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The Rebel Heart Tour Press Reports & Reviews [Europe]


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Please post all European press reports, reviews, pictures of The â€‹Rebel Heart World Tour in this thread.


Note: For the full list of general & city review links for North America Rebel Heart shows, please go to


A big THANK YOU to ALL who posted North American reviews especially: 

M-Dollarstfan97DickTracybrazilfanstefoGargamel  :hearteyes:  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:  :hearteyes: 


List of European Press Reports & Reviews:


Köln Reviews/Reports:

  • [*]
focus.de http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=213601 [*]nwzonline http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=213613 [*]express http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=213614 [*]rp-online http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=213801 [*]bt.dk http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=213909

Prague Reviews

  • [*]
avoir-alire http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=218386 [*]ew.com http://www.ew.com/article/2015/11/08/jessica-chastain-madonna-rebel-heart-tour-prague


Berlin Review

  • [*]
aftonbladet.se http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=218295 [*]bz-berlin.de http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=218297

Sweden Reviews

  • [*]
expressen.se http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=220100 [*]aftonbladet.se http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=220101 [*]inquisitr http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=220136 [*]rp-online.de http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=220373 [*]lematin.ch http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=225434

Herning Reviews

  • [*]
bt.dk http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=221587

Turin Reviews

  • [*]
m.repubblica.it/ http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=223790 [*]L'Evento http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=223783 [*]peru21.pe http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=223805 [*]globovision http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=223807 [*]vanityfair.it http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=223954 [*]vanityfair.it http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=224919 [*]artinmovimento http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=225863

Barcelona Reviews

  • [*]
elpais http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=226281 [*]elperiodico http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=226288

Mannheim Reviews

  • [*]
rnz.de http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=228503 [*]stuttgarter-nachrichten.de http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=228504 [*]morgenweb.de http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=228516 [*]mannheim24.de http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=228519

London Reviews

  • [*]
bbc http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=229432 [*]inquisitr http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=229472 [*]nme http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=229544 [*]the guardian http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=229545 [*]The Times http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=229550 [*]The Sun http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=229551 [*]Telegraph http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=229557 [*]theartsdesk http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=229616 [*]digitalspy http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=229639 [*]ft.com http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=229640 [*]officialcharts.com http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=229646 [*]gaytimes.co.uk http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=229653 [*]independent.co.uk http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=229658 [*]standard.co.uk http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=229662 [*]dailymail.co.uk http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=229665 [*]reuters http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=229667 [*]The Observer http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=231840

Amsterdam Review

  • [*]
nu.nl/muziek http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=231523 [*]robinstheater http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=235565

Paris Reviews

  • [*]
news.yahoo.com/ http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=235346 [*]lefigaro http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=235570 [*]parismatch.com http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=236420

Birmingham Review

  • [*]
birminghammail http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=240611

Glasgow Reviews

  • [*]
eveningtimes.co.uk http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?p=245636


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Madonna-Konzert in Köln

Kreuze und Kontrolle: Madonna eröffnet Europa-Tour


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Madonna ist der Popstar, der irgendwie immer da war. Jetzt hält die „Queen of Pop“ mal wieder in Deutschland Hof. Die Zutaten für ihre Show in Köln: Sex, Religion, kalkulierter Wahnsinn.


Natürlich ist da wieder ein Kreuz. Wenn Madonna irgendwo auftaucht, darf ein Kreuz eigentlich nicht fehlen. Diesmal trägt es der Popstar, der gekleidet ist wie eine fernöstliche Variante der heiligen Jungfrau von Orleans, recht martialisch über die Bühne, umzingelt von einer Horde Samurai-Kämpfer.

Das ist zwar ein etwas bizarres Szenario, im Vergleich zu früheren Auftritten aber eine verhältnismäßig zurückhaltende Inszenierung. 2006 hat sich Madonna auf der Bühne mal wie Jesus an ein Kreuz hängen lassen. Es gab die erhoffte Empörung. So weit kommt es bei der Samurai-Nummer nicht. Aber ihre neue Show, die sie an an diesem Abend in Köln erstmalsin Europazeigt, hat auch gerade erst angefangen.



Erfolgsformel aus kalkulierter Provokation




Madonna gastiert mit ihrer aktuellen „Rebel Heart“ Tour in der Domstadt und irgendwie weiß man nicht so recht, wo man sie momentan einordnen soll. Wirklich relevant waren ihre jüngsten Alben nicht, wenn auch wie immer kommerziell erfolgreich. Gleichzeitig ist die 57-Jährige so etwas wie der letzte große Popstar unserer Zeit, immer präsent seit den 80er Jahren.

Dieser Status ist auch in Köln spürbar: Fans belagern das Hotel, in dem die „Queen of Pop“ vermutet wird, Medien berichten von ihrer Ankunft. Und Madonna macht einfach immer weiter mit ihrer Erfolgsformel aus kalkulierter Provokation.




Visuell aufwendige Show



Die neue Show, die sie bislang nur in Nordamerika gespielt hat, ist ein Madonna-Universumim Kleinen: Sex, Religion, Weltbürgertum. Es dauert keine Stunde, da schlägt sie ihren Tänzerinnen auf den Hintern. Sie tragen Nonnenhauben und sonst nicht viel mehr. Zwischen den einzelnen Abschnitten der visuell aufwendigen Show wechselt sie so mühelos die Rollen, wie in ihrer gesamten Karriere.

Erst heilige Ritterin, dann eine Art Rockabilly-Braut, später spanische Stierkämpferin. Was bleibt, sind Gesten an ihre durchtrainierten Tänzer und das Publikum, die zeigen: Ich habe hier die Kontrolle.




„Like a Virgin“ modern abgemischt



In Kölnspielt Madonna gleich zwei Konzerte an aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen. Der Veranstalter gibt an, dass für beide zusammen rund 29.000 Karten verkauft worden seien. Die Arena ist gut gefüllt, ein paar freie Plätze sieht man aber noch. Wer sich im Publikum umschaut, sieht, dass Madonna natürlich kein klassischer Teenie-Star mehr ist. Viele sind um die 40. Als das Konzert verspätet beginnt, gibt es Pfiffe.

Dass Madonna aber weiß, was sie liefern muss, ist auch zu sehen. Es wäre für eine Künstlerin ihrer Kategorie ja nicht unüblich, die eigenen Hits vom Karriereanfang zu verschmähen - insbesondere wenn darunter ein Song wie „Like a Virgin“ ist. Nicht so Madonna, die den Klassiker aus ihrer Girlie-Phase auch noch mit 57 singt, modern abgemischt. Ebenso „Material Girl“ und „La Isla Bonita“.




Weitere Konzerte in Deutschland



Und am Ende schlüpft sie dann tatsächlich auch noch in eine Rolle, die man von ihr noch nicht so oft gesehen hat. Sie betritt die Bühne eingewickelt in eine Deutschland-Fahne. Und ruft „Dankeschön“.




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Tourstart mit Kreuzen und Samurai-Kämpfern



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Madonna ist der Popstar, der irgendwie immer da war. Jetzt hält die „Queen of Pop“ zum Start der Europa-Tour mal wieder in Deutschland Hof. Die Zutaten für ihre Show in Köln: Sex, Religion, kalkulierter Wahnsinn.


