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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by Brendanlovesu1

  1. While everyone is on Facebook debating about the guy who shot 50 people, and whether or not he's a terrorist or not, I'm over here wondering how are the families of those killed or injured doing

  2. 24 years ago today, Madonna began writing and recording sessions for the "Erotica" album at Soundworks, in New York.

    1. BringUrLUV


      writing & demo sessions started in fall of 1991...soundworks in summer 92 was for final recording sessions

    2. Breathless


      Wish I could go back 24 years!!

  3. Human beings can be very petty when they're bored and frustrated

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Daniel


      How did you come up with that? When I serach for Madonna in ticketmaste rit says "We currently do not have any tickets on-sale for Madonna."

    3. Daniel


      When I search the Venue it gives me "Test Event-Do Not Purchase Tickets

      at QPWZL National Event Flo

      Miami, FL"

    4. Daniel



  4. Just want to let everyone know I love them. But things just aren't right with me, and I need time to be fixed. I'll be back, hopefully in full health. Don't ask questions, and don't worry. I'll be okay.

    1. madgefan


      I wish you the best from this distant piece of land!

    2. jross


      Good luck ! xx

  5. To fart to fart is no disgrace, for it gives the body ease !! It warms the blankets on a cold winters night, and suffocates all the fleas!!

    1. Stevo


      Lol, i watched Truth Or Dare the other day - that bit is great. It's innocent and cute :-)

    2. Fighter


      I love her sense of humour

    3. madgefan


      super funny!

  6. On April 21, 2003, American Life was released. Wow, it's been 13 years! What is your favorite song???? Mine is X-Static Process, Love Profusion and Easy Ride â¤â¤â¤â¤

    1. Enrico


      Intervention and Easy Ride, but especially the title track and its mindblowing original video!!

  7. On March 26, 2010, Madonna’s third live album, Sticky & Sweet Tour was released by Warner Bros. Records

  8. Rape Meeeeeeeee Rape Meeeeeeeeeeeeee Rape meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee again and again

    1. null


      That's not something you should beg for. (kidding btw I know what song you're singing)

  9. 800 posts. YaaaSS. best M Forum ever <3

    1. Daniel


      Yes, the best indeed!

  10. It speaks volumes that Chris Brown was able to continue to produce music while KE$HA is unable to use her voice.

    1. Fighter


      i feel bad for her

    2. Yung Rapunxel

      Yung Rapunxel

      Copying buzzfeed comments sis?

  11. Kesha who was abused & just wanted to be happy was denied her freedom. She's human, not a money machine

  12. Kanye West took Madonna off of his track "Highlights" in order for Young Thug to be on it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PlayPause


      the real album isn't it even out yet. I wouldn't bet on Madonna being on it anyway.

    3. Yung Rapunxel
    4. Fighter


      why would she be on his album, if she didnt tease it on ig it never happened

  13. So wait... Ellie Goulding is an actual artist that people like? I mean, I like a few songs but I'm supposed to take her seriously? I can't seem to. At all. LoL

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. G House

      G House

      I went to her concert yesterday. She is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.



      She is one of the biggest artist of this time, her songs is amazing her performances absolutely flawless, there's no way to deny she's fantastic, and this is a fact :)



    4. James19709


      Seen her live before, she's pretty good. Nothing incredible, her new album was pretty shit tho

  14. Beyoncé planned this whole Rob/Blac/Amber/Kanye/Wiz drama so everyone would forget that Rihanna released a single

  15. The Messiah Interlude doesn't get enough love tbh. It's such a beautiful sequence...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Enrico


      When you see the live Messiah is pure poetry and Illuminati is breathtaking when they almost touch the audience from the poles. Yes the videos are repetitive and boring but who cares? You're not there to watch a music video...

    3. Brendanlovesu1


      imo i was more focused on the Illuminati Backdrop than the dancers tbh

    4. Fighter


      theyre superficially exciting imho. my favourite parts of the show are the more earnest parts

  16. Another legend has fallen. Gave us a great collection of songs and memories that will disappear. You will never be forgotten.. R.I.P. Glenn Frey

  17. Oscars should remove the best song category and only award the best score just like BAFTAs

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. kurushitovska


      Diane has explained everything on Twitter so

    3. Fighter


      theres no problem in not writing your song unless you change a line just to get a credit. that might not be the case here but thats still rather shitty

    4. kurushitovska
  18. I'll take that cold expression of yours...and make it hot

  19. I have just watched Lars von Trier's Melancholia under Shirley Manson's recommendation and it touched me on a deeply personal level

    1. madgefan


      I posted a clip from that movie in my Spanish music songs. Check it out!

    2. Fighter


      not one of his best but id recommend them all. although theyre hard to stomach. they helped me create my own stronger ideas about life when i had depression.

  20. Blessed be the day our Girls of Spice officially reunited

    1. Andymad


      Hold tight...

  21. Sometimes I pray that I won't wake up in the morning..I don't want to go on really...I don't..

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rupert76


      The lack of jobs is not a problem exclusively yours, but is a problem common to many young people. And unfortunately it is a problem also for people who are no longer very young... You're not alone. The worry for the future must not lead you to have bad thoughts that you've had. You're still young , so if you go wrong now to decide which road to take, choosing a new job, you'll still have all the time to get back on your steps and remedy the mistakes.

    3. Andymad


      Agreed with what Rupert said. You're young. And you absolutely have your life ahead of you. And even if it takes a bit, you'll find what works for you. Not everyone has the best life or the best job. But you'll find a job. If you're determined you'll find a job. People who are serious and determined get jobs. Have that mentality and you'll be fine.

  22. Despite all the drama she's had in her life, Madonna never poses as a victim. Something to learn from that

  23. People going on like they're going to drop people that treated them like shit on the New Year. Why not drop them on the day they pissed you off rather than waiting for the year to change?

    1. madgefan


      cause they all need to feel important even if it's the most shallow reasons.

  24. i want Kylie to be up there on stage with M in Sydney, the world would melt.

    1. Blake


      Probably not Sydney, maybe Melbourne if she's in the country.

    2. stormbringer


      M can ask her what she meant by those comments regarding her MDNA cheerleader costume

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