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Velvet Rope

Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by Velvet Rope

  1. Coming to the discovery that I had a goldmine of two rare Mariah Carey CD singles that I'm in the process of selling on Discogs to have gotten rid of the original cases for slimline cases (don't ask why, I can't even properly answer) and have cut the cover of one to fit into the slim case is truly a massive kick in the nuts. I'm so mad at myself.

  2. Was at a local Walmart in Las Vegas and of all the Madonna songs to play, they played Forbidden Love '05 in their store. Idk which gay made their store playlist but they clearly have taste. :Madonna030:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Velvet Rope

      Velvet Rope

      @professormouse I mean it's not wrong of me to assume that it was a gay that made the playlist lol. :Madonna031: JK.

    3. Rocco Comelon

      Rocco Comelon

      Imagining twerking on Forbidden Love while checking the price tag 😂

    4. A. A. Aardvark
  3. I wonder how long the Don't Tell Me B-roll footage is? :thinker:

  4. Has anyone done a mashup of Amazing & Beautiful Stranger?

  5. I'm wondering what the next B-roll will be shared? :thinker: It's been well over a year since Ray Of Light leaked and I'm still in shambles every time I watch it.

  6. I really hope someday there's a full video recording that gets Cher-ed (see what I did lol :laughing:) of Cher's final Living Proof/Farewell/Never Can Say Goodbye Tour at the Hollywood Bowl. There is a small clip of the monologue and I Still Haven't Found online and I think the full show would be wonderful to see since it's the last one of that colossal tour. 

  7. Hate to say it but the Frozen On Fire video is probably the best out of the Frozen Sickick trilogy. The solo Madonna shots and primary focus on her with no feature in the video is what I enjoy the most. Although it's kind of funny that they used low quality shots of the Sticky & Sweet 2009 backdrop and didn't think of upscaling to 4K to match with everything else lol.

  8. I've listened to a lot of Kate Bush's discography and she's absolutely phenomenal. Idk why I never got into her sooner.

    1. A. A. Aardvark
    2. Velvet Rope

      Velvet Rope

      @professormouseI can't wait to hear that if it comes soon! He's definitely been inspired by her work and cites her as a major inspiration for his work and Outkast's work as well. It's been over ten years since 50 Words For Snow so I can't wait for new Kate Bush music already.

    3. A. A. Aardvark
  9. Since we got so many official Rebel Heart Tour backdrops leaked, will the other interlude backdrops be leaked before the shutdown? I'm holding out hope for the Illuminati interlude to leak.

    1. MCL_1993


      I am all for it but I think patience is key

    2. RUADJAI


      Im pretty sure that one has been out for a while now. 

    3. Velvet Rope

      Velvet Rope

      @RUADJAINo it was just a snippet of Illuminati that leaked. The full version never leaked.

  10. Quick, somebody get a B-roll out while we're on a high of file sharing!

    1. wtg1987


      Come on club78boy - give us one for free for a change !!! :( xx

  11. I hope a lot of leaks happen here before the forum shuts down because I'm not migrating to another Madonna forum lol.

    1. chaseturtle


      I thought the same thing!

    2. jross


      Like a prayer stems and warnings signs stems! :lol:

  12. The forum is getting beyond flooded with AI stuff holy moly. How are we supposed to see if anything's leaked if we can't find it in the sea of AI stuff? :Madonna032:

    1. Velvet Rope

      Velvet Rope

      And FYI I'm not trying to be a bitch or trying to pop off on forum members who do this. I do believe though that there should at least be a master thread made of AI stuff (or a full section) so that when new AI things get done, it goes to one place rather than 18,000 threads. 

    2. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      "Use the Search, Luke !"
      pester those in charge.....

  13. Can someone post Janet's documentary from Lifetime/A&E when it airs? I'd love to have the full documentary at my fingertips once everything's aired.

  14. If anyone has the Mariah Carey Triple M megamix can anyone provide me the list of all of the songs featured in the mix? I know some of them but not all of them. Thank you.

    1. Velvet Rope

      Velvet Rope

      This is the megamix btw:


  15. Has anyone made an attempt to add the full lyrics of WIFLFAG to the Above & Beyond remix? I'd be intrigued to hear it.

  16. Does anyone have websites they can point me to where I can get custom vinyl records printed with music on them? I really want to get my own vinyls of bootlegs I love but obviously they are for myself and I'm not selling them off.

  17. So 99% of the Joanne Tour backdrops leaked courtesy of GagaMediaArchives & GagaPlace. They're really out here doing the Lord's work.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Angelo


      Do you have Scheibe without that annoying tag?? Also the missing 1% is??

    3. Velvet Rope

      Velvet Rope

      @Angelo When I edited a full backdrop file together,I cropped the logo out. So far I have yet to see an untagged version of the Scheiße backdrop from that tour. As for the missing 1% it's just the opening countdown and Diamond Heart but I don't think Diamond Heart had a backdrop.

    4. Angelo


      Can you share your version without logo?? ?

  18. Do not ever take Gaga fans from GagaDaily seriously. They straight up bullied Gaga herself off of that forum at one time and she has since recanted support for that forum altogether and they talk more shit about Gaga than any other artist and that's the forum's namesake after all. And their admin is a complete tosspot as well. Fuck GagaDaily.

    1. Roy


      Isn't it ironic how they commit to being a Little Monster page yet they have the nerve to bully Lady Gaga? Also, is GagaDaily the same page wherein they have rules about not stanning Madonna and Katy Perry and not stanning anyone who hates Gaga to be a member?

    2. lennyleonard


      what, did they really bully Gaga herself?

    3. Velvet Rope

      Velvet Rope

      @lennyleonardYes they did. All they do is bully and talk shit about her. They insult and belittle every single move she makes and it's disgusting. So much for being Gaga "fans" on a Gaga fan forum. :eyesroll: They make a forum like MadonnaNation look saintly.

  19. What I struggle to understand is how in the hell we still haven't gotten the Candy Shop 2008,4 Minutes or Hung Up backdrops from the Sticky & Sweet Tour all these years later. I'd literally sell my useless organs to see these backdrops.

    1. Brendanlovesu1


      I think some snippets have leaked, there was a compilation demo of clips from the 2008 tour in the backdrops thread i think

  20. New Janet docuseries coming out from Lifetime and A&E slated for an early 2022 release as confirmed by both networks earlier this afternoon. The docuseries has been in production since the start of Janet's 2017 State Of The World Tour and will be a four hour long,two night event. The docuseries promises an unfiltered,raw glimpse into the music legend's life,her most recent divorce from Wissam Al Mana,the deaths of Michael & Joseph Jackson,motherhood,touring,and the infamous Superbowl fiasco. The docuseries also coincides with the fortieth anniversary of Janet's first studio album released in 1982.

    1. girlgonewild


      She needs to follow the hype after the documentary with an MC30 like event (releasing stuff from the vaults, remastering mvs and tours, releasing all her singles on streaming services, etc) but knowing her team we're probably just gonna get a hashtag :cry: 


  21. Can anyone remake the club medley from Janet's Metamorphosis residency? The one with Go Deep,Come On Get Up,Rock With U and Throb is the one I'm referring to.

  22. Is there an HD version of the MDNA Skin Rose Mist commercial available for download?

  23. I hope everyone has a warm and wonderful Christmas and holiday season. Enjoy your families,food,presents,and happiness in the season. :Madonna042:

    1. Andymad


      Same to you babe ❤️❤️ Happy holidays!

    2. Fighter
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