KÖLN Natürlich ist da wieder ein Kreuz. Wenn Madonna irgendwo auftaucht, darf ein Kreuz eigentlich nicht fehlen. Diesmal trägt es der Popstar, der gekleidet ist wie eine fernöstliche Variante der heiligen Jungfrau von Orleans, recht martialisch über die Bühne, umzingelt von einer Horde Samurai-Kämpfer. Das ist zwar ein etwas bizarres Szenario, im Vergleich zu früheren Auftritten aber eine verhältnismäßig zurückhaltende Inszenierung. 2006 hat sich Madonna auf der Bühne mal wie Jesus an ein Kreuz hängen lassen. Es gab die erhoffte Empörung. So weit kommt es bei der Samurai-Nummer nicht. Aber ihre neue Show, die sie an an diesem Abend in Köln erstmals in Europa zeigt, hat auch gerade erst angefangen.

Madonna gastiert mit ihrer aktuellen „Rebel Heart“ Tour in der Domstadt und irgendwie weiß man nicht so recht, wo man sie momentan einordnen soll. Wirklich relevant waren ihre jüngsten Alben nicht, wenn auch wie immer kommerziell erfolgreich. Gleichzeitig ist die 57-Jährige so etwas wie der letzte große Popstar unserer Zeit, immer präsent seit den 80er Jahren. Dieser Status ist auch in Köln spürbar: Fans belagern das Hotel, in dem die „Queen of Pop“ vermutet wird, Medien berichten von ihrer Ankunft. Und Madonna macht einfach immer weiter mit ihrer Erfolgsformel aus kalkulierter Provokation.

Die neue Show, die sie bislang nur in Nordamerika gespielt hat, ist ein Madonna-Universum im Kleinen: Sex, Religion, Weltbürgertum. Es dauert keine Stunde, da schlägt sie ihren Tänzerinnen auf den Hintern. Sie tragen Nonnenhauben und sonst nicht viel mehr. Zwischen den einzelnen Abschnitten der visuell aufwendigen Show wechselt sie so mühelos die Rollen, wie in ihrer gesamten Karriere. Erst heilige Ritterin, dann eine Art Rockabilly-Braut, später spanische Stierkämpferin. Was bleibt, sind Gesten an ihre durchtrainierten Tänzer und das Publikum, die zeigen: Ich habe hier die Kontrolle.

In Köln spielt Madonna gleich zwei Konzerte an aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen. Der Veranstalter gibt an, dass für beide zusammen rund 29 000 Karten verkauft worden seien. Die Arena ist gut gefüllt, ein paar freie Plätze sieht man aber noch. Wer sich im Publikum umschaut, sieht, dass Madonna natürlich kein klassischer Teenie-Star mehr ist. Viele sind um die 40. Als das Konzert verspätet beginnt, gibt es Pfiffe.

Dass Madonna aber weiß, was sie liefern muss, ist auch zu sehen. Es wäre für eine Künstlerin ihrer Kategorie ja nicht unüblich, die eigenen Hits vom Karriereanfang zu verschmähen - insbesondere wenn darunter ein Song wie „Like a Virgin“ ist. Nicht so Madonna, die den Klassiker aus ihrer Girlie-Phase auch noch mit 57 singt, modern abgemischt. Ebenso „Material Girl“ und „La Isla Bonita“.

Und am Ende schlüpft sie dann tatsächlich auch noch in eine Rolle, die man von ihr noch nicht so oft gesehen hat. Sie betritt die Bühne eingewickelt in eine Deutschland-Fahne. Und ruft „Dankeschön“.



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Madonna: Sexy Auftritt im Käfig – aber Fans mussten lange warten



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KÖLN â€“ Bombastisch, fantastisch, spektakulär: Bei dem Auftakt ihrer Europatournee, in der fast bis auf den letzten Platz ausverkauften,Lanxess-Arena lässt Madonna ihre Fans erst lange warten. Doch dann treibt sie die Fans zur Ekstase!

Aber erstmal heißt es: Wann kommt sie endlich? Bis 22.20 Uhr müssen sich die bunt durch alle Altersklassen gemischten Fans gedulden. Die Zeit vertreiben sie sich mit Gesängen, klatschen und pfeifen.

Dann endlich schwebt die „Queen of Pop“ in einem Käfig von der Hallendecke auf die rot beleuchtete Bühne. Deren Form erinnert an eine Mischung aus Kreuz und Phalus.

Gleich zu Beginn ihrer Show macht sie klar, wer ab jetzt die Hosen anhat: „Bitch I“m Madonna“ tönt es aus den Boxen. Die Party hat begonnen.

Bei „Like a Virgin“ ist die Menge nicht mehr zu halten. Mit „La Isla Bonita“ und „Material Girl“ entführt sie das Publikum auf eine Zeitreise. Natürlich darf auch der Titeltrack des Albums nicht fehlen: „Rebel Heart“. Das Konzert endet mit „Holiday“.

Die Show wirkt minuziös durchgeplant. Kein Schritt der „Queen of Pop“ verfehlt sein Ziel, kein Ton klingt schief.



An der atemberaubenden Bühnenkonstruktion wurde sichtbar, dass das „Material Girl“ hier anscheinend keinen Cent gespart hat.

Schon zwei Tage zuvor hatte eine Armee aus Technikern die aufwendigen Bühneninstallationen und Showelemente mit einem Konvoi aus 40 Lkw zur Arena gekarrt.

Zuvor hatte Madonna (57) Kölle noch auf Facebook ihr Herz – und ein Bild, das sie in knapper Korsage und Overknee-Stiefeln zeigt, geschenkt. Sexy wie immer!

Um 16.12 Uhr verließ sie das ehrwürdigen Excelsior Hotel Ernst. Hektik unter den Fans, die sogar auf der Treppe zur Domplatte standen: „Madonnaaa“!!! Doch die verschwand in der Limo und fuhr zu ihrem Konzert.




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Original Review [in German] @ http://www.rp-online.de/kultur/musik/madonna-bei-konzert-in-koeln-in-der-lanxess-arena-in-guter-form-aid-1.5536681


Google Translated:

Madonna in good shape

Düsseldorf. Pop-Superstar Madonna gab am Mittwochabend das erste ihrer beiden Konzerte in der Kölner Lanxess-Arena. Wir haben die Highlights zusammengefasst: Vier Bühnensets, unzählige Kostümwechsel und "True Blue" auf der Ukulele. Eine ausführliche Besprechung folgt im Laufe des Tages. 


How was it? Very good. The Madonna concerts the last tour had still felt like boot camps in North Korea. They were aggressive, extremely stressful. Madonna shot continuously with a toy gun on dancers and the audience. On the way home we felt very taken care of. By contrast, it was now to lovingly. Madonna was less confrontational, on the contrary: It experienced a downright cordial artist. She talked a lot with their fans, played a lot of pieces from their latest album "Rebel Heart" and from the early 80s. Striking: The stages in between, 90s about, came almost never before.


How was built the evening? Madonna took the stage very late, at 22.15 clock. Their set was sorted into four parts. The first had a bit of "Game Of Thrones". They fought against spear armored soldiers - and won. The second played in a garage and had 50s flair: Straßenkreuzer, Rock 'n' Roll.Part three made ​​bullfighting about, and part four was in the style of the 20's: Charlie Chaplin, "Great Gatsby". There was hardly a moment of calm, the music ran smoothly for more than two hours. 14 dancers, six musicians, a huge video wall. With her ​​"Blonde Ambition" tour Madonna has 1990 set standards by which a superstar concert has expire: constant costume changes, bass thunder, sensual bombardment. She considers herself still in it.


