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    Mp1992 got a reaction from nito84bcn in Madonna's Fame & Numbers...   
    It's never been done before by a woman her age, no woman in history has even charted on the Hot 100 singles chart at 62
    Why are we holding Madonna to an impossible standard?
  2. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to NowRadiate in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Sad to say, this is so spot on. I do think the divorce/ageing/the adoption dramas/Rocco drama must have taken a toll on her. It shows in her artistic output.
    I might be dreaming but I wish she came up with a short album of proper hit pop songs that could be on par with her classic hits, with properly budgeted visuals, and brakes on her social media output, a new Liz Rosenberg. (And no kids/dancers/uninspired managers acting as A&R wannabes!)
  3. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to RebelMe in Hung Up in HD on Madonna's channel!!   
    I'm wondering how many new fans she got after releasing Hung Up. I, for ex, was one of them. 
  4. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to ChrisK in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Anyway, how did this become a critique of Kyiie Disco lol 
    I am looking forward to new Madonna music! I'm gonna call it now - be prepared for lots of auto tune - grillz, and a reference to Candy Shop. 
  5. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to Husam Elzien in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    This! Let's be honest there are two big times when Madonna has played it safe and done what she needed to do to win back audiences. The first time was Bedtime Stories, an album that came after Erotica, her first commercial dip. That album came with a softer image after the slightly aggressive Dita Parlo. The second time which is arguably the safest Madonna move she's ever made was with Confessions. That came after American Life, the album that almost got her blacklisted like the Chicks after their Bush comments. She worked the nostalgia and upbeat attitude tactics with that album and it worked marvellously. She really isn't interested in working to win back audiences, at least not right now. If she was, the Madame X era probably wouldn't have happened. 
  6. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to Jamesroeni in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Kylie's album is fun and I have been a fan from the beginning, but there is a point where you think can a 50+ year old woman really have nothing to say/share through her music. I've said it a few times when listening to Disco.... Madonna would get absolutely slated if she put out that album.  The press would not take it from Madonna. 

  7. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to steady75 in History #PreThanksgivingDrop!   
    I mean the dramatics are ... a lot. 
    show me another artist who has kept thier fans so well fed with such consistent and amazing content for the first 25 years of their career. Images, videos, albums, remixes, tours, films, photos and championed social issues where no others would dare to tread. 
    I’ll wait.
    Has she been a bit off and has the quality dropped in the last 15 yrs? Absolutely but the effort is still there in many ways... oh and she has six kids to look after which she didn’t for the first 15 yrs of her career. 
    I think we are in the midst of a course correction regarding legacy releases and the maxis are a great start. In another few years all will be right no doubt. 
    I only really want the legacy releases more these days because the gap between albums feels so long. I’d be much happier with shorter more concise ten track records every 2 years and a tour every two albums if it meant an increase in content and less drawn out eras. 

    I think the format lots of artist has been doing for the live streaming concert / video / special during lockdown is a format that Madonna will knock out of the park moving forward. 

