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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by Brendanlovesu1

  1. my biggest lesson in life is to to feel my feelings all the way through.

  2. I wonder when Trump is gonna say he wants to ban gays too.... And while he's at it, women.

  3. The Grammy noms + Kris Jenner swimming to Trap Queen = America has gone to hell...

    1. wtg1987


      The Grammys -like MTV awards - its all about popularity witht hem(Plus whenever Sting writes a song)Thats why M never gets nominated too :((

  4. What the world coming to? It seems you can't watch the news without hearing about gun violence. Why are mentally ill people being allowed to own guns. I'm tired of hearing about it

  5. why does the media wait with baited breath for sparks of wisdom to come out of celebs mouths with life changing thoughts then act shocked when they turn out to be morons... maybe if the media held real people up as role models!? but i guess that wouldn't be news worthy!

    1. Fighter


      its actually some people who look up to celebs now for lifestyle tips, and then get shocked celebs are just as dumb as them. lol the media just feeds them what they want.

    2. MerBoy13


      Have you seen Cheryl Cole though I'm actually worried for her she's all skin and bones! 😔

  6. Love the fact that the Madonna fandom truly come in all ages, shapes, sizes, ethnicities & sexual orientations. We are a diverse & fab group

    1. Stevo
    2. deanXUK


      as madonna says music makes the people come together ! :-)

    3. kurushitovska


      I think I was the youngest boy attending the RHTour btw... I'm 21 lol

  7. This new rihanna era is already a disaster she needs to escape that suicidal Tidal release it'll destroy the album

    1. forbiddenlove1


      didn't know she had a new album out


  8. Give me some space, but don’t forget me.

  9. Snowmen cookies and a cup of tea whilst I have traditional Irish music play. Making all these warm feelings.

    1. madgefan


      sounds nice, here I am having a cup of coffee and a piece of bread(grilled cheese) :)

  10. No one should ever cover Amy Winehouse. Ever. Simple. Enough. Let the girl rest & let the music SHE recorded live. Peace.

    1. Dazedmadonna



      This is a wonderful cover imo.

  11. I just want to bake you all cookies and make you all uber fat. Remember to help one another and to be kind to those less fortunate.

    1. stormbringer


      back away from the oven Brendan i'm trying to be carb free until christmas

    2. Stevo


      If you'd like to bake and send me some cookies in the mail - I'd be ok with it ;-)

  12. Who are some other cool peeps that could spin for Madonna before the show starts?! I'd say Paris Hilton would be cool.



      I never thought I'd see Paris Hilton and "Cool" in the same sentence lol.

    2. Breathless


      ...and I hope it's the first and last time lool

  13. The Krdashian's are only famous because Kris was shrewd enough to hustle ha daughter's sex tape... The rest is America's fault.

    1. kurushitovska


      ew at this whole family. Attention seeking whores

  14. Walked into a tree in front of queued cars in traffic while looking at my phone, then straight after stood in dog poo , get to my doctors appointment and I've got the time wrong...I'm too early!!!! Happy Wednesday

  15. Adele reveals that Ray of Light also inspired her new album "25"

  16. We need a society in which we are free to express ourselves without fear of persecution; without fear of being marginalized. Are you with me?

  17. I personally think Hollywood is one of her best videos. She looks great and the video actually portrays the two sides of her quite well: the successful pop star (living for her image) and the intelligent woman who knows quite well the world she lives in.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. forbiddenlove1


      i always tought it was one of her last great video's


    3. Halex


      wow, I just realized I thought I was answering another status '-'


      "Pay no attention to my nonsense"


    4. Brendanlovesu1


      i hate all the stans on Twitter who act like they come from Beyoncé's vagina. they annoy me so much so i try to stay off twitter when i see them on my timeline lol

  18. Do you prefer the person you are when you're drunk or sober?

    1. devilpray
    2. kurushitovska


      drunk, but depends on what I drink. I hate that I'm too shy sometimes

    3. Dazedmadonna


      never been drunk in my life

  19. They manipulated the charts, refused to play her new music, ignored all 3 videos, but they cannot hide the success of Madonna's tour

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. MerBoy13


      We will see personally Im 22 and I listen to her loads its just people can't accept that a woman can be sexually active in her 50's and if it divides audiences Do I care no because at the end of the day its their loss at the fact they will never experience her variety of genres and albums she has crossed.

    3. MerBoy13


      Plus we all know Bitch Im Madonna was done as finger up to all the people saying she's not relevant hence why that hat she wore said "Threat" lol

    4. Fighter


      we don't know how she'll be remembered. theres never been a madonna before. most icons that are remembered like on a regular basis died young. unfortunately thats also a fucked up fact about people lol

  20. I will be on a local tv show tonight in my city fighting for equal marriage. My Government are foolish and have made it illegal and as a Rebel Heart who wants to fight injustice of any kind this is a very important cause to me and am very passionate about it. i am very nervous and need lots of prayers but i think M would b proud of me for standing up for what i believe in

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Brendanlovesu1


      i got on very well, the show started around 10pm local time and was finished before midnight, we talked about a few other issues related to my country and i managed to get my point accross however im not sure if i was actually on camera or not, there were a lot of camers and a lot of audience members with the same opinions as me

    3. Brendanlovesu1


      anyone who is interested go to this link and watch from 1:15 to 36:40. it took up most of the show and i was proud to be there http://www.bbc.co.uk...ies-5-episode-5

    4. InfinityWithin


      Brendan, that's a very courageous thing to do and a very important move. I'm impressed! Thanks for speaking up, rebelheart! (I'm a married gay man and I don't take this for granted)

  21. For MDNA we had some fantastic full show bootlegs by now. Is it because its North America and security is stricter than in Europe?

    1. Breathless


      Yeah, it's a shame, it's been pretty slow on the bootleg front lately :(

  22. im ready for Adele's new music, I don't care if its shit I just need to hear her sing something else. 19 and 21 have been overplayed on my playlist for too long

  23. Life is a mystery Everyone must stand alone I hear you call my name And it feels like home

  24. So childish to put all Gaga fans in one space.. Saying they are all the same.. A lot of Gaga fans love Madonna to

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kurushitovska


      I'm one of those Gaga fans who love Madonna tho


    3. wtg1987


      Love her too but Madonna will always be my first, then Prince 2nd, MJ 3rd then Gaga :))

    4. madgefan


      I danced Bad Romance last night with my boyfriend at a club. Had fun making strange poses and ugly faces LOL

  25. SO, I was on sims 3 and my sim decided it was okay to try and fix the broken 90 inch tv, and then the next thing I know he is being electrocuted, then turns into a ghost. Oh my lawd jesus, the grim reaper then appeared and I had to duel him to a guitar off, to live again.

    1. stormbringer


      I used to kill my sim and then replace all the doors and windows so the grim reaper couldn't get in :p

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