What were the highlights? Madonna played hardly a song in the known version. they changed especially the old hits. Very nice was "True Blue", which she gave up the ukulele. Great also "Like A Virgin" Madonna danced over the entire length of the web-platforms, which ran cordate.For "Material Girl" let them pump the bass and appeared as a bride with veil on. "La Vie En Rose" brought on the acoustic guitar. A rediscovery: "Deeper And Deeper", one of the few titles au the 90s, we had almost forgotten, but that's still a great song.


Were there any scandals? One of the major topics of Madonna concerts include sexuality and religion. In both cases, she gave herself tamer than in previous concerts. Once she used a cross as a bar to dance. There was disguised as nuns dancers and a stage backdrop quoted the Last Supper.Towards the end she asked a fan on stage. As of his T-shirt was gone forth to present his body, pulled his belt from his pants and hit him with it on the ass. The man's name was Alexander, and he seemed to enjoy it.


The upshot? A great evening. Powerful, amusing, astounding. Madonna is back, it fills the Lanxess Arena on two days in a row, 29,000 fans will experience them in Cologne. The currently provide only Beyonce, Rihanna, Katy Perry and Taylor Swift. The addition of "Holiday" against 0.30 clock was a triumphal march.

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Original Danish Review @ http://www.bt.dk/musik/bt-til-madonnas-turne-premiere-kontrol.-stil.-show.-sex.-og-lidt-musik


Google Translated :)


BT to Madonna's tour premiere: control. Ask. Show. Sex. And some music.

Control. Ask. Show. Sex. And some music. BT was Wednesday night as the European premiere of Madonna's' Rebel Heart 2015'-tour in Cologne, Germany.


WE met a surprisingly wild and heavily perspiring Madonna. It was a much better experience than last time in the park in 2012. This is due to a more organic composite set, both musically and especially show wise, than seen in the previous three concerts in Denmark.


The reason is quite obvious that Madonna, like here in Cologne, appearing in smaller concert arenas than in the first three Danish concerts respectively. Horsens (to 80,000) and twice in the park. She is closer to the audience and vice versa. Although Madonna remains of details bum slapping mistress in his logistic complex stage show, she seemed less mechanical and robotic this time.


Madonna is a feminist icon, the importance of fashion, style and attitude can only be understated. The consistent irreverent play with sex and religious symbols have influenced US policy. Her role as an icebreaker in the cowboy rodeo that rock industry, are legion. Madonna's insistence on 100 percent. Control has inspired not just in the entertainment industry.



So yes, bitch, you're Madonna.


I personally have a hard time with the possibly hip hop-inspired egooppustning, Madonna has grown in recent years. She has sold around 70 million. album.Was the second highest selling female American artist of the 20th century.


She came, saw and conquered. I conquered.


It almost desperate cry for respect, we eventually she played in the park in 2012, it seemed most of all pathetic.


Whether she has got plastic surgery and goes dressed as himself 25 years ago, interests me less. It's like with politicians; it does not matter whether they fill their cheeks with botox or beer, it's content, it matters.

As one blogger wrote in 'Rebel Heart 2015'-tour' beginnings in Montreal: 'Tell me, Madonna has a new name,' Madonna, 57 '. Why should her age is mentioned every time you write about her? ' Good point that does not get worse by the fact that we are here tonight as a different worthy and less strident, cool Madonna on stage.


Half of them are new numbers

Musically, 'Rebel Heart 2015'-tour built around a tribe of nine tracks from the latest album' Rebel Heart '.Almost half of the total set list. That is unusual for the big stars - usually joists alacrity around with old hits in honor of those who have kept their careers running and paid pension. As is apparent from the set list, there was also hits on the program in the evening.


With an icon like Madonna risk a celebration, as such a concert is easy to be sin goddess preaching to his choir. So for the most hardcore fans - which she of course has many of. While those who remember her from the radio and disco risk a disappointment.


When the concert this evening was a half hour late - tighten up in Herning. 16:11, Madge! - I heard part soothe the wait to speak expectations. Quite a few North Rhine-Westphalian Hausfrauen was clearly come to the concert with an expected achtziger Party - eighties party. The party first came to the very end of extra track 'Holiday'. There were several more or less cursing went along the way.


So, Madonna is not going to play the jukebox. It ranges from almost ostentatiously unconscious, percussive beat bombing as in 'Body Shop'. There as several other tracks on 'Rebel Heart' bear clear signs of producer- songwriter help of EDM stars like Avicii and Diplo.


For versions of tracks such as "Heartbreak City 'and classics as" Like a Virgin "and" Material Girl', where we heard Madonna with flattering, spherical danger.Not to take 'Rebel Heart ", she finally closed popdyret out, and we heard the shoulders, one Taylor Swift stands.


There is a more consistent flow of the set this year.Eg. having Romanian folk music, as we saw in 2009. The improved flow clothes the dance-based show on the long b-scene where Madonna and her many dancers constantly moving back and forth.


And, yes, the lady can still wear a pair of stilettos.


We may take it again for Hereditary Prince Knud, but it hardly comes as a big surprise that Mrs. Ciccones microphone works his miracles. Put another way, there is quite apparent autone and what we have, at Madonna's song. With her it must be shown just saying, that's what. Take it or leave it. On the other hand did show a little looser form that it clearly heard the band play live. Upstairs various tracks.


The concert this evening was the show in terms sexgudindens major triumph. It was delivered in a set design that liquid switched themes. Sex and religion in the beginning, pole dance on stripper poles, as a Confederate inspired theme - the best - with poprockede versions of 'True Blue' and 'Deeper and Deeper'. A Spanish department, of course with a blazing hispanic version of 'La Isla Bonita'. Toward the end it became more and more personal, including in a fine acoustic 'Who's That Girl'. It was obvious that Madonna felt comfortable in the center. It seemed contagious.


Note how many times the word 'show' has occurred in this review. For that is what it is. Nothing more and certainly not less. The grandeur of the impressive show can be best described with this paradox: it actually did not make much difference whether Madonna was on stage or drove that track in the background in tracks like 'Messiah', 'SEX' and 'Illuminati', where she changed clothes .


Worthy and cozy

Still, it is the most worthy, most evocative, most mensch Madonna herself tribute, I have attended to date.


But it is also the third time, I note that Madonna should put up with a small band on a small stage.


On the way to the concert at Lanxess Arena I noticed the old cathedral in Cologne by the two spiers, which is like a gloomy medieval, black silhouette midway between postwar new buildings, neon lights, railways and highways that pierces its way into the center. I think Madonna in the same way has a dark core. You can see it in her lyrics.


Madonna, European tour premiere, Lanxess Arena, Cologne on Wednesday night

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They were talking about this on the local NYC fox news broadcast this morning! how exciting. Sidebar the authors name is Peanut Alvarez-Mena and i kinda love everything about that.




NEWS/  Idris Elba to Open Madonna's Rebel Heart Tour Show in Berlin and Thump-Thump Go Our Hearts

by Peanut Alvarez-Mena Mon., Nov. 9, 2015 6:09 PM PST

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Donato Sardella/WireImage


Elba. Idris Elba.


Madonna just announced that the dreamy Luther star—who's also a DJ when he isn't acting or addressing James Bond rumors—will open her Rebel Hearts Tour stop in Berlin tomorrow night.