    albums every two years
    Streaming concert for the first albums
    live tour every two albums for both.
    a random feature and EP every so often 
    anniversary releases every couple of years and I’ll be a really happy fan. 
  8. Haha
    Mp1992 reacted to Ali Khafaji in History #PreThanksgivingDrop!   
    I actually think she’s releasing something here’s why:
    *In 2019 she mentioned she’s working on a mix tape
    *When people were complaining about the theater tour she said “it’s just the beginning” which means she was planning on something 
    *2020 she started writing the movie and she had the time to listen to the demos 
    *Her mentioning she wanna be a Dancing queen again 
    *The Mix tape gets mentioned again!!!
    *Pink hair and different photoshoots!!!
    *Her Team Posts a fancam with “Burning Up Demo”
    *Asking the fans to create  “Something to remember” Track list 
    *The Immaculate Collection Anniversary and the “stay tuned for related surprises!”
    *Posting about the Immaculate Collection again “Careful what you wish for” 
    *New Picture of her in the studio!
    *Her posting that she’s feeling better and her knee/hip is healing 
    *Now we have #prethanksgivingrelease 
    so I feel like at this point she’s definitely up to something but with that being said it’s M and she really loves to troll her fans!!
  9. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to Enrico in History #PreThanksgivingDrop!   
    Can't his account be reported for spreading fake news?
  10. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to PaperFaces in History #PreThanksgivingDrop!   
    She has a nasty way of getting our hopes up.
  11. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from nito84bcn in Risking Her Career - Live To Tell analysis   
    Except for the the Confessions era
  12. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to wtg1987 in Teasing the Immacluate Collection related suprises   
    Let’s face it the surprise won’t be anything we don’t already have - why is it still no blond ambition tour remastered dvd ?? Would have been perfect time to release - her team are just a joke ??
  13. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from into the erotico in Risking Her Career - Live To Tell analysis   
    Except for the the Confessions era
  14. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to nito84bcn in Madonna is in the recording studio?!   
    I don't want to sound negative, but I care 0 about her being at the studio because that would mean 3 years more, leaks, #soons, twins, and more things like that, and in the end it will be released with 0 promotion and done in less than 1 year.  
  15. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to Sultrysully in Should Madonna Return To Acting?   
    Never?  Desperately Seeking Susan... Dick Tracy... A League of Their Own... Evita?
  16. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from NowRadiate in VOGUE cover fan art made by me   
  17. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to Scottyx in Madonna and Diablo finished the script!   
    have never seen Madonna in the Bible. Only Mary. Madonna is another name for Mary. Really it is the Catholics that have made the name Madonna known.
  18. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to madgefan in M has voted and posted new pics with pink hair !   
    I wonder how many people here and on social media constantly upload selfies with an obcene amount of filters just to hide their wrinkles, spots, and other 'imperfections'. It's not the first time she posts pictures of herself with those weird effects and it sure won't be the last time. Y'all acting like you know better than her should be ashamed of your boring lives indeed.
    By the way, her new colour suits her quite well. Hope she keeps it for a future photo shoot or something.
  19. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to Raio_05 in M has voted and posted new pics with pink hair !   
    Yes, she really does look good! I think fans sometimes don't understand that phone cameras distort your facial proportions, especially the cheekbones, when taking closeups which is what she often does. On videos she look way better.
    And of course she looks a bit unnatural, she's had work done, she's 62... although she sometimes exaggerates on the fillers, I think some fans don't realize that the alternative would be this face with another 20 years on top:

  20. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to RUADJAI in Madonna and Diablo finished the script!   
    If she was anyone else I would agree... However, I can't see her putting such importance on an award. 
  21. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to wtg1987 in Happy 20 th B-day, MUSIC   
    Love the album but never understood the love for impressive instant ? It sounds like a bellyache to me ??
    fave tracks are WIFLFAG and I Deserve It 
  22. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from GhostOrchid in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    And she STILL had the most Billboard Hot 100 songs from an over 50 year old female artist in music history
    1. 4 Minutes
    2.  Give it to Me
    3.  Celebration
    4.  GMAYL
    5.  BIM
  23. Thanks
    Mp1992 got a reaction from momosfantasy in M working on new project...   
    exactly, I was about to say the same thing
    unless she dates strictly billionaire white mem than there will always be that "imbalance"
    Aa a biracial, bisexual male, I would let Madonna do anything she wanted to with me. Problematic my ass....
    You can always spot the white, virtue signaling, ultra liberals on here...
  24. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to Redha DBL in Who should play Madonna in the screenplay?   
    I said it several time and i repeat it, the actreess must be Italian or something alike ! Madonna is Italian and it shows ! She can bleach her hair as much as she wants, stay ot of the sun as much as she wants to be the whitest possible, she has those italian features on her face, that is what make her so stunning in my opinion. Take a girl like, let's say Britney Spears and compare her to Madonna, Madonna has that extra spice in her face. The eyebrows, the look in her eyes, the bone structure of her face... all these are very italian and are no details when it comes to chosing an actress to play her.
  25. Thanks
    Mp1992 reacted to Hydrangeas Up Your Ass in M working on new project...   
    I see and understand every point you make but let's not forget this is still a relationship between two consenting adults. I think the fact that you keep using and referring to the term "slave" in connection to Madonna's and Ahlamalik's relationship is extremely problematic in itself. You're basically victimizing a black man as a means to help save him from what you perceive as an "injustice", meanwhile he's fully grown and (as far as we know) fully capable of thinking for himself. Your reasoning as to why M is into younger guys is also pure speculation on your part, but i'll give you a pass on that since we're all really just speculating and no one here knows her personally. 
    All i get from your point in the end is basically that people should stay to their age, race and socioeconomic group when it comes to romantic relationships. Hard pass on that concept from me. 
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