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Unapologetic Bitches
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About Chris

  • Birthday 07/26/2000

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    Living for Love MV

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  1. late 90s / early 00s pop music really all sounds the same for the most part, don't it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      there was 4 i knew
      or was it it 5
      'mostly tuneless crap'

    3. ADONNA


      You are only repeating what others have said for decades regarding other generations music!  All I know is that the more I grow older, the more I appreciate even music I used to not like before. Music affects people in different ways.  Not everyone is looking for music with deep meaning or thought.  Sometimes, the most successful songs were meaningless bops! I think we all have that one song that is crazy ridiculous that is possibly hated by others, that we just love. You only live once!  So enjoy what you enjoy and don't let others make you feel like your any less of a person for enjoying whatever music you enjoy!

    4. survivalartist


      It was an unprecedented time in music history where the entire industry was in a "so what the fuck do we do now" mode with streaming wiping out sales and old models of business. Seems their solution was to make a bunch of shit that sounds the same vs. creativity.

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