The concert taking place at Mercedes Benz Arena is one of the season's most highly anticipated shows and it just got even better.



The 43-year-old Elba—whose varied roles have included a drug kingpin on The Wire, the titular icon in Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, the god Heimdall in Thorand regular old Charles on The Office—actually began his career as a DJ long before establishing his name in acting.


The British thesp has recently been spinning surprise sets in small East London bars and also thrilling thousands at some of Ibiza's top clubs.


The multifaceted artist has Instagrammed pictures of himself in his element, mixing beats for a live audience.


Madonna's Rebel Heart Tour will touch down in 11 countries in Europe as the Material Girl continues to crisscross the globe.


Fans are going crazy over her latest special guest and can't wait to see who Madonna will collaborate with next. We're taking our guesses—what are some of yours?

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Idris Elba to Open for Madonna's Rebel Heart Tour
By Khadija Dukes |  November 10, 2015  |  10:41am
Photo via Getty Images, Stuart C. Wilson, Frazer Harrison
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In other random news, Beasts of No Nation’s Idris Elba will be opening for Madonna on her Rebel Heart Tour stop in Berlin on Tuesday, according to Entertainment Weekly.

Emmy-nominated Elba, a DJ, producer, rapper as well as an actor, has not only released several music videos over the years, receiving thousands of views on YouTube, but he has also played in Ibiza and Glastonbury.

The pop icon has featured several opening acts on her international tour. Comedian Amy Schumer, DJ Diplo and Lunice opened for the singer in North America. Reijje Snow and Mary Mac opened on the first two European stops.


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A pretty dreadful review on Berlin show :(

This is an excellent example of a biased reviewer.

And Posted Image at this Swedish newspaper reviewing Rebel Heart album instead of the show. 

IMO anyone who gives Secret 2/5 deserves a stick up the ass!!!.


Madonna has a new humor and warmth in their super show



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Calm now.

Madonna is so late that the audience finally lose patience, because thunders boos and whistles through the arena.


But as soon as she walks on stage, or rather hauled down from the ceiling, there's only love in the air.


And Madonna still knows how to make an entrance.


Not many people in the world can stand on a stage and generate the powerful magnetic field.It feels like all of metal shaking loose wrists and belts and pockets and flies towards the stage.Unable to take his eyes off her.


"Rebel Heart Tour" is fortunately also better than the last tour, the much discussed wreckage "The MDNA Tour". There is a completely different warmth and humor in music, performance and stage solutions.


Set a standard on stage

But it is also no getting away from that Madonna has a peculiar problem as a live performer. 25 years ago she created the blueprints for the ultimate popshowen thanks to the world tour "Blonde Ambition" and the subsequent documentary "In Bed with Madonna". It was a whole show where fashion, dance, art and unforgettable pop melodies became one.


All pop artists who have since tried to do similar overall shows have started from "Blonde Ambition". Lady Gaga succeeded example of building an entire career only "Express yourself".


Madonna had been able to leave the live scene for "Vogue." She would still have been the same icon today. She does not need to prove anything more. And her own concert tours have basically been more or less successful reruns of a form that has not changed many centimeters in 25 years.


I really appreciate that she does not flattering "greatest hits" -set. It is honorable that she is still developing older songs and gives them a new sound. And it is in her nature to the latest album sometimes larger space than the classics.


One of the world's best songs

But the stubborn feeling that the concerts only reaches half way always depends on afterwards.


What does she want with hard rock guitars to? It is necessary to make the Latin feast of brilliant "Dress You Up"? Nothing from her last great album "Confessions on a Dance Floor"? And how well she sings Edith Piaf - was not a "Live to Tell" or "Like A Prayer" have fitted in better?


But despite the objections can not discuss Madonna's status and class.


It is possible to break down the pop music in 2015 in the four cornerstones of Michael Jackson, Prince, Kate Bush and Madonna. Most of today's charts begins there.


But only one of them has a "Holiday". It is certainly worth buying a ticket and wait two hours and ten minutes to hear one of the 20 best songs ever, all categories.


Song by Song Review

Iconic 3/5

Magnificent opening. So much happens on stage that you barely notice that the song itself is quite inane.


Bitch I'm Madonna 2/5

Calling it a song would be stretching it a bit too far. Nicki Minaj's rapped verse rocks, though.


Burning Up 3/5

Effective, but Madonna should be forbidden from playing metal guitar.


Holy Water 3/5

Quite irresistible performance with pole-dancers dressed as nuns. A few seconds of "Vogue" are mixed into the song before Madonna ends the song with her own take on The Last Supper.


Devil Pray 2/5

The religious theme continues in a mediocre song.


Body Shop 1/5

New stage setup: a car repair shop. It feels like a vehicle trying to run on an empty tank.


True Blue 3/5

How much have you been longing to hear True Blue played on a ukulele? Probably not that much. However, it's better than you'd think.


Deeper and Deeper 3/5

House piano meets linedance. Yup, that's right.


HeartBreakCity 3/5

You can feel the anger in her voice when Madonna sings about being heartbroken.


Like a Virgin 4/5

The arrangement doesn't really fit the tune, but it doesn't really make a difference. For the first time during the show, Madonna really sounds current and relevant.


Living for Love 4/5

Magnificent EDM euphoria featuring bull's horns.


La Isla Bonita 4/5

Mariachi version in which the guitars are nearly drowned out by the heel taps. All artists in the world would kill for this tune.


Dress You Up 2/5

A brilliant song, but the Latino arrangement doesn't do it any good, not to mention the salsafied snippets of "Into the Groove" and "Lucky Star".


Secret 2/5

Acoustic version. On the whole, the entire Bedtime Stories album is one of Madonna's worst.


Rebel Heart 3/5

The song is turned into the soundtrack to a slide show of Madonna's career highlights.


Music 4/5



Candy Shop 3/5

Good performance of a filler song.


Material Girl 3/5

Written in the 1980s, but still feels very current.


La vie en rose 3/5

Madonna sings Edith Piaf better than most other sings, but songs such as Live to Tell or Like a Prayer would have been better.


Unapologetic Bitch 3/5

Madonna has inspired virtually all other pop singers, but songs like this are done much better by Rihanna.


Holiday 4/5

Madonna closes the show with the song that kickstarted her career. One of the 20 best songs ever recorded by any artist!


Overall rating: 3/5

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Madonna's pompous opera in the Mercedes-Benz Arena


On Tuesday evening, Madonna played the first of two concerts in Berlin. As always, the show is huge, ostentatious, flashy and provocative.


If there is a word with which one can describe the appearance of Madonna in Berlin, then "concert" is certainly not the only good choice.Sure, Madonna draws on more than 30 years of musical history and mix their new songs with musical great variations of "Like a Virgin" and "True Blue".


Nevertheless opera might be the better word, because what one as opposed flies from the stage in the Mercedes-Benz Arena, is a production, pompous, colorful and glamorous as it might only Madonna can.


The provocation of the new show is no longer from the juxtaposition of symbols which brings Madonna on a stage that looks like an oversized crucifix. That nuns bared dancing on the bar and dance orgies garnish the sacrament, can not surprise those who either has ever seen a concert of pop diva, or the Berlin theater scene knows with all its exaggerations.


And yet: Madonna concerts are like favorite books, favorite movies or just favorite plates. They can be read again and again, to see or hear and nevertheless remains the fascination that a Küstler has created something that is unparalleled.

