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Velvet Rope

Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by Velvet Rope

  1. If anyone is selling vinyl copies of Janet's Damita Jo,20 Y.O. and Design Of A Decade for a decent price (under USD $100 for one or $100 for all three) please contact me. I'm on the hunt for those vinyl albums and they're not easy to find for a cheap price. Thanks.

  2. Dude but for real,hating on Gaga is so 2009. Just stop.

  3. Kylie really came out and gave the gays everything and more. Say Something was great and Magic was even better. I'm excited for the full Disco experience.

  4. Do people prefer Truth Or Dare as the title of the movie or In Bed With Madonna? I think Truth Or Dare is the superior title but an alternate title could be Blond Ambition: Life On The Road With Madonna (but that's a long fucking title lmfao)

  5. I feel like people expect too much out of pop stars. Like people expect these pop stars to cure cancer,perform open heart surgery,and all these outlandish ridiculous things. What about just pop stars that make fun,care free music that you can just pop on and dance to at the beach? These pop stars aren't fucking Socrates or Einstein! If you really expect any type of intelligence from a pop star you need to seriously get a grip on reality and lower your fucking expectations. It ain't that deep,sweetie.

    1. Fighter


      PLEASE. the bar for celebrities is in the mariana trench rn

  6. Still waiting for the Ray Of Light B-roll. Thought it would have already leaked by now,but guess not...:Madonna008:

  7. I genuinely pushed a lot of buttons about my opinions of Beyonce. I think people assume I made nasty,mean,awful death threats towards Beyonce but all I said was I think she's the most overrated artist of our generation (which is true). Just goes to show that her fans are truly the most toxic stan base on the WWW (yes even worse than Little Monsters,Katy Kats,and the K-Pop stans too) because even sharing a harmless opinion gets you crucified. :smokey: Not playing a victim card (I never would anyways,it's fucking stupid honestly) but just making a point. Everyone is 100% entitled to opinions in this world (unless they are genuinely harmful and target large groups of people,i.e. homophobia,transphobia,etc.) and myself nor anyone else should be crucified for saying anything.

    1. Fighter


      what did Beyonce do tho? Why can't people just support the artists they love and that's it? what makes her "overrated"? People say the exact same thing about Madonna. I just don't get this energy. Why be bothered about someone else's success. 

    2. Scottyx


      Everyone should be able to safely like who they like without malice. I don't understand the way people behave towards artists. There are many singers I don't care to listen to but I see no point being negative towards others for enjoying their music.  I know what it is like to be considered the oddball Madonna fan growing up.  People never took her serious where I grew up, and they thought she was a ditsy floozy.  That didn't stop me.  Some opinions are better kept inside if they accomplish nothing but create animosity, what is the point? lol

  8. Just got my mail after getting off work and after three and a half months of waiting,my Madonna poster I ordered from Australia finally arrived. I'm crying.

  9. If you seriously get on the Internet to get riled up and offended at absolute minute bullshit,then you need to disconnect from the Internet and get a healthy dose of reality. People make jokes on the Internet all the damn time and sitting here getting offended when people are poking fun at you for doing stupid shit is just ridiculous. You asked for it and therefore you better expect that heat to come at you. Remember that old saying: "If you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen.". Not everybody is mentally stable enough to have an Internet connection. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. :Madonna052:

  10. true or dire the feb nu smel by medoner

    1. jross
    2. hzmajesty


      OMG I'm not the only one that watches the Nekci Menij show! Haha.

  11. Getting ready to attempt remaking the 2008 Candy Shop backdrop unless some generous soul wants to leak it so I don't have to put in the extreme effort lol.

  12. I'd appreciate if people didn't come into my DM with snap judgments on my character when I've done absolutely nothing wrong or malicious in sharing information with this forum. It's highly disrespectful and quite frankly disgusting.

    1. Velvet Rope

      Velvet Rope

      My DM is disabled for now. If you wish to contact me,tough luck.

    2. emanon


      what did you shared to make people doing that?

    3. Velvet Rope

      Velvet Rope

      @emanonIt was information about a Facebook account who was sharing B-roll images from unleaked B-roll. The account had accepted my friend request and I saved the images from that account and shared them here. But after the account deactivated I removed my findings to avoid additional drama.

  13. Still waiting to see the Candy Shop (2008), 4 Minutes and Hung Up backdrops from the Hard Candy/Sticky & Sweet era.

    1. Velvet Rope

      Velvet Rope

      And somebody else apparently was gonna leak the official backdrop for She's Not Me and then crickets...what gives?

