesty to here, right?


Or your true intention is you already totally believe that your Gaga fan's essay and you just want to spread bad rumor about Madonna fans. so join Madonna fan site and open thread which negative novel about Madonna fans which wrote by Gaga fan.


it seems like your "is it true??" question is just rhetorical question. It looks like you already totally believe your gaga fan's essay as true. right? I mean we already know answer but seriously.


And there's no rivalry here. There's the one and only Queen of pop Madonna and reductive CC. we all knew it. ;)


Oh my, you're really questioning my authenticity? 


1. The member is kind and genuine. 

2. I believe the 'essay' in question is perhaps true after comments I've read in this thread (ie 'real mess' in regards to the system.)

3. I joined this Madonna forum as I'm a fan of her too. Don't you dare assume I'm a Gaga stan here to cause trouble. Those people annoy me.

4. Why would I spread rumours when I am a fan myself? A big one, as a matter of fact. I'm travelling 3-4 to go to my Rebel Heart Tour show, I wouldn't do that for anyone.



@@brazilfan If you're gonna report a thread over assumptions at least have the cordiality of letting staff deal with whatever it is that's supposedly wrong. 




I honestly don't know if this is true or not, all fanbases have crazy people..., Madonna fans definitely aren't the exception. So it's just fanbase gossip and I feel bleh about it.  :yarn: The important thing is enjoying the show. And yes, it is true that Madonna's tardiness and the venue's/Live Nation's bad organization can make this difficult on ocassion, but that has nothing to do with anything. 

Thanks for having a civilised response. I do get what you mean, haha! :) I mean, my intention was honestly just to see if there were certain fans at shows who are like in the story. I never meant to cause drama, nor did I feel as though my intentions weren't pure/worthy for an attack due to who's fans I am. 

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@@brazilfan If you're gonna report a thread over assumptions at least have the cordiality of letting staff deal with whatever it is that's supposedly wrong. 




I honestly don't know if this is true or not, all fanbases have crazy people..., Madonna fans definitely aren't the exception. So it's just fanbase gossip and I feel bleh about it.  :yarn: The important thing is enjoying the show. And yes, it is true that Madonna's tardiness and the venue's/Live Nation's bad organization can make this difficult on ocassion, but that has nothing to do with anything. 



of course all fanbase have "some, few" crazy people but problem is that gaga fan didn't wrote about "some, few" crazy fan. that gaga fan describe whole Madonna fan as fucking crazy people unlikely another fan base. that's insulting.


But I get your mind so I will not mention about this thread again. It's all yours you two can enjoy together. :kissy:

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of course all fanbase have "some, few" crazy people but problem is that gaga fan didn't wrote about "some, few" crazy fan. that gaga fan describe whole Madonna fan as fucking crazy people unlikely another fan base. that's insulting.

The fan in question actually described a group of people at one show. Not an entire fanbase. 

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The fan in question actually described a group of people at one show. Not an entire fanbase. 



you keep changing your words LOL


if that is describtion of a group of people at JUST ONE show NOT an entire fanbase.

then why this thread's title which opened by you is 

"Is it true that fans are bossy before RHT shows?"
so according to you and your gaga fan, there's just ONE Madonna show before RHT? LOL :dead:
or you and your gaga fan is the ONE which judging and make a conclusion about whole Madonna fan base by just one show? what a drama queens!
Ok..I will not posting in this thread anymore seriously..  
just enjoy yourself. ok? you can talk to in the mirror whatever you want. :wink: I done it.
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you keep changing your words LOL


if that is describtion of a group of people at JUST ONE show NOT an entire fanbase.

then why this thread's title which opened by you is 

"Is it true that fans are bossy before RHT shows?"
so according to you and your gaga fan, there's just ONE Madonna show before RHT? LOL :dead:
or you and your gaga fan is the ONE which judging and make a conclusion about whole Madonna fan base by just one show? what a drama queens!
Ok..I will not posting in this thread anymore seriously..  
just enjoy yourself. ok? you can talk to in the mirror whatever you want. :wink: I done it.



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I've been to a A LOT of MADONNA concerts, starting in 1990, until now, in diferent places; Barcelona, London, Paris, Berlin, New York...


I've had the best seats and the worse ones, early entrance, vip, and camped...AND I HAVE NEVER EVER SEEN THIS "SHIT"...


Maybe I've just been lucky...

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Why are people getting so defensive? It's not like anybody's personally talking about you. Maybe he's asking because he plans to go see Madonna. Reminder that this isn't about Madonna, it's about some bitchy fans that will obviously exist in some places. Calm down about the "intention behind the post". Maybe there isn't one. The best place to ask should be a Madonna forum, no?

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