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[Google Translated] - Funny translation :)




We saw the Rebel Heart Tour in Prague and the show proved one of the most explosive and warmest of the illustrious career of Madonna.

Forget refrigerants concerts Drowned World or Reinvention Tour. Exit the dramatic morbidity MDNA Tour. If Madonna can not omnipotence of her Confessions Tour, forever one of the best tours ever orchestrated pop dance, with Rebel Heart Tour,
star imposes its majesty with the ease of a diva without whims, because warm, accessible, close to his audience, whether in communication and themes addressed, she literally offered to a packed house in ecstasy. For his first show at 02, the first urban party inopportune had not gone well, introducing a disconcerting cold among fans of all ages, from young curious, families with kids and quadra graying. The rapper Rejjie Snow, of Irish descent but American verve, had the misfortune to want to heat the room with an audience more accustomed to fancy the dance floor at diving beetle Pussy,  money; he earned a unanimous ries the auditorium. This is crestfallen that he had to leave the stage. © Madonna / Instagram 50mn more, later, the pit gets impatient, the interpreter ofLike a Virgin accustomed to monumental delays (it began at 22:20 in Cologne his previous show) barely made ​​its appearance. The screens appear less massive than expected, but animated by a video clip shot for the concept of the tour, well above the proposed three videos to illustrate the singles of his last album, which sold 820,000 copies worldwide. Will it be possible to reverse the general trend in the room that turns exhaustion and weariness? Count on the energy of an artist who, unchained, the absent smile time of a title, the breeze cage to fight samurai in an atmosphere like borrowing a television classic that Madonna loves, Game of thrones. OnIconic, epic song that imposes its urban tape undeniable openness as it revives the memory of the Drowned World and its bellicose adventures, also in times MDNA. Less violent but equally striking. Following is curious,Bitch I'm Madonna, flagship title of his latest album, is played without much conviction, mechanically, while remixed, it could have concluded the tour on a finger. But it was not counting the will of the artist to ease tensions, to divert provocative egocentric to offer its audience a hot show, sensual and friendly, where sex is not pretending to be controversial , like the Blond Ambition or even titillate, but to celebrate the sense of an audience full of testosterone that will not offend the "nunneries" orgies in choreographed harmony paintings master (wallpapers impress), with always this Catholic backdrop, completely harmless, but which earned the crowd, waiting, even before the entry into the dome, suffer the preaching of some restless extremists protesting in the name of Jesus. The tables follow each other with Coher ence that fascinates. Rock provocations (Burning Up, where nobody wonders what Madonna with a guitar as she looks out of place in his hands), a mash-up heady between Holy Water and Vogue ... the tour can legitimize titles the lowest of his latest album: Body Shop or SEXappear in the list when it regrets the lack of a Wash all over me ever to amplify the feeling of a dispute between Madonna and Avicii, she clears the all traces, to keep especially the title track of his album, Rebel Heartconcludes the table on Latin and gypsy music. This sequence, the third of the show, perhaps the most feared as she seemed banal on paper turns out that of the communion with the fans, with a total euphoria, when the star likes to joke with the audience between remixed versions of these classic (Dress You Up) or arrangement accompanied on guitar, solo, like Secret, which, to celebrate the mysticism of the capital of Czech Republic and its mysteries, replaced Who's that girl , normally provided in the program. The title was followed by Ghosttown, an extra on the list, offering graciously offered to compensate the expectation that it justifies to a captivated audience, and ashamed of having questionable as necessary to offer him that perfection deserves. The title asks more vocal efforts are recognized on the chorus using the choristers. It is therefore understood that the song is not systematically performed at a show that has the move, and inevitably exhausting. Come on, the wait is forgotten. The show continues. The last part introduced by Illuminati, a dramatic interlude, dizzying, choreographed to 6 meters high by aerial dancers who fall in love singers remained on the ground, is surely the most elegant, the most exhilarating. The remix of Music, coupled with Get Stupid, is a tribute to the Roaring Twenties, to the Magnificent Gabsy Montparnasse and 20s more than ever the star conjure bad luck, clears the injuries suffered on social networks and criticism it feeds on the cult of youth: it will never be discussed in the show. Timeless, revisiting the times and cultures, and thirty-three years of past directory heritage of the American pop star imposes a rhythm and attitude of its competitors that no youth is able to corner, despite their deference petty to want to take over it will not let go that night, without even trying to keep it. Succession is already there in record sales and numbers of views on YouTube, but none comes temperament and transcendence of an artist at the peak of his art, which despite its 57 years, assumes, Imperial with his audience, without despising it, essentially offering to pure moments live, as on his acoustic cover of La Vie en Rose or brilliant combination ofLove do not live anymore and Heartbreak city. Small gift, like some shows of his previous tours, Madonna likes to invite celebrities to join. That night in Prague, she unleashes Jessica Chastain at the reggae interpretation of very friendly Unapologetic  Bitch; she is on stage irresistible redhead Zero Dark City and Crimson Peak who likes to spank. Very Hanky ​​Panky in the soul. If you regret a final short and forgettable, on the song Holiday, which was too heard, and do not hold a candle to the findings of these three previous tours , we note the excellence of Deeper and Deeper, Love do not live here anymore, Living For Love and Music. Highlights that have brought us together more than ever, an interstellar star, became human, radiant with its shared smiles.Madonna will be in Paris Bercy (sorry, we do not know any other name for this legendary Parisian theater!) on 9 and 10 December. It is complete.
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Original Review @ http://www.expressen.se/noje/madonnas-popparty-ar-basta-medcinen/


"Madonna popparty is best medicine"


How does Madonna's opulent glamor show the day after the brutal terrorist attack that rocked the whole world?

As usual, in fact.

Sometimes a spectacular popparty the very best medicine for the soul.


It is certainly Saturday, but not the Saturday night time.


After the terrible terrorist attacks in Paris, an attack that hit visitors at a rock concert hardest, it was a Saturday with mourning bands and set celebrations.


Not this party, however.


Madonna, who early on expressed his sympathy for the victims and their relatives in Paris, did the right thing. Put down högklackarna in his extravagant stage floor with one of this industry's most widely deployed proverb. "The show must go on".


With emphasis on the show.


"Rebel Heart tour" is just a self-playing piano.For better or worse.

All sensational stage solutions are the same, night after night. The tracklist is the same, except the numbers ii latino party (we can come back to it).More space for musical improvisation does not allow the high-end show.

It leaves the audience with a performance in which every moment is like a glove, but who also feels static like a Vegas show, directed by Cirque du Soleil when the songs refuses grabbing.

It's very much the surface.

Fortunately, it is also significantly more content than in the most recent world tour, the equally spectacular but emotionally frigid "MDNA Tour".


The strongest impression from European premiere is also intact:

Madonna seems to have fun on stage. Despite all the moments she is forced to keep track of - just the fact that she makes eight costume changes is a logistical exercise in the higher school - so partying star together with the fans on this tour.

Initially, it mainly Madonna herself as partying, the audience is long remarkably passive.

May lack the fans of classic hits. Maybe they like me, that too many songs hacks unnecessarily (especially when the scene is being converted into a garage; the "Body Shop" and "True Blue" is the musical soup cod). Maybe Paris is somewhere in the collective mind? The enhanced security and visits no one at the entrance is otherwise than a reminder.

The turnaround in the installation section, when Madonna by midnight puts its spotlight on the elephant in the room.


She says that the terror attack in Paris was that she would set the evening's show. She keeps an emotional speech to the victims, organizes a minute of silence, and then play "Like a Prayer" - a crowd favorite who just picked up on special occasions (this was the fourth time since the tour started in September).


The heat penetrates, commitment rises party will finally beating on the door with a big fist.

A moment later, when Madonna connects Party turbo and press the pedal to the metal across the finish line, there is only one thing to say:


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Original Review @ http://www.aftonbladet.se/nojesbladet/musik/recensioner/article21767208.ab


Has never been more important to see Madonna


Markus Larsson puts rating on the star's concert - song by song

The minute of silence.

"Like a Prayer".

There has probably never felt more important and politically to see Madonna than just tonight.


In an interview on Irish radio commented Bono of U2 terrorist attacks in Paris.


He noted that most who died were in concert with the metal band Eagles of Death Metal, and said:

"It is the first time that music hit in the so-called war on terror, or whatever it's called. It's very upsetting. It could have been me at a concert, it could be you at a concert, in that particular locale. "


The point is that the terrorists do not attack military, political or financial goals anymore.They murder in everyday environments, people relax and catch our breath. And Democracies vulnerable freedom shines rarely stronger or expressed better than just music.


Totalitarian regimes and movements hate pop concerts. Above all pop concerts that embrace freedom, those who challenge the prevailing norms and rules and questioning authority.


From that perspective, Madonna must be one of the terrorists' worst enemies. Her whole act is profoundly political. She has that few others fought for feminism, human rights and sexual equality. Given her violent public position - control the hatred that Madonna must have endured for example, have taken a stand for women's and gay life and rights since the 80's is probably impossible even to imagine.


I saw the same show in Berlin earlier this week, and the complaints are of course not disappeared.


The pace poor introduction, the most impressive to the eyes and not your ears. Madonna's penchant for metal guitars are incomprehensible.She has found a form and dramaturgy for their shows that basically has not changed since 2006. The overall feeling is confusingly similar tour after tour, although she replaces songs, clothing and props.


But pop never exists in its own bubble. Pop absorbs always the reality.And given Paris feels the performance even more charged. It is as if the point with Madonna has become clearer. The

she does stand for and sing about, is precisely what is under attack.



After Latin party "Dress You Up" is she also a long speech about Paris. Madonna has tears in her eyes, she says she struggled through the concert and that she was considering to set.


She asks for a minute of silence.


Since Madonna makes an unforgettable "Like A Prayer". The timing is dazzling. It is as if a giant lift up the whole arena and shakes.


The air takes almost fire.


The concert do not lose the coals for it.


It feels as if people have been frozen since the news of Paris was spread with viral speed on Friday night. But in the last song "Holiday", the audience begins to thaw and dance seriously.


Just like "Like a Prayer" will be a collective and joyful tribute to Madonna's personality and artistry, music and disco, dance floor's sexual liberation and fellowship.


And it is beautiful.

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NOVEMBER 15, 2015



Madonna has some pretty impressive career moments. Who can ever forget her performance of “Like a Virgin†at MTV’s first music video awards show back in 1984? Then, there was her jaw-dropping performance of the award-winning “Sooner or Later†at the Academy Awards in 1991. 14 years later, Madonna had 200,000 people all cheering for her performance at Live 8.


All these performances are still viewed millions of times several years after they debuted. Madonna’s speech about the Paris attacks and performance of ‘Like a Prayer†at her show in Stockholm, Sweden, will likely join the ranks as one of her best.


Billboard describes the moment Madonna talks about the Paris attacks before launching into her hit single.


Madonna admitted that in many ways, she felt torn about giving the show, especially the night after one of the worst terrorist attacks in all of history. She then said that she decided to go on stage because she didn’t want to give into the terrorists, who don’t want to see people happy and enjoying themselves. She talked about the power of unity and had the audience of 40,000 give a minute of silence. After wiping her tears, she launched into “Like a Prayer†and, as one can see from the video, it was a truly magical moment for Madonna, the audience, and people now watching the video.

“This whole show is about celebrating life. And standing up for your rights. Fighting for what you believe in. It’s been very hard for me to get through this show and not forget about what happened last night. So I need to take this moment to acknowledge the tragedy. The tragic killings, assassinations and the senseless ending of precious life that occurred last night in Parisâ€


According to a Swedish website, Madonna’s show at the Tele 2 Arena played to over 40,000 people — the biggest audience ever for the historic venue. However, on Saturday night, it wasn’t about attendance numbers. It was more about pouring her heart out. If one does want to talk about attendance numbers, Madonna is killing it at the box office. Billboard recently had the news.


“Madonna heads up Billboard‘s weekly ranking of concert touring artists, landing at No. 1 on the Hot Tours recap based on $25.4 million in sales reported from her Rebel Heart world tour. This tally includes the final 12 stops on the first leg of the tour that played 20 cities in North America during September and October.â€


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Madonna’s Rebel Heart Tour is the most critically acclaimed concert outing of her career. [Photo via Daryl Deino]


Besides top attendance numbers, Madonna’s tour has also garnered the best reviews out of any tour in her 32-year career. The Los Angeles Times said that Madonna successfully proved why she is still relevant after all of these years.


In a review from the Guardian, music critic Alex Needham says that there is no performer like her.

“So, as much as she was celebrating her own importance, Madonna seemed to be looking for ways to demonstrate that she still mattered. What was remarkable was that she succeeded by taking advantage of her experience, not by running from it.â€


“Her Madison Square Garden concert seems simultaneously like the latest stage of a 32-year durational performance art piece about stardom and an affirmation that there is simply no other performer like her. Tonight, Madonna kills it,†Needham claims.


Madonna will continue her Rebel Heart Tour all throughout the end of the year. She then begins a second leg in North America starting in January. Have you seen Madonna perform on her Rebel Heart Tour? What are your thoughts?


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Original Report @ http://www.rp-online.de/kultur/musik/madonna-weint-um-paris-opfer-bei-konzert-in-stockholm-aid-1.5560592


Madonna cries on concert - and provides spine-tingling moment
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Madonna wipes on stage in Stockholm the tears from her face.PHOTO: Youtube

Stockholm. Madonna loves to give as a strong woman, but after the attacks in Paris saw the world star as emotional as ever. At their concert in Stockholm, less than 24 hours after the barbaric terrorist act in the French capital, cried the singer on stage. By Christian Spolders
These moments get under your skin. Madonna, the world star, the strong woman who stands on the stage of the Tele2 Arena in Stockholm, and she weeps for the victims of terrorist attacks in Paris. Her voice is broken, she has tears in her eyes, and she has a message.


"Why am I here above, dance and have fun when people cry for their loved ones that they have lost?" Madonna asked her voice cracking after they had previously not been taken when she talked about the subject of her show (joie de vivre, stand up for his rights). At least 129 people had been killed the previous day in Paris by bombers, and it was hard to go through with the show up to that point. "That's what these people want: they want to silence us, but that we will not allow," says Madonna. "We will never allow."

To the applause of the fans she says that there is good in the world. "I had to cancel my show," she admits their viewers. But then she had wondered why she should give the terrorists the satisfaction. "Why should I let them and you prevent me from enjoying freedom?" At all places where the assassin who killed people, people had come together to have fun."Nobody in the world should stop us from doing what we love."

