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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by Brendanlovesu1

  1. I'm sorry, but Lana Del Rey is without a doubt one of the worst "singers" I think I've ever heard...Her voice is intolerable and much like nails on a chalkboard.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. madgefan


      Her records are great. Her live shows not so much.

    3. pcg


      Her voice fits her songs perfectly, and sometimes she surprises everyone when she does something like this:

    4. Brendanlovesu1


      fyi i do like lana's records but not her live shows

  2. AHS has no meaning without Jessica Lange she carries the whole series on her shoulders without her it's utter garbage

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lord X

      Lord X

      jessica is featured this season but not as a main character...

    3. Fighter


      jessica lange left right on time. all ryan murphy shows go to shit after he develops another one

    4. stormbringer


      Gaga is only in it to raise her profile and try to redeem her mess of a career, it's all about money. I agree with Fighter, AHS lost it's way after Asylum sadly.

  3. I don't want to feel like people are scared or put off being my friend because of my mental illness.

    1. devilheart


      I suffer through that as well, if you ever want to be friends or talk I'm always here!

    2. Msig


      *sending virtual hug*

  4. I feel like #RebelHeartTour might be more guitar heavy. A rebel on her guitar. 🎸👑 (would explain why Monte is more excited about this tour)

    1. Angelo


      monte is excited becuase he plays guitar in every song...including interludes xd

  5. The time of being sad is over

  6. i wanna known how M got inside the dsco ball for the opening on the confessions tour??

    1. Angelo


      The same way she disappered at the end of Jump...under the stage

    2. MechanicalDNA
    1. Fighter


      doesnt work. idk why links get broken, i need to see if its fixable :/

    2. Brendanlovesu1


      it was supposed to be a gif from BIM but i must have copied it wrong

  7. i need to take a holiday from the pain and worry of being a self-conscious being, able to regret the past and worry about the future

  8. When you screw up, skip a workout, eat bad foods, or sleep in, it doesn’t make you a bad person. It makes you human. Welcome to the club. There’s like seven billion of us

    1. devilpray


      I really needed this today

    2. Breathless


      Me too, thank you!



      Gotta read this every single day

  9. The only things official about the #RebelHeartTour are the tour dates and the teasers by M & crew - all else is rumor and conjecture.

    1. Fighter


      exactly, cant wait for all the moaning later on about how she didnt include things she teased on insta

    2. Brendanlovesu1


      and she didnt include Love Spent at the start of the MDNA Tour but added it in later, she might do something like that again

  10. What do you guys think of starting a Bitch Sock Puppet Support at the Tour. Bringing your own fancy designed Bitch Sock Puppet and pulling them out during the Bitch I'm Madonna performance at each stop of the tour.

    1. Yung Rapunxel
    2. Angelo


      rapunzel smile...it's only for fun XD

  11. How has it become so easy to tell another person to take their own life?

    1. Breathless


      Because people are major cowards.... but dare anything when they're in front of a computer. It's sad really.


    2. Brendanlovesu1


      i agree with you completely, but how can we bring awareness to how we communicate today towards each other?. People do not seem to realize that Words can not only hurt... They can kill.

  12. I truly believe that if we can find the algorithm to crack Cher’s Tweets we will unlock the keys to the universe

  13. Trying to keep it together b/c I know everything will be ok but i feel like am fighting a battle i can't win and i'm scared

    1. devilpray


      you CAN win it! :)

  14. I wish I was able to talk and help people as much as I used to. But my depression is slowly winning this war.

    1. madgefan


      Cheer up man! I'm sure there must be things in your life that are still worth living. I tell you this because of my own experience. Maybe you haven't realised yet or are too selfish to admit it.

  15. "What does a girl have to do to get arrested in this town?"

  16. Music will always be there for you. Through bad times and good times. It's one of the most amazing things

  17. Taylor can criticize Spotify, Apple Music and the industry when it effects her but Nicki can't do the same?

  18. MTV is really for children and teen mothers, so the VMAs have to stay within that demographic for their nominees... I'm embarrassed for the entire art form. Another video network should launch a legitimate video awards show & snatch MTV's shitty weave

    1. madgefan


      MTV died like a decade ago??



      MTV should change its name, really, they no longer make justice to the name

    3. Fighter


      mtv are trash...

  19. After Years Of Violent Bullying For Being Gay I Nearly Destroyed Myself To Make People Like Me, I Need To Change That, How Can I Change?

    1. survivalartist


      Love yourself and stop caring what "people" think. People like the dumbest things.

    2. ITG


      Express yourself don't repress yourself!

  20. No one does better 'strut down the street' music than Missy Elliott

  21. When everyone treats me like shit, Madonna ad Vodka is there to pick me up

  22. Grace Jones has fallen on stage? The #MadonnaImpact continues to be felt across the industry...

    1. Fighter


      no. this still gives me ptsd. in fact the whole LFL era gives me ptsd. best forgotten

  23. I've suspected that no one is archiving, preserving or documenting a lot of Madonna's historical footage such as the Blond Ambition tour (and other tour) recordings, her interviews, or music video outtakes and any other unused footage or audio. Just look at the low-res crap we got for the Celebration DVD. Someone needs to get on this STAT.

    1. Fighter


      ive been saying this for years

  24. Goodbye Ariana's career... Ended by a donut... 🍩

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