  14. I noticed that some shots that have been widely publicized from the Take A Bow B-roll were not seen in the B-roll reel that leaked today. For instance the shots of her running in the street,her in the car on the way to the bull fight,and her catching a bouquet during the bull fight sequence. Obviously the former two shots are available but not the last shot which was in Dan-O-Rama's GHV2 Johnny Rocks/Mac Quayle megamix.

    1. Velvet Rope

      Velvet Rope

      By the way this is not a post about venting or whatnot. It's just something I noticed. It's not a gripe and I'm beyond grateful of the generosity of this B-roll being shared at long last.

    2. LoveAffair


      probably there's another file containing a lot of these scenes

    3. ChrisK


      This file that was shared, was all that was available and is all that is amongst fans. Obviously dan-o-rama had access to the full shoot (which I would think would be something like 10 or more hours of footage). 

  15. Finally figured out how to AI restore videos. Now I don't feel like an idiot.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kosmmik


      @ScottyX Vegas Pro 17.0 has an upscale and a zoom tool that can enhance video quite a bit! not using AI, but if you know how to configure colors, work with filters and deblocking. You can have some acceptable results and fast without burning out your PC.

    3. theREALmgo


      Topaz's video upscaler has not worked that great for me personally

    4. Velvet Rope

      Velvet Rope

      @KosmmikBelieve it or not my system doesn't have that great of a RAM speed. It's only 8GB. But it's on the newest hardware and software (as of 2019) so that must play a big factor in that.

      @theREALmgo Maybe I've just been lucky because I've gotten pretty remarkable results off really terrible quality videos.

  16. It's definitely one thing to share a controversial opinion that people don't agree with. But it's entirely another thing to be a straight up c*nt and bully someone off this forum just because you feel like it. :Madonna003:

    1. me1981


      I had no idea this happened. Yeah that is horrible

  17. Wasn't somebody supposed to post a 1080p 60FPS version of the She's Not Me backdrop from Sticky & Sweet? :Madonna032:

    I'm gettin' a little tired of these broken promithes,promithes.

    playa please GIF

  18. I feel beyond grateful to our community of users who have shared stuff this week. Thanks to each and every one of you for your generosity in this dark time.

  19. I'm pretty sure the Vogue BAT clip she put on YouTube was from the in-house DVD that leaked in 2015 lol. I highly doubt it'll be released in full since we've had this recording for years.

    1. jross


      I think you are right! ??

    2. vesalii


      You're right, actually, it is. BTW can you share it?

    3. Velvet Rope

      Velvet Rope

      1 hour ago, vesalii said:

      You're right, actually, it is. BTW can you share it?

      I don't have a copy but it's been reuploaded multiple times on this forum. Utilize the search function and you'll find it no problem. :Madonna010:

  20. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?ref=search&v=733039883769659&external_log_id=e2eb6866-7cac-4d8b-8387-cc022c78c402&q=madonna+take+a+bow+b-roll

    This made me so hopeful to see the Take A Bow B-roll to finally leak. I really hope somebody can leak it. Please. I'm begging for anyone. Please.

    1. Steffmad


      Sorry i more want Like a Prayer B-Roll

    2. Velvet Rope

      Velvet Rope

      1 hour ago, Steffmad said:

      Sorry i more want Like a Prayer B-Roll

      Like A Prayer B-roll seems a lot more unlikely than Take A Bow B-roll.

    3. Steffmad


      I think all the ones we have outtakes, from LAP, TAB and LAP will not see the light of day that early. These were sold to less people

  21. I still would kill to see the NYC stock footage the Spice Girls used in the 2 Become 1 music video.

  22. So who wants to leak the Take A Bow & Ray Of Light B-rolls so we have something to dick around with while in quarantine? :party:

  23. I hope that the Candy Shop 2008 backdrop leaks someday.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Velvet Rope

      Velvet Rope

      @RUADJAI The 2009 one already leaked. I'm talking about the original one with the dancing candy backgrounds.

    3. RUADJAI


      @ripopgodazippaDid it? The actual backdrop or just the art video? hmmmm, ill have to look for it. 

    4. Velvet Rope

      Velvet Rope

      Both have leaked.

  24. I'm still wondering why Madonna used the Nobody Knows Me backdrop from Re-Invention for the Get Together backdrop on the Confessions promo tour.

    1. madgefan


      She's recycled the disco ball from the ROL video a lot of times too!

  25. Rest in peace to Basketball legend Kobe Bryant and his thirteen-year old daughter Gianna.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MarXus


      What a tragedy in what happened. So young!  May he RIP! 

    3. Voguerista


      Rip! So sad! 

    4. Synchrone


      Can’t believe it..good journey to all in the crash

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