"Only love can change the world"

There are people who have no respect for life. "We are not this world but change, if we do not change how we are to each other." One does not change the world through the election of a new President or by the renewed killing of hundreds of people, but by the fact that people encounter in everyday life with respect. "Only love can change the world, but it is very difficult to love unconditionally."

Then she asks her guests to a minute's silence for the victims and their relatives. In the arena, it is quiet as a mouse, some viewers fold their hands in prayer, Madonna later asks for a handkerchief to wipe the tears from her face. While she will be accompanied on the Acoustic Guitar, she begins her worldwide hit "Like A Prayer" to sing. It is the moment in which is likely to have had goosebumps at the latest each not only in the hall, but also in front of the screens. Hundreds turn off the lights of their smartphones, the Arena turns into a sea of ​​lights, the Madonna leaves even more tears to your eyes, but in a shaky voice she sings on.

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Hundreds of fans attended during "Like A Prayer" a sea of lights.PHOTO: Youtube

On their "Rebel Heart" tour Madonna was in Germany as a guest. On 4 and 5 November she started her European tour with two concerts inCologne, then they traveled to Prague and Berlin. 



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Major press sharing Madonna speech! Such power! Such cultural impact! :)

This has quickly become one of the most powerful & iconic moments of the era. #Madonna #ParisSpeech #RebelHeartTour

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Other Press Reports on Madonna's Speech:

Madonna Cries Onstage as She Pays Tribute to Victims of Paris Attacks



Madonna Made A Tearful Tribute to the Paris Attacks At Her Concert in Stockholm



Madonna On Paris Attacks: "Why Am I Up Here Dancing And Having Fun While People Are Crying?"






Madonna Delivers Heartbreaking Speech On Paris Attacks At Stockholm Show



Madonna Cries During Stirring Speech Honoring Victims of the Paris Terror Attacks



Watch: Madonna Breaks Down on Stage, Pays Tribute to Paris Victims



Madonna makes emotional speech about Paris attacks during Stockholm gig



Watch: Madonna In Tears At Gig Over Paris
Madonna's Emotional Speech on Paris Attacks: 'Why Am I Up Here Dancing And Having Fun While People Are Crying?'
By Denise Warner


Emotional Madonna asks concert crowd to hold moment's silence for Paris victims



Watch Madonna's Powerful Speech About Paris Attacks at Stockholm Concert
Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/watch-madonnas-powerful-speech-about-paris-attacks-at-stockholm-concert-20151115#ixzz3ra2gEDJu


Madonna Broke Down In Tears In A Powerful Tribute To Victims Of The Paris Attacks



Madonna Breaks Down Crying Onstage as She Honors Paris Attacks Victims and Performs "Like a Prayer"



Paris attacks: Madonna in tears at gig in Stockholm

Popstar Madonna breaks down in tears as she gives an emotional speech to fans at a gig in Stockholm following the devastating terror attacks in Paris



Pray For Paris: Madonna & Justin Bieber React To Tragic Attacks While In Concert



Madonna Gives Tearful, Defiant Speech on Paris Attacks at Stockholm Concert



Tearful Madonna leads a moving on-stage tribute and a minute's silence for the victims of the Paris attack - after nearly cancelling her show out of respect
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3319259/Tearful-Madonna-leads-moving-stage-tribute-minute-s-silence-victims-Paris-attack-nearly-cancelling-respect.html#ixzz3ra5WcTbO


Madonna Honors Paris Victims With Emotional Speech, Performs 'Like A Prayer'
Read more at http://www.accesshollywood.com/articles/madonna-honors-paris-victims-emotional-speech-performs-prayer/#yueHIz592tMDwUjI.99

Madonna performs 'Like a Prayer' in tribute to Paris at Stockholm concert


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Four stars for the pop queen: Exuberant enthusiastic Madonna in Herning



A sparkling enthusiastic Madonna delivered one of the - formentlig- finest rock show ever in Denmark. But musically drown it goes far in an overloaded noise inferno.


The picture is so clear that it is well basically too much. Towards the Great Belt Bridge was sternly black clouds as a thick, menacing voldemortsk shadow across the highway. The rain whipped. It hurt so much out. It's dark times. Europe creaks in the joints of people fleeing a war that is spreading to the north.


As has been said thousands of times in recent days life should go on. Also on the concert stages. You grope for light - not just the light from the headlights, which are reflected in the signs at Ringsted, Soro, Slagelse. A light with a hint of solutions and hope for a future.

And then suddenly a hole in the clouds over the county with the same shape as a leg with a few højhælede.Tro it or not.


Four hours later entered the Madonna stage at Jyske Bank Boxen. On a couple of very high-heeled.


And as in Stockholm commented Madonna a piece of the concert massacres in Paris the other day. It is very appropriate before a tickling massive version of 'Ghost Town' from 'Rebel Heart'. As she probably played the first time on this tour.


Madonna took the opportunity to say no to those who subsequently criticized her only to denounce terrorism in Paris.


'I worry about Syria, Lebanon, Africa. There are senseless violence and oppression in the world. The world right now looks dark and it is our job as artists and people to do what we can to find the light and love. Are you with Denmark? '


Imagine yourself scream at Jyske Bank Boxen.


One and a half hour earlier began Madonna's concert, surrounded by twelve dancers, dressed as anything from 'Game of Thrones', each with a cross.


Classical Madonna. Playing with religious symbols.Submissive. Dominance. Showdown. Sex as deliverance.


opdronningen know its significance in 30 years of rock history. And she appears with a self-confidence and self-evident that only the largest can get away with. 

Just take the title of another number on stage at Jyske Bank Boxen, 'Bitch I'm Madonna'. 

Both also nicely said indifferent EDM numbers where brutal beats and a housebas, deeper than the Mariana Trench, mixed in a razor sharp electronic lydhelvede.Then there was more rock bitch in the groovy 'Burning Up' with a determined Madonna of bad spade.Reportedly the 15 year old 'Music', which she delivered in a glittering Parisian cabaret staging, clearly served as the evening's best dance number.It's just more accomplished and shamelessly catchy than 'Rebel Heart' numbers.


In 2015, Madonna more artist who lets himself be influenced - than the artist who affects. Recently assists electronic wonderful boys Diplomatic and Avicii and Kanye West on the album "Rebel Heart" from 2014. 

But that Mrs. Ciccone is rock music's perhaps the greatest female icon is indisputable. She has sold 300 million. plates. Last night there was virtually sold out at Jyske Bank Boxen in Herning. 14,000 tickets. The last time she appeared in Jutland, there were 80,000 in Horsens. In the middle of Jutland sports and concert venue could all see and especially hear Madonna.There was screwed up, as it should be heard in Skagen and Padborg.


You had small three quarters into the concert before a semi-acoustic version of the old hit 'True Blue' made a break. After one of the many scene changes, like Madonna - and her iscenesættere orchestrates with the same certainty as a classical conductor of his orchestra. Got the human heat into the unit. Created singalong, and on another hit 'Deeper and Deeper'.


A disturbing beautiful and alluring version of "Heartbreak City 'ahead of' Love Do not Live Here Anymore '. A cheerful drum'n'bass version of 'Like a Virgin' with an unusually enthusiastic Madonna, who looked like a black-clad version of himself in the legendary film 'Absolutely loved Susan'. Here it was as if


As the show is Madonna's 'Rebel Heart Tour' exquisiteness to exquisiteness on. Scenografisk, video films on the big screens, clothes. Cirque du Soleilsk acrobatics. Soon the sexy dancers Asian, sometimes hispanic soon cowboys and cowgirls. Symbolism shroud into the state of th art. . So beautiful that it seems quite natural


The big are getting the logistical extremely complicated extravaganza to seem as effortless with Madonna in the center for its many dancers.

Just as great a stage show. As much it is as if the muscular overloaded beatexcesser block the greatness of the evocative passages of music. Yes, there transitions, where the musical bridges went in with a stage show and was a small pulsating symphony in itself. As in the passage about the super hit 'La Isla Bonita'.


And in 'Rebel Heart ", Madonna brewer bridge from his own past to modern acoustic based songwriting in electronic clothes as in a Taylor Swift.

So yes, there were great musical moments. The emotional, dystopian 'Ghost Town' - and towards the end Madonna's version of Edith Piaf's "La Vie en Rose ', which has given a new meaning since Friday.

I've seen Madonna five times now. Recently in Cologne a few weeks ago. Compared to the two concerts in the park, this concert in Herning with the whole hall on the first row in front of the huge b-scene with distance the greatest experience. Not musically.The balance between tonnes and melody is skewed.But as the show and the statement with a wild, checked unpolegetic rock bitch and popdronning, swinging his popscepter.


Apocalypse is hardly moved further away after Madonna's two hours on the outskirts of Herning. But Madonna is an inspiration to everyone who lacks the power to stand up and stand on his.



Bitch I'm Madonna

Burning Up

Holy Water (Stump of 'Vogue')

Devil Pray

Messiah (Video interlude)

Body Shop

True Blue

Deeper and Deeper

Heartbreak City

(Stump of 'Love Do not Live Here Anymore')

Like a Virgin

('Justify My Love' and 'Heartbeat' samples)

SEX (Video interlude)

Living for Love

La Isla Bonita

Ghost Town

Rebel Heart

Illuminati (Video interlude)

Music (Give It 2 ​​Me 'sample)

Candy Shop

Material Girl

La vie en rose (Originally Édith Piaf)

Unapologetic Bitch


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Lady enchants the audience of Turin: "Italy is my home and my blood"


Madonna is back..


"Turin, are you ready?" She yelled to the public at the party last night wrapped a cloak of red silk and surrounded by dancers with crosses and fans.


To the rhythm of "Bitch I'm Madonna.""Hello Italy - she said holding an electric guitar - lets 'go'.


And 'round though perhaps not to forget her legendary farewell to the city, the first to an Italian audience, which gave the 65 thousand people thronged to the stage of stadium that evening of September 4, 1987. "Hello Turin, are you ready?You are on now?… I'm fine too" .


She was 29 years old and made ​​his debut with the tour "Who's That Girl" to finally break through in the imagination of the boys' 80s pop.


Today those guys have 40 years, but last night they danced on those same notes that now sound like a true classic and remain, despite 30 years of success, the favorite parts of her admirers. 


They were eleven thousand viewers last night: about eight hundred people did not attend despite having bought the ticket.


Many should be in the next two evenings scheduled for tomorrow and Sunday.


Most then did not let discourage from the lookout of the vigil and the fear of attacks.


Two hours before the show began to fill the Pala Alpitour to attend his "Rebel Heart Tour" in only three Italian dates set in the very city where until now he had not wanted to return.

Madonna performed on other stages Italians always convinced that the bad luck Turin, after the flop of 1990: the brand new Dell Alpi Stadium was left almost empty during the "Blond Ambition Tour".


"The waiting a long time," says Massimiliano entrance to the parterre, through the long stage to cross.

The French flags remained unsold out, on the stands, but all raise their hands to the sky when the DJ Mary Mac that opens the show asks a symbolic tribute to Paris.


This time Madonna has arrived two days before the concert and was also granted some out of the town accompanied by his son and a friend.


Fueling the expectation of the fans who have been stationed for hours in front of the Principi di Piemonte in the hope of seeing her go out.


"We were all day outside the hotel - Sonia told yesterday that there placed with a group of friends - waiting to see her we bought the vinyl.


Madonna of course! ".


Will attend all three evenings of Rebel Heart Tour of Turin: "We saved for months to buy tickets for all evenings - they said - his music has grown and we could not miss to see it in our city.


We've heard it five times in the last seven years. " 


 The lineup includes twenty songs that go back and forth in time retracing the artist's career: 'La isla bonita', 'Dress you up', 'Who's that girl', 'Music', 'Candy', 'True Blue', 'Material Girl' and, of course, 'Like a Virgin'.


None missed the tribute to the victims of the attacks in Paris 'La Vie en Rose'.


The closure is left in one of the first single of the singer, Holiday.


It closes the applause convinced as she recalls, "Italy is my home and my blood."


Today Madonna goes to Milan by his friend Donatella Versace.Then tomorrow, and tomorrow the last two concerts.Wednesday night instead had made a brief sortie to the Egyptian Museum with her children and a small group of collaborators.


But no one was able to catch it, neither photographers nor supporters.


This was revealed only yesterday morning the president of the Foundation, Evelina Christillin, who told of how they accompany her to between statues and inscriptions millenary was an Egyptologist museum.

"We are honored that he wanted to visit our museum - said the President of the Museum, Evelina Christillin - the presence of a pop star like Madonna emphasizes once more aptly known as both the Turin collection."


In the end, only a few hours before the show, appeared on board a Mercedes with tinted windows that left the Principi di Piemonte from the garage and headed for the hall.


Among her audience in the stalls a few young, and virtually no VIPs.Spotted in the audience only the president of Juventus, Andrea Agnelli, in good company.

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Madonna: 800 people who bought tickets did not go to concert in Turin [Photos]

See original article & photos @ http://peru21.pe/espectaculos/madonna-800-personas-que-compraron-entradas-no-fueron-concierto-turin-fotos-2232552/1


About 800 people who bought tickets for the concert by American singer Madonna offered Thursday in Turin (Italy) withdrew attend the event, which took place amid tight security, he told Efe a source of the organization.


"Some 800 entries were recorded less regarding purchased, therefore can be said to correspond to people who did not show," a spokesman for Live Nation, the concert organization Madonna .


The first concert of Madonna in Turin on his world tour Rebel Heart Tour began two and a half hour delay at the indoor stadium Pala Alpitour, amid tight security and controls access to the site.


Security measures in this show of Madonna in Turin were strengthened after the terrorist attacks in Paris. At the concert last night finally attended more than 11 thousand people.


Concert organizers offered no interpretation of the reasons that could lead to the 800 people not attending the show finally Madonna , but local media the concern related to attending a large event after the events in Paris.

Madonna began her concert with a "Ciao Italia, let's go '(Hello Italy, come on) and the interpretation of' Iconic 'in front of the projection of images of ex-boxer Mike Tyson, and he offered a mix of songs from their latest album' Rebel Heart 'and his career.


'La Isla Bonita', 'Who's That Girl', 'Into the Groove', 'Vogue', 'Deeper and Deeper', 'Do not Tell Me "(item that replaced in this concert in Italy' Ghost Town ' yes figure in the rest of the world tour) and 'Music' were some of the themes that the singer interpreted Michigan and ended with 'Holiday', wrapped in the flag of Italy.


Madonna plans still act 2 more nights in Turin Tomorrow and Sunday-as part of their world tour, which began last September 9 in Montreal (